Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 805

At night, it is located at the top of the four-meter-high city wall in the Ye Lantil Public Cemetery.

Thousands of fully armed soldiers and 200 trainee members of the association gathered here, staring nervously at the roars and noises in the cemetery.

Now, even without anyone's notice, they know that what they will face next will be a horde of terrifying undying creatures.

For this reason, some guys even brought over the city defense weapons such as slings, ballistas, and giant crossbows that were used to defend against foreign invasions.

A lot of stones and logs are also piled aside, just waiting for the enemy to approach the city wall and harvest EXP crazily.

"How many undying creatures are hidden in the cemetery? It's really exciting!"

A warrior in a blood-colored suit touched the red flame rays in his hands of light's axe, the whole person looks extremely excited.

Obviously, his axe is not an ordinary thing, but a "destroyer" dropped by the final BOSS of the blood-colored monastery armory copy, which is dubbed "True Whirlwind Axe" by players Melee A monster Divine Item.

Because this axe has a certain chance to trigger the Tornado Slash effect in the process of attacking, releasing indiscriminate blows to all surrounding enemies.

It is reflected in the game by launching a group of physical damage every three seconds.

But in reality, this thing will instantly allow the holder to obtain an attack frequency that exceeds his own limit, and the whole person rotates rapidly like a meat grinder, even if it is a monster with powerful life force such as ogre and giant , are likely to be chopped into meat sauce in extreme time.

even more how, this "destroyer" axe has also been reforged by Alan, adding power attributes and magic effects that are not inferior to six Level 10 epic weapons, even if thrown as a throwing prop. Instantly returned to the master's hands.

So this warrior loves it so much that he even spends a lot of points to enchant it - searing effect.

Otherwise, with his level close to forty, I am afraid that he would have obtained a license to become an official hunter.

But compared to the life energy that needs to be comprehended, exercised and developed by itself, this guy obviously prefers the simple and crude killing monster upgrade.

Especially at the moment when the level is raised, it seems that there is endless power pouring into the body, which is simply unstoppable.

"hehe! Mr. Joel, you must take it easy later, don't kill all the undead alone, at least leave some for us." A Level 30 or so next to him The mage couldn't help but make a joke.

"That's right! We came here in the middle of the night to blow the cold wind, not to watch you perform alone." Another De Wang also echoed.

The warrior, known as Joel, heard these disguised compliments and flattery, and his eyes suddenly showed smugness, and responded with a big smile: "hahahaha! Well, well, look at For everyone's sake, I'll save a little bit of energy."

Actually, the reason why he didn't want to be promoted to the official hunter was not unrelated to the fact that he enjoyed the feeling of being an expert too much.

It's like in the game, when a player with high-rank equipment and powerful equipment appears in a group of low-rank trumpets, listening to the other party's compliments, it will inevitably produce a feeling of physical and mental pleasure.

But if you get promoted, you will face competitors who are as powerful as yourself, or even stronger.

But just as these people were chatting, a piercing alarm bell suddenly rang out.

ding ling ling ling bell...

Following, the soldiers in charge of vigilance on the watchtower began to shout at the top of their voices: "Everyone is ready to fight! Those undead rushed up. So much! So much that I can't see the end at a glance!"

tone barely fell!

The dark army of the undead poured out of the cemetery like a tide, rushing towards the city wall at a very fast speed.

Especially the Death Knight, who rushes in the front, can often jump to three or four meters high in one jump, and the city wall is almost no different from the flat ground for them.

"Damn! How can there be so many high-level undead? Hunters shoot fast! Catapults, ballistas and giant crossbows are free to fire! Don't let them approach the wall easily!" The commander in charge of dispatching The officer yelled at his soldiers like a madman.

From the frightened expression on his face, it is not difficult to see that the undead army that rushed out far exceeded his expectations in both quality and quantity.

"Warrior come with me to the front!"

"Priest and De Wang get ready for warrior treatment!"

"The lighthouse turns on the maximum Power lighting!"


All of a sudden, everyone took action.

In just ten seconds, a solid line of defense was established.

At the same time, arrows, projectiles, and stones fell from the sky like raindrops, crushing a large number of low-level zombies and skeleton warriors on the charging road.

The stone smeared with kerosene and holy water is absolutely poison-like to undying creatures, and as long as a little sticks on it, it will cause great damage.

However, in front of a mid-level undying creature with powerful defensive power like Death Knight, such attacks can only be regarded as painless harassment at best.

After a while, more than a dozen Death Knights jumped onto the city wall and fought with the warriors who were waiting on the front line.


"Heroic Strike!"






"Shield Block!"



Hundreds of apprentice hunters with warrior occupation level rushed up and launched a righteous gang fight.

Especially the "magic skill" of disarming can knock out the most threatening snake-shaped sword in Death Knight's hand.

As a result, the threat level will drop several levels in an instant.

In addition, the defensive battle with a shield is responsible for taunting, pulling monsters, and armor piercing. Other weapon battles and violent battles can naturally hide behind and frantically output. The healing profession releases spells to heal the injured.

It didn't take a while for six or seven Death Knights to fall under the siege of this despicable tactics.

And the huge amount of EXP they provided after they died suddenly made golden beams of light appear on many low-level warriors who got involved.

Don't ask to know, this is a sign of an upgrade.

But before these guys were happy, more Death Knights landed on every corner of the city wall.

The skeletons and zombie warriors in the back are also not to be outdone, so they quickly built a human ladder one by one and stepped on the head of their companions to climb up.

"Not good! They're too many! Where's the hunter's trap? Mage! Quick! Release blizzard and frost nova to control their speed!"

The commander shouted , while holding a shield and trying to push several skeleton warriors off the edge of the city wall.

At this moment, no one cares about bragging anymore, let alone the issues of "grabbing monsters" and "EXP distribution", only the shock and fear of the endless undead natural disaster.

As for the Mr. Joel, after turning around in the monster pile for two times, he also returned battered and exhausted.

If it wasn't for a priest who was always brushing his blood, it is estimated that the professional panel's blood volume would have collapsed to zero long ago, and then he was divided into corpses by many Death Knights.

"Is it still a bit reluctant?"

Looking at the battle situation in the crystal ball, Alan touched the chin with a looked thoughtful expression.

"Of course it's reluctant! The highest level of these people is not more than 40, and most of them rely entirely on professional level and skill support, and there is no potential for improvement at all. If you don't make a move, I'm afraid it will be soon. There will be casualties. When the time comes, once the morale collapses, I am afraid that the entire west side city will fall." Sakura blunt gave his own judgment.

"en! Maybe you're right. If that's the case, then activate those puppets to fight."

After saying that, Alan stretched out his right hand index finger and activated a red gemstone ring.

The metal statue that was sleeping in the corridor, eyes flashing blue light symbolizing magic, then slowly stood up and walked into the huge Transmission Gate that had been opened.

The next second...

They will immediately appear out of thin air under the city wall, waving their fists to crush hundreds of undead into slag, even the powerful Death Knight is no exception.

These huge monsters are like flood control dams, easily withstood the natural disasters like a tide, and greatly reduce the defensive pressure on the city wall.

"Then... what is that?" the commander asked dumbfounded.

"I remember! Isn't this the decorations placed on both sides of the second floor of the association? I can't believe they are all alive!" a young soldier exclaimed.

"so that's how it is! It's that lord who shot!" The commander's originally tense nerves instantly relaxed.

Not only him, but the guys around who had been in a hard fight just now also cheered up one after another, wielding weapons to drive all the undead from the city wall.

After all, in the eyes of most ordinary people, Alan, the president of the Hunter Association, who can grant power in such a large and unlimited range, is no longer essentially different from the legendary gods.

Although he has almost no record of shooting, there are still a large number of people who are willing to believe that this human being and the Guardian of Ye Rantir can destroy any country on the world at any time if they want.

So as long as the Hunter Association is willing to take action, not to mention the undead crawling out of the grave in front of us, even the Demon King of the world will be easily killed.

Because of the high morale, some guys with higher levels and more courage even jumped down to take the square as a unit, using the deterrent range of the puppet to kill the dead to the maximum extent and harvest EXP at the same time.

It has only been about half an hour since the start of the war, and the war scale of this fourth natural disaster VS the undead natural disaster has begun to inevitably tilt towards the former.

After all, although Alan can't set the resurrection point for the time being, so that these guys can run the corpse infinitely, but he can provide some other extra help.

And the running corpses in the game are built on the basis of complete corpses.

If the damage is too serious, or if it is simply eaten by wild beast, it is 100% impossible to resurrect.

On this point, he did a test a long time ago.


"Bastard! My undead army! How could my undead army be blocked! That's more than 200 Death Knights! Even if it destroys one or two Every country is more than enough!" Khajiit waved his arms angrily.

As a magic caster specializing in Necromancy, there is nothing more painful than seeing all the family property that I have worked so hard to prepare for years to come to nothing.

In contrast, Clementine, who was transformed into a half-demon by Demiurge, remained calm for some reason, staring at the sight of the crystal ball coming back through the crystal ball with extremely indifferent eyes.

Especially those metal puppets specially designed by Alan for war, each of them exudes strong magical fluctuations, and obviously still has considerable spare power, and did not show their real cards.

Having seen the greater power with her own eyes, she has undoubtedly realized that she is really just an insignificant pawn in this game, and she cannot even control her own destiny.

"Hey! Clementine! Don't you want to say something?" Kagit gnashing teeth asked.

"What do you want me to say?" Sister Funny rolled the eyes angrily.

"This is the plan you proposed! Shouldn't you help when you encounter obstacles now? With your speed and reflexes, it shouldn't be a problem to destroy those big core components, right?" Khajiit narrowed his eyes and probed.

As the Orb of Death in his hand was strengthened, the ambition and desire in his heart began to expand rapidly, and he even fantasized about being able to kill his teacher and then replace him as the top leader of Zhilanong. By.

"What about the archers and magic casters on the city wall? Don't forget, their frost spells and entanglement magic can hold a person firmly in place." Clementine Asked sneeringly.

"You don't need to worry about those guys! I'll take care of them myself!"

Having said that, Khajit raised the red Death Orb in his hand, and suddenly released the stored in it. All negative energy.


The ground slowly cracked under the action of some kind of magical power, and four giant dragons with milk-white translucent light flickering from below climbed out in one breath.

Without a doubt!

This is not the Bone Dragon in the original plot, which can only be immune to sixth rank magic, but a higher level undying creature, the Spirit Dragon.

The biggest difference with Bone Dragon is that they can be freely converted between entities and Spirit Physique.

Similarly, the attack method has also changed from normal attack to special attack. Negative energy can be released directly through spitting and biting, which promotes the rapid passage of life force in the creature's body until it finally dies.

It can be said that this is a more terrifying existence than Bone Dragon!

Unless certain magical weapons are used, or pure elemental and energy attacks, it is difficult to deal effective damage to them.

The prop that Demiurge released before made Khajit, who holds the Orb of Death, surpass the limits of his own race, and successfully cast this terrifying undying creature.

"Oh! That's impressive. You seem to be getting stronger, Khajiit Delle Badantier." Clementine grinned meaningfully. smile.

"hmph! How about you, do you want to come with me? If you are willing to be loyal to me, I will consider making you the deputy leader of the Zhilanong organization under one person above ten thousand people in the future. ' Kagit made the invitation confidently.

He didn't even notice the fleeting sarcasm in Sister Funny's eyes.

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