Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 594

There is no doubt that the automatic combat puppet - X1 is based on the engineering technology of the guardian puppet of Westfall, combined with the understanding of humanoid warfare weapons, and then the final result.

It is not like the "Endless Abyss", which uses precious materials produced in a large number of copies, but is designed according to the idea of mass standardized production, fully complying with the characteristics of cheapness, simplicity and solidity.

Except for the core components that must be provided by Alan, the rest can be replaced by steel produced by this world.

It can be said that the PX pacifist program, which is being studied by the Navy, has just taken two diametrically opposite routes.

Since Shichibukai, Basolomi Xiong, who participated in the plan, was actually a cadre of the Revolutionary Army in secret, so Long clearly knew very well what it meant once these war machines took shape.

When the visit was over and all the senior leaders of the revolutionary army were taken to the living room by Kalifa, he took the initiative to ask Betty, "How do you feel?"

The latter pondered a little. After a moment, he replied immediately: "Obviously! That guy is not just as simple as wanting to be a pirate emperor."

"Agreed! Maybe...he has the same goal as us, that is to overthrow This world government ruled by the rotten draconian." Imazuna also expressed her opinion.

After all, the pirates would not take the initiative to contact the revolutionary army, nor would they go to great lengths to build a complete set of military factories that can mass-produce various weapons and even automatically fight puppets.

even more how, Alan doesn't act like a pirate at all.

"Yes! It seems that this time is right. If we can successfully conclude the alliance, then our revolutionary army will have a strong and stable ally in the New World, and we will be one step away from reaching the lofty revolutionary ideal. A big step forward." Long touched the chin analyzed.

Just when he was about to say something, the door to the living room was suddenly pushed open.

Alan, who walked in from the outside, opened his arms and said with a smile to the senior leaders of the revolutionary army in front of him: "Welcome! Welcome to your arrival! Especially you, the revolutionary - Monchi D. Long."

"First of all, please allow me to thank you for releasing our important compatriots in the revolutionary army." Long hurriedly stood up from the sofa and responded enthusiastically.

"You're welcome! I just want to convey a kindness in this way. Let's end the compliments that are not nutritious. I don't think you came here to express gratitude. It's for a more important collaboration, isn't it?"

As he spoke, Alan raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In less than a few seconds, Kalifa walked in with a tray, and her skilled movements poured a cup of steaming black tea for everyone.

Dragon unceremoniously took a sip, felt the aroma on the tip of his tongue, then put down the teacup and asked blunt: "Why do you want to help us? Or do you want to overthrow the world government? What do I get in the process?"

"I always want only one thing, that is Devil Fruits. As long as you promise to overthrow the world government, you will hand over all the Devil Fruits in the hands of the revolutionary army, then I will Will give you maximum support." Alan tapped the table lightly replied.

"Devil Fruit?"

Long was stunned for a moment, but he quickly thought of the peculiar abilities possessed by the other party, and immediately showed a looked thoughtful expression.

About two 3 minutes later, he suddenly laughed and shook the head: "No! No! That's not your real motive, at least not all."

"Hahahaha! He is a man who can make the world government and the Five Old Stars feel a headache, but is helpless. That's right! In addition to collecting Devil Fruits, I actually feel for the corrupt, ugly, depraved, and stupid draconians in Holy Land Maryjoa. Disgusting, I want to send them all to hell."

Alan pursed his lips into a devilish smile.

At this moment, he did not hide his naked malice towards the draconian at all.

And this kind of maliciousness, under the reinforcement of life energy, instantly made everyone in the room feel the terrifying pressure that words could not describe.

Not to mention these senior leaders of the revolutionary army, even Kalifa, who also mastered life energy, couldn't help shivering, and a lot of sweat appeared on his forehead.


This strong malice comes and goes faster.

When everything went back to normal, Alan's face showed the smile of harmless to humans and animals again: "How about this, is this reason enough?"

"Of course! Enough!" The dragon was clearly sighed in relief.

Although he didn't know exactly why Alan had such a strong hostility towards the draconian, the terrifying malice just now was absolutely real, without any false ingredients.

"Very good! Now that we have earned each other's trust, let's talk about specific cooperation matters." Alan took a document from Kalifa, which was still on the table. "Look at it, this is an action plan that I have been busy with recently. If you have any more comments, please put it up."

"Wait! You made it for us An action plan?" Betty's voice suddenly raised an octave.

This young female army commander couldn't believe it in his dreams, but this guy in front of him had the courage to point fingers at things inside the revolutionary army when he met for the first time.


"Why, can't I? I suggest you read it before commenting." Alan moved the document forward again.

Long raised his hand to interrupt Betty who wanted to get angry, picked up the document and looked at it very seriously.

Soon, his originally unconcerned expression suddenly became more and more serious, and when he finished reading the last page, he immediately lifted the head and asked, "Are you sure that Alabasta is a suitable place to start a revolution? place?"

"Yes! According to the information I have obtained, this country has come to the brink of collapse under the conspiracy planned by the sand crocodile Crocodile. With a little manipulation, the rebel army can be destroyed. Transform into a revolutionary army, and then overthrow the royal family and establish a new government."

Alan took a sip of black tea from the cup and explained meaningfully.

"But I heard that the current king of Alabasta, Cobra, is a good king who is very considerate to others and has been loved by the people." Betty frowned raised an objection.

"Good king? he he he he..." Alan couldn't help laughing.

"Damn! What are you laughing at?" Betty was clearly flying into a rage out of humiliation.

"Naive! I didn't expect someone like you to become the commander of the revolutionary army. I'm so disappointed."

Alan's tone was slightly disdainful.

"What do you think a revolution is? Is it a game for a child to play a family game? It's actually good or bad? Don't be stupid! Revolution is the process of overthrowing the existing regime through violence, and it is the resistance of the rebels to the corrupt rule. The complete liquidation of classes is the ultimate goal that can only be achieved through a lot of bloodshed and sacrifice, and it is also a way of redistributing social resources and wealth. It does not distinguish between good and bad, and there is no right or wrong, but social contradictions accumulate to a certain extent It is an inevitable phenomenon caused by the post-outbreak. If you don’t even understand this point, I suggest that you better not talk about the word revolution.”

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