Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 578

"Lord Drought Jack... was actually defeated by a newcomer?"

Hipshead's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

As one of Jack's most capable subordinates, he used to follow the other side to go all out and participated in countless fierce battles.

There has never been a fight where Jack lost so badly!

I even lost more than half of my life, relying on the powerful recovery ability given by the Devil Fruit ability to hold on to not die.

At this moment, this "drought" has lost the power and domineering in normally, and was carried by giant ape like a chicken in his hand, not only drenched with blood all over his body, but also a piece of intact The skin can't be seen, and one of the arms was forcibly twisted into a twist, which is estimated to have been completely scrapped.

"Captain! According to your instructions, I have torn him to shreds."

Ike kept the enemy who had lost the ability to resist at his own captain's feet. Then it returned to human form at a very fast speed, and sat on the ground and began to rest.

From the life energy that has been weakened to the point of being almost invisible, and the state of sweating profusely, it is not difficult to tell that this one-on-one battle is not easy for him to win.

On the contrary!

If Drought Jack can hold on a little longer, Danger Land will be able to make a comeback.

But unfortunately, this guy is not domineering at all, and the body refinement skills are ignored, and he will just go all the way with his eyes closed.

And Ike not only learned two types of domineering and life energy from Alan, but also recently learned six styles from Lu Qi and the others, constantly enriching his arsenal.

The gap between the two is due to the accumulation of these daily little by little things.

"Good job! It seems that it won't take long before you have an arrest warrant with a bounty of more than one billion Baileys." Alan praised the satisfied nodded.

"Hehe! It doesn't matter what the bounty is, the most important thing is that I feel that I can get stronger." The youth clenched his fists, his tone full of confidence in his future.

"BOSS, what to do with the prisoners?"

Kalyfa glanced at the members of the Beast Pirates who were lying on the ground, and took out the white handkerchief. He wiped off the blood that had been accidentally stained on his fingers.

Although as a woman, she doesn't have astonishing strength like Lu Qi and Kaku.

But he took a different approach and learned how to use shaving and finger guns to attack the weak points of the human body, such as eyes, nostrils, ears, temples, throat and other vital points that are not protected by any hard bones.

So in the battle just now, all targets hit by this sexy and enchanting blonde are basically useless.

"Kill them all! Just use their heads to make our name in the New World." Alan responded in a nonchalant tone.

As the subordinate of Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, the Beast Pirates have always been known for their brutality and brutality.

So these people have each one, basically death cannot wipe out the crimes.

As for whether killing Drought Jack will attract Kaido himself, he doesn't care at all.

Although this guy is known as the strongest creature, even the navy and the world government have nothing to do with it, but Alan has a way to make him die.

In the face of truly pure and extreme violence, the so-called strongest creature is just a joke.

"OK! Didn't you hear the captain's order? Hurry up!"

Having said that, Kalifa raised her seven-inch high heels and kicked it with a lantern foot. Broken the head of a comatose pirate beside him.


Blood and brains splattered instantly!

In the blink of an eye, a horrific spectacle of corpses everywhere across the field unfolds on the pier, and even Drought Jack himself is pulled out of the Devil Fruit by Alan and unscrewed to hang on top of the wooden sailboat's mast.

Because the whole process happened so fast and so suddenly, by the time Brother Ming of Doverland reacted, it was too late.

Looking at the port that has been turned into ruins, full of blood, minced meat and stumps, the emperor of the Dark World finally couldn't help taking a deep breath and asked with an angry face: " Are you crazy? Do you know what it means to kill Drought Jack? Isn't your target the BIG·MOM Pirates?"

"Ah! My target is indeed the BIG·MOM Pirates. But the problem is, if Kaido himself courting death, I don't mind fighting two Four Emperor Pirates at the same time. Relax, Kaido is just a big punching bag, not as terrifying as you think." Alan Gently patted each other's shoulder comforted.

"Sooner or later, you will pay the price for your arrogance. Kaido is not Drought Jack! He has more power than you can imagine, and is even equivalent to having an Immortal Body in a way. "

Brother Ming of Doveran apparently suffers from "Kaido phobia".

Whenever the name is mentioned, the muscles in the whole body will instantly tense.

"Immortal Body? hahahaha! I've killed several guys who claim to be invincible, or have Immortal Body. Kaido isn't the first, nor will he be the last. Well, don't With a stinky face, didn't you invite me to the palace for a banquet? Let's go! Just in time for the event, my crew should be hungry too."

After saying that, Alan ignored Dover. Brother Ming's resistance forced him to walk towards the location of "King's Heights".

As for the cadres of the Don Quixote family, they have long been deterred by the terrifying power of the Demon Pirates.

Even if I saw the stone fruit that originally belonged to Pika and the explosive fruit of Gradius appearing on others, I didn't dare to say a word, and I didn't even dare to show hatred and resentment.

In this cruel world!

Powerhouse has the right to life and death for the weak!

Unless the strength of the Don Quixote family can reach the level of the four emperors, they will never have the courage to take revenge, and they can only choose to endure silently.

"Is this the power and might of the Pirate Emperor?"

The childlike fruit ability sugar sugar curled up into a ball and crouched shiver coldly on the ground.

You must know that just one day ago, she secretly planned to seize the opportunity to use the unreasonable power of her Devil Fruit to avenge her dead family companion.

But now, the only thing she wants to do is find a place to hide, and it's best to never see these terrifying people.

"Yes! This is the Pirate Emperor who is about to set off a battle to the top. Remember, never play tricks in front of such people, or even the Young Master can't protect you." Torre Boll gently touched the sugar's little head warned repeatedly.

"en! Got it! Let's get out of here quickly, the pungent smell of blood makes me feel sick." Sugar whispered, covering her mouth and nose.

Like a child, she didn't notice that a pair of eyes were already staring at her in the darkness, each minding their own business disappeared at the end of the street with Torrepol...

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