Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 590

"Is this really the world?!"

Ben Beckman stared at the endless land and forest in front of him, his mouth wide open, showing an unbelievable expression, and he didn't even notice that Xiang Yan fell to the ground .

As the vice-captain of the Red-Haired Pirates, he has visited this archipelago filled with fairy tales and desserts many times.

But now?

Everything familiar in my memory was disappeared, replaced by rows of magnificent treehouses, and even the entire pier was made up of countless strangely shaped trees and vines.

Even from a distance of several hundred meters, you can still see a large number of deep purples and brilliant reds in full bloom, as well as the tangy aroma.

Of course, the most shocking thing is that a large piece of land rises from the seabed, completely connecting the 34 islands, forming the largest land area in the second half of the Great Route.

"Hahahaha! Spectacular, isn't it?" Shanks laughed with gleaming eyes.

Since sending the naval fleet away, he has ordered back here immediately to see what exactly Alan will do with ruling the Sea Territory.

What made him absolutely didn't expect was that the other party had directly displayed a terrifying power comparable to that of a god.

After all, whether it is to make seabeds rise to create land, or to spread dense forests all over every corner in a short period of time, it is by no means an easy task.

But now, in less than a week, all the renovations have been completely completed.

Especially the variety of fruits that can be seen everywhere and can be picked almost by hand.

Many residents are carrying baskets and baskets, picking these fruits to take home, or making wine, or making jams, dried fruits and other commodities.

Everything looks so vibrant, completely different from the trembling with fear during Charlotte Ringling's reign.

Looking at the busy scene of this new wharf, Ben Beckman gently nodded: "Yes! It is estimated that it will not be long before this place will become quite prosperous and prosperous."

Soon, under the guidance of port officials, the Red Falls slowly entered the port and docked at a berth specially prepared for large ships.

After paying enough management fees, the Four Emperors Pirates finally successfully landed.

But they were not in a hurry to find Alan, who had just reached the top and became the Four Emperors, but wandered the streets of this port city, which was expanded from a small town, and finally walked into a restaurant, planning to first. Eat and drink enough.

As soon as I entered the door, a young and beautiful long-legged beauty greeted me with a smile: "Welcome! What would you like to eat?"

"Meat! Big chunks of delicious and juicy meat!" Raki Lu, without the slightest hesitation, said his favorite.

"hehe! And wine! The best wine of yours!" Jesus added with a smile.

"Okay! Please wait!"

The waitress immediately bowed and turned around and ran into the kitchen.

It didn't take a while for the generous portions of dishes and wine to be served on the table.

Because the red-haired pirates have never had any rules, everyone immediately ate without any image.

In less than a minute, Raki Lu ate the plate of steaks with sauce in front of him and praised with a thumb: "It's unbelievable. Delicious! How did this wonderful taste come about?"

"It's the spice! Ever since Alan-sama defeated the BIG·MOM pirates and became the ruler of this place, it has been through some incredible power A large number of trees and vines have been born, many of which are spice trees. Through continuous discovery and experimentation, we have been able to confirm that more than 20 of them can be used for cooking." The waitress explained proudly.

"so that's how it is! Are you free to pick spices and fruits from the trees? No need to pay anything?" Ben Beckman asked curiously.

"en! It's free! To be exact, all local residents living in "Utopia" can pick the fruits and spices from the trees at will." The waitress gave the answer with a smile.

"Interesting! What about the out-of-towners?" Ben Beckman asked again with great interest.

"If the outsider is limited to eating, there is also no charge. But if you want to ship it away, you need to pay the port authority according to the amount. And Mr. Alan also canceled The previous protection fee no longer has to be paid for one month's lifespan every six months as before."

The waitress was obviously quite satisfied with the policies implemented by the new ruler, and she talked about the most recent changes.

She reluctantly turned around and left until a new guest entered the restaurant.

Watching the receding back of this long-legged beauty, Ben Beckman finally couldn't help but ask his captain, "Shanks, do you feel it?"

"Ah! How could I not feel it. This guy Alan... actually intends to build a real country here! And it's a rich and powerful country!" The redhead sighed after drinking up the wine in the quilt.

"The world government and navy will never allow the emergence of a powerful country in the New World that threatens its own rule!" Ben Beckman said the seriousness of the problem.

Just when the redhead was about to say something, he suddenly saw two familiar silhouettes pushing the door open and walking in from outside the restaurant.


Most of the diners in the restaurant were subconsciously holding their breaths, and some had intense awe and fear in their eyes.

The long-legged waitress even knelt down with a plop and greeted with a trembling voice: "Ai... Mrs. Alan! Mr. Robin!"

"Don't be nervous, busy Go for it, I'm just here to meet some old friends."

After comforting the already terrified woman a little, Alan went straight to the dining table of the red-haired pirates. Said with a smile: "Thank you for helping me drive away those navies with harboring malicious intentions in previous battles."

"Hahahaha! You're welcome! In fact, I am doing my best to ensure that The New World situation will not move towards the worst direction." Shanks replied with a smile, scratching his head.

As a pirate who has no ambitions and can be called "rule-abiding" by the Five Old Stars, the last thing he wants to see is that the entire world is in chaos.

That's why in the original plot, he would actively run. On the one hand, he hoped that Whitebeard and Ace would give up their pursuit of Tickey. , to intercept Kaido's Beast Pirates to prevent further expansion of the war.

Similarly, the last thing the redhead wants to see right now is an all-out war between the Demon Pirates and the Navy.

"I know! Tell me, what's the purpose of your visit this time? Don't tell me, you're just here to have a look."

Alan sat unceremoniously Get down, pick up an empty glass and pour yourself a drink.

Since the ten-tailed Divine Tree controls all the plants in the entire Utopia, no matter who it is, as long as it goes ashore, it will be found immediately.

There have been many pirates who have entered New World before, and I want to see if I can take some advantage here.

As a result, they were all caught without exception and thrown into the mine as a coolie.

Not to mention, the red-haired pirates still entered through the port in a fair and open manner.

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