Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 581

As the "Endless Abyss" is getting closer and closer to the Sea Territory of Totland, all influences finally focus on this war that is destined to change the pattern of the New World.

The navy headquarters even sent a combination of two Generals, plus the naval hero Karp.

You don't need to ask, you know, Warring States is obviously trying to see if you can take advantage of the fact that both sides suffer. It's best to eliminate two huge threats at one fell swoop.

And Kaido, one of the four emperors, was furious because of the tragic death of his subordinate Jack in the drought. He led a huge fleet from Wano Country, and grandiose came to find trouble for Alan.

At the same time, the other four emperors, Whitebeard, who holds the title of the strongest in the world, also led his sons and daughters to set off, looking at the posture to intercept the former.

The last four emperors, the red-haired Shanks, followed closely behind the navy's ass, as if he was watching, but also as if he was issuing a warning.

In a short time, all the major forces in the entire New World rising winds, scudding clouds have joined the battle to the summit initiated and led by Alan.

"The thief hahahaha! The sea demon, Alan, is really an amazing guy. I hope that one day I can get my own stage under the focal point of ten thousands."

Titch the Blackbeard stared at the newspaper just delivered by Newsbird, his eyes twinkling with naked and undisguised envy and desire.

By the strength of oneself the whole New World trembles!

Alan is doing all the things he'd dreamed of doing, but couldn't do right now.

The complex mood mixed with strong jealousy and admiration is like a poisonous snake constantly eating away at the heart.

If possible, Titch is willing to trade twenty years of lifespan for a chance to switch positions with Alan.

But unfortunately, he hasn't waited for the fateful Devil Fruit yet, he's just an ordinary crew member in the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Hey! Tiki! What are you doing? Come and gather on the deck! The fleet of the Beast Pirates has already appeared on the sea in the distance!" Captain Saatchi of the Second Division raised his voice shouted.

"Oh! It's here! Captain!"

Blackbeard hurriedly threw away the newspaper, put away the expression of wild ambition, and resumed the simple and honest appearance disguised in normally. Short legs came to the deck of the Moby Dick.

At this moment, the captains and main members of each battle squad have already arrived, be eager to have a try to stare at the huge warship flying the black skull flag at the end of the sea.

"Dad! Don't be in a hurry for a while, let me try Kaido's jin liang first." Ace poked the cowboy hat on top of his head with his finger, his eyes revealing strong fighting intent .

From this posture, it is not difficult to see that although he has joined the Whitebeard Pirates for a while, he has not really played against other Four Elements Pirates, and he is not aware of the Beast Kaido. What does the name mean.

"Koo la la la la! My stupid son, you are not Kaido's opponent, you will be blown up." Edward Newgate couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"That's right! Listen to Dad, don't be okay with courting death. Kaido is a monster that can't be killed, not just in name only, but also in reality. Except for Dad, everyone else even It's hard to hurt him." Marco said with a smile, wrapping his arms around Ace's shoulder.

As the distance between the two Four Emperor Pirates got closer and closer, Kaido, who had always been temperamental and cruel and tyrannical, finally stood up and shouted: "Newgate! You Is this guy here to stop me from going to trouble with that kid?"

"Ah! That's right! I owe him a favor, and I just paid it back today." Whitebeard suddenly stood up from the chair , exuding an amazing imposing manner all over.

"hmph! If so, that's right. Let's go to war here! Let's see if Lao Tzu's Beast Pirates are more powerful, or your sons are more powerful."

Speaking, Kaido jumped directly from the boat, and the wolf fang club in the raised high's hand smashed down.

"Thundering gossip!"


With the speed of crossing the sound barrier, a huge sound and a white shock wave are instantly generated in the air.

Whitebeard did not show weakness, directly activated the ability to shake the fruit, and instantly set off a terrifying tsunami, and he swung his big knife to meet it.

Next second...

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The terrifying impact instantly set off a heaven overflowing giant wave, pushing the fleets of both sides back dozens of meters away.

Those smaller ships were nearly overturned.

"Hahahaha! That's really strong! It looks like you're not too old to move!" Kaido said with a smile.

"To each other! You've become a lot stronger than before! It's a pity that you're still a little bit worse than me. After all... old man is a white beard!!!!!!"

Accompanied by the aggressive roar, Edward Newgate suddenly activated the fruit ability again, punching the opponent directly in the abdomen.


In the face of the powerful resonance force, even Alan's body that is comparable to a god can't resist, even more how is a trifling mortal.

I saw countless spider web-like cracks spread rapidly in the air, Kaido suddenly spurt a large mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew backwards like a kite with a broken string, all over his face. Incredible expression.

He didn't expect in his dreams, his body was so strong that he couldn't stop Whitebeard's punch.

"Lord Kaido!"

"Fire Calamity" Jhin rushed out immediately and caught his own captain who was smashing his flagship.

But this move undoubtedly made Kaido lose face. After landing, he pushed him away, followed by turning into a dragon and flying into a rage out of humiliation. deadly heat.

"Go to hell! Heat Breath!"

"Don't try to hurt my sons!"

Whitebeard uses the power of the fruit without the slightest hesitation To the extreme, a larger and more violent tsunami was instantly set off, directly colliding with the heat.

Under the catalysis of high temperature, a large amount of water was transformed into steam and filled the surrounding sea surface, forming a thick white fog.


Seeing that the blow failed, Kaido quickly flew high into the sky and began to control the surrounding airflow to form several terrifying tornadoes raging on the sea.

And Whitebeard's response method is extraordinarily simple and rude. No matter what kind of move the opponent uses, he will repeatedly use the shock fruit to set off a tsunami and swallow all the attacks.

For a while, the two Four Emperors fought back and forth, and the amazing destructive power was so exaggerated that it was no different from a real natural disaster.

But anyone with a little vision can see that Whitebeard has the absolute upper hand in this fight.

The reason is simple!

He asked Kaido, who possessed Immortal Body, to give up his best melee combat, and chose to use long-range attacks to contain him.

If nothing else, this battle will soon end in a stalemate with the continuous loss of physical strength.

There will be no winners and no casualties.

When Kaido is tired from fighting, he will naturally choose to stop, Fang will turn around and return to Wano after two harsh words.

As for Whitebeard, as long as he can hold off Kaido from getting involved in the battle between Alan and Charlotte Lingling, it will be a favor.

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