Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 579

In the palace of Dressrosa, a grand banquet is underway.

But it's interesting that, as the host and host of this banquet, Don Quixote Daufrant, Brother Ming, instead of showing the slightest bit of joy, was frowning from beginning to end. exhibition.

In contrast, the members of the Devil Pirates enjoy all kinds of wine and food, and have no intention of treating themselves as outsiders.

It didn't take a while for the sumptuous dishes on the table to change.

After all, the powerhouses in this world originally had a very large appetite, and they learned how to control their life energy from Alan, so they were not just in name only, but also in reality.

Even women like Nami, Robin, Perona, and Kalifa, who normally focus on maintaining their image, just eat elegantly, but their eating speed is not slow at all.

As for those rude guys who are used to it, they are even more rude to directly use their claws, and all kinds of soup and oil splashes are everywhere.

There is no doubt that this is a typical pirate banquet, neither need to pay attention to the so-called etiquette nor too many scruples.

In fact, the picture of eating on the "Endless Abyss" is similar to what it is now.

The only difference is that everyone has to clean the bowls, plates and tables they have finished eating, otherwise there will be no food for the next meal, so everyone still pays more attention to hygiene issues. Dare to be too impudent.

But at the moment, eating shouted on other people's territory naturally doesn't need to take so much into consideration.

Anyway, they don't need to clean up for a while...

Seeing the performance of this group of bastards, Alan couldn't help but gently shock the head, picked up the cup and took a sip of the local specialty the fruit wine, and asked without looking up: "When are you going to start trading?"

"Everyone and I are ready and can start at any time. But you are sure to let the ability person replace the devil fruit, Wouldn't it lead to death?" Brother Ming asked in an uncertain tone.

Although he already knew that the man in front of him possessed the strange power to extract Devil Fruits from those with abilities, he also knew that all those with abilities who were extracted from Devil Fruits died without exception.

At least so far, there have been no survivors.

"Of course not! You don't have to worry about that at all." Alan undoubtedly knew exactly what the other party was hesitating about, and immediately assured him.

"If that's the case, let's start. Baby-5! Maha Bais!" Brother Ming of Doffran waved directly to the two cadres in the family.

Although the latter looked a little worried, he still followed his orders and stood up.

Especially the maid Baby-5 who had experienced the battle of Chambord Islands, her eyes were full of tension and fear.

But Alan turned a blind eye to this, immediately stood up and walked in front of the two of them, suddenly extending the hand without warning and grabbing their necks.


Countless tentacles spewed out of his palm, piercing Baby-5 and Maha Bais on the spot, no matter how hard the two struggled, it didn't help.

You don't need to ask to know that these tentacles were released by Vernarasas.

Soon under her control, the rules of weapon fruit and ton-pressed fruit were drawn out and injected into the new fruit.

At the same time, in order to prevent the sudden death of these two guys, a little life energy was slowly injected as a supplement.

As soon as everything was over, Alan let go of his hand and let all the tentacles retract into his body.

"cough cough cough cough cough..."

"Damn! Are you trying to kill us?"

With a violent cough, Baby-5 Struggling to get up from the ground with Maha Baisi, they found that the Devil Fruit ability on their body was missing with a look of shock.

"It's done!"

Alan ignored the complaints of the two, raised the two Devil Fruits high, and showed them to everyone present.

pa! pa! pa! pa! pa!

Brother Ming clapped his palms without hesitation, and at the same time praised loudly: "Awesome! Amazing! Extracting and remodeling a Devil Fruit without hurting the life of the person with ability! This is something that even Vega Punk Academician can't do."

"As promised! The two Devil Fruits are mine."

Alan flipped his hands, and the weapon fruit and the ton pressure fruit disappeared instantly.

To be exact, he was stuffed into his pocket.

"No problem! You deserve it. But the conditions have to change a little. I want that Zoological Devil Fruit in your hand that originally belonged to Drought Jack." Brother Ming Dover With a serious look, he set out new conditions.

Because he has to give Kaido an explanation!

Otherwise, God knows what outrageous actions that lunatic will do, let alone whether it will implicate him.

"Oh, yes, take it."

Alan chuckled and took out the mammoth fruit and threw it directly.

For these animal-type Devil Fruits, which can only enhance strength, physique, agility, and resilience, even the ancient seeds are not comparable to the most rubbish superhumans in his eyes.

After all, most superhumans are meant to break the inherent cognition and change or interfere with the laws of physics to some extent, and the power behind it is not of an order of magnitude at all.

Only those rare Illusory Beast species that also possess incredible abilities have a little bit of collection value.

“many thanks!”

Brother Ming cautiously put away the mammoth fruit, then raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In just a few minutes, more than 40 prisoners with special handcuffs and shackles were brought up.

Judging from their mental state, except for the last few felons who should have been imprisoned in the advancing city for a long time, the rest should be the unlucky newcomers who were caught most recently.

"They are the chips given by the Five Old Stars in this transaction?" Alan looked at these guys with rebellious rays of light shining in their eyes with interest.

Brother Ming of Doffran said meaningfully nodded: "That's right! Twenty of them are to pay the last bill, and the remaining twenty are used to exchange medicines. By the way, there is no such thing here. All of them are pirates. I can only tell you so much, the rest is up to you to judge."

"It doesn't matter! For me, I want to find out the identities and origins of these people. It's not a difficult thing."

tone barely fell!

Alan's pupils instantly turned red, and the shape of three hooked jade appeared.

Before other people could react to what happened, the three hook jades were connected into a weird pattern, and the powerful Spiritual Illusion Technique was released directly to more than 40 people.

Obviously, this is the ability obtained after swallowing Zhishui's pair of kaleidoscopes.

It just hasn't come in handy.

In front of this Illusion Technique, which directly hits the deepest memory of the brain, all lies and pretense are futile.

In just a few seconds, a man with half-white hair and half-yellow clothes plopped on the ground, opened his mouth dripping with sweat, and said, "I... ...My name is Inazuma! I'm a subordinate of the revolutionary army, Ambrio Ivankov."

"hahahaha! Look, isn't this resolved?"

Alan He opened his arms with a smile, and directly released countless tentacles to pierce all the remaining evil-doing pirates, and extract their Devil Fruits.

The whole process is scary and bloody...

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