Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 585

"Yo! Charlotte Lingling! You finally showed up!"

Alan waved the flame demon sword in his hand lightly and greeted with a cynical attitude.

Because he had already played against Whitebeard, Redhead, and Navy Generals before, he could clearly feel that the "aunt" in front of him was completely different from the powerhouses in front of him.

If the characteristics of the three generals of the Navy are to develop the natural devil fruit ability to the extreme, then the white beard and the red hair are the three kinds of domineering exercise to the highest level.

But Auntie is different. The life energy contained in her body is beyond the imagination of most people.

Of course, this is not to say that the life energy in the three generals, the white beard and the redhead is not strong enough, but it is not comparable to a pervert like Big Mom.

Especially the tenacious to exaggerated muscle and cell structure, it is like two completely different species with her sons and daughters.

You must know that Charlotte Lingling is in her sixties and close to seventy this year, but she doesn't look like a dying old man at all.

At least he is much healthier than the white beard in his early seventies, and his internal functions show no signs of aging.

"Boy! Although I don't know why you chose to challenge me! But today! You and your crew don't even want to leave alive!" Prometheus, who was beside him, let himself gain the ability to manipulate flames, followed by leaping forward, displaying his sword technique with the greatest formidable power.

"Emperor's Sword, Broken Blade!"

bang! ! !


The fiery golden flames enveloped Napoleon in weapon form, then slashed down with thunderous force.

"I really don't understand you guys, why do you have to give your moves some boring names."

Alan whispered and raised the flame demon sword in his hand without the slightest hesitation greeted him.

The next second...

The two weapons wrapped in flames collided directly, bursting out an extremely bright and hot fire, directly smashing everything within a 100-meter radius. Destroy, evaporate, melt.

The suffocating heat wave made it difficult for many people to breathe, and even the respiratory tract and trachea were severely burned.

When the crimson's burning cloud gradually dissipated, many people were surprised to find that the Hormiz, Napoleon, in the hand of the aunt, which was made of the soul, actually had a very obvious gap.

And the flame demon sword in Alan's hand is still intact, but the flames are more intense.

" is this possible!"

Smooch's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

Because Napoleon has never suffered a single bit of damage since he remembered her, even when he repeatedly collided with those Supreme's sharp knives and the black blade tempered with armament.

But now?

Just one round!

Napoleon in the shape of a machete broke a very obvious gap.

"Nothing is impossible. You don't know what kind of weapon the flame demon sword is. If you did, you wouldn't be stupid enough to put up a desperate struggle here." Hawkeye supported Holding the hat on his head, he said meaningfully.

As a swordsman, his love for swords has penetrated into his bones. Naturally, he is impossible to be interested in the flame demon sword that was blown into the world Number One Divine Sword by the newspapers.

So on the second day of joining the team, he privately asked Alan to borrow this sword and wanted to watch it up close.

As a result, just by holding it in his hand, Mihawk felt the terrifying arrogance of Firelord - Ragnaros' monstrous evil, ferocious, and brutal, and inserted it back in less than a minute. Inside the sheath, what is brow beaded with sweat is returned to the original owner.

In his opinion, if you want to control this terrifying Demon Sword, you must first have a strong power to suppress Firelord, otherwise you will be 100% backlashed.

It can be inferred from this, how terrifying should Alan who can control the flame demon sword perfectly?

"flame demon sword..."

Smooch had apparently seen reports about this sword in the newspaper, and a vigilant expression appeared on his face.

Not only her, but many high-level cadres of the Big Mom Pirates showed varying degrees of nervousness.

There is no way to not be nervous!

After all, the so-called Four Emperors of the New World are actually the four most powerful individuals, each with a less powerful younger brother playing the game of turf.

So for the entire pirate group, the captain must be the most important person.

Everyone else can fail and die, but the captain can't have any surprises.

Otherwise, the entire pirate group will quickly disintegrate under the nibbling of other forces.

This can be seen clearly from the fact that Edward Newgate died in the war on the top of the original plot, and the Whitebeard Pirates completely perished in less than two years.

The same principle applies to the BIG·MOM pirates.

Therefore, no matter whether these children like their mother or not, Charlotte Lingling must not have an accident, otherwise there is complete despair waiting for them.

But unfortunately, the aunt with a lack of brains did not realize this at all, and directly brought the previously captured Zeus summon over, holding Prometheus in one hand and the other with the other. Holding Zeus in his hand, he suddenly raised his fists and attacked Alan.

"Thunder Fire Crit!"

bang! ! ! !

Golden's flames and electric lights fell from the sky in an instant, and at the same time fell two domineering fists wrapped in armed colors.

Such astonishing destructive power smashes an incomparable gigantic pit directly on the ground.

Unfortunately, this attack speed is too slow for Alan, who has the ability of the Thunder Fruit.

He even moved to the opponent's head instantly, covered his mouth and yawned boredly, then raised his foot and stepped on it fiercely.


Auntie slammed her head down and fell into the deep hole she made with her own hands.

"Can I trouble you to be more serious? If one of the four dignified emperors and the ability of the Soul Soul Fruit is at this level, it would be too disappointing."

Said After all, Alan kicked Charlotte Lingling's huge body directly into the air, quickly put the flame demon sword back into the sheath, and took the posture of drawing the sword and slashing.


The aunt was undoubtedly provoked, and her whole body instantly released an astonishing domineering arrogance, as well as an indescribable trembling.

It's like...

It's like the soul is shaking!

There is no doubt that she finally used the true power of the Soul Soul Fruit, that is, the coercion and attack against the soul.

"hahahaha! That's right! That's it! Use all your strength to please me! Let me see what the so-called power of the soul looks like!"

Alan Laughing and pouring countless magical powers into the flame demon sword.

This time, he will perform the full volume of the slash, not the castrated version of the eagle eye.

Only incredible magic can truly reproduce the dazzling blade light that is fleeting.

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