Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 596

Time flies, and months pass by unconsciously.

Since they won the summit battle that shocked the entire world in early January 1520, Alan and the demon pirates he led have gradually faded out of sight.

It seems that after becoming one of the four emperors of the New World, he is satisfied with the status quo and settles down to develop and build Utopia, his own country, without making any outrageous actions.

Of course, for the world government and navy, this is exactly what they want to see.

It even took the initiative to cancel some secret operations that were originally planned.

As if overnight, the turbulent situation became quiet again.

But only the top leaders of the revolutionary army know that in the most secret places of Utopia, a large number of weapons and ammunition and X1-type automatic combat puppets are being produced at an unimaginable speed, and then piled up in unknown warehouses .

There are more than 20,000 artisans who have participated in the event alone, and if you include family members, it is approaching the 100,000 mark.

This is almost one-twentieth of the entire population of Utopia.

As soon as the need arises, an army large enough to shake the world government can be armed.

As time came to May, Alan, who had been in the house for more than four months, finally became quiet and thoughtful, and directly delegated the power in his hands to Robin and Kalifa, two capable female secretaries. He took Dora, Nami, Perona and Hawkeye on a small wooden sailboat and left New World quietly.

You don't need to ask to know that the destination of his journey is the Eastern Sea.

To be precise, I want to meet Luffy as the protagonist, as well as those familiar characters in the plot, and harvest a few devil fruits that interest me.

Because the "Endless Abyss" that has been docked in the port has not moved, neither the world government nor the navy has noticed something wrong.

As for X. Drake, the spy, he was sent to protect the ships that transported refugees a long time ago, and he never came into contact with the real core secrets.

"Why do you suddenly want to go to the weakest Eastern Sea?"

Hawkeye asked curiously while drinking his favorite red wine while standing on the deck.

"The weakest? Do you think Eastern Sea, which has produced Roger the Pirate King, the naval hero Karp, the revolutionary Dragon, Fire Fist Ace, and the Peak sniper Jesus Bu, is really weak?" Alan asked with a smile. road.

In his opinion, the best word to describe Eastern Sea is not "weak", but severe polarization.

The strength of the powerhouse will directly enter the first echelon of the entire world, but the weak are not even qualified to enter the great route.

"You should understand, I mean the average bounty!" Hawkeye added angrily.

"Well, according to the average bounty, Eastern Sea is indeed the weakest Sea Territory. But don't you forget why Shanks lost an arm in Eastern Sea in the first place? What he said What do you mean by hope and the future?" Alan had a playful look on his face.

Hawkeye instantly thought of something, and immediately asked in an uncertain tone, "Could it be that the kid who said the same thing as Roger, the Pirate King, has finally gone to sea?"

" hahahaha! That's right! His name is Monkey D. Luffy! Son of the revolutionary Dragon, grandson of the naval hero Garp, brother of Fire Fist Ace and Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army Sabo. How about hearing this Did you feel shocked after that?" Alan laughed and opened the mystery.

I have to say, this family is really amazing.

Karp is an out-and-out high-ranking navy officer who has almost devoted his life to the justice he upholds in his heart, but he has a close relationship with many pirates in private, even before the death of the pirate king Roger. He entrusted his unborn child to him.

But such a father has educated his son, the revolutionary dragon, who vowed to overthrow the world government and the draconian rule.

As for the grandson, he was led by the red-haired Shanks, and he dreamed of being a pirate since he was a child.

Three generations have chosen three completely different life paths.

Even each other or enemy!

"Interesting! Let's just say that, I really want to see what's special about him." After drinking, the curious rays of light flickered in his eyes.

"Trust me, he won't let you down," Alan solemnly vowed assured.

Because all the people who meet Luffy for the first time will either be attracted by his simplicity and persistence, or will be confused by the nonsensical teasing behavior that doesn't know whether to cry or laugh.

No matter what kind of eagle eye belongs to, you will never be disappointed...

Just as the deck was quiet again, Dora, who had been sitting on the bow of the boat, suddenly stood up. He got up, pointed to the distance and shouted: "Look! There is a strange raft ahead, and there seem to be people on it."

"The raft?"

Alan immediately squinted Looking in the direction of the female Swordsman's finger, she saw a raft that was drifting with the current.

Just as he raised the telescope to confirm the situation, a silhouette suddenly stood up from the raft, aimed at this side and suddenly released a large cloud of unknown black substance.


A powerful suction force pulled the entire ship over.

"Damn! What's going on?"

Nami, who was at the helm, rushed out, with a shocked expression all over her face.

"Don't be nervous, just happened to meet an acquaintance." Alan smiled comforted.

He undoubtedly recognized that this power was 100% from Blackbeard who ate the Dark Fruit, so the person on the raft was no surprise, it must be Marshall D. Teach.

Sure enough!

When the distance between the boat and the raft was close enough, a familiar and harsh laughter finally came.

"The thief hahahaha! I finally met the boat! I thought I was going to die of starvation and thirst in the sea."

tone barely fell!

The wild ambition fell from the sky, fiercely hitting the deck like a shot put.

After him, there are several familiar silhouettes.

They are "Devil Sheriff" Lafayette, "Doctor Death God" Poison Q, "Fighting Champion" Gizas Badgers, and "Sniper" Gizas Badgers.

But unfortunately, this hearty and arrogant laughter didn't last too long.

After Blackbeard Titch saw the people standing on the deck clearly, the smile on his face suddenly solidified, and all the voices stopped abruptly.

Be quiet!

Very, very quiet!

After a full minute, Alan was the first to break the silence and waved his hand very playfully: "Yo! long time no see, Titch. I heard that you killed Saatchi, and now you are being killed. Is it true that the Bearded Pirates are hunting down?"

"Aiya, this is really unfortunate, we actually encountered Alan, one of the four emperors, the sea demon." Lafitte gently supported Raising his hat, he subconsciously clenched the sword in his hand.

At the same time, several other people reacted similarly, posing as if they were ready to fight to the death.

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