Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 602

"Welcome! Four beautiful ladies! May I ask what would you like to eat?"

Before sitting down for less than five seconds, "Cooker" Sanji went directly from a dozen meters away The other place rushed over, two eyes flashed with excitement and excitement, and the whole person completely entered a state of estrus.

As for the fellow men, they were ignored by ruthless, they just threw down a menu, and didn't even bother to say a word.

This kind of blatant and undisguised differential treatment instantly made Alan realize what it means to be "shivering and cold" and "when can a man stand up", and he almost couldn't hold back and threw a lightning bolt. , electrocute the lower body of this "color cook" into coke.


Chef Zapp noticed Smoker, a well-known naval colonel in the Eastern Sea, and immediately recognized the world's largest swordsman, Hawkeye, who appeared frequently a few months ago. Alan, who was on the front page of the newspaper, immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

As an old pirate who has entered the great route for a year, he is quite aware of what the Four Emperors of the New World mean.

So no hesitation!

He kicked Sanji directly to the ground.

bang! ! !

With a loud noise, the color cook flew out sideways and crashed into a large hole in the solid wooden wall.

But the next second...

He crawled out of the hole and yelled, "Stinky old man! What are you doing?"

"Shut up! Go to the back kitchen and prepare food for me!" Zapp rolled the eyes angrily.

"no! I'm here to accompany beautiful Miss Nami, Miss Dusky, Miss Perona, and Miss Dora!"

Despite being kicked , Sanji's face was a little out of shape, but it didn't hinder his desire to stir.


Zhepu held his forehead helplessly, no longer knowing what words to use to describe his mood at the moment, raised his leg again and kicked the chef from the restaurant to the kitchen.

After all this was done, he forced a smile and said, "Sorry, I made you see a joke. As compensation, I will treat you to this meal."

"If that's the case, then many thanks. Just in time, I also want to taste the craftsmanship of the chef pirate group Red Foot Zep."

Seeing Sanji's nose bleed from being kicked, Alan was a little nervous. The irritable little mood also quickly subsided, and he began to look at this "Legendary character" with great interest, one of the few who have been to the great route in the Eastern Sea, and who can come back safely to spend his old age in peace.

"Hahahaha! It's my pleasure! Please wait!"

Zepp stroked his beard and let out a big laugh, then walked towards the kitchen without looking back.

But as soon as his front foot crossed the threshold of the kitchen, his hind foot was stopped by Sanji who had just climbed up from the ground.

"Hey! damned old man! You kicked me twice today! What the hell?"

"Idiot! Don't you just keep your eyes on pretty women? I wonder how many of the people at the table just now had great characters that we couldn't afford to offend at all?" Zapp asked with his terrifying eyes.

"great character?"

Sanji's expression changed slightly, he immediately poked his head out of the kitchen, and glanced at the Alan entire group where Zheng Zhuo was serving dishes on the High Level of the chair .

About half a minute, he suddenly recalled a newspaper he had read a few months ago, and said to himself in a shocking tone: "Alan, the sea demon...the Four Emperors of the New World. One. How could he appear in the Eastern Sea?"

"It's not just him! The man with the black blade on his back is the world's largest swordsman, Hawkeye, and the woman with long hair is the fast sword Dora, the orange-haired girl is Nami in heavy armor, the one with an umbrella in her hand and wearing a Gothic Princess dress is the ghost Princess Perona. These people have each one, and the bounty is not less than 500 million Baileys Yes."

In order to prevent Sanji from being stupid again, Zhepp named everyone's identities in one go.

As the Four Emperor Pirates with the highest average bounty in the world, the Devil Pirates have always been very small in number, but their average strength is recognized as the strongest.

Especially in the battle to the top, he actually defeated an enemy several times his size.

"What about the other two?" Sanji asked curiously.

Zep replied without thinking: "The man smoking the cigar should be Colonel Smoker from Rogue Town, and the woman is not quite clear. But it seems that she is not a newcomer to the Devil Pirates. , it should be Smog's subordinate."

"Phew—it really is a group of great characters."

Sanji let out a long sigh and immediately twisted it away The tap cleared his bleeding nose, and soon he was waving the kitchen knife, concentrated attention completely, and started chopping vegetables, meat, and cooking.

Seeing that the Disciple he trained him finally regained consciousness, a satisfied look appeared on Zhep's face.

Just when he was about to open the refrigerator to look for some special ingredients to prepare a good meal, he suddenly saw a silhouette flying straight through the glass window.

Next second...


Ding dang sugar palm!


The most important kitchen of Bara Ti, the entire maritime restaurant, was directly hit and smashed. Pots and pans were scattered everywhere, and the plates were even broken. .

"Ah hahahaha! It finally stopped! I thought I would fall into the sea and drown!"

The culprit laughed and got up from the ground, shaking like no one else was there Shaking his body to pieces, he put a straw hat on his head.

You don't need to ask, you know that there will be no second person other than the protagonist Luffy who can appear in this way.

"Asshole! I'm going to kill you!"

Sanji crawled out from under the collapsed cabinet, waving the kitchen knife in his hand, intending to kill this idiot who destroyed the kitchen hacked.

"Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to." Luffy blinked innocently.

"Aren't you doing it on purpose?" Sanji roared loudly, grabbing at the other's collar.

"I will take responsibility for compensation!"

I have to say that although Luffy often gets into trouble, his attitude of admitting his mistakes has always been very good.

But the only problem is that he will only stay at the stage of admitting his mistakes and will never correct them.

"Compensation? Hmm... that's not that I can't forgive you."

Sanji touched the chin with a looked thoughtful expression, obviously confused by this good attitude of admitting his mistakes .

But before he could think about how much compensation he wanted, Luffy suddenly added confidently: "But I have no money!"

"What?!!!! Are you kidding me? Sure enough, it would be better to cut you!"

Sanji was instantly furious at this sentence.

"Stop it! Leave this brat alone for now, and quickly clean up the things on the ground. It's more important to prepare the food." Zhepp clutched his head and climbed out from among the piles of pots and pots.

"Come on! Good luck to you! But since you don't have the money to compensate, just stay in the kitchen and do chores."

Sanji threw Luffy aside and started greeting Other chefs clean up the rubbish and clutter on site.

After all, he didn't want the group of big pirates with a bounty of more than 500 million baileys to be unhappy because the food was served too late, and directly destroy the entire restaurant at sea.

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