Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 589

With Big Mom's defeat and death, all the Hormiz made of soul fragments were recovered, and the battle to the top, started by Alan himself, finally came to an end.

Although some diehards of the BIG·MOM pirates continue to resist, most of them have thrown away their weapons and chose to surrender, even the children of the Charlotte family are not. exception.

The reason is simple!

These people's feelings for their mother are not so much awe and love, but rather fear.

Because of fear, she would obey Charlotte Lingling's ridiculous orders and let her do as one pleases to control her own destiny, even marriage.

Therefore, there has never been a so-called family relationship between the aunt and her children. Instead, it is closer to the pirate group that relies on high-pressure and brutal means to gather together. The captain's attitude towards his subordinates.

This also means that when Auntie is still alive, no one dares to resist.

But when she was killed, most of these children, except for a very few, would choose to give priority to saving their own lives, rather than fighting to the death with an invincible powerful enemy.

After all, Alan has expanded the electric field and heart network to the entire cake island, and killed a dozen people trying to continue to put up a desperate struggle with the thunderous method, or trying to escape.

Such a neat and tidy slaughter made every member of the BIG·MOM pirate group realize that they had no other choice than throwing down their weapons and throwing them at them.

even more how, the ships in the port have long been sunk, and even if they escape temporarily, there is no way to leave Cake Island.

"BOSS! What are you going to do with these captives?" Robin rubbed his eyebrows and asked with a headache.

No way!

Who made Charlotte Lingling as fertile as a sow.

Forty-six sons were born, thirty-nine daughters, plus a series of husbands, there were more than one hundred cadres who were only linked by blood.

According to the usual tradition of most pirates, these people must not be left behind.

The problem is that there are still some children who have just grown up or are underage.

"It's simple! Gather them together for trial. Anyone who has done raiding towns, looting merchant ships, or wielding butcher knives at ordinary persons will be put to death. And those who haven't done that, Just hand over the Devil Fruit to save their lives. When the time comes give them a boat and go wherever they want." Alan gave the solution without thinking.

"According to your standards, I am afraid that few of them will survive." Hawkeye couldn't help but complain.

You must know that in order to satisfy her appetite, Auntie did a lot of things like killing the island and destroying the town.

And most of these things are entrusted to their sons and daughters.

"People are responsible for their actions. Now that they've done it, they should be prepared to be liquidated one day."

When he said this remark, Alan didn't have the slightest She did not shy away from those Charlotte family members who were kneeling on the ground.

Everyone who is swept by his indifferent eyes will bow their heads and dare not look at them.

Only Katakuri, who was defeated by Ike, struggled to get up and shouted: "no! You can't do this! Younger brother younger sisters who let me go! I swear! As long as you are willing to Let them go, I'm willing to be your subordinate and do anything for you."

tone barely fell!

Alan raised his foot directly, stomped this guy's face into the dirt with a bang, and asked with a sneer, "Let them go? Who do you think you are? How dare you negotiate terms with me! Also, when the islands and villages were destroyed, did you spare those ordinary persons who begged for mercy? If not! Then why do you ask me to let you go now? Just because you are Charlotte Lingling's son and daughter Or do you think your life is more noble than those of the ordinary person?"

"You...are you really a pirate?" Katakuri clenched his fists tightly, revealing in his tone Out of shock and disbelief.

After all, if it were another pirate captain, it would definitely be a yearn for something even in dreams to get a bounty of up to 157 million Bailey's allegiance.

But now?

He, the deputy of the Four Emperor Pirates, is actually not more important than a group of dead civilians.

"Pirates? If you mean those scumbags who burn, kill and loot commiting any imaginable misdeed, sorry, I'm not. Not in the past, not now, and never will be. And in my The team will never allow a guy like you to exist. Now, die in peace, your younger brother younger sisters will be with you soon, I promise."

With the end A word blurted out, and Alan immediately released a few tentacles, penetrating the heart and brain of Katakuri on the spot, and extracting the waxy fruit from the opponent's body.

After doing all this, he threw the bloody corpse in front of the children of the Charlotte family.


After a muffled sound, pain and despair appeared in the eyes of all the prisoners.

Because even experts like Katakuri with the "Vice" level were killed by ruthless, so how could they survive.

Soon, with the efficient trial, the members of the entire BIG·MOM pirate group were sorted out by Alan from beginning to end, and more than 80% of them were executed on the spot, and the blood even dyed the surrounding area of the battlefield. In the end, less than twenty people were pardoned.

Such terrifying slaughter and cleansing has scared the entire Cake Island residents to the point of shivering.

Some people even think that this Sea Territory will usher in a more brutal ruler than Charlotte Lingling.

Alan paid no attention to the overreaction of these civilians. Instead, he put down the ten-tailed Divine Tree in the center of Cake Island.


This bio-energy harvesting device inserts the roots deeply into the ground and spreads to the surrounding at an extremely fast speed.

In just a few hours, a large number of trees and vines rose from the ground, destroying the original fairytale dessert style environment that my aunt liked most, turning it into a lush forest .

Not only that!

These vines and trees also extend into the sea, connecting the thirty or forty islands around them.

At the same time, the sea level rose slowly under the control of Alan, eventually forming a land of considerable size.

This extremely exaggerated environmental transformation project not only stunned the residents, but even the members of the Devil Pirates were dumbfounded.

In just a few days, the news agency sent this amazing news, together with the previous fierce battle, to isomorphic newspapers all over the world.

For a while, everyone knew that the sea demon Alan had been crowned king in the New World, replacing Charlotte Lingling as the new Pirate Emperor.

Most importantly, he turned the original archipelago into a connected land, and also renamed the "nations" to "Utopia".

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