Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 599

"Boss...what are we going to do?" a gang member asked in a low voice cautiously.

Apparently, this guy doesn't believe Alan's lightning bolts can pass through the barrier.

Because Bartolomeo has proved more than once, his Devil Fruit ability can't be broken by anything, even if he is hit by a shell from a naval gun, there will not be even a little bit of it. crack.

"Shut up!"

Bartolomeo fiercely glared at his younger brother, then grinned and asked grimly: "You are also the ability of the devil fruit. Is that right?"

"Well, that's right. You really want to try, can your barrier stop me?" Alan smiled playfully and glanced at me. I saw through the other person's thoughts.

After all, the barrier made by the barrier fruit is basically impossible to break by external force, so it is easy to give people the illusion of being almost invincible.

But in fact, this ability just looks more powerful, but there are actually many ways to bypass the barrier and directly attack the people behind.

"hehehehe! How would you know if you don't try it! Shock the barrier!"

Bartolomeo immediately threw a right fist without saying a word, knocking a piece of the barrier that was just created. Push straight up ahead.

Attempt to use this high-speed collision method to kill the terrifying enemy in front of you.

But unfortunately, just when he was full of hope and wanted to see his opponent being knocked out, he suddenly found that the mobile barrier he had created had actually passed through the target's body and brought a A large arc of dazzling silver lightning.

" is this possible!"

Bartolomeo, who has been growing up in the Eastern Sea, obviously encountered this situation for the first time, and the whole person fell into a sluggish moment. state, it is impossible to understand what is going on at all.

But Alan didn't rush to fight back, but pretended to be kind and said: "You must not understand why your abilities fail, right? In fact, this is called elementalization, and it is the strongest demon. Fruit - the unique power of nature, can nullify all physical attacks. So all your attacks now are meaningless to me."


Bartolomeo's face changed instantly when he heard this explanation, and he immediately pulled out a pistol and pulled the trigger.


With the crisp sound of gunfire and fire, a lead bullet pierced through Alan's elemental body and embedded itself directly into the bar's door.

"It seems that you don't intend to cherish the opportunity I gave you. If that's the case... then please die."

With the last word blurted out, Alanized A ball of electric light instantly illuminated the entire bar.

No one knows what happened in the next second, only the screams of have one's hair stand on end can be heard.

But when the electric light completely dimmed, Bartolomeo and his men had fallen to the ground as a charred corpse.

"That's right! I got another Devil Fruit that has quite a lot of potential for development. Maybe I can consider letting Lubbers II eat it."

Alan fiddled with his hands The fruit with the peculiar pattern showed a satisfied smile on his face.

As for his other hand, he was holding several balls of white translucent substances.

Obviously, these unknown substances that only he can see are actually the souls extracted from the opponent's body during the killing process.

As the current ability user of Soul Soul Fruit, Alan has embarked on a route that is completely different from that of nuns and aunts in terms of ability development.

That is to bypass all defenses, directly attack the soul, or even directly extract the soul from the body.

Charlotte Lingling's soul spell, soul deterrence, also belongs to this category in essence.

But Alan conducted more in-depth research and attempts on this basis, so he bluntly said that the barrier created by the barrier fruit could not stop him at all.

When the soul is drawn out, the barrier created by Bartolomeo will collapse immediately, and then he and all the people hiding behind the barrier will be electrocuted to coke alive.

Just when Alan was about to put away the Devil Fruit, a white smoke suddenly poured in from outside.

Following, a fist wrapped in smoke suddenly fell fiercely.

"White Fist!"

No surprises!

This fist went straight through Alan's body and slammed into the wine cabinet at the back bar, smashing a lot of glass bottles full of wine.

"Hehe, White Hunter Smoker, can I understand that this is the navy declaring war on me?" Alan turned around and asked with a faint smile.

"Alan the sea devil! How could a Pirate Emperor like you suddenly appear in the Eastern Sea?"

Smog's face changed suddenly after seeing the other party's face clearly Extraordinarily ugly.

He couldn't believe in his dreams that this monster, which gave both the Navy headquarters and the world government a headache, would appear in the town of Rogge under his jurisdiction.

"What do I want to do, do I still need to inform your navy?"

Alan put away the barrier fruit, then opened a bottle of soda, and gave it to himself without anyone else Poured a glass.

This kind of naked and undisguised contempt made Smoker, who is unruly, angry, but there was nothing he could do, only gnashing teeth asked loudly: "What on earth did you come to Eastern Sea for? The purpose?"

Alan raised his head and drank the soda in the glass, and replied casually: "No special purpose, just come back and see. Even more how, even if I really want to Do you think you have the ability to stop the Eastern Sea from doing something?"


Smog bit the cigar in his mouth, his eyes full of unwillingness with anger.

As a student of the former General "Iron Fist" Zefa of the Navy Headquarters, he obviously knows very well that with his current strength, it is impossible to pose even the slightest threat to Alan.

Don't say it's a threat, I'm afraid even touching the corner of the other party's shirt is an impossible thing to do.

"Okay, don't put on a bad face, you should know that I never do anything on civilians, and I never loot merchant ships and attack towns. If you don't mind, tell me about straw hats Luffy's whereabouts?"

Alan took out another glass and poured a glass of wine for the white hunter, posing as harmless to humans and animals.

Because he knew that the guy in front of him, like Aokiji, was one of the very few people in the navy who still adhered to the "bottom line of justice" and was not strictly an enemy.

"Straw Hat Luffy?"

Smog became vigilant when he heard these words: "Why are you asking about this? Could it be that you want to recruit him? "

Alan smiled and shook the head: "To recruit? No! I just wanted to see what the man who was clamoring to be One Piece all day looked like."

"Haha One Piece?"

Smog was instantly stunned.

He simply can't connect a small character who has just debuted and has not even offered a bounty yet with the title of One Piece, which countless people have struggled for all their lives.

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