Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 592

As the saying goes, the beginning of everything is difficult!

Because of the previous war, Alan completely destroyed the BIG·MOM pirate group to establish a blood-related ruling system, and even carried out a bloody cleanup of the entire Charlotte family, so it is impossible to The problem of insufficient manpower was avoided.

Therefore, in the next two or three months, he basically devoted all his energy to screening talents, building a management system from scratch, and letting Utopia get rid of the primordial backwardness that is common in this world. governance model.

That's right!

In Alan's eyes, no matter whether it is a red continent under the rule of the world government, or those kingdoms that exist in the form of islands, they are not countries in the strict sense, but closer to in a joint autonomous mode.

The upper ruling class usually only occupies important cities, and provides the subordinate villages and towns with martial power protection in exchange for the other party's regular payment of taxes.

Simply put, the power of the ruling class cannot really penetrate the lower levels, and most villages and towns are often self-managed.

This aspect can be clearly seen from Alabasta, the largest and most populous country in the first half of the Great Route.

As an ancient kingdom with a standing army of 600,000 people, it couldn't even settle the civilian uprising that broke out in the local area. Instead, it was pushed into the capital by the opponent.

It is precisely because most of the villages and towns are in a state of autonomy that the rebel army in Alabasta can quickly gather together, and when the kingdom's army reacts, they have formed a sufficient scale.

Similarly, the reason why there are endless pirates in this world is also "attributed" to the extensive management model that is extremely backward in primordial.

If the rule can go deep to the bottom, will there still be so many people willing to abandon their families and children, even disregarding the life and death of their relatives and friends, just to realize their own ambitions and dreams?

The answer is obviously no!

As a saying has repeatedly emphasized, whether a country is strong or not depends first and foremost on its grassroots management and mobilization capabilities.

But now, Alan wants to solve these drawbacks from the root and build a state-building similar to modern times.

Just as he was busy little by little to make Utopia a "ideal land" for countless people yearn for something even in dreams, an unremarkable boat quietly docked at the pier.

"Inazuma, are you sure it's wise for us to approach that man?" asked a young woman with short purple hair and red all over her body.

She is none other than Belo Beatty, the commander of the "Eastern Army" of the revolutionary army, and she is also a person who can inspire fruit.

"I don't know! I just conveyed his words intact, that's all." Inazuma responded in a low voice with a lingering fear in her eyes.

The "lightning" of the revolutionary army will never forget the bloody scene where Alan pierced dozens of pirates with a large number of tentacles in the Palace of Dressrosa Kingdom, and it still affects him to this day. The terrifying Illusion Technique with your own brain.

"Damn! I hate this kind of meeting full of uncertainty." Betty complained while holding her forehead.

"Relax, there's no need to be so nervous, at least from what he's doing, he shouldn't be our enemy." Monkey D. Long smiled comforted.

At this moment, the man known as the most dangerous man in the world is wearing a hood, hiding his recognizable face, and his eyes are shining with deep rays of light.

In fact, he has been paying attention to Alan who suddenly appeared out of thin air since a long time ago.

Especially a while ago, the Demon Pirates destroyed the Demon Slayer fleet, captured the Chambord Islands under the eyes of the world government, and then leaped over Holy Land Mariejoa and a series of actions to make him aware The other party is also a person who has no affection or fear of the world government.

This also means that both parties have a basis for cooperation.

In addition, Inazuma brought back Alan's original words, so Long decided to take a huge risk and try to get in touch to see if he could reach some cooperation intentions.

At the same time, on the special street in the port area full of scantily clad women, a blond woman wearing a white lady's hat and a small white shawl clearly noticed the group just now. A revolutionary army ashore.

"Monkey D. Dragon?! How could he be here?" Stuthy's pupils suddenly enlarged.

As the queen of Dark World Happy Street and one of the important members of the draconian spy agency CP0, she is naturally impossible not to know the threat that this world government most wants to eradicate.

In fact, the reason why she appeared here is to secretly observe the real situation of Utopia in the name of expanding her business.

But absolutely didn't expect, and unexpectedly bumped into the arrival of the high-level revolutionary army.

For a while, this old woman who had lived for many years immediately thought of many possibilities.

It's a pity that she is not a fool, she understands how far she is from Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, so she didn't approach her rashly, for fear of being accidentally noticed by the other party.


On the other side, far from the top of the giant tree in the center of this port city, Alan has already seen everything that happened near the dock through the ten-tailed Divine Tree. He pursed his lips and teased with a smile: "CP0, the highest intelligence agency under the orders of the draconian and the world government, X Drake, who obeyed the orders of the high-ranking navy, and the arrival of the revolutionary army, we are really getting more and more lively here. It's over."

"Boss, do you want to secretly get rid of these spies?" Kalifa gently raised her eyes and asked coldly.

Alan shook the head gently: "No, no need. Because what I want to build is not a closed-off country, like Wano, but a prosperous and prosperous country with prosperous trade. So I will Inevitably there will be all kinds of spies infiltrating. But they will never know that their every move is under my watch."

"Just monitoring? Know about Lendaufrance Brother Guys like Ming dare to secretly establish a stronghold near our port." Kalifa subconsciously frowned.

Obviously, these mischievous guys made her feel very uncomfortable.

In addition to her previous experience of being thrown away by the world government ruthless as garbage, she desperately wanted to give each other some color.

Don't underestimate a woman's revenge mentality.

Among all the former CP9 agents who joined the Demon Pirates, Kalifa is the only one who has shown unabashed hatred for the world government.

At the same time, she also took advantage of her position as a female secretary to instigate Alan to attack the little Island Lords controlled by the navy in the surrounding areas, and completely expel the forces of the world government.

"Hehe! Remember, they exist because of my acquiescence, not how well these guys hide. Now, go and entertain Long and his fellow Revolutionaries for me, By the way, take them to visit the shipyard and metal smelting workshop."

After saying that, Alan suddenly flashed a strange rays of light in his eyes, and waved his hand without looking back.

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