Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 587

"Water Sword!"

Faced with an opponent like Hawkeye, Smoothie didn't dare to be careless at all, without the slightest hesitation, he used his strongest moves.


A purple red slash with domineering armed color flew straight to Mihawk.

But the latter didn't panic at all, just turned sideways and let the slash pass by his nose.

When he cut into the three-meter range, he suddenly swung this thunderous knife.

The blade at the end reflects a dazzling light in the sunlight.

Because of the speed, Smoothie didn't have time to make any defensive moves, and could only watch the black blade slash heavily on his body at night, creating a deep, bone-deep wound.


Because it had absorbed a lot of water before, the scarlet's blood spurted out, and it couldn't stop.

"Okay... hurry up..."

Accompanied by severe pain, the fourteenth daughter of the Charlotte family rolled her eyes and fell to the ground on her back. into a deep coma.

At this moment, the purple red tight clothes on her body have been torn, revealing a large area of Komugi skin that is infinitely reverie.

"As expected, it is the ultimate sword technique that abandons all retreats and defenses in pursuit of one-shot kills. Unfortunately, I still can't reach the speed and formidable power of Alan."

Hawkeye glanced at Smudge's terrifying wound from his chest to his lower abdomen, and sighed slightly.

But soon, his attention is drawn to the battle between Alan and Big Mom not far away.

Despite the terrifying damage done to Charlotte Lingling by the previous draw.

But the monster is worthy of being a monster!

At the moment, the wound has not only completely stopped bleeding, but also the densely packed granulation can clearly be seen squirming frantically. The whole person is as terrifying as a demon crawling out of the abyss.


"Kill you! I'll tear you to shreds!"

Auntie has obviously lost her mind completely , like a madman, baring fangs and brandishing claws pounced on Alan, the corners of his mouth even kept dripping a lot of acidic saliva, making a screeching sound, and a strong pungent smell at the same time.

"What the hell is going on?" Alan asked in disbelief as he raised his foot and kicked the heavy tank away.

He couldn't understand it at all. He was fine just now, but in a blink of an eye, Charlotte Lingling became a wild beast driven by primordial desire and instinct.

And this wild beast has been greatly improved in both strength and recovery.

"I think it must be some kind of physical or psychological defect. Don't you think it's a very good thing for an old man who is approaching seventy to be obsessed with sweets and has a personality like a little girl who hasn't grown up. Strange thing?" Verna Razas asked meaningfully.

" do seem to have a point in saying that." Alan touched the chin and was lost in thought.

In his memory, it seems that the four emperors of New World have some very obvious flaws.

Among them, Whitebeard is his sons and aging, Kaido is drunk and crazy after drinking too much, and Aunt is in a state of completely irrational runaway every three or five minutes.

Only red hair is relatively normal, but the unfathomable mystery loses one of his arms in the Eastern Sea and entrusts his dreams and inheritance to a little child who has not yet grown his hair.

It can be said that none of these powerhouses standing at the top of the times is worthy of their rank and status.

"Don't waste time! Quickly kill her!" Verna Razas urged impatiently.


Alan obviously doesn't want to waste any more time watching a wild beast show that's going berserk.

After the confrontation just now, he can basically confirm that Auntie's development direction for the Soul Soul Fruit is obviously wrong, and it is outrageously wrong.

Because whether it is to make soldiers of Hormiz, or to create Zeus, Napoleon, and Prometheus, it all turns the original invisible and strange and changeable soul ability into some kind of tangible. A force that can be defended against.

This is putting the cart before the horse!

Without any hesitation!

Alan quickly opened up a huge electric field to cover the entire cake island, and at the same time grabbed Zeus and forcibly threw it into the midair to condense the cumulonimbus clouds.

In just a few seconds, the entire island was completely covered by black clouds, and there would be a loud rumbling sound from time to time.

When he was about to reach the critical point, he finally completely elementalized himself, turning himself into a ball of dazzling electric light that drilled directly into the black cloud.

"Not good! mother! Get out of the way!"

He claims to be able to see the Katakuri three seconds later by his knowledge and domineering. He obviously senses the danger and immediately wants to rush. In the past to help aunt resist this blow.

It's a pity that Ike didn't give him such a chance at all to intercept it quickly.

On the other side, Lu Qi had already solved the cradle in the Dessert Four Stars, looked up at the sky, and seemed to be expecting something.

The next second...

A black ball of lightning was slowly stripped from the clouds.

The terrifying power contained in it made all those who were still fighting on the entire battlefield involuntarily stop their movements.

"Then... what is that?!" Eldest son Perrospero asked in a trembling voice.

"No...don't know!"

"Is that guy trying to destroy this island with us?"

"It's over. This time it's really over! Our Queen Charlotte Lingling is going to be killed!"

"Run! Run! Or die!"


In a short time, the morale of the BIG·MOM pirates began to collapse rapidly.

Whether it is a son or daughter with blood relationship, or those vassals who can temporarily take refuge, they all chose to escape this dangerous place as quickly as possible.

Obviously, Alan this move is Lei Ying released by Ai Nilu on the empty island in the original plot.

It's just that compared to the primary version of Lei Ying, he has made a considerable improvement, reducing the coverage, but increasing the formidable power.

"Damn it! The captain shouldn't join us to kill it?" Nami gnashing teeth complained, and immediately pulled Perona to run towards the periphery.

Not only her, but other members of the Demon Pirates reacted similarly.

Because they are all very aware of their captain's strength, no one would be stupid enough to try if the thing above their heads could kill themselves.

When most of the people came to the place where they thought they were safe, the ball lightning finally started to accelerate, followed by directly hitting the stupid aunt who was standing there.

In an instant, the terrifying lightning devoured everything.

Because of the loud noise at the moment of the explosion, everyone's ears were deaf on the spot, and even dark red blood flowed out.

As for those guys who acted recklessly lifts the head and stared at the lightning, without exception, they were instantly burned through the retina by the strong light, and turned into a deaf and blind crippled one after another.

In the end, when the white light gradually dissipated, Charlotte Lingling had been disappeared, and only Alan alone was standing in the center of the huge pit, holding a strangely shaped Devil Fruit in his hand.

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