Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 588

"The Soul Soul Fruit is finally here!"

Alan fiddled with the fruit with a peculiar pattern in his hand, with undisguised joy flashing in his eyes.

If you have to choose one of the countless devil fruits in the entire One Piece world, it is undoubtedly the one in front of you.

Although it can't match the incomparable destructive power of the quake fruit, nor can it reach the speed of the flash fruit and the thunder fruit close to the physical limit, but it involves the most unfathomable soul.

As for Kaido's fish fruit Azure Dragon form, or any kind of rustling fruit, frozen fruit, lava fruit, and burning fruit, it's not worthy to lift shoes for the soul fruit.

Maybe the only one that can compete with one is the dark fruit with black hole-like capabilities.

"Are you going to eat it yourself?" Verna Razas asked, licking her lips with a lingering desire.

Obviously, the reason why Charlotte Lingling disappeared out of thin air was not because Lei Ying's formidable power was too great, so she directly vaporized the body, but was swallowed by her.

After all, the monster-like muscle and cell structure, coupled with the incomparably huge physical life force, would be a waste if not swallowed.

even more how apart from this, the aunt's body also contains countless soul fragments, which are normally harvested from other people.

Alan nodded thoughtlessly: "Of course! Just as Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach knew the dark fruit was the best for him, I also knew very well that the soul fruit was the best demon for me. Fruit. And this fruit can help us make up for the last shortcoming, moved towards a more perfect form evolution."

"Understood! I will put all the soul fragments in Charlotte Lingling's body and Life force is delivered to you all at once. But one thing to be careful about is that you must not resonate with the evil energy in your body, otherwise I don't know what will happen." Verna Lazas solemnly warned repeatedly.

"Hehe, don't worry, I'm not a fool."

Alan shrugged his shoulders with a nonchalant smile, then opened his mouth to ka-cha under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes Biting off a large piece of pulp, chewed it twice and swallowed it.

This scene not only shocked the remnants of the Big Mom Pirates, but also all the members of the Demon Pirates including Robin were speechless.

You must know that in the eyes of the outside world, he is already a person with the ability of the Thunder Fruit and the Slow Fruit. If he eats the third Devil Fruit, there is a 99% chance that he will die.

Anyone who is sane should not do such a crazy act.

After all, with the defeat of the BIG·MOM Pirates, the Demon Pirates have already reached the top of the New World and become one of the new Four Emperors.

And Alan himself has shown the terrifying power of the next generation of the world's most powerhouse, so there is no need to take this risk.

But who would have thought that when everyone thought it was impossible, he made such an amazing move.

ka-cha ——ka-cha ——ka-cha ——

With the splash of juice, Alan quickly ate the Soul Soul Fruit thoroughly, the whole process His face was expressionless, as if he was not affected by the disgusting smell at all.

The reason is simple!

He was prepared when he was eating, and performed an Illusion Technique on himself, deceiving the entire taste system.

Soon, with the magical power contained in the devil fruit spreading to every corner of the body, Alan gradually began to perceive the strange energy called soul.

As a symbiote, Verna Lazas undoubtedly felt it, and immediately passed on the soul that originally belonged to the aunt.

In just a few seconds, Alan felt an indescribable energy pouring into his body, continuously strengthening the soul that the naked eye couldn't see.

When The moment when the strength of the soul exceeds a certain critical point!

A terrifying imposing manner centered on him and spread all directions.

All the Hormiz made by Charlotte Lingling seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and they all knelt down to acknowledge allegiance uncontrollably.

Even guys like Napoleon, Zeus and Prometheus.

"Crazy... madman! This madman actually gained the power of mother!"

The thirty-fifth daughter of the Charlotte family——Brin covered her mouth, completely Too frightened to move.

With the ability of the Soul Soul Fruit manifested in Alan, the members of the BIG·MOM Pirates who finally put up a desperate struggle also realized that their invincible queen was dead and their own The war has been completely lost.

"Interesting! Is this the power of the soul? It's a pity that I don't need to use my precious soul power to create so many useless cannon fodder. So... destroy it!"

Alan suddenly opened his arms and released several soul avatars.

Before anyone else could react, these avatars passed through countless Homitz bodies, taking away the soul fragments they depended on for a living.

Bang! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Homiz, who lost his Soul Power, returned to his previous state of death and fell to the ground.

In the end, only Zeus and Prometheus were not recovered, and even Napoleon was not spared.




In the eyes of the two highest-level Homitz who already have independent personalities and thinking abilities, Alan can definitely be called an out-and-out Death God and a demon.

It's a pity that the two of them didn't dare to escape at all and could only wait for the fateful judgment to come.

Because once you lose the replenishment of those who have the ability of soul and soul fruit, you will not be able to live for long.

"Relax! I will not recycle you. On the contrary, I will carry out a series of enhancements and transformations for you."

Speaking, Alan extend the hand one by one Zeus and Prometheus grabbed it and stuffed it into two vessels made of soul fragments.

You don't need to ask to know that he is going to incorporate Prometheus into the flame demon sword to further strengthen the formidable power of this Divine Item.

And Zeus with strength of Thunder is for "Thunder's Fury, the blessed sword of the wind chaser".

That's right!

After waiting for countless CDs, Alan, who was shrouded in the halo of black hands, finally showed half a "wind face".

So he has reason to believe that it won't be long before he can get the second Divine Item from yearn for something even in dreams.

Apart from this, with the help of Red Dragon, Alan's body structure and cells have been further adjusted and optimized.

You must know that Auntie's body has the reputation of "steel balloon".

When he was only five years old, this monster was already able to rebound the Giant Race's blade with only his body without using domineering, and break it on the spot.

So her muscles and cellular structure have long surpassed the limits of mortals, and can even be described by the body of Demi-God.

This can be seen from the quick hemostasis and healing after being slashed by the flame demon sword.

With other people, even if they didn't die on the spot, the scorched wounds would never recover so quickly.

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