Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 593

After Kalifa stepped on her seven-inch high heels and left, Alan suddenly activated Spatial Teleportation without warning and disappeared directly from the spot.

The next second...

He appeared directly inside a wooden sailboat.

Through the dim light of the cabin, you can vaguely see a person lying in a pool of blood, while another person next to him is eating a certain dark devil fruit, and every now and then it will emit a burst of Chilling laughter.

You don't need to ask to know that the former is Saatchi, the Captain and Chef of the Fourth Division of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The latter has been lurking on this ship for more than 20 years, just to get the blackbeard of his favorite dark fruit - Marshall D. Teach.

"The thief hahaha! Sorry Saatchi Captain, I actually like you a lot, and the cherry pie you made by yourself. But unfortunately, the dark fruit is something I want to get anyway. , so as long as you are wronged, you will die."

At this moment, Tickey finally tore off his disguise and revealed the truest side of his heart.

But he didn't know that he had already been marked with the Flying Thunder God's technique, and he didn't even know that there was a person hiding in the dark to observe silently.

【Aren't you going to capture the powerful devil fruit that is suspected to have the ability to create and control black holes? ]

Verna Lazas asked through the unique spiritual link between the two.

[Of course to seize, but not now. Because Titch has not completed the mission that history has given him. ]

Alan gave an explanation with a deadpan expression.

As a transmigrator who knows the future, he understands the importance of Blackbeard Titch better than anyone in this world.

It can even be said that this guy and the protagonist Luffy are like two sides of a coin, and they are one of the main lines running through the plot.

It's just that the former is a bright line, while the latter is a dark line.

Especially the top war caused by Titch himself can almost be said to be a turning point to change the direction of the world, and it is also the best opportunity to attack the prestige of the world government.

[In that case, just wait. ]

Verna Lazas showed a rather regretful expression on her face.

After all, she is very interested in Tiki's special physique that can hold two Devil Fruits.

Once the devouring is complete, you and Alan can eat the second Devil Fruit.

In this way, one man one dragon completely hides its aura, watching Blackbeard escape the murder scene, and embark on his own adventure with endless ambition.

Next, he will face the pursuit of the entire Whitebeard Pirates.

Especially from the second team Captain - Portgas D. Ace's pursuit.

If he can't fully grasp the power of the Dark Fruit before being caught up, then what awaits him will be the shattering of his dreams and ambitions, as well as the execution of the ruthless.

You must know that the Whitebeard Pirates have an iron rule that no one can violate, and that is to hurt their companions.


At the same time, the top leaders of the revolutionary army in Utopia, under the leadership of Kalifa, entered the secret area at the core of this new country.

Watching the incomparable gigantic tongs in front of me pour a furnace of crimson's molten iron into the mold, and then through the unknown mechanical transmission, it is turned into various weapons, farm implements and parts, Everyone felt an unprecedented shock.

Because these factories are far beyond the limit they can imagine in terms of scale and output.

"This...this is your metal smelting workshop?!" Betty, the commander of the "East Army", opened his mouth in surprise.

"That's right! This is our metal smelting workshop. According to BOSS's design, it will eventually become a monthly output of 350 guns, 4,400 high-precision guns, and a large number of A super arsenal of swords, shells and bullets. And a few kilometers away, we have a matching gunpowder production line, which can arm a huge army in an instant. Of course, there is still a long way to go to this goal, but also Achieving almost one third of production."

Kalifah introduced in a very proud tone.

It is also this terrifying production capacity that gives her the confidence to dare to confront the world government head-on.

"hahahaha! So...can these weapons be sold to us?" Long laughed probed.

"Yes! As long as you can afford it, we can even build a huge fleet for you that is no less than the size of the Navy Demon Slayer Order." Kalifa gave a positive answer without thinking.

When Long heard this sentence, he immediately understood the subtext, and his eyes immediately flashed a bright color: "That is to say, the sea demon Alan actually supports us to overthrow the world government, right? "

"Sorry, I don't have the right to answer this question, you can talk to the boss in person later." Kalifa meaningfully laughed.

"Understood! Thank you!"

Long also pursed the corners of his mouth with a playful expression.

Not to mention the fact that he can buy weapons without limit, it is worthwhile for him to take a huge risk to come all the way.

As the only rebel who threatened the very foundations of draconian rule, the Revolutionary Army was arguably the most oppressed of all forces.

The Five Old Stars would rather ignore those pirates who offered a reward of over 100 million, and would not let go of any revolutionary army cadre.

So they have been in a state of lacking everything, especially weapons and equipment.

Now getting a stable supply channel is almost like a pie suddenly falling from the sky.

"Don't thank me, because I'm just following the boss's orders. Come with me, I'm sure there's a lot of things you'll be interested in later."

After that, Carly Fa took these senior leaders of the revolutionary army into the assembly workshop filled with steampunk style next door.

Different from the strong sensory impact of iron and fire intertwined just now, here is densely packed with various parts made of metal, as well as huge humanoid machines that have been assembled.

Although the structure looks a little rudimentary, the muzzles, muzzles, and extremely sharp claws in the hands all prove that they are absolutely terrifying killing machines on the battlefield.

Two of them have been activated and are being debugged by engineers.

Before the dragon came back to his senses from the shock, one of the robots fired a thick cannon hanging from his shoulder and fired a shot at a distant target without the slightest hesitation cannonballs.

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! !

The violent explosion directly turned a radius of ten meters into a fire sea.

Not to mention the wooden targets, even the ground and walls were severely damaged by the violent explosion, and there was a concave pit in the center.

"Please allow me to introduce to you the first automatic combat puppet that was designed by BOSS and can be mass-produced - X1!"

Kalifa was obviously satisfied with the appearance of the other party's face The shocked expression came out, and there was a hint of pride in his tone.

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