Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 583

bang! bang! bang! bang!

Accompanied by the fierce shelling, the Hormiz soldiers who were preparing to defend against the invasion were piled up on the pier of Cake Island, and they were instantly bombed.

Under the attack of artillery shells several times faster than the speed of sound, even someone like Charlotte Katakuri who has "prediction of the future" with super knowledge and domineering can only barely protect themselves.

Because by the time the cannonball entered his perception range, it was too late.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer Hormiz soldiers around, the dessert general finally couldn't help shouting at his younger brother younger sisters: "Retreat! Everyone retreat! Let the pier come out! Otherwise, these guys won't get close easily!"

"Retreat? Mother knows it will kill us!"

Also one of the four dessert stars Smoothie's face changed instantly.

For the children of the Charlotte family, they are obviously more afraid of their mother than their enemies.

"It's okay! Retreat first! I'll take care of the mother's side! In short, we can't let this situation continue, or we will lose at least more than two-thirds of our troops when the other side lands. ."

I have to say that at a critical moment, Katakuri, the second brother of the second only to mother in the family, is quite courageous.

Most importantly, he realized that the "Endless Abyss" was not an ordinary battleship as most people understood it.

Especially the ultra-long range and ultra-high rate of fire, as well as the terrifying power that is enough to instantly raze the upper circle over a hundred meters to the ground at the moment of the shell explosion, is definitely not something that flesh and blood can withstand. of.

Even if it is a powerhouse with high-level armament and domineering power, it is impossible to get a hit in the front.

"Understood! Everyone! Retreat immediately!" Smoothie waved his hand.

All the members of the Big Mom Pirates, including the Hormiz soldiers, left the dock area like a tide, leaving only the ruins that had been devastated by artillery fire.


"BOSS, they retreated from the pier." Kalifa reminded her while gently adjusting her glasses.

"en! I saw it. Let's start the landing operation. Moore, you stay to guard the ship. Remember, whoever comes close to the warning range of one kilometer will directly sink me. In addition , I allow you to use the second sect master gun at a critical moment." Alan gave the order to his sniper without looking back.

After all, the "Endless Abyss" has long been the focus of all influence. He didn't want to kill Charlotte Lingling, and then he came back to find that the invincible battleship he spent a lot of time and energy building was gone.

Moore's nodded without the slightest hesitation: "Don't worry, Captain. As long as I'm alive, no one will come near our ship."

"Very good! In that case , then let's completely kill the BIG·MOM pirates! Officially crowned as the emperor of the New World!"

After saying that, Alan directly activated his ability to transform all material forms and create it on the sea. A large sheet of hard, thick ice emerged from the broadside straight to the pier of Cake Island.

" this the ability of frozen fruit?!" Robin's pupils suddenly enlarged, his face full of unbelievable shocked expressions.

"no! This is not the power of the Devil Fruit! It's my personal development and application of life energy. Remember what I said when I taught you life energy? It has infinite Maybe..."

With the last word blurted out, Alan jumped off the deck and took the icy road to Cake Island.

Other crew members follow closely from behind aggressively.

Along the way, they encountered almost no resistance, and not even the local residents knew where to hide.

The huge island, with only a bunch of dessert-shaped buildings left, makes people feel sick and nauseated just by looking at it.

As a standard "salty party", Alan couldn't understand Aunt's fanatical love for desserts, cakes and other sweets, and even thought that according to this way of eating, the other party did not die of diabetes, which is simply incredible. miracle.

Just when everyone was curious about this colorful island like a fairy tale, a cloud above the head quietly turned black, followed by a purple lightning that suddenly fell from the sky.


No surprises!

The lightning hit Alan directly.

Unfortunately, this blow did nothing.

On the contrary!

In the face of the elemental ability of the Thunder Fruit, this level of electric shock is not even an appetizer.

“en? Zeus!”

Alan lifts the head staring at the eerie black cloud with a playful expression on his face.

As a soul-soul fruit capable person, Auntie created countless creations named Hormiz by taking other people's lifespan, the principle is similar to that of Moonlight Moria making zombies with shadows.

Every Hormiz creation has an independent personality and thinking ability, and even retains the memory of some previous owners.

But of the many creations of Hormiz, only three are infused with her own soul.

The names are Zeus Thundercloud, Prometheus the Little Sun, and Napoleon with the Bicorne Hat.

Obviously, it was Thundercloud Zeus who launched the sneak attack in midair right now.

"Huh? My attack is ineffective!"

Zeus stared at Alan, who was emitting dazzling electric light all over his body, with a strong surprise in his tone.

"Sorry, I'm immune to all Thunder Attribute attacks, so you can't hurt me."

The voice is still alive!

Alan turned into an electric light and disappeared in place instantly.

Before Zeus could realize what had happened, he felt an unmatched force hitting his body.

Next second...


It was directly smashed to the ground from mid-air by a domineering fist.

At the same time, Charlotte Bray, who was ambushing in the vicinity, also took the opportunity to use the ability of the mirror fruit to teleport the main force of the Big Mom Pirates, including second brother Katakuri from the rear. .

"Go! Kill all these intruders!"

The other one of the four Dessert Generals, Kelijia, roared and rushed to the front.

With the powerful defensive power brought by the superhuman biscuit fruit, he almost forcibly covered more than half of the long-range firepower launched by Nami.

But at the moment of rushing into the front, I suddenly saw a silhouette appearing out of thin air at a speed that was almost indistinguishable with naked eyes, raising her arms wrapped in domineering hands and roaring: "Six Profound Truth! The biggest round of super heavy blows · Six Kings Gun!"

bang! ! ! ! ! !

The incomparably strong biscuit armor shattered instantly under this blow!

The terrifying penetrating power caused considerable damage to the internal organs.

In addition, due to carelessness, he did not use the armed color for defense, and as a result, Kelijia spurted a mouthful of blood on the spot, and stumbled back several steps in a row.

You don't need to ask to know that it was none other than the one who completed this blow, it was Rob Luigi, the former CP9's strongest killing weapon and the current Demon Pirate Assault Captain.

Relying on the resistance fruit, life energy, domineering and six styles, his strength is firmly in the top four positions in the team, second only to Captain Alan, the world's largest swordsman Eagle Eye, and the earliest Ike added quite.

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