Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 582

"BOSS! The Whitebeard Pirates have gone to war with the Beast Pirates!"

Deputy Captain Nicole Robin immediately brought this important news to Alan.

Because of the biological black technology such as phone bugs, instant communication can be achieved no matter how far apart.

The only problem is that most phone bugs don't prevent eavesdropping, so pirates generally don't like to use them.

Because the higher the bounty the pirate group, the easier it is to be targeted by the world government.

However, for the convenience of future transactions, Alan exchanged phone bugs with Redhead and Whitebeard and placed them in the control room of the "Endless Abyss".

As a result, as soon as there was a call over there, Marco immediately notified Robin through the phone bug.

"Whitebeard blocked Kaido for us?" Alan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Although Edward Newgate did say something similar, he never took it seriously.

After all, the best way to reach the top is to go all the way and kick all the stumbling blocks in the way, no matter how big the stumbling blocks are.

To put it bluntly, it is to show muscles and let the whole world see the strength of their own pirate group.

After killing Jack Drought, Alan was ready to fight two Four Emperor Pirates at the same time.

But absolutely didn't expect, Whitebeard, the Old Master who is over sixty years old, has the same irritable temper as when he was young, so he pulled it out and fucked with Kaido.

"That's right! Now we just need to concentrate on dealing with the BIG·MOM pirates."

While saying this, Robin lifts the head and looks into the distance Look out for those pie-cake-shaped scout ships cruising along the border of the Sea Territory in Totland.

You don't need to ask to know that these ships are patrol gunboats specially designed to prevent foreign intrusions.

Although it doesn't look big, each one is full of firepower.

Obviously, the "Endless Abyss" has now reached the periphery of the world. As long as it goes a little further, it will enter Charlotte Lingling's territory.

"Captain! Are we going to start a full-scale war?" Ike asked when he took off his shirt and naked upper body be eager to have a try.

Alan chuckled and nodded: "Yeah! It's about to go to war! How are you, are you ready to completely destroy the BIG·MOM pirates?"

"Hahahaha! Order now! Boss! I've been waiting impatiently for a long time!" Omir pulled out the magic long sword that was constantly emitting chills from his waist.

To be precise, most of the crew members have already strained their nerves and entered a state of combat.

For them, this battle is likely to be the happiest moment of their lives.

After all, there are so many pirates who have entered the great route. How many of them have the chance to participate in the battle to the top?

Therefore, I have long made up my mind that even if I die in battle, I will never take a step back.

"Very good! Since that's the case, let's get started. Moore! Prepare for the bombardment! I don't want to see any ships flying the BIG·MOM pirates flag on the sea before landing."

Alan without the slightest hesitation gave orders to his sniper and gunner.

"Oh! Understood! Don't worry! If there is a ship flying the flag of the BIG·MOM Pirates on the sea when I land, I will put myself in the gun barrel and shoot it out." Moore used And his arrogant tone assured.

tone barely fell!

He drilled directly into the turret, controlled the electromagnetic gun with its sci-fi appearance, aimed at the closest reconnaissance ship and pulled the trigger.

Next second...

bang! ! ! !

No surprises!

After a loud bang, the poor gunship instantly turned into a fireball and burned violently on the sea.

It didn't take a while to slowly sink into the seabed.

But this is just the beginning!

When the incomparably huge hull of the "Endless Abyss" rushed through the outer islands with a crushing force, the defense system of the entire world was instantly triggered.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of mixed fleets were surrounded from all directions, many of which were ships with Charlotte family members personally sitting on the boat.

What is the final result?

They didn't even see the enemy's face, and were directly sunk by high-explosive bombs and flame bombs that fell from the sky.

With good luck, you may be able to escape by hugging a plank or a wooden barrel before the boat sinks.

If you are unlucky, you will be buried in the sea with people and boats.

No ship can withstand the formidable power of a sect master gun!

When it was close to the Cake Island in the center of the world, this Sea Territory no longer had any ships floating on the sea, not even the Queen Mother Anthem, which was docked at the pier, After a round of saturation bombardment, it became a pile of meaningless garbage.

"Endless Abyss" announced to this world with its bloody record that it is the unique and unmatched super battleship.

"Alas... the battleship of the Demon Pirates is really terrifying. To be honest, I don't want to take part in such a dangerous mission at all." Kizaru sighed helplessly, and gently put down the telescope in his hand .

As a person who has suffered a big loss, in his dreams, he will not forget the painful price he paid to stop the firing of the main gun of the "Endless Abyss".

If it wasn't for the repeated requests of Marshal Buddha's Warring States, he wouldn't come here to find him unhappy.

In contrast, Akainu's face was much more hideous. While staring at the battlefield that was already in a frenzy in front of him, he turned from time to time to glance at the red-haired pirates who were always behind his butt. gnashing teeth cursed: "Bastard! What the hell does this guy Shanks want to do?"

"Hahahaha! I guess he wants us to save face, don't interfere." The card wearing a dog-head hat Po grinned wildly.

To be precise, since joining the Whitebeard Pirates to the Red-haired Pirates one after another, he has realized that this is by no means a hasty action, but has long been negotiated.

Obviously, Edward Newgate the Whitebeard, Shanks the Red-haired, and Alan the Sea Devil have reached some unknown tacit understanding.

What's more terrifying is that if Charlotte Lingling is really overturned, then three of the four emperors of the New World will show a joint trend, which is definitely not good for the world government. information.


At the same time, Ben Beckman was holding a telescope to observe the battlefield ahead and the movements of the navy on the Red Firth.

About two 3 minutes, he took a deep breath and said: "It is indeed an extremely vicious battleship that is known as the ancient weapon Pluto! I even doubt that this ship alone, the Devil Sea The pirates will be invincible."

"You're right! With just one sect master gun, all the ships of the BIG·MOM pirates were sunk, and they were left unscathed. Hurt. It seems that we don't need to continue to keep an eye on the movements of the navy, because if they get too close, they will be sunk by the ruthless." Shanks responded enthusiastically.

Although he had already seen the hideous appearance of the "Endless Abyss" in the newspapers, he really understood the horror of this steel battleship only today.

And with the annihilation of the surface ships, the next thing that will be staged is a more tragic hand-to-hand battle after the landing.

The main force of both pirate groups will be exhausted until one of them completely collapses, or the captain is killed in battle.

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