Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 808

Three days later, in the secret room in the basement of the Hunter's Association, Sebastian finally met Demiurge, the Guardian who was the worst with him in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

He couldn't imagine what terrifying torture and abuse he suffered during the time he was captured.

I saw that this demon was hanging on a wall at the moment, his limbs were almost completely cut off, there were only two blood holes left in his eyes, his eyeballs had been dug out alive, and his tail was also cut off. The sharp sword was cut to make a whip-like weapon.

In order to prevent him from using his language ability to deceive people, his tongue and throat were removed, and all the teeth that could bite through steel were gone. There were more than a dozen tubes inserted into his body, and he was continuously drawing blood.

apart from this, the entire top of the head is also lifted, revealing the brain that exudes evil and inhuman thoughts.

It can be said that the reason why she has not died is that someone is constantly treating her.

Looking at the unconcealed shock on Sebastian's face, Alan said with a smile: "How? I let the choppy, who likes experimenting on living bodies the most, become the test subject in person, isn't it great? Creativity? Know that my researchers have discovered twelve uses for demon blood. If you don't come, he'll probably live in this way for the rest of his life."

"You Are you using Demiurge's blood to make magical items and potions?" Sebastian glanced at the busy researchers and craftsmen next to him, with a look of unbearable expression on his face.

Although the relationship between the two is not always good due to the difference in justice value and the private grudge between the designers, they are the Guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazarick no matter what.

Seeing that the other party is now worse than death, he will inevitably feel that something hurts him.

"It's not just blood! His tail, teeth, bones, eyeballs, skin, internal organs, etc. are all very good raw materials. Although it is still far from the highest, it is barely usable. The most important thing is that as an NPC, as long as he is not completely dead, he can continuously regenerate through healing, which is equivalent to an infinite source of raw material production."

After that, Alan rushed to the old mage next to him. Luda winked.

The latter understood, immediately raised the knife and slammed it into Demiurge's chest, digging out the black demon heart alive.

The next second...

Another assistant immediately fills the potion of regeneration.

In just a few seconds, a brand new heart has grown again.

It's just a little smaller than the previous one, and it's also much more immature.

The severe pain caused by the whole process caused Demiurge, who was unable to make any sound, to writhe and twitch violently, just like a fish whose stomach was ripped open on a chopping board.

Such a tragic scene immediately made Sebastian feel a strong discomfort, and immediately frowned and interrupted: "Enough! Please make a condition! How can you exchange him? Take it back to me."

"In exchange for you? No! No! No! I think you misunderstood something. I never thought of giving this guy back, I just wanted you to be here Come visit the place and say goodbye to the Great Tomb of Nazarick by the way. Because right away, you don't belong there anymore. Kerry! Do it!"

As the last word blurted out, Alan rushed directly. The pitch-black scripture hiding in the dark snapped his fingers.

The next second...

An old lady wearing a white Dragon Mark cheongsam immediately activated the one she was wearing, whether it was inherited from the six gods or from the eight desires The world props that Wang grabbed—devastatingly beautiful.


Dragon Mark turned into golden light and soared into the air, heading straight for Sebastian's location.

Although he tried his best to dodge, and even rushed to kill the user.

But unfortunately, he was finally held in place by Alan's tyrannical force, unable to move even a little bit, and watched the Golden Dragon submerge into his body.

Soon, the fierce struggle and resistance stopped completely.

"Lord Alan, please let him go. This NPC is ours now." The old woman who called herself Kerry reminded.

"Oh? It's done so quickly!"

Alan let go of his hands in surprise and let Sebastian get up from the ground.

I have to say that this draconian monk did have two brushes in melee combat, and he actually hit him several times when he resisted, and he was not even fully immune to elementalization.

Obviously, the monks in the "YGGDRASIL" game are the same as the Dungeons and Dragons monks, their fists are equivalent to magic weapons, the surface is covered with a special energy, which can directly attack the elements and Spirit Physique. cause some damages.

"Sebastian! Kneel down!"

Kerry gave no nonsense and gave orders directly to the draconian who was controlled by the forcible charm.

The latter hardly hesitated, and immediately one-knee kneels assumed a posture of absolute obedience.

It seems like he will not have any hesitation to commit suicide immediately.

Alan's interest was undoubtedly aroused by the absolute domination of the spirit, and he immediately asked enthusiastically: "Is there any restriction on the use of this magic item?"

"Of course!" the old woman nodded lightly. "First of all, devastatingly beautiful can only have an effect on NPCs who do not have world items. That is to say, neither the player nor the NPCs with world items can have any effect. Second, for those who master Origin Magic True Dragon King, it doesn't work either. In the end, this item can only control one target at a time, and if you control one, you can't control the second."

"so that's how It is!"

Hearing that there are so many restrictions, Alan immediately realized that this thing is completely useless, it has no research value at all, and it is not even comparable to the tenth-order magic to tamper with memory.

"Lord Kerry, I think I should get the information about the Great Tomb of Nazarick from this guy named Sebastian immediately." Deity Captain of the Dark Codex quickly suggested.

“en! According to the information left by the six gods, once an NPC is controlled by devastatingly beautiful, the other party will definitely notice it. We must be fully prepared.”

Having said that, the old woman began to play her role as the ruler, and asked the draconian monk to explain clearly the locations and weaknesses of all the Guardians, NPCs and traps in the Great Tomb.

Even the old bones of the player were almost stripped of their bottoms.

In fact, this is also the most terrifying aspect of the devastatingly beautiful prop.

Not much, knowing that an NPC has been captured, the secrets in the player's guild will almost be exposed as bits and pieces.

In contrast, Destiny was obviously not interested in these trivial matters of gathering intelligence, but instead went directly to Sakura.

"I challenge you!"

"Challenge me? Have you forgotten the tragic situation you were beaten up last time?" Sakura raised her chin slightly, showing contempt. expression.

"I'm not the same as last time!"

Yin-Yang Fish took a firm step forward without showing weakness.

"Okay! Let me see how much you've gotten stronger over time! Come on! Let's go to an open place where we can't use it."

After saying this, Sakura took both of them out of the basement and entered the Azeroth continent through another door.

The chief priest who led the team was undoubtedly happy to see this kind of competition that would not endanger lives, and even asked with a smile, "Lord Alan, who do you think will win this time?"

"Of course it's Sakura! There is no suspense in the outcome of this battle from the very beginning. The only suspense is how long it will last." Alan blunt gave the answer.

Although the Yin-Yang Fish girl is powerful enough to pose a devastating threat to old bones and the Great Tomb of Nazarick after being strengthened by Epic Grade, compared to Sakura, who took the seeds of power directly from him, Still more than a grade off.

even more how, Sakura still has the blood of the red dragon flowing on her body, so far it has not really been activated.

"I don't understand! Since you have such a powerful power, why don't you just lead human beings to destroy the Kingdom of Review and kill those dragon kings hidden in the corners of the world, just like the six great gods back then? This is not the case. Is it simpler?" The chief priest couldn't help but ask the question that had been bothering him.

Alan replied with a smile: "Because for most people, things that are too easy to get will not be cherished at all.

Only after experienced untold hardships and bloodshed And sacrifice, human beings will firmly engrave it in their memory, and even form some kind of invisible spirit strength that has been inherited.

Just like your religious country, what keeps the human race protected This belief has not fallen into corruption and degeneration like kingdoms and empires?

Is it the fanatical belief and worship of the six gods that came to me?



It is the history of their struggle to lead you to fight and fight against aliens and get rid of enslavement!

It is the iron will and sense of mission condensed by the tempering of blood and fire!


The entire Silian clergy is built on this foundation, so the past dynasties of priest councils have maintained an efficient and clean style.

And the kingdoms, empires and Saint Kings that have not experienced these Without exception, the country has fallen into internal friction.

You must know that normally, a country has been in continuous operation for 600 years, and has experienced several terrifying disasters, and various kinds of disasters will inevitably appear. Complex internal contradictions and problems.

But I have not seen these in the teaching country.

It is precisely because of this that I choose you as a partner.

Among all human nations, only you are fully worthy of the title of Human Guardian.

That's why I decided not to directly interfere with the world, but to stimulate potential through some means, so that Human beings accomplish the goal of Sovereign world through their own efforts.

Maybe many people will die in the process, but their deaths will light the way forward for those who come later.

Even if I leave one day and the Hunter Association is disbanded, this spirit will still exist widely in the memory of the entire human race.

And this memory will become more important than any weapon, equipment, prop, Bloodlines are even more precious treasures.

The power that truly belongs to human beings!"

Hearing this remark, the chief priest was immediately overwhelmed with excitement, and hurriedly bent down and bowed deeply. A bow: "It is an honor for all the priests of the Silian Church to receive such a high evaluation from you. Please rest assured, we will follow you to defeat all monsters and aliens, and make human beings the only Sovereign in this world."


On the other side, far away in the Great Tomb of Nazarick in the deepest part of the forest.

Guardian director Albedo has discovered Sebastian's abnormality and immediately reported the matter to old bones.

Right now, he is sitting on the huge throne, opening the guild system interface to check the status of the NPCs.

Sure enough, on Sebastian's name, he saw a bold font marked with red.

Usually, this is only revealed when the NPC is mind controlled by another player.

"Albedo! When was the last time Sebastian had contact with the Great Tomb?" Ainz's tone was filled with intense tension, anxiety, and anxiety.

"Three hours ago! He said that the other party had agreed to negotiate the return of Demiurge and the payment of compensation. But then, the connection was completely cut off." The succubus manager hurriedly gave the answer .

"Three hours ago? That is to say, he was controlled during the negotiation with Alan. Is it some kind of enchanting magic? Or a magic item? Or some power I don't know. ?"

Because there is no chance to go to the human world to collect information, old bones now know very little about the magic, martial skills and abilities of this world, and the whole person suddenly panicked.

Because he doesn't know whether this control is temporary or permanent, and whether it can be lifted with magic and props.

And since the other party can control a Sebastian, can it also control Demiurge and other Guardians?

Take a step further and consider whether you can take control of the Great Tomb of Nazarick from your own hands?

The more he thought about it, the more frightened Ainz felt.

I didn't even dare to use teleportation magic to confirm Sebastian's current state.

In addition, what frightened him even more was what if Sebastian betrayed Nazarick out of his own will instead of being controlled by magic?

Will other NPCs with self-awareness follow suit?

By that time, the entire guild will not fall apart in its own hands...

"Supreme of Supreme! I don't think it can be passive like this anymore! Since the other party has already made moves , we should resolutely counterattack." The main battle faction Shalltear stood up again and repeated the old story.

"You go to war?" Ainz asked in an uncertain tone.

Shalltear thoughtlessly nodded: "That's right! Blindly compromise is not the style of our Great Tomb of Nazarick. Just the opposite! A Tooth For A Tooth, an eye for an eye is I suggest to assemble the army immediately, open the Transmission Gate, and launch a full-scale attack on Ye Lantier. Even if you can't win, at least you can figure out the opponent's cards, and check the status of Sebastian and Demiurge by the way. ."

"I also agree with Shalltear-sama's opinion! At this time, there is no other choice but to go to war." The big inspector Cocytus also agreed.

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