Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 601

"Grasp your sword! Remember! As a Swordsman, especially a female Swordsman, you can always surpass a male Swordsman in strength, so always be prepared for a strong blow. And this time, hold The strength and skill of the fingers and the pace of the sword are especially important..."


"Be careful not to bow your head! Look straight ahead!"


"Be careful not to bow your head! p>



With the serious reprimand and correction, Dusqi stood on the deck sweating like rain, waving the long knife over and over again .

Since leaving Rogue Town, she has spent nearly all of her time and energy learning sword techniques from Dora, unaware of how unusual the ship's passengers are.

I have to say that this young girl's dumb personality is really cute.

It's just that I didn't recognize the members of the New World Four Emperor Pirates. After all, the big pirates with a bounty of over 100 million arrest warrants will hardly be sent to places like the Eastern Sea.

But she didn't even recognize the world's largest swordsman, Hawkeye!

This is a bit outrageous.

After all, even a guy like Zoro who is not very smart can recognize Mihawk at a glance, and there is no reason why others can't recognize it.

Admiring Dusky's serious efforts, Alan suddenly smiled and asked the white hunter beside him: "Smog, tell me, what is the justice you have been insisting on?"

“en? ”

Smog obviously did not expect that the other party would suddenly ask such a question, and the whole person was stunned.

But soon, he sneered and asked: "A pirate like you also understands justice?"

"Why, do you think only the navy and the world government are worthy of justice? Or, are you just like a certain naval general, you are blind and can't see what the draconian nobles did in those days?" Alan bluntly brought out the "red dog" as a negative example.

"Justice has to be traded! The draconians are damned, but compared to them, the destruction caused by the pirates is the most terrifying. Look at the villages and towns that have been burned and looted, and then Look at the innocent civilians who die under the pirate knife every year, so I firmly believe that my choice is the right one."

Smog exhaled two white smoke from his nose, blunt expressed his concern for righteous attitude.

Obviously, it's not that he can't see the evil deeds of the draconian, but simply from the perspective of utilitarianism, he chose to give priority to the pirates who cause more damage.

"Hehe, I don't deny that more than 90% of the pirates are scumbags and should be hanged. But the question is, have you ever thought about why there are so many pirates in this world? The world government has been established for 800 years! In these 800 years, have the draconians really thought about making changes other than satisfying their morbid and twisted selfish desires? So don't deceive yourself! The so-called justice of your navy , is just a tinkerer, trying to maintain the already riddled dike for a few more days. And you don't represent justice at all, you are just maintaining the basic order of how society works."

Alan means Shen Chang tore off the opponent's last fig leaf, pointing directly to the source of the chaos in this world.

"Do you think the rule of the world government will collapse?" Smoker frowned subconsciously.

Alan smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "Isn't this an obvious thing. Pirates, the revolutionary army, the various allied countries of the centrifuge, and a large number of civilians who cannot survive because of chewing on gold. This world is early It is no longer under the control of the world government and the draconian, but they rely on the powerful martial power in their hands to barely maintain and not be overthrown."

"You are not one of them. Staff?" Smog narrowed his eyes and stared into each other's eyes.

The more time he spends with him and the more he knows, the more he feels that this guy who looks harmless to humans and animals is the real danger. Hair, dragon are terrifying more.

This danger does not come from the violence that pirates often use, but from a deeper mind and consciousness.

After all, people like Whitebeard, Kaido, Redhead, and the Revolutionary Army Dragon will grow old and die one day, no matter how strong they are.

But the words Roger shouted before his death have caused the entire world to fall into a rampant era for 20 years, and from the current form, there is absolutely no recession. mean.

Obviously, although Roger was executed, he spread his thoughts and consciousness to the whole world through the opportunity of public execution.

So in Smog's view, thinking about this thing is definitely 10,000 times better than pure violent terrifying.

As one of the members who stood under the execution stand, he still remembers the scene at that time, as if it happened in the last second.

"That's right! I'm one of them! How about joining my team and abandoning those ridiculous self-deceiving insistences and embracing true justice?"

Picture The poor Alan sent an invitation to the white hunter.

Smog heard this sentence, his pupils suddenly dilated, and his heart began to beat wildly.

Without a doubt!

He's excited!

You must know that Alan is an ordinary pirate, and is even called the pirate least like a pirate by the newspaper.

Especially the utopia that was only recently established in the New World has already shown a thriving and prosperous scene, which is as different as heaven and earth from the previous reign of Charlotte Lingling.

Not to mention Wano Kingdom, which has been ruined by Kaido, and the Whitebeard Territory, which has been completely let go.

After noticing the violent fluctuations in Smoker's emotions, Alan immediately added: "You don't have to rush to give me an answer, or even leave the Navy, just stand up and do what you think is right at a critical moment. things."

"What exactly are you planning?" Smog's tone was full of curiosity.

"Hahahaha! I'm a demon! Of course I do what a demon is supposed to do!" Alan laughed and gave the answer very vaguely.

What is a demon supposed to do?

Of course drag the self-proclaimed draconians into the Bottomless Abyss, and turn them all into the meanest maggots.

"Okay! Count me in!"

Smog finally chose to join after struggling for a while.

Because of this he wants to maintain order and protect civilians from harm without any conflict of justice.

In fact, if possible, most of the top navy, even including Akainu, would like to let the draconians die tomorrow.

It's a pity that they have to rely on huge amounts of money from the world's governments to stay afloat.

And the world government is tightly controlled by the master of the Void Throne.

Until the source of funding is resolved, the Navy is impossible to exist independently from control.

"Wise choice! Trust me, you won't regret the decision you made today. In addition, the sea restaurant Bara Ti has arrived, let us taste the chef's craftsmanship here while waiting for the straw hat Luffy's here."

Speaking, Alan raised his hand to signal to start lowering and slowing down, slowly approaching the huge floating boat in front.

After a while, everyone came to the restaurant and sat around an empty table.

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