Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 803

"Aiya! Didn't expect I couldn't help myself in the end. After all, your poor performance really disappointed me!"

With a slightly helpless voice, Demiurge slowly emerged from the darkness.

As the Guardian of the Seventh Layer of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, a powerful NPC with a total of one hundred levels, he simply couldn't stand Clementine's ridiculous performance.

Because in terms of pure strength, Nfirea who switched to the shadow form is obviously stronger.

"Who are you?"

Clementine, apparently unaware of the seriousness of the problem, subconsciously drew another short sword hanging from her waist.

"You don't need to know who I am, just do what I tell you to do. As a pawn, the most important thing is to obey orders. And... now you are too weak , it needs to be strengthened a little bit."

Speaking, Demiurge pushed his glasses slightly, took out a strangely shaped egg from his pocket, and calmly turned towards the other party. The location is approaching.

Seeing this scene, Clementine subconsciously wanted to escape through the door behind her.

Because she had already smelled an aura that was even crazier and more evil than herself from the peculiar-looking guy in front of her.

But before taking two steps, I felt a sudden sharp pain in my chest.

Looking down, it turned out that his heart had been pierced by a tail like a whip, and his feet were lifted to the midair.

"Be honored! Because you are about to die for the Tomb of Nazarick! Serve for Supreme's Supreme!"

After saying this, Demiurge Shove the egg directly into Clementine's mouth.

In just a few seconds, countless black tentacles grow from the eggs, tearing at the skin, muscle and blood vessels, then reassembling them, and finally transforming them into some kind of Half-human, half-demon.

Except for the face and body that still maintain the most basic human female characteristics, other parts are no different from the devil.

For example, the curved horns growing out of the head, the pair of huge bat wings on the back, and the nails like claws on both hands and feet...

Get rid of the dying state Clementine looked at herself in the mirror next to her, with unbelievable rays of light in her eyes, then fell to her knees with a plop, and asked in a voice full of fear and trembling, "You... what did you do to me? "

"Ah! It's nothing! I transformed you into my own vassal. From now on, you are no longer human, but a demon through and through. Okay, let's move on to the finished plan." !"

Demiurge threw Nfirea, who was knocked out just now, in front of him, then pushed open the door and walked out of the house.

According to his prediction, Clementine, whose race was transformed from human to demon, should barely be able to reach the level close to the Pleiadian Maid Order, which is Level 40 or higher.

In addition, Kajit, who has the Orb of Death that has been strengthened, can definitely make a big noise.

However, Demiurge didn't realize that from the moment he came to the street, he was locked by Sakura in midair.

When he left the crowded downtown area, the huge white Icicle suddenly fell from in the sky, smashing down with a thunderous force.

bang! ! ! ! !

With the deafening loud noise and vibration, everything within a hundred meters around was completely frozen by the biting ice.

【Damn! Has it been discovered? ]

Although Demiurge had already made dodging moves immediately, one arm was still crushed alive by Icicle, and the wound was completely frozen with white frost.

At this moment, the expression on his face is no longer the smiling, deep and unmeasurable image he normally has, but instead looks very frightened and embarrassed.

"Alan's judgment is indeed correct! I can't believe that you guys living in a rat's nest would have the guts to run under the association's nose and do things. But since it's here, Then don't go."

Sakura stepped out of the white sea of ice, holding a brand new spear and staff like a majestic Martial Goddess.

Influenced by Alan, she is also full of naked and undisguised disgust for the Guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazarick who look down on humans and treat them as livestock, toys and torture objects.

So when I see Demiurge, who is full of inhuman thoughts, it is full of fire.

If it wasn't for the accidental injury to the surrounding citizens, the other party would have been completely frozen, and there would not even be a chance to escape.

The so-called 100-level NPCs are just slightly stronger ants in the face of the power to easily destroy an island.

That's why, Sakura alone dared to go to the guild left by the Eight Desires King - Elune Tiyu, and even threatened the thirty Guardians inside and handed over the world she wanted. props.

Thinking that if the other party doesn't agree, she really has the ability to completely destroy the place directly.

"How dare you call the Great Tomb of Nazarick created by the Highest Paragons a rat's nest? Unforgivable!" Demiurge was instantly enraged.

He can tolerate being killed and abused, but he will never allow anyone to have the slightest disrespect for the place they call home.

But Sakura dismissed this, mocking in a very contemptuous tone: "Unforgivable? Just because you are a cockroach who only hides behind your back and plays with those ridiculous crafty plots and machinations? Don't worry. When this matter is over, Alan will take you to Nazarick in person! Because of your cleverness, you have provoked an invincible enemy for your master."

"Kill you! I I'm going to kill you here!"

Demiurge roared angrily, and immediately summon shot four strong Archfiends of 4 each of jealousy, greed, and anger, totaling 12, and then launched a non-player The strongest tenth-order magic that NPC can master.

"Meteorite fell!"


crimson's huge meteorite fell from the sky, streaks a bright track in the sky, and smashed straight down towards the new city that Ye Lantier was expanding.

At the same time, twelve demons with a level of more than eighty swarmed up and launched a siege from all directions.

"Does it only depend on the class level, skills and magic given by the game? It's really boring! Since you are a demon, then I will let you experience a world that is colder than Extreme Cold Hell, A world where everything will freeze."

As the last word blurted out, Sakura opened the inherent Formation that she had just developed not long ago.

Before the rushing demons could react to what happened, the surrounding environment and scenery suddenly changed drastically.

The next second...

Whether it's the flaming meteorites falling from the sky, or the charging demons, they've all turned into pure white statues.

Especially, meteorites shattered into countless fragments during the transformation from Extreme Hot to Extreme Cold before they landed.

As the girl described it!

In this world, everything in the world will be completely frozen, and nothing can escape at all.

" is this possible!" Demiurge was completely stunned by what he saw in front of him.

Although he constantly summons the black flame from hell, trying to change this Extreme Cold environment.

But the problem is that even these hellfires, which are said to never go out, can't resist the power of the inherent Formation, and eventually become smaller and smaller, until they disappear completely.

In less than two or three seconds after the black flame disappeared, his legs also started to freeze little by little.

Using magic teleportation doesn't work!

Failed to get in touch with other Guardians in the Great Tomb of Nazarick!

Demiurge felt like a wild beast trapped in a trap, no matter how hard he struggled to no avail, he could only watch himself sink deeper and deeper.

"Give up the struggle! You can't escape. Because the inherent Formation is the power of fantasy! When it is released, this little world is completely cut off from the outside world. Here, As the creator, I have the sole control. Unless you are powerful enough to destroy this world, you will end up being completely frozen, just like your subordinates. And in this Formation, the waiting The longer the time, the more heat will be lost, until everything freezes at absolute zero."

As Sakura spoke, she came to the front, raised her spear and touched it twice, Frozen legs smashed.


Demiurge's face fell in response.

Before Frozen lost consciousness, he finally understood why Highest Paragon repeatedly told himself to never approach the range of human activities, let alone harm any human beings.

Because among the seemingly weak human species, there is a powerhouse that can destroy the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

And there seems to be more than one such powerhouse!




The devil has finally tasted the consequences of his own cleverness.

What made him even more unacceptable was that he might become the culprit behind the destruction of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

"hmph! Garbage! Compared to those smart Guardians in the Eight Desires Guild Elune Tiyu, you are like a small insect who doesn't know the immensity of heaven and earth and keeps provoking in front of the giant dragon If it wasn't for Alan's orders to live, I would have run over you directly."

After saying this full of ridicule, Sakura rudely crushed the opponent's last arm and dragged the The silver tail folded Formation, turned and walked towards the headquarters of the Hunter Association.


On the other side, in the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Albedo, the Guardian, found that the connection was interrupted, and immediately realized that something was wrong, and immediately put this matter The report was given to the old bones who were hiding in the room and thinking about countermeasures.

When he heard that Demiurge went to Ye-Rantel without permission, Ainz couldn't help but shivered, suddenly stood up from his chair, and roared angrily: "Bastard! Who! Who gave him the courage to disobey my orders? And you! Do you know why you didn't notify me right away?"

"I'm so sorry! Supreme's Supreme! We thought Demiurge was I just went to collect information. But absolutely did not expect that he actually summed up all the demons under him. It seems that a fierce battle broke out, and he may even have been defeated and captured." Albedo knelt on the ground and said the seriousness of the situation.

"Ainz-sama! I think it's time to concentrate the power of the Great Tomb and take the initiative to attack! Try to capture as many civilians and prisoners as possible, and force the opponent to hand over Demiurge. , then all Nazarick's secrets will be completely exposed." Shalltear actively proposed, be eager to have a try.

"Offensive? Do you know what kind of person we are facing? He can even squeeze the most powerful Albedo into meat patties as easy as blowing off dust! We have never seen that kind of power before, and we don't know how to defend it. This means that before finding a way to crack it, everyone has a great chance of being killed in seconds. The magic teleportation you rely on can't do anything at all. The effect."

old bones was undoubtedly completely panicked, and even the undead's unique forced calm and continuous activation could not suppress the fear in his heart.

Because when they first met, Alan used overwhelming absolute power to leave a lingering shadow in his heart.

Especially the moment he said irreconcilable, Ainz could guarantee that if he did anything at that time, he would definitely be killed immediately.

"Supreme's Supreme! I think it's a wise choice to send messengers to negotiate at this time. Since Demiurge's petty actions have been caught by the other side, at worst we can pay some compensation and then reach a settlement. That's it." Sebastian suggested another solution.

As one of the very few people in Nazarick whose justice value is not negative, he has long disliked Demiurge's disgusting crafty plots and machinations.

Even in previous Guardian meetings, plans that would cause a large number of innocent civilian casualties were explicitly rejected.

But unfortunately, other Guardians obviously feel that it doesn't matter how many inferior creatures such as humans die, isn't it just a string of cold numbers.


Ainz's eyes lit up instantly, as if he had caught the last straw.

"Very good! Sebas! I will send you as a messenger now to send a negotiation application to the president of the Hunter Association, His Excellency Alan on behalf of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. As long as it can be exchanged for Demiurge , even if you pay for some precious weapons, equipment and props, it doesn't matter."

"Please rest assured! I will definitely not betray your trust." Sebas stroked his chest with one hand and took a deep bow. bow.

Shalltear, the main battle faction on the side, showed an extremely unhappy expression, and tried to say something several times, but finally gave up.

After the old bones left, the vampire True Ancestor immediately turned around and disappeared at the end of the corridor, presumably looking for the captives captured from the demi-human tribe wasteland to vent his anger.

Obviously, the Guardian in the Great Tomb of Nazarick has begun to show signs of discord and division.

It's just affected by the memory edited by the creator, so I haven't thought of betrayal yet.

However, with the passage of time, as well as the accumulation of dissatisfaction and resentment, the contradiction will one day break out completely.

The rampage of the Six Great God Guild NPCs hundreds of years ago is the best example!

But Ainz didn't realize this. He was thinking about how to clear up the misunderstanding and prevent Nazarick from breaking out with the Hunter Guild...

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