Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 600

"Looking at your reaction, shouldn't you think of Straw Hat Luffy as an unremarkable little character?" Alan couldn't help but slightly upturned the corners of his mouth.

With the help of the new ability developed by the Soul Soul Fruit, he can perceive the current state and psychological activity of the other person by observing the soul of a person.

Although it's not very accurate for the time being, and it can't replace the increase in personal strength caused by the domineering and domineering in battle, but it can grasp a person's emotions, whether it is happiness, anger, sadness, or just a short moment. Shaking and fear.

In the duel between experts and experts, as long as they can seize the fleeting shake and fear and launch an attack, they can often decide the winner immediately, or cause heavy damage to the opponent.

Of course, at the moment Alan just wants to give Smoker a big bowl of "poisonous chicken soup".

After all, he was also touched by Luffy's blood in those days, and even thought that this would be one of the few Japanese animes that could jump out of the vicious circle of "blood theory" and tell the inspiration of youngster's struggle and success. work.

But who would have thought that when the identity of the protagonist was exposed, it would be like a blow to the head.

Based on the vicious idea that I can't drink "poisonous chicken soup" alone, and you all people have to drink it together, Alan decided to let the other party understand what it means to be "the clown is actually me".

Poor Smog didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, and immediately asked with great cooperation: "Is there anything that Straw Hat Luffy can't do in the background?"

"That's right. ! Straw hat Luffy, full name Monkey D. Luffy! The son of the revolutionary dragon, the grandson of the naval hero Karp, and the fire fist Ace and the revolutionary army chief of staff Sabo are sworn brothers, red-haired Shanks used to protect He lost an arm and put on Roger Roger's straw hat himself. Now tell me, do you still think he's an insignificant little character?"

Alan took what he did with Hawkeye. That introduction was repeated as it was.

As he expected, Smoker's whole body cracked after hearing this series of shocking names.

Whether it is the revolutionary dragon, the naval hero Garp, or the red-haired Shanks, they are undoubtedly the powerhouse standing at the top of this world.

Similarly, Captain Fire Fist Ace of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, and Sabo, Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, are also supernovas at the top of the world government's wanted list.

In addition to the straw hat from Roger's inheritance...

At this moment, he finally understands why the straw hat Luffy is just a little pirate who has just debuted, but he can attract The attention of the Four Emperors of the New World like Alan.

But what he couldn't understand the most was what was going on with this family?

grandfather is a hero in the navy, but the father has become a revolutionary who wants to overthrow the world government, and when it comes to his grandchildren, he directly chooses to be a pirate.

There is no normal person in the whole family!

Smog, whose three views were strongly impacted, took five minutes to calm his chaotic brain, staring at his bloodshot eyes and asking, "Are you here? Are you making fun of me? Straw hat Luffy is really Lieutenant General Garp's grandson? Why have I never heard him mention it?"

"Hehe, true or false, let's go and ask and we'll find out. What?" Alan suggested meaningfully.

"You mean...let me set sail with you?"

Smog's pupils suddenly dilated, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

Pirates invite the navy to go with them. Is there anything more bizarre in the world than this?

At this time, he really realized why the top navy and the world government would have such a headache for this guy in front of him.

Because the other party is different as heaven and earth from the pirates in the traditional sense, whether in terms of thinking mode or behavior style, there is absolutely no way to predict.

"Why not? Haven't you been worrying about what I'm going to do in the Eastern Sea? If we act together, wouldn't we just be able to monitor by the way?"

Alan smiles He gave a reason that the other party could not refuse.

"hmph! You're a devil not just in name only, but also in reality! Good! I'll see what the hell are you trying to do."

Having said that, Smoker grabbed the glass and drank the wine inside, then followed Alan without a word.

You don't need to ask to know, this time he is not going to alert the navy stationed in Rogue Town, but intends to act alone as an individual.

In this way, even if there is an accident, the unlucky person will only be himself, and will not involve others.

The two walked through the dark alley, one after the other, and soon appeared on the bustling pier.

When arriving at the berth of the ship, Alan was surprised to find that Dora was teaching sword technique to a young girl with glasses on the deck.


Smog subconsciously called out the names of his men.

"Colonel Smoker! Why are you here?"

When she heard someone calling herself, Dusky hurriedly put away her weapon and wanted to jump off the boat.

For some unknown reason, her feet suddenly hooked on a cable during the jump, and she fell face down.


Smogg helplessly sighed, and quickly turned his arms into white smoke, intending to catch this clumsy girl.

But before he stretched out his hand two meters, he felt a flash of electric light flashing past him.

The next second...

Dusky has been firmly caught by Alan in the posture of Princess hug.

Obviously, the speed of the smoke can't keep up with the lightning.

"The...that! Thank you! Can you put me down if you don't mind?" Dusky blushed and whispered.

"Of course!"

Alan immediately put down the girl in his arms without saying a word, and gestured to Dora on the deck at the same time.

The latter figured it out, took out a musket, aimed it above his head and pulled the trigger.


A bright red flare streaks across the sky with a screeching sound.

Smog immediately frowned and probed when he saw this scene: "Are you gathering crew?"

"en! That's right! Get on board, you know my time is Very precious, in ten minutes at most, we should be able to set off." Alan responded without thinking.

"Going? Colonel Smokey, are you going to sea with this gentleman?" Dusky asked, blinking.

"Yeah! I'm going out, and the security of the town seems to be handed over to you during this time."

Smogg deliberately used an impatient tone I want to send the girl away.

Unfortunately, he obviously forgot that the other party was a standard sword idiot.

As soon as Dusky got a positive answer, his eyes lit up and he directly asked loudly, "Please take me with you! I want to learn sword techniques from the lady on the boat!"

"What?!" Smoker's voice suddenly raised an octave.

Just when he was about to sternly refuse, Alan suddenly interjected: "No problem! I agree! You are welcome on board."

"Thank you! Thank you very much!"

Dusky bent down and bowed ninety degrees, then happily went to find Dora.

"Damn! What are you doing?" Smoker asked in a low voice.

"It's nothing, it's just to satisfy a Swordsman's wish to become stronger. Don't forget, Dora is one of the few female great swordsmen in this world. To be able to learn from her for a while, It's definitely not a bad thing for Dusky, is it?"

After saying this, Alan ignored Smoker's angry eyes and jumped onto the deck to prepare again set sail.

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