Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 809

As more and more Guardians stand up for Shalltear, old bones feel the pressure.

Because he didn't intend to fight a person who had crossed over from Earth and possessed some kind of power that he had no power at all.

After all, before crossing, he was just a loser who graduated from elementary school and lived at the bottom of society.

Perhaps with the professional levels, weapons and equipment, magic items that come with the game "YGGDRASIL", and the powerful NPCs of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, they can be a little bit more friendly to the indigenous people who live in a medieval foreign world. Create a sense of superiority.

But Ainz had no confidence in himself when faced with Alan who showed great strength.

Especially after secretly observing the strength of licensed official hunters like the Dark Sword Squad and the Blue Rose Squad, he actually gave up his plan to approach the human world and was going to take the southwest Asian The human tribe wasteland was completely annexed, and then behind closed doors, the aliens and monsters who had the same wisdom but stayed in the primordial tribal society played slowly.

What makes old bones absolutely didn't expect is that these NPCs under him are too thoughtful.

It was the same with Demiurge who acted against orders without authorization, and the same with Shalltear, who was bloodthirsty and warlike.

Now, no one regrets more than him why he founded such a group of guilds composed of demons, undead, vampire, insect and other aliens.

If it is a race such as humans or dwarves, elves, etc., I believe that it should be easy to integrate into human society, rather than being forced to the edge of the cliff as it is now.

【Damn! What should I do! It would be great if someone in the guild could travel to this world with me! When the server was about to shut down, why didn't you keep Heiluo Heluo! If he was there, he should be able to think of better countermeasures. "

Ainz let out a desperate roar in his heart.

But on the surface, he still pretended to be calm and calm, sitting on the throne, staring at the standing The vampire True Ancestor in front of him asked, "Shalltear! Are you sure that after the war, the opponent will not take the opportunity to discover and invade the Great Tomb of Nazarick? "

"Of course! With the defensive power of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, it can be easily defended even if it is besieged by several times more enemies. In contrast, the captured Demiurge and the rebellious Sebastian were a huge threat. We must understand the situation and prepare accordingly. "Shalltear gave her reasons for fighting.

"Supreme's Supreme!" We can also bring together the recently conquered lizardmen, goblins, orcs and ogre and throw them on the battlefield as cannon fodder to cause chaos. "Albedo also suggested.

Although Demiurge was captured as the implementer of the plan to annex the demi-human tribe wasteland, his plan was still executed perfectly.

At present, Nazarick has controlled nearly 300,000 aliens and monsters.

If necessary, all adult males and some females can be called up to fight as soldiers at any time.

And after these cannon fodders die, they can also be transformed into undead through necromantic magic and skills.

This is also the most terrifying part of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

As long as it can get enough resources, it can continue to grow through war like a snowball, which is no different from the Undead Scourge launched by the Lich King of Azeroth.

” Well... if that's the case, let's go to war! Ainz stood up abruptly and waved his hand.

After a series of hesitations and struggles, he finally decided to give it a shot.

After all, the messenger he sent, Sebastian Ann's sudden and unpredictable betrayal is enough to explain a lot of problems.

even more how, sitting still is not in line with his character.

In this way, under the persecution of Alan, accepting The war machine of the Great Tomb of Salik is finally in full swing.

In just a few hours, the transmission gates opened one after another on the demihuman wasteland.

Complete Thousands of aliens and monster tribes who are forced to acknowledge allegiance to old bones have recruited young adults to join this war where they don't even know who the enemy is.

Perhaps in their eyes, there is nothing in the world Nations and forces can compete with the rulers of death, so there is no need to worry about defeat.

And these young men are fully armed under the weapons and armor provided by the Great Tomb, and they gather in neat queues In the open space.

Standing high and watching the endless army below, as well as the Guardian, the Pleiadian Maid and other battle NPCs, Ainz suddenly felt a little high-spirited and vigorous. It seems that the entire world is under his feet.

At this moment, he finally understands why there are so many people in the real world, trying their best to climb to the top of society.

Because this is the taste of power!

You can easily decide a person, a city, or even a country or a race! The old bones at the bottom were instantly fascinated by the feeling that he was a god.

Now he realized that the life of eating and waiting for death in the past was not what he really wanted.

That just didn't get a chance to taste power and power, so subconsciously chose the easiest and least stressful way of living with the flow.

But now!

He has tasted the joy and happiness that can bring from dominating others, and naturally he will not give up easily.

From this moment on, old bones finally regarded Alan on his head as a A target that must be eradicated, raised the guild weapon in his hand and commanded loudly: "Open the Transmission Gate! Expedition! "

"Highest Paragon's command! Turn on Transmission Gate! Expedition! "

"Highest Paragon's command! Turn on Transmission Gate! Expedition! "

"Highest Paragon's command! Turn on Transmission Gate! Expedition! ”

Countless undying creatures, specially designed to deliver orders, shouted at this massive army in the sky.

It didn’t take a while for dozens of direct communication The Transmission Gate to Ye-Rantel was opened out of thin air.

Those tribe warriors eager to show their loyalty to the Great Tomb of Nazarick rushed over like a tide.


At the same time, Alan at the Hunter's Association headquarters on the other side, undoubtedly found those violent magic and space vibrations, and immediately shot to interfere.

As a result, all Transmission In the end, the gate was not able to be opened in the city, but opened on the plain a few kilometers away from the city.

Because of the large number, it was quickly packed.

The soldiers who were on duty near the city gate and city wall saw this scene and were so frightened that they hurriedly closed the city gate and sounded the alarm.

Residents who were working and doing business on the street fled at the fastest speed When I got home, I sealed the Death Gate window with wooden boards and cabinets.

For a time, the whole city was in boundless panic and despair.

Everyone was looking forward to it. The Hunter Association can stand up to protect itself, just like the undead natural disaster that broke out in the cemetery not long ago.

"This...this is? ! ”

The priest of the Patriarchate who was drinking tea suddenly stood up from his chair and stared at the monster army continuously emerging from the Transmission Gate force.

Especially by Gao The main force composed of undying creatures is beyond the limit of his imagination.

"Hehe, is it coming so soon? It seems that I really underestimate him. "Alan pursed his lips into a playful smile.

"Lord Alan!" Judging from this size and number, Nazarick should have already come out in full force. ” reminded Sebastian, who was controlled by devastatingly beautiful.

“Damn! Sure enough, is it a player who wrecked the entire world like the King of Eight Desires? "Deity Captain cursed in a low voice.

As the first seat of the dark scriptures and the expert who is second only to death, he found several guys who could match him at a glance. , the whole person became a little nervous.

In contrast, the girl Yin-Yang Fish, who had just been beaten up, was very indifferent, still fiddling with the Rubik's cube in her hand, without raising her head. Q: "Is the other party here to declare war? "

"Ah! If that's enough to hold back a fight, I really wonder if he's Old Tortoise reincarnated. Sorry, excuse me for a while. As the president of the Hunter's Association, I can't let these trash fish cause any damage to the city. "

Speaking, Alan stood up from the chair, and the whole person instantly turned into an electric light disappeared without a trace.

The next second...

He Turned into an incomparable gigantic ball lightning directly in midair and fell from the sky!


With the dazzling electric light and explosion, more than one third army Scattered ashes and dispersed smoke on the spot, not even a single residue left.

Lei Ying!

The most widely spread and most destructive power move of the thunder fruit.

With just one blow, the originally high morale of the Great Tomb of Nazarick was forcibly smashed.

Especially for those temporarily recruited aliens and monsters, seeing this kind of god-like The power, instantly frightened and fled in all directions, how dare to stay in place for a second.

Unfortunately, Alan did not let them go, and once again opened the huge electric field covering the surrounding, directly At a speed close to light, he killed tens of thousands of guys who tried to escape in less than a second.

The other party didn't even know who killed him or how he died.

Only felt the silver light flashed, and then lost consciousness with a black eye.

Because Alan knew that if these monsters and aliens were allowed to run away, then the surroundings of Ye Lantier would be lost. The villagers will surely suffer.

In this world, the hatred between humans and aliens is deeply planted long before the arrival of the player, and there is no room for easing.

It will only end if one of them completely destroys the other.

"Damn! Nicoleid! What magic did he use just now? "

Ainz was obviously frightened by the destructive power and speed displayed by the Thunder Fruit, and immediately sought answers from the NPC in the Great Tomb who was best at monitoring and gathering intelligence.

But the latter gently shook the head, indicating that he did not know.

"Supreme's Supreme! I request to fight! "The big insect Cocytus took the initiative to stand up.

With the character of Martial Artist, he is not afraid to fight with the powerhouse, let alone die at the hands of the enemy.

"Good! I allow you to fight! But be careful! If you find something is not going well, then withdraw first. "old bones warned repeatedly in a serious tone.

Just as he was speaking, a silver light suddenly flashed in the air.

Not waiting for the Guardians of Nazarick Realizing what happened, Alan was already sitting on the chair that belonged to Ainz, with a playful and playful smile on his face and waved: "Yo! As a low-level social animal, your pomp after crossing is really big enough. what is this? Some kind of crazy twisted compensatory psychology? "

"Supreme maggots who dare to offend Supreme!" go to hell! "

Before the old bones could speak, Shalltear was the first to pounce.

But unfortunately, before she got close, Alan made it out of thin air. Create a spherical barrier and seal it from head to toe, no matter how hard you attack or struggle, you can't break free.

“pipe down! I don't like being interrupted when I'm talking.

Know? The Supreme in your mouth is actually the weak human being that you most despise now in the real world.

Even more cowardly than the ordinary person of this world.

No matter how exploited and oppressed, I dare not stand up and resist, but silently endure the abuse and bullying from my boss.

Tell me, Suzuki Satoru, what gave you the courage to go to war with me?

Is the profession and magic power given to you by the game system?

Or these NPCs who crossed over with you?

Or do you think you can win? "

"Shut up! Stop calling me Suzuki Satoru! My current name is Ainz Ooal Gong! Supreme of Nazarick Great Tomb Supreme! "The roar of old bones fly into a rage out of humiliation.

Somehow he now feels a strong sense of shame and anger when he hears his original name.

"Hahahaha! so that's how it is! Did you completely deny the real, weak and cowardly self in the past, and then completely integrate into this game character? interesting! What a lot of fun! "Alan couldn't help laughing.

There's no way not to laugh!

As a transmigrator, accepting a new identity and name isn't the worst thing after all.

But if even the past is completely abandoned and denied, how inferior it would be!

Similarly, he also realized why in the original plot, the other party would little by little lose the last Humanity has become the devil who directly ordered the slaughter of eight million people in the kingdom.

Because this guy has been trying to erase the memory of being the lowest social animal since he came to the foreign world, Only keep the relatively good parts of the game.

As a result, old bones gradually don't think of themselves as a person, so they don't feel anything about killing living beings at all, they just want to defend Nazarick The Great Tomb is the final home and destination.

For those Guardians that he can't control and control at all, he basically adopts a laissez-faire attitude, and has never really thought about restraining his increasingly maddened behavior.

“Without friends and relatives, can you only put all your emotions in the game in the end? What a pathetic life you have..."

Alan concluded in a slightly sympathetic tone.

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