Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 807

"Is this superpower magic? It seems that formidable power is still acceptable."

Alan commented as he swept the deep pit under his feet and the completely destroyed cemetery around him.

From the point of view of destructive power, the superposition magic-falling into the sky is obviously not as good as the full-strength punch that launches the shaking fruit.

But the "YGGDRASIL" game magic system, which has borrowed heavily from the rules of Dungeons and Dragons, is not simply the pursuit of lethality and destructive power, but a complex system similar to modern technology.

Whether it is a player or the indigenous inhabitants of this world, they can create and extend through their own ingenuity.

There is no theoretical upper limit to the amount of magic recorded in the Book of No Inscriptions.

And the fact that destructive power is not strong does not mean that it is not dangerous.

Take the ninth rank magic that old bones often use - heart mastery, as long as it is a creature that relies on the heart for blood supply, and is not immune and resistant to necromancy magic, even a giant dragon will be instantly killed .

As for spells like time stop and break, it obviously involves the field of Time and Space that even science can't explain clearly.

"no! You're wrong! Ordinary superpower magic can't achieve this formidable power, it's your god's heart core that amplifies and strengthens it to some extent." Verna Lazas suddenly corrected himself.

"God's heart core? Oh, so that's how it is."

Alan touched his chest subconsciously, a look of looked thoughtful on his face.

Although during the overwhelming majority, the device that replaced the heart by killing gods and robbed it was in a sleeping state, but it will inevitably be awakened when the magic power is mobilized on a large scale.

This also means that any rank magic that he himself casts will be greatly strengthened.

"Be careful with Suzuki Satoru and those True Dragon Kings! While I don't think they have magic, weapons, and items that can kill you, they can permanently damage you There must be a lot." Verna Razas reminded meaningfully.

But Alan shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Don't worry, I have the speed of lightning, I can create a black hole that devours everything, and I can tear apart the sky, the earth, and even the soul with the swing of a fist. The fields are all under my Sovereign. In addition to this "Book of No Inscriptions" that records all the magic of the rank, as long as you don't make too stupid mistakes, there is basically no possibility of losing."

Just when Verna Lazas was about to say something, a harsh sound that was enough to shatter the glass suddenly came out.


I saw Sakura rushing from the side angrily, dragging the half-dead Nfirea in her hand.

At this moment, her beautiful white dress was tattered, and even a large amount of skin and underwear were leaking, her smooth hair was very messy, and one of her shoes was missing .

"Are you crazy? You actually use superposition magic in such a place? Do you want to kill us too?" the girl asked loudly with an unhappy face.

If she hadn't reacted fast enough just now and cast a cold shield in time to cover Nfirea, this youngster probably wouldn't even have ashes left.

"Uh...sorry! I just wanted to test the formidable power of superposition magic, and I forgot about you guys."

Alan smiled bitterly and hurried to the dying Nfirea Heal and remove the item called the Wise Man's Crown.

Because he did forget about the little fellow who was kidnapped.

After a while, Nfirea's wounds were all healed, and her eyes slowly opened, she woke up and asked in a dazed way, "Sir President? Miss Sakura? Why are you here? No Where am I?"

"Don't think about it! You were kidnapped here by two high-level members of the Zhilanong Organization. But it's all right now." Sakura casually comforted.

Just as she was talking, she had already covered her tattered white dress with the robe in the equipment slot.

"Ah! I remember it! I was fighting a woman from a Zhilanong organization before, but I didn't know who was hit in the back of the head by a sneak attack." Painful head yelled.

"Okay, let us handle it here. You should go home and report your safety to your grandma. She has been missing for so long, and she should be anxious now." Alan patted the boy on the shoulder urged.

"Thank you very much!"

Nfirea got up from the ground and bowed deeply, then turned and ran towards the city.

It is not difficult to see from the hurried footsteps that he is also quite worried about the safety of his grandmother's life.

After the teenager had completely left, Alan bent down and picked up the two bauble that had fallen under his feet.

One of them is the black orb that caused the abnormal negative energy around the cemetery, and the other is the death orb held by Khajit.

I have to say that these two gems are indeed Interesting, and they can actually withstand the superposition magic—the frontal impact of falling into the sky.

"Are these two things strengthening the negative energy around the cemetery?" Sakura asked in an uncertain tone.

"No! Exactly this." Alan held up the black orb.

Although this thing is only the size of a quail egg, it exudes a certain kind of rotten Death Aura.

What's interesting is that it doesn't have negative energy itself.

This is completely different from the Orb of Death, which can store a lot of negative energy.

"High-level item identification!"

Sakura directly cast spell, which is specially used to identify unknown items in the level magic.


All the information about this orb immediately came to mind, as if it were a long-standing memory.

"How? Figure out what it does?" Alan asked casually.

Sakura lightly nodded: "en! I figured it out! Its name is Undead's Absolute Domain, which is a magic item specially used to mass-produce undying creatures and strengthen necromancy magic. This bead It does not carry any negative energy itself, but it will continuously generate negative energy in the process of transforming undying creatures. The more dead people are buried in a place, the more negative energy will be generated. Burials such as Ye Lantier public cemetery A place where hundreds of thousands of dead people are dead will naturally have an amazing effect."

"Interesting! It seems that this guy Demiurge has really invested his money in order to do something. This bead may be It's not as good as those world props with amazing formidable power, but it should be not far behind." Alan's tone was playful and playful.

"Are you going to call the door to declare war?" Sakura's face showed a be eager to have a try expression.

She doesn't have the slightest affection for her compatriot from an island country like herself.

"no! It's still too early. Let's wait until the people from the Absolute Death and the Silenian Church's dark scriptures arrive. Dealing with Suzuki Satoru who pretends to be strong on the outside but extremely fragile on the inside The best way is to directly take away what he holds most dear. Only in this way will he quickly degenerate, abandon what little humanity is left, and eventually become a complete undead tyrant. Wait until that time, and then put the He let it out to harm those monsters and alien races, and set up an absolute evil for the entire World Tree."

When he said this remark, Alan's tone and demeanor were full of nakedness towards Ainz. Undisguised malice.

Before the demoness chapter of destroying the country, he could even be regarded as a "bone meal".

But after this chapter, it turned from powder to black, and I wish I could crush it into powder.

Because in this chapter, the Great Tomb of Nazarick directly slaughtered 8 million people in the kingdom for a very ridiculous reason.

This is not an army of eight million!

But eight million civilians including old and young women and children!

No matter how you explain or gloss over it, it can't hide its extremely inhuman nature!

even more how, the conquest and domination of the Tomb of Nazarick in the later period is essentially the resurrection of *** and *** in the foreign world, any resistance will be brutally and ruthless suppressed ,massacre.

This reminds Alan of the many crimes committed by the island nation's army during World War II!

Now that he has the opportunity, he will naturally dismember the Great Tomb of Nazarick with little by little hands, and let the old bones go to the end of their lives in pain, despair, loneliness and regret.


As the sun slowly rises over the horizon, it's finally a new day for Ye-Rantel.

The hunters and soldiers who had been busy all night relaxed and sat on the city wall to enjoy the warmth of the sun on their bodies.

At the same time, the city hall also quickly came forward to re-plan the public cemetery that has completely disappeared from the map.

Recognizing the dangers of burying a large number of dead inside the city, Mayor Parnassore decided to move the new public cemetery to separate areas outside the city. .

Not only that, he also personally signed the world's first cremation bill, requiring all the deceased to be incinerated before burial, otherwise they will be punished with high fines.

Only in this way can things such as the undead natural disaster be completely prevented from happening again.

Although the decree that violated the traditional funeral customs was resisted to a certain extent, most of the people finally chose to support silently because they witnessed the horror of the undead army hitting the city wall last night.

apart from this , the war puppets sent by the Hunter Association, and the superposition magic that Alan performed at the end have also become topics of conversation among local residents.

As the most direct beneficiary, Ye Rantier spared no effort in telling the passing merchants and travelers the white light and roar that seemed like the end of the world.

And these rumors have become extraordinarily outrageous as they spread more and more widely.

But none of this has much to do with Alan himself.

At the moment, he is sitting in the office of the association headquarters, staring at the old man dressed as a gentleman standing in front of him, and taunted in a slightly playful tone: "Why, your timid master. Don't you even have the guts to come to see me? Or is it because he knows I've caught the handle, so he's guilty of being a thief and doesn't dare to come?"

"no! It's not what you think! First of all, An Master Zi doesn't know about this at all, everything is Demiurge's reap what you have sown. He even violated the order given by Highest Paragon. Secondly, in addition to apology, I also shoulder compensation this time and negotiation responsibility." Sebastian explained patiently.

"He really doesn't know?" Alan's eyes flickered with rays of light of suspicion.

"It's absolutely true! I swear with my life and reputation!" Sebastian gave a solemn assurance.

"Okay, I tentatively trust you first. But what are you going to pay for it?" Alan raised his fingers and tapped the table lightly. "You must know that Demiurge's conspiracy this time directly triggered the natural disaster of the undead in the city cemetery area, and the loss of personnel and property caused cannot be calculated and measured by money."

" Please rest assured about this! The Great Tomb of Nazarick has countless powerful weapons, armors and magic items! As long as you can promise to give Demiurge to me and bring it back, the conditions are up to you.”

Unlike other arrogant and despotic Guardians, Sebastian keeps his stance low.

On the one hand, it is because of his own character setting, and on the other hand, it is out of respect for powerhouse.

"Oh? The conditions are up to me? Even the world props are included?" Alan pursed his lips and probed.

Sebastian nodded without thinking: "Yes! Except for those items that involve the secrets of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, you can choose the rest at will."

"Well... you're really sincere to say that, but I need to think about it first, and I'll give you an answer in two days." Alan deliberately pretended to be in trouble with choice.

"Got it! I'm staying at the golden light shining pavilion hotel. If you want, you can send someone to call me at any time."

After that, Sebas. Tian touched his chest with one hand and bowed, then turned around and walked out the door.

The draconian monk had just left for less than half a minute when the people from the Black Holy Scriptures of the Church came out from another secret door on the side wall.

"How, are you satisfied with this person?" Alan blunt asked.

"Very satisfied! Not only is he powerful, but also has a strong sense of justice and gentlemanly demeanor. But once he is controlled by us, will the player who crossed over go crazy?" A very bad smile appeared.

"Hehe, isn't this a matter of as it should be by rights. But I will use a gift to awaken his deepest fear before he goes crazy." Alan "Nuke Good" replied with a smile.

That's right!

He is ready to use the "truth" in his pocket that can be replicated indefinitely.

I don't know if this thing can completely destroy the Great Tomb of Nazarick after it detonates.

However, from the point of view of the equivalent, even if it cannot be completely destroyed, it can also cause heavy losses to the old bones.

Maybe it can also clean up those evil NPCs with negative justice values.

Poor Sebastian didn't understand that the next time we met, he would say goodbye to the Great Tomb of Nazarick forever...

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