Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 595


Alan's remarks about the revolution, or the definition, made the high-level revolutionary army present instantly have a strong shock that could not be described in words.

Especially Monkey D. Long, with rays of light of excitement and excitement flashing in his eyes.

You must know that the current revolutionary army is just a group of rebels who are seriously dissatisfied with the draconian and world governments. They don't even have a specific ideology and program of action. , liberate slaves, and develop base areas.

They don't even know how to overthrow the powerful world government, let alone what kind of new regime they want to establish after overthrowing the draconian rule.

According to the standards on Earth, this can only be regarded as an uprising at best, which is millions of miles apart from the word revolution.

Even the final fluke is just a cliché ending of Dragon Slayer becoming a dragon.

After a brief silence, Long was the first to break the silence and asked in a slightly low voice, "So, in your opinion, what exactly is our revolution going to do?"

"It's very simple! First of all, make sure that it is the class that your revolution represents." Alan blunt gave the answer.


Long, apparently hearing this extremely unfamiliar word for the first time, frowned subconsciously.

"Yes! You can understand it as an interest group. That is, whether your revolutionary army is more inclined to establish a regime that benefits the poorest at the bottom, or a regime that benefits the wealthy merchant class , or change everything, just overthrow the draconian rule of heaven, and then copy their system to make himself a new draconian."

When talking about this remark, Alan used a meaningful look in his eyes. Sweep through every high-level revolutionary army present.

Everyone is selfish.

He wants to know now, how many of these brave people here who dare to stand up and try to overthrow the world government will finally be able to hold on to their pure and lofty ideals to the end and not be influenced by power, wealth and beauty. corrosion.

Facing this question that pointed directly to the core, Long's face suddenly became solemn.

Because the founder and supreme leader of the revolutionary army has realized that this will be an important choice to determine where the revolutionary army will go in the future.

In contrast, Betty, who didn't understand the deep meaning of it, couldn't help but ask: "Why must must have a tendency? Isn't it good for everyone to live together in peace and happiness? "

"Everyone lives together in peace and happiness? Hahahaha! Oh my God! If the cadres of the revolutionary army are of your level, I am afraid that it will never be possible to overthrow the draconian rule in a lifetime." Remember, because resources are limited, there will inevitably be fights where there are people. If you want to protect the interests of the commoners, you will inevitably touch the interests of merchants and nobles. The same reason, if you want to protect the interests of merchants, It will certainly offend the other two interest groups. In this world, there is never a way to have the best of both worlds. In the end, the first and the mouse will only end up with both sides."

Alan laughed and taught the other party a lesson. .

Especially, One Piece world is still in the semi-feudal era, and the power is still in the hands of the nobles.

So now the revolutionary army has two options, one is to unite the rich but no rights and social status of the merchant class to launch a capitalist revolution, and the other is to unite the civilians and slaves who cannot survive , to launch a proletarian revolution.

The advantage of the former is that a large amount of financial assistance can be obtained in a short period of time, but the disadvantage is that businessmen will definitely not do business at a loss, and will naturally make various demands.

The advantage of the latter is that the foundation is solid, and civilians and slaves who cannot survive have no choice at all. Only by joining the revolutionary army and overthrowing the rule of the nobles can they gain the right to survive, but the disadvantage is that they lack everything. , just feeding these mouths will take a lot of effort.

Dragon has been running around the world more than ten years ago, so he is very clear that every word the other side says is the truth.

After repeated hesitation and thinking, he made a very surprising decision, lifts the head and asked with a smile: "Are you interested in joining the revolutionary army to lead us to accomplish this great cause? "

"Sorry, not interested." Alan flatly declined.

“en? Why? You clearly…”

Before Long finished speaking, Alan interrupted impatiently: “Although I know better than you what is Revolution, but have no interest in joining it. In fact, I don't care what you're going to turn this world into, I just want to do two things. One is to collect Devil Fruits, and the other is to make Disgusting draconian kill them all."

"Okay, I see. That being the case, let's go back to the original topic and talk about cooperation and alliances."

After realizing that Alan was not the same as him, Long immediately gave up the idea that had just emerged.

Soon, the two sides reached an agreement on the procurement of weapons, ships and the establishment of strongholds.

apart from this, the revolutionary army also humbly asked Alan for a lot of theoretical knowledge about the revolution, and decided to go to Alabasta to get in touch with the rebels there, and strive to make the first half of this great route. The largest and largest ancient kingdoms become their bases.

As for the royal family Nafirutari, the dragon took Alan's suggestion and planned to put it under house arrest first and continue to be the supreme ruler on the surface to paralyze the world government to get more preparations for itself time.

After they left the boat with the first batch of weapons for free assistance, Kalifa immediately probed cautiously: "Boss, why didn't you accept the dragon's invitation just now? You know that you just wanted nodded, immediately You can become the supreme leader of the revolutionary army."

Alan smiled and looked the head: "Because that kind of heavy responsibility is not what I want, nor should I, an outsider, bear it. By the way. , most recently, didn't Crocodile have trouble with our boats carrying refugees?"

"No! It's all going very well. We've brought back almost 16,000 from Alabasta so far. Thousands of people have been placed properly. According to your instructions, all craftsmen have been trained and sent to the metal smelting workshop." Kalifa instantly reported a series of data.

As one of the left and right hands assisting Alan in handling complex government affairs, she is now one of the two most secretive people in almost the entire Utopia.

And the other, of course, is Nicole Robin.

The former is mainly responsible for internal affairs and production, while the latter is responsible for screening management talents and recruiting an elite army.

At present, this army, which belongs to Utopia instead of Demon Pirates, has nearly 2,000 people, and each of them has been granted life energy, six styles and domineering cultivation methods.

Thanks to Charlotte Lingling, there are all races in this world except giants and dragons in the former kingdom of nations.

In addition to the continuously mixed blood, there are many youngsters with infinite potential in the New Generation.

Now, these youngsters with great potential have been recruited after strict screening and turned into a True King card in Alan's hand.

The guys who perform well will also receive rewards such as devil fruits, magic potions and weapons and equipment, both morale and loyalty are very guaranteed.

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