Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 591

"Hahahaha! Maybe speaking of which you don't believe me, I'm actually here to see it. By the way, I'll catch up with Hawkeye." Shanks spread his hands with a very free and easy laugh.

As a standard idler, although he is also one of the four emperors of New World, he does not like to stay in one place, and prefers to imitate Roger, the pirate king, to be a free and unconstrained freedom man of.

To a certain extent, the three talents of Roger, Shanks, and Luffy are of common origins in the true sense, adhering to the human desire to pursue free and unconstrained freedom, and to explore Courage for the unknown.

In contrast, other pirates simply compete for wealth, fame and power.

Alan chuckled and nodded: "Okay, then I wish you a good time in Utopia. In addition, if you need anything, you can come directly to the tallest tree in the center of the city to find me. "

"Thank you! I'll find you if I need it."

Speaking, Shanks raised the glass to signal, raised his head and gudonggudong All the fruit wine poured into his stomach, and then he burped with a contented face.

And Alan also drank the drink in his cup before standing up and taking Robin out of this distinctive restaurant.

Standing on the bustling street, he lifts the head and looks at the brand-new buildings around him, as well as the crowds rushing to and fro, and suddenly without looking back, he asks, "What do you think the redhead said just now? Is it the truth?"

"It's hard to say. From the information we have so far, it seems that he has a good relationship with the Navy and is almost never hunted down. The world governments have secret cooperation." Robin replied meaningfully.

"Hehe, that's right. This guy, like me, is the pirate who is the least like a pirate. But it doesn't matter! What if he is helping the world government pass information. Now we, Already have a base that can be used as a big rear, no matter what the enemy takes will not change the final result." Alan's eyes flashed rays of light with confidence.

"At present, the entire Utopia has completed the most basic regional division and construction. What do you want to do next?" Robin asked while flipping through the aerial views in his hand.

Alan responded without hesitation: "It's very simple! Build the administrative, tax and judicial system, and at the same time build a real army. Don't forget, our purpose is to give, including the revolutionary army, to All the forces that oppose the draconian world government build a model to tell them what a real country should look like."

"But we have too few people to use! And if it is built exactly as you envision, It is simply unsustainable at the current financial level." Robin pointed out the problem unceremoniously.

"There's no need to do it all in one step, build the framework first, and then fill it in slowly. The plan I gave you is just a development direction, not something that needs to be implemented immediately. Compared to this, I It is more concerned about the population. Only when the population is large enough, all this is possible. So the most important problem to be solved at this stage is how to attract immigrants faster." Alan explained casually.

As a person who has lived in modern society for a long time, of course he cannot understand the terrible cost of maintaining the modern social structure.

Why haven't most third world countries developed?

It is not because they have accepted a series of complicated and high-cost systems in the West, but there is no corresponding advanced industrial and financial system, and the result will inevitably be a tragedy.

It can even be said that if productivity has not developed to a certain level and technology has not reached a considerable level, directly copying the modern social system is equivalent to suicide.

The sheer amount of spending alone is enough to quickly bring down any regime.

But Utopia has an incomparable gigantic advantage, and that is its inexhaustible natural resources.

Under the action of the ten-tailed Divine Tree, this is the place with the highest concentration of life energy on the entire planet.

Therefore, whether it is a plant, an animal, or a school of fish in the sea, the growth and reproduction speed will be far beyond people's imagination.

And people who live here will gradually become stronger than people in other places.

Robin stroked his long black hair and said with a smile: "Please don't worry about immigration. Those past merchant ships will soon spread the wealth and security here throughout the entire world, when the time comes those war-torn civilians will definitely find ways to settle here by boat."

Alan looked thoughtful nodded: "It makes sense. I almost forgot if you didn't say it. Now, isn't there a civil war breaking out in Alabasta? Send a few large ships over there, accept as many refugees as possible, and transport them into the new inhabitants of Utopia. As long as there is sufficient labor, this place will soon become a real A paradise in the sense."

"Alabasta?" Robin's mouth twitched slightly. "BOSS! I need to remind you that the Shichibukai Crocodile still hates us."

"hmph! It doesn't matter! Just send a few people with the ship. If he dares to come and make trouble , I don't mind giving him another impressive lesson."

When talking about this remark, Alan didn't hide his contempt and disdain for Sand Crocodile at all.

Because among the many natural abilities, this guy who is not domineering at all pulls the most.

It is estimated that even Drake, Nami, and Perona, who are at the bottom of the Demon Pirates' battle strength, can easily hang this waste.

No way!

Who made Laosha not exercise well all day, just thinking about doing some dark crafty plots and machinations.

He doesn't need to think about it seriously with his brain that is worse than the gravel. What if he gets the ancient weapon Pluto with his own strength?

In the end, it's not the same as making wedding dresses for others.

"OK! Got it!"

Robin quickly recorded this matter, ready to go and implement it immediately.

Although the "Endless Abyss" sank all ships in previous battles.

But with the shipyard transferred from Cake Island, and new engineering from Alan, not only shipbuilding has been restored, but craftsmanship and efficiency have been greatly improved.

There are new boats launched almost every day, although most of them are fishing boats and brigs, but occasionally there are large ships with displacements of hundreds or even thousands of tons.

Apart from this, various basic industries such as mines, gunpowder factories, and metal smelting workshops have also been established, and small-scale attempts have been made to produce weapons such as swords, muskets, and artillery.

With full-level engineering knowledge, Alan has little effort to transform those craftsmen who originally produced weapons and ammunition for the Big Mom Pirates into engineers on the assembly line, and even provide them with Precision machine tools made of thorium and mithril.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the steampunk style of Azeroth will reappear in Utopia.

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