Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 580

After a short stay in the Kingdom of Dressrosa, the "Endless Abyss" set off again soon, moved towards the Totland Sea Territory, where the BIG·MOM pirates entrenched.

Standing on the deck, looking at the receding land, Hawkeye finally couldn't help but ask: "Apart from the world government and the Five Old Stars, what are you and Don Quixote Doffran? What kind of deal did Brother Ming make in private? To make someone like him willingly order his subordinates to hand over two Devil Fruits!"

Alan replied with a smile: "It's nothing, but some will never It's just empty promises that have been put into practice. Have you heard of the scalpel fruit?"

"The scalpel fruit? Is that the special devil fruit that the world government offered a reward of five billion baileys?" Hawkeye He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

You must know that the bounty for the man known as "the strongest in the world", Whitebeard, is only in the early 50s.

That's an incredible price for a superhuman Devil Fruit.

"That's right!" Alan nodded meaningfully. "It is said that when a person with the ability of the scalpel fruit awakens, he can use his own life to activate an ability called the operation of immortality, giving a person the life of the Eternal Immortal in the true sense. At present, this fruit has been called Trafalgar Law's people ate it, and he happened to be a member of the Don Quixote family. So Brother Ming of Dover has always wanted to take back the key that will help him get to the peak of power, so He found me."

"so that's how it is! For rights by fair means or foul? This is actually his style." Hawkeye sighed slightly.

In the eyes of the world's No. 1 swordsman, Brother Ming of Dofferan obviously made a huge mistake, that is, he pursued excessively a power that was not commensurate with his own strength.

It's as if he is constantly expanding his business around the world with the help of both the world government and Kaido's influence.

But I didn't realize that these expansions are essentially unfounded castles in the air.

Once there is a problem with the two backends, everything will fall apart in a very short time.

Like the nickname "Joker", Brother Ming Dover is like a clown dancing on a tightrope, at risk of falling and dying at any time.

This is why he is so eager to get the fruit of the scalpel.

"Yeah! It's a pity that he could never catch Trafalgar Law." Alan pursed his lips into a mocking smile.

After all, it was a scalpel fruit, but it was one of the few Devil Fruits he had planned to get.

Especially the incredible super power cutting, which completely surpasses all physical rules. Whether it is tangible or intangible, it can be cut off with no difficulty.

Hawkeye immediately laughed when he heard this sentence: "hahahaha! It seems that Brother Ming of Dover has been completely played by you."

" no! It wasn't me who played him in the palm of his hand, but his own insatiable greed and thirst for power, and deep in one's heart hatred for this world. Oh, yes, this is me I promised to give you several sword technique Sects before."

Speaking, Alan took out a notebook and handed it over.

Hawkeye didn't say a word, and immediately took it over and started flipping through it, with terrifying rays of light flashing in his eyes.

Without him!

Part of the sword technique Sect recorded in this notebook opened a whole new door for him.

It took several minutes before Mihawk came back to his senses from the shock, and asked in an uncertain tone, "Where did you get these proven sword techniques? How come I never Haven't heard of it?"

"How about it, does it help you?" Alan faint smile asked.

"Sure! It has given me a lot of inspiration. I may need a few days in the next few days, and if there is nothing urgent, it is best not to disturb me."

After saying this, Hawkeye immediately got into his own room in the middle cabin with a note.

Shortly after he left his forefoot, Navigator Nami came to the door with his hindfoot, and rocked Alan's arm back and forth in a sweet and greasy voice: "Ship—the captain—!"

"Stop! Say something straight!" Alan suddenly got goosebumps and hurriedly interrupted.

“hehe! I want that weapon fruit.” Nami frivolous expressed her intention.

As a person who mainly relies on various advanced weapons and equipment to bombard the enemy indiscriminately, she feels that in this world, there is probably no more suitable for her than the fruit of weapons.

"Got it! Take it!"

Alan raised his hand and tapped the girl's head lightly, then took out the fruit of the weapon and threw it at him.

"Thank you! Captain! I love you!"

After she got what she wanted, Nami immediately smiled and didn't forget to present a seductive pose blow kisses.

Alan rolled the eyes angrily when he saw this scene: "You're welcome, I will look forward to your performance in the next battle."

"Relax! I won't let you down."

Nami opened her mouth fiercely and took a bite of a devil fruit with a strange pattern, enduring the physical discomfort, little by little swallowed the unpalatable pulp Go down, not even a little bit wasted.

But in the end, she still couldn't hold on, and rushed to the edge of the deck, holding on to the guardrail, and started to vomit, even gulping out dark green's bile.

Of course, that doesn't matter anymore.

Because the devil fruit has acquired the strange ability contained in it as long as you take the first bite, it doesn't matter if you spit it out or not.

Seeing the orange-haired girl's life is not as good as death, Dora couldn't help laughing and shook the head: "I know how disgusting the taste of devil fruits is, so why torture myself."

"In order to gain more power! Nami's innate talent in combat is not very good, so she wants to gain a foothold in the Demon Pirates, in addition to the necessary sailing knowledge, the only thing left is to strengthen herself through Devil Fruits. There is a way. As the day of a full-scale war with the Four Emperor Pirates is getting closer and closer, everyone will have some pressure to some extent. The best way to deal with this pressure is to continue to become stronger. ." Alan explained casually.

"What about you? Why do I feel like you've never been nervous?" Dora stroked the hair hanging down from her ears, her eyes showing a hint of curiosity.

"Nervous? It's been a long time since I felt it. Maybe it's numb from going through too much, or maybe Charlotte Ringling isn't enough to make me nervous. Anyway, do Be mentally prepared, after the next battle, we will be one of the four pirate emperors in the New World."

After that, Alan gave the beautiful Swordsman a pretending to be mysterious He smiled, then went up to help the navigator who vomited to the point where his legs were weak, and sent it back to the cabin of the "Endless Abyss".

For Nami, there are only around five to seven days left to adapt and develop the Devil Fruit's abilities.

Whether she can completely turn the weapon fruit into actual combat before the start of the war depends on whether she can achieve a breakthrough.

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