Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 804

"Lord Alan, this is a report on the loss of a village attacked by nobles a few days ago. I have sorted it out. Fortunately, there are hunters from the association to help, so the loss is generally not too big, it shouldn't be affected Until this year's grain harvest."

The Mayor of Ye Lantier, Panathore, respectfully placed a list on the desk on the second floor of the Hunter's Association headquarters.

Although according to common sense, he should be directly loyal to the king, and glared at the person who was rumored to split the kingdom and land in front of him.

In fact, the City Hall and the army stationed here have long since become subordinate organizations of the Hunter Association, just like the Adventurer Guild.

Even the members of the overwhelming majority are simply members of the association.

Due to the high degree of bundling of interests, Ye Lantier now no longer even pays taxes to the royal family, but keeps all the money for construction and development.

Although it still belongs to the kingdom in name, the surrounding areas have long since become semi-independent.

"You did good! Pay compensation to all the villages that suffered losses according to the rules, and then tell them that this hatred association has paid for them." Alan glanced around and immediately put it aside.

"Understood! I will distribute all compensation funds to the villagers in each village within ten days." Mayor Panasore hurriedly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

If he still had some careful thoughts on both sides of snakes and mice before, then after experiencing the "Bleeding Night" incident, the old man completely gave up the kingdom in his heart.

After all, more than 300 nobles were killed, including two of the six nobles, and more than 30,000 private troops were slaughtered. As a result, the kingdom did not dare to let a fart, which is enough to prove Lots of questions.

It was also from that time that there was no one in the city hall where Tye Lantier was the kingdom's territory and that he was a citizen of the kingdom.

There have even been some "big smarts" secretly preparing to persuade them to enter, and let Alan, the president of the Hunter Association, break the earth and become king, build a new human nation with Ye Rantel as the center, and then turn around and take over the kingdom.


In this way, they can take the opportunity to counterattack, overturn those big nobles who originally looked down on them, and then replace them.

Alan has been keeping an eye on these small actions in private, since he ignored them and didn't stop them, he planned to leave them to Arturia to deal with them.

Just as Panathore was about to get up and retire, the closed door was suddenly pushed open.

Sakura dragged Demiurge, who had lost his limbs, in from the outside, and threw the half-dead demon directly on the ground.


The loud noise and the tragic picture suddenly startled the old mayor and almost suffered a heart attack.

"Sakura! How many times have I said that you should maintain the image of an elegant lady at all times." Alan reminded angrily.

I don't know if it's because of the rebellious teenage period, he always feels that the "daughter" he has raised seems to be becoming more and more violent.

"Sorry, I didn't notice that there were outsiders present." Sakura stuck out her tongue playfully, then kicked the prisoner on the ground. "Here! It's this guy who is doing the trick in the dark."

"Demiurge? You really caught a big fish." Alan pursed his lips into a playful smile.

If he had to pick out one of all the Guardians in Nazarick's Great Tomb that he hated the most, it would be this guy.

Because in the original plot, whether it is the "two-legged sheep" pasture, or several massacres against humans, as well as inhuman live experiments, they were basically proposed and led by Demiurge.

Alan even suspects that his creator, Ulbert Allen Odell, is not a simple middle schooler at all, but has serious anti-social and inhuman tendencies.

In the end, he used himself as a prototype to create the Avatar of Demiurge, and wanted to vent all the injustice, oppression, bullying, and exploitation suffered by the real world in the game world.

"So what? What are you going to do with him?" Sakura asked with interest.

"Send it to the basement first to those researchers and see if this guy's blood, bones, tail, guts, eyeballs can be used to make magic weapons, equipment, props and potions. Since he If you like to experiment with humans, then you can experience it yourself. But remember to remind the researcher, don't accidentally kill it."

When talking about this remark, Alan's face was filled with resignation. A shuddering smile.

It's the funniest thing to do something in return!

"Don't worry! I will prepare enough healing potions and regeneration potions to ensure that he can continuously produce raw materials."

Sakura also showed the unique characteristics of blackening. With a terrifying expression, he dragged Demiurge's tail and walked straight to the basement.

After she had completely left, Panasore let out a long sigh of relief and asked cautiously, "Your Excellency, that was..."

"Ah! It was a secret mastermind that was trying to set off a natural disaster of undead in Ye Lantier. I believe you should have felt it in the past few days, and the negative energy that suddenly became strong near the public cemetery. If nothing else, this More than two hundred Death Knights, tens of thousands of enhanced skeletons and zombie warriors will rush out in two days." Alan replied in a very relaxed tone.


The mayor was stunned, followed by uncontrollable trembling all over his body.

He couldn't imagine what the city would be like if so many terrifying undying creatures burst out of the cemetery.

"Relax, the association will take care of this threat and make sure they don't rush into the neighborhood." Alan comforted casually.

"Yes! But that's 200 Death Knights! Tens of thousands of undead troops that have been strengthened! With the current number and quality of hunters in the city, I'm afraid they can't handle it?" Panathore became emotional Extremely nervous.

"If necessary, I will do it myself. Believe me, the association's background is much deeper than you think. Trifling tens of thousands of undead is just a small scene."

Perhaps Alan's incomparably confident tone and calm attitude provided a little sense of security, and Parnassore finally regained his composure, left quickly and returned to his office, immediately mobilizing more than half of the local garrison to the cemetery on the city wall near the district.

At the same time, the Adventurer Guild has also released a large number of tasks to patrol the periphery of the public cemetery.

Combined with that unusual concentration of negative energy, anyone who is not a fool realizes that a major event is coming soon.

It's just that for the apprentice hunters who are extremely eager to kill monsters to get EXP, instead of feeling fear and fear, they are extremely excited and looking forward to it.

Just as everyone patiently waited for the undead natural disaster to erupt, Adeline, who was on a special mission, finally crossed the long road and came to the capital of the Silian Church without incident.

After submitting the application to the Priest Council, she soon saw the "training" of the terrifying death.

This "training" doesn't mean that she is training, but that she is training other members of the Dark Tome.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with beating.

From the Deity Captain in the first seat to the Tianshan world in the Twelfth seat, all of them retreated under her crazy attack and barely held on.

Although no weapon is used, the fist that wraps life energy and armed domineering is not inferior to any Divine Item at all.

A destructive power that is comparable to the impact of a meteorite can often be smashed with one punch!

Adeline dared to swear that she had never seen a stronger human being than the Yin-Yang Fish girl in front of her, except for her own president and deputy Sir President.

Her bloodlust and madness are as innocuous as a mischievous cat when compared to the imposing manner she unleashes when fighting.


After a loud bang, Deity Captain was smashed to the ground again from the in midair, fell into a big pit on the spot, and spurted a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

If it weren't for the whole body being covered with armament and domineering for defense, I'm afraid that I would be beaten to death all of a sudden.

"Too weak! Can't any of you catch up with my speed?" Jue Ye Jue asked with a disappointed look on his face.

"Don't... don't joke! You are not just in name only, but also in reality monster! We have already tried our best to catch up!" Deity Captain struggled to climb out of the pit, Wiping the blood that remained on the corners of his mouth, his eyes were filled with awe and fear.

Not only him, but other members of the Dark Codex reacted similarly.

These people originally thought that the introduction of new systems such as new occupations, life energy, and domineering could help them to shorten the distance from death to some extent.

How about the actual situation?

The desperate strength gap has not narrowed, but has grown even further.

If it wasn't for going out on a mission, everyone could clearly feel stronger, and they would even think they were regressing.

"Okay! That's it for today's training."

The chief priest stood up and interrupted the "fancy vegetable abuse" that was being staged almost every day.

He's one of the very few people who knows why the Yin-Yang Fish maiden is so outrageously strong.

Innate talent is the best on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is because of the personal guidance of Alan himself.

"Who is this little guy? A newcomer to join our Dark Tome?" Deity Captain asked, shaking the dust from his body.

"No! She is a messenger from the Hunter's Association Headquarters, and she said that she has something to hand over to Extreme Death."

Speaking, the chief priest pointed to the new The Yin-Yang Fish girl who picked up the Rubik's cube and sat in the corner: "She is the person you are looking for. If the adult has something to hand over, you can take it out now."

Adeline hurriedly took the Sir President out of her arms and handed it to her bauble. She quickly ran over and handed it to Despair, and said solemnly, "The appointed time has come!"

"What? ?! Are you repeating it?"

The girl Yin-Yang Fish, who had remained ignorant for a second, instantly crushed the Rubik's Cube in her hand and stood up suddenly from the stone chair. Two different-colored pupils flickered with excited rays of light.

"Lord Alan asked me to inform you that the appointed time has come." Adeline repeated without thinking.

"Hahahaha! Finally! Is it finally here?" Destiny laughed and crushed the trinket.


Countless words and influences are projected from the inside to illuminate this slightly dark room.

As for the content, of course, including old bones, information on all NPCs, weapons and equipment, magic items, etc. in the entire Great Tomb of Nazarick.

"This...this is..."

The chief priest's eyes widened as if he couldn't understand what was going on.

"These are all information about a guild called the Great Tomb of Nazarick. The undead magic caster named Ainz Ul Gown is the only player." Answer.

"Players? How is that possible! Don't players come in groups every 100 years?" The chief priest's brain fell into chaos.

"no! You are mistaken! That adult is not a player, he is an existence beyond all players, a truly omniscient and almighty god. Although he himself does not admit this." Fever worship and obsession appeared on Mingfu's face.

Although there are people who master prophetic magic and abilities in this world, they can't predict anything related to traversal players at all, as if the fate of these people is simply not in this world.

But Alan not only successfully predicted the arrival of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, but also uttered the names and abilities of all the important figures.

So in the eyes of the Yin-Yang Fish girl who doesn't know the truth, this is no different from omniscience and omnipotence.

"What does that lord mean?" Deity Captain asked uncertainly.

Replied without thinking: "It's very simple! For this kind of player guild composed of aliens, demons, and undying creatures, we have only one choice, and that is to completely annihilate it. Priest, get your devastatingly beautiful ready, and before the full-scale war begins, let's counter one or two important Guardians who control the other side."

"Use devastatingly beautiful to plot against the other side? Listen? It's a good note! Good! I'll get the users ready to set off with you right away. If we happen to be controlling a level 100 NPC, then the strength of our dark scriptures will usher in another qualitative leap. "

The chief priest agreed immediately after thinking for a while.

He really couldn't think of a reason for rejecting something like this kind of intentional calculation and unintentional increase of his own battle strength.

even more how After experiencing the chaos brought about by the Eight Desires, the top leaders of the Church realized that not all players would be on the side of humans.

Especially this kind of guild composed of all undead, monsters, and even become a big enemy that threatens the survival of human beings.

Soon, after a brief discussion at the council of priests, a team led by Death Destiny set off from the capital and flew all the way north towards the location of Ye Lantier.

And the teaching country quickly entered a state of war, and a large number of troops sent out to hunt aliens, monsters and beasts to level up were also quickly recalled.

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