Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 806

"You Spirit Dragon?!"

Seeing the translucent giant silhouettes that appear out of thin air above the cemetery, Sakura's face showed a surprised expression.

Because the summon and the undead creatures that control this level have obviously exceeded the upper limit that native creatures can achieve.

To be precise, the rank magic popularized by the King of Eight Desires is actually not suitable for the indigenous people in this world.

Humans, in particular, are barely able to perform sixth rank magic at best.

Even if there are props such as "the wise man's crown" that forcibly raise the rank, the highest one can only cast the seventh rank magic, which is far from the magic of the ninth rank and even the tenth rank of the Summon Spirit Dragon. far.

"It should be Demiurge's ghost. That guy must have buried something in the cemetery, which is why the proportion of negative energy has soared, and it is formidable with necromancy magic. power has also risen by two or three orders." Alan touched the chin and analyzed.

He could feel that this strengthening of necromancy and necromantic magic was limited to public cemeteries.

Once you leave the cemetery envelope, everything goes back to normal.

In other words, the current cemetery is equivalent to an exclusive domain that is absolutely beneficial to the necromantic specialization magic caster, and the magic of other attributes will be weakened to varying degrees.

"What now?" Sakura asked uncertainly. "I don't think those half-baked apprentice hunters who don't even have life energy can pose any threat to Spirit Dragon."

"No way! We have to go for a trip in person. Come on. , Occasionally playing a little game is good for physical and mental health. Even more how, aren't you also learning rank magic recently? Let's try it, just use rank magic, who can solve his opponent the fastest."

After saying that, Alan stood up and immediately learned to sell, activated the teleportation magic and brought the girl to the open space under the fence.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them walked from the room on the second floor of the Hunter Association to an open space full of tombstones.

The sound of soldiers and apprentice hunters fighting with undying creatures can be heard vaguely behind the city wall.

"en? Living people! You guys are really brave." A cruel smile appeared on Khajit's lifeless face.

It is obvious that he regarded Alan and Sakura, who appeared out of thin air, as ordinary adventurers who jumped down from the city wall.

"Which one do you choose?"

Alan ignored the bald Necromancer at all, and turned his attention to the girl beside him.

"Hmm... Since it's a spell duel, it's natural to pick a magic caster. Just this bald guy." Sakura pointed to Khajit after a little hesitation.

"OK! Then I'll use this woman to make do with it. Remember, you can only use tier magic whether you are attacking or defending, otherwise you will lose if you use other powers." Alan was very interested The description of the rules of the game.

"No problem!" Sakura agreed without thinking.

As a magician and mage with the power of the Great Demon, she has an enviable innate talent, so her learning speed is no worse than that of Alan, who cheated by the red dragon.

In this way, the two went straight to their chosen opponent with a playful attitude.

"Bastard! How dare you ignore me! Go to hell! Negative energy rays!"

Chajit was no doubt provoked by this supercilious behavior, and immediately shot a ray from the tip of his finger Black purple light beam.

There is no doubt that this is also some kind of necromancy spell, so it was instantly strengthened by the domain, from the original low-level magic to the middle-level magic with amazing lethality.

"Negative energy shield!"

Alan simply and neatly cast a fourth rank targeted protective spell.

As a result, the rays were completely absorbed after hitting, and there was not even a splash of water.

"Oh? You can actually use fourth rank magic! It seems that you are not ordinary people either."

Seeing that the opponent easily blocked his attack, Khajit suddenly become cautious.

After all, fourth rank magic is already quite a remarkable achievement for the human race.

At least he couldn't even find a third rank spell among those trash Disciples under his command.

But unfortunately, Alan has no interest in this bald man at all, but instead said to the funny sister who turned into a demon race: "Would you mind going there with me to play? Otherwise, I'm afraid Accidentally smashed other people's prey."

"Are you very confident in your own strength?" Clementine's eyes flashed with bloodthirsty and morbid rays of light.

Alan's very humble nodded: "en! It's okay. Because in this world, I'm afraid there is no stronger existence than me. But don't worry, I will limit myself to only use it and learn a few. Heaven's rank magic. So theoretically, you still have a million chance to beat me."

"Hahahaha! What a big breath! Since you think like this death, then lead the way. I just want to vent the dissatisfaction and resentment in my heart." Clementine grinned wildly.

Because she didn't feel the despairing breath of Demiurge from Alan, she subconsciously concluded that this was just an adventurer who liked to brag, just like those unlucky bastards who had been tortured and killed by him before. Same.

"Follow me! I want to be a little further away from the city wall."

With that, Alan turned around and walked straight to the deepest part of the public cemetery.

When the two of them disappeared into the darkness one after the other, Sakura showed a gentle smile and said to Khajit in a very cute tone: "Bald! Let's start from the eighth rank Let the magic warm up!"

tone barely fell!

A huge and incomparably complex magic array spread rapidly around her hands.

It is not difficult to tell from the red color that this will be a fire-like spell with amazing lethality.


As a high-level cadre of the Zhilanong Organization, Khajit clearly recognized the formidable power of this magic, and immediately summon Spirit Dragon blocked him. in front of him, and quickly added fire resistance and protection magic.

Next second...

bang! ! ! !

With a deafening loud noise, an incomparable gigantic Fireball flew out from the center of the magic array and directly hit Spirit Dragon's body.

The terrifying high-temperature flame devoured the entire dragon on the spot.

When the flames gradually dissipated, the body of this mighty and mighty undying creature had become almost completely transparent.

You don't need to ask to know that this is the inevitable result of a large amount of negative energy being consumed.

If it wasn't for the two targeted defensive spells of flame resistance and flame absorption in advance, it is estimated that Spirit Dragon would have been killed in seconds.

But even so, its current state is quite poor, and it will die 100% if it takes another hit.

"Eighth... eighth rank magic - burst?!"

Khajit said the spell's name in a trembling voice.

He couldn't believe that the other party could actually display such an amazing fire magic of formidable power in a cemetery with a negative energy explosion.

Combining with the appearance of Sakura's 15- or 16-year-old human girl, it doesn't conform to the common sense of this world at all.

"Huh? Didn't even kill a Spirit Dragon? It seems that Alan is right. If you want to use tier magic well, you need to study it in depth, otherwise, you will be able to use brute force alone. Big loss." Sakura looked thoughtful and muttered to herself.

You must know that the two magics of fire resistance and fire absorption are only three to fourth rank at best, but they cancel out almost 60% of the burst damage.

"Monster! Go to hell!"

Chajit was obviously stimulated, and frantically began to cast necromantic magic to strengthen the four Spirit Dragons, and ordered them at the same time Attack the girl in front of you.




As a person over forty who even gave up his identity as a living person for magic and transformed himself into an undead, he simply could not accept a teenage girl who easily displayed an eighth rank that he had never been able to achieve in his life. magic.

"Huh? monster? Isn't that what other people used to call Alan?"

Sakura was stunned for a moment, but soon came back to his senses, and quickly cast a more High Rank's ninth rank magic creates a dazzling golden beam of light out of thin air.

After being irradiated by those ghost Dragons that live on negative energy, they quickly screamed in pain, and their bodies began to disintegrate uncontrollably.

Obviously, these beams of light are the most restrained positive energy of undying creatures.

The result was no accident. The previously injured one collapsed on the spot, and the remaining three were also severely damaged, and they all retreated from the range covered by the beam of light.

"No!!!!!!! Look what you've done? You ruined all my hard work over the years!" Kajit thumped and knelt on the ground in a heart-wrenching misery Call.

ninth rank magic - sunburst!

The nemesis of all undead creatures!

If it weren't for the abnormally strong negative energy around the cemetery, just taking it just now would be enough to kill all the Spirit Dragons in seconds.

Forget about Spirit Dragon!

Even if the Undead archmage comes, I am afraid it will not escape the momentary seconds.


There is no chance of winning!

Those words kept echoing in Khajiit's mind.


At the same time, Alan and Clementine also came to the center of the cemetery and stopped.

Looking at the tombstones that were overgrown with weeds and most likely had not been taken care of for a long time, Alan couldn't help but sighed slightly: "Humans' attitudes towards the dead are really complicated. I know that corpses feel everything. No, but they have to bury their dead relatives and friends according to certain etiquette and habits, and even perform sacrifices at regular intervals. But as time goes by, the dead will be slowly forgotten, just like these Like an abandoned tomb, it eventually becomes a paradise for the undead."

"What do you want to express?" Clementine fiddled with the dagger in his hand, subconsciously frowned.

"No, it's nothing, I just feel that the huge Ye Lantier cemetery is no longer necessary. Believe me, if I destroy it, it shouldn't cause too much reaction from the public. ." Alan extend the hand lightly wiped an unnamed tombstone next to it.

"Destroy the cemetery?"

Clementine suddenly felt something was wrong.

Alan nods with a smile: "That's right! In order to save everyone's time, and also so that you can die without any pain, let us skip the trial part and start directly with super magic. Right!"

"Superpower magic? What is that?" A puzzled expression appeared on Clementine's face.

For the indigenous people of this world, they only know that the highest level of magic is the tenth order, and the limit of mortals is the sixth rank.

As for the superposition magic that only players can master, I have never even heard of it.

Only the very few True Dragon kings who have played against players and survived know the existence of superpower magic.

"Super-position magic, as the name suggests, is magic beyond the tenth order. It is said that each one has an unimaginable huge might. Of course, I have not tried it to what extent, but it is a conservative estimate. There shouldn't be much of a problem with thinking of this cemetery as a flat ground. Otherwise, it's a bit disappointing, isn't it?"

As the last word blurted out, Alan suddenly activated the one in his chest that had replaced it. The "new core of God" of the heart.

The terrifying magic power spurted out of his body in an instant, and even formed an amazing magic vortex within a radius of hundreds of meters.

" is this possible!"

Clementine's pupils shrank suddenly, and without stopping for a second, she immediately turned and ran out of the city.

She has only a single thought left in her mind at the moment!

That is to escape!

Desperate to escape!

Do your best to escape!

But before he could run far, he heard Alan's slightly lazy voice behind him.

"Super Position Magic - Falling to the Sky!"

bang! ! ! !

The dazzling white light and ultra-high temperature engulfed the entire cemetery in an instant!

Clementine didn't even have time to feel the pain, and her whole body evaporated on the spot.

Not only her, the surrounding trees, flowers, soil, tombstones...

Almost everything disappeared in just five seconds!

There are even signs of crystallization in the huge pits in the ground!

The soldiers and members of the Hunter Association who were far away on the city wall fighting against the army of undying creatures saw this scene. what the eyes see.

As for those remaining undead, they were torn to shreds in the aftermath of superposition magic—falling into the sky.

The positive energy generated by the high temperature may not cause much harm to living people, but it is definitely a natural enemy for these undying creatures.

It took several minutes before the commander on the city wall finally came back to his senses and asked in a trembling voice, "F...what happened? Does anyone know what happened? ?"

"Look! That's Sir President! He seems to have just wiped out the secret mastermind that made everything!" a hunter who used the eagle eye technique shouted.

"Is this the power that Sir President has? Too terrifying! It's like a god!" Joel took off his helmet, his face full of admiration and excitement.

"You know? I'm suddenly starting to feel a little pity for that secret mastermind now! Because he provoked an enemy he shouldn't have provoked."

"hahahaha! That's right! As long as there is Sir The President is here, our Hunter Association is invincible!"

"With such power! We can definitely kill those damn aliens and monsters! This world should belong to us humans!"


"Well said!"


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