Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 598

Crossing the first half of the Great Route, and then flying over Upside Down Mountain, Alan came to the Eastern Sea safely aboard the brig.

Looking at the town of Rogge, which is famous in the world because of One Piece, not far ahead, he immediately smiled and sighed slightly: "It's still the same here, it hasn't changed at all."

"Yeah! It's been twenty years." Hawkeye also rarely showed a trace of nostalgia.

After all, he was there when Roger was publicly executed, and he witnessed the other party laughing and saying that famous sentence before his death, which started an era of rampage belonging to pirates.

"Let's go, let's go check out the news and see what's going on with that interesting little fellow."

Speaking, Alan gave the helm who was at the helm. Nami winked.

The latter immediately adjusted its course and headed straight into the berth in the port of Rogue Town.

Because they didn't fly the pirate flag, and they didn't seem to be many, they didn't arouse the vigilance of the local navy at all.

One of the sergeants was even very enthusiastic about introducing the local specialties and tourist attractions to the innocent and lovely Nami...

Mi There is no doubt that this guy sees the Four Emperors of the New World as a group of tourists.

It has to be said that the Eastern Sea is so peaceful that people basically don't have any serious crisis.

Be aware that this situation is almost impossible to happen in the second half of the Great Route.

Because for the people living there, remembering the flag and main members of the Four Emperors Pirates is an almost essential survival skill.

Otherwise, once you accidentally provoke the other party, not only will you be unlucky, but all your relatives and friends will be unlucky along with them.

You have to pay a lot of tribute in exchange for forgiveness, or even completely destroy the entire island.

"Where are we going now?" Dora asked, glancing at the busy crowd around her.

"I'm going to the local tavern to inquire about news. As for you, disband in place, do whatever you want." Alan shrugged made arrangements with a relaxed look.

Anyway, Smog, who is in charge of the security of Rogue Town, is still just a small character like a trash fish. Although he has the ability of natural smoke fruit, no matter whether it is body refinement or the development of devil fruit Far from it.

In addition, it will not be domineering, and it will not be a threat to anyone present.

On the contrary!

If they really meet, it is estimated that even the weakest Perona and Nami can press him to the ground and rub him hundreds of times.

Just like that, a group of five people went their separate ways with banknotes.

Among them, Nami and Perona rushed to the shopping street as always, and began to purchase the fashionable and beautiful clothes, shoes and jewelry.

Even though they already have a whole room of similar items, many of which have never been worn once after buying them back, they still enjoy it.

Hawkeye went to the execution stand alone, wanting to take another look at the place where Roger the Pirate King died.

In contrast, Dora, who was mature and quiet, chose to stay on the boat and continued to figure out how to make her swing faster, so fast that no one could react.

Only Alan walked into the darkest alley in Rogge Town, and there was basically no pedestrians in sight, completely ignoring the eyes of harboring malicious intentions in the buildings on both sides.

When passing by a pub with a strange signboard, he suddenly stopped, pushed the door open and walked in.


Accompanied by the sound of the wooden door colliding, a dozen people sitting in the tavern all stopped what they were doing, all lifts the head and stared straight at the unfathomable mystery intruder in front of them. .

"Get out! This is not where you should be." A green-haired guy raised his hand and pointed out with a very arrogant attitude.

"Hehe, I'll give you a chance to reorganize the language." Alan pursed his lips into a dangerous smile.

Because he has already recognized that the other party is none other than the leader of the local gang, Bartolomeo, who is also the ability to block fruit.

In the not too distant future, this guy will be drawn to Luffy's melodrama and become a complete fanboy.

Actually, Alan came here just to find out about the most recent events in the Eastern Sea from the local gangsters.

After all, in addition to the navy, these local tyrants are the most well-informed.

But didn't expect to catch a big fish by accident.

"Damn! Are you deaf, didn't you hear what the boss said?"

Before Bartolomeo could respond, a similar thug was standing next to him. Characters like that stood up from their chairs, squeezing their knuckles.

Only the next second...

pa! ! ! ! ! !

A dazzling electric light shot from Alan's fingertips in an instant, fiercely slapped his body.

In less than a second, a stench of incontinence mixed with the pungent burnt smell immediately filled the surrounding air.

This smart idiot, his entire body turned into a black purple, fell to the ground convulsively.

For a moment, everyone present was stunned.

Bartolomeo immediately used his ability to create a barrier in front of him.

Feeling the flickering fear in the eyes of these people, Alan fiddled with the electric light that was still beating on his fingertips, and said meaningfully: "I hate being interrupted when I talk, and I hate being uneducated. And the export is dirty garbage. So next time you open your mouth, please use your brains to think carefully."

"You... who are you?"

A drop of sweat lay down Bartolomeo's cheek.

He could swear he had never seen such a terrifying attack.

There is not even time to react. When the electric light shoots out, people are already finished.

"Sorry, you don't have the right to ask questions right now, only the right to answer. First, tell me all the important events that happened most recently in the Eastern Sea. Second, I'm currently looking for a guy named Straw Hat Luffy person, give me the exact location of his recent appearance. Remember, don't play tricks. One last reminder, your barrier can't protect anyone, and I want to break it as easily as eating and drinking."

Alan's tone was unabashedly menacing.

He won't show any mercy towards these gangsters with many evildoings, let alone ignore the fact that Bartolomeo once showed the character of value emotion and value friendship in the original plot. He is the gang leader who rules over one hundred and fifty towns, and is so ruthless that he can attack towns and civilians recklessly.

In fact, the main characters who appear in the entire One Piece work from beginning to end, if measured according to the morality and laws of modern society, it is estimated that except for a very few, the rest of the people are all good enough to be executed for treason of.

So when killing each other, Alan will not have any psychological burden.

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