Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 584

"Ahhhh!!!!! It hurts to death! Who are you?"

As soon as he stabilized his body, both eyes immediately turned red.

Although his injuries were not particularly serious, it was definitely not something that ordinary people could do to shatter the biscuit armor with just one blow.

"hmph! It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you are dead today. I'm really lucky to meet one of the four dessert stars." The corners of Lu Qi's mouth turned up slightly He showed a smile of excitement and anticipation.

After all, since joining the Demon Pirates, he has never really met an opponent who can let him go and release his full power.

But now, Charlotte Cricket perfectly meets all the conditions...

Especially for defense, it has almost reached full points.

You must know that the "Maximum Super Heavy Attack Six Kings Spear" is not an ordinary pure body refinement.

It's armed color domineering + six-type Profound Truth + devil fruit ability to slow down the resistance generated at the moment of attack + external destructive power generated by wrapping life energy.

Most of the pirates with a bounty of over 100 million won't even be able to take a single blow, and their chest and heart will be shattered to pieces, and they will die on the spot.

The crocodile frame is good, but only suffered a little internal injury. It is simply the most ideal sandbag. It can be used to test those moves that are under development and have amazing destructive power.

"Lucky? I think it's unfortunate! It was just a sneak attack to take a little advantage, and soon you will realize what a huge mistake you have made."

tone barely fell!

The cracker immediately produced thousands of biscuit soldiers, and with a big wave of their hand, these cannon fodders rushed up to fight the enemy in a war of attrition.

Although the attack power of the biscuit soldiers is not high, and the movements are not agile, they are better in quantity, and they are very resistant to beatings.

For those with insufficient attack power, they can't even break the sturdy biscuit armor on their bodies.

But unfortunately, Lu Qi obviously belongs to the type of people who attack the table.

With the addition of the Devil Fruit, you can instantly ignore all obstacles except the domineering of the armed color, not to mention the trifling biscuit armor, even a very hard steel ingot can be pierced in an instant.

So it didn't take a while for the army of cookies made by the Cracker to shatter into countless small pieces under Lu Qi's attack, and the jam used for blood filling even flowed everywhere. Yes.

In contrast, the battle between Katakuri and Ik is much simpler and cruder.

The two sides didn't even say a word of nonsense.

Looking at the posture, no one can do anything for a while.

As for Hawkeye, he wielded his black broadsword against the same sword, Smooch, to test the new sword technique he learned most recently.

Once these high-threat Peak battle strengths are completed, the rest is naturally pawn-to-pawn and general push.

Although the number of Demon Pirates is relatively small, they have played a fierce imposing manner of one against ten.

For a while, the Charlotte family, who had an absolute advantage in numbers, could not resist and began to involuntarily retreat.

Especially Robin, the co-captain, this time finally showed the true power of Huahua Fruit!

Almost every time the ability is activated, it will instantly bring down a large area of enemies.

Among them, the unlucky ones who were accidentally killed in an instant, there are many powerful guys like the Butter Fruit Ability - Garrett.

Looking at the good situation surrounding his imposing manner, Alan satisfied nodded: "Not bad! It seems that the situation is similar to what I expected. Except for Katakuri, who also has considerable growth potential. Besides, the remaining members of the BIG·MOM Pirates are basically nothing worthy of special attention."

"Be careful! Don't forget how serious the resonance of Whitebeard caused you last time. Damage. I have reason to suspect that Charlotte Lingling's Soul Soul Fruit should have a similar effect. After all, so far, we know too little about souls." Verna Lazas reminded in a low voice.

"What about this guy?" Alan bent down and lifted Zeus off the ground.

I don't know what Aunty added to this thing. It's obviously a cloud, but it can be grasped like an entity.

"Sorry, it's not strictly a complete life at all, it's just a piece of suture monster grafted together." Verna Lazas directly stated the conclusion he had drawn from his observations.

"Stitcher?" Alan's eyes flashed with curious rays of light.

Verna Lazas nodded without thinking: "Yes, the Stitch. By kneading together a large number of soul fragments, and then combining with the energy body, a twisted creation is finally born. It itself is fundamentally It cannot exist independently. Once it loses the supply of the creator, it will dissipate in a very short period of time. This is why there are so many incarnations on this island who specialize in harvesting souls."

"Interesting! Can you devour it?" Alan touched the chin and asked again with interest.

"Yes! But before that, I must devour its owner, which is the target you want to hunt this time." Verna Razas grinned, revealing a pair of extremely sharp teeth.

"Hehe, isn't that just right? Look, our prey has already arrived at our door."

Speaking, Alan turned his attention to the huge running giant in the distance. silhouette .

She is none other than Charlotte Lingling, who is nearly nine meters tall and weighs enough to make the ground shake violently.

Especially that face, like the product of the ugliest facial features of human beings forcibly glued together and failed.

To be honest, when Alan saw Auntie herself, Alan immediately expressed strong sympathy for the "heavy tank drivers" who married her and had children.

At the same time, he couldn't understand how these unlucky bastards kept their lower body bloodshot when facing such a female monster's assault.

Under normal circumstances, the ordinary person is afraid that they will be directly frightened and softened.

"Devil Alan!!! You're dead today!"

Obviously, the aunt didn't realize that the other party was slandering her appearance and figure, and rushed over with a roar, holding up the Napoleon's double-horned hat transformed into a broadsword, and he swung it hard.

"Powerful country!"

bang! ! ! ! !

The terrifying flying slash whistled past, ploughing a deep ravine directly on the battlefield.

A large number of Hormiz soldiers who had no time to respond were swept away in an instant!

As a representative figure of greed, bloodthirsty and brutal rule, Charlotte Lingling doesn't care whether it will affect her own people.

In her eyes, even children are nothing more than tools used to enhance their strength and stabilize their rule, even more how are these manufactured Hormiz soldiers.

"Good job!"

Alan instantly pulled out the flame demon sword behind his back, and swung a flying slash with lightning speed.

When the two slashes collided in the air, the ground of the entire island began to tremble violently.

The central location is like a volcanic eruption, splashing a lot of stone chips, and at the same time mixed with bright fire.

When everything calmed down, the lively battlefield suddenly became quiet.

Whether it's a member of the Devil Pirates or a child of the Charlotte family, they all vacated a huge space for the two of them.

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