Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 810

"ahhhh Ahhhh!!!!! Kill you! I'm going to kill you! Super magic - fall to the sky!"

Ainz was obviously broken by the last sentence, like Like crazy, he immediately started to activate the most powerful magic that he mastered, trying to obliterate this eternal life in front of him.

As a result, no one knows about the tragic life called Suzuki Satoru.

When the time comes, with the powerful strength of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, he can even conquer the entire world, becoming a being that everyone fears and fears just like the six gods and the eight kings of desires.


With the dazzling white beam of light, everything around was devoured.

If the reaction was not fast enough, several Guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazarick might have been implicated.

But just when everyone thought that being hit by this level of terrifying magic would be considered don't die also seriously injured, Alan actually came out of the pit intact, and even None of the clothes on his body were damaged in the slightest.

I saw him lightly dusting off the dust on his body, and then asked with a smile: "That's it? It seems that your sad life will continue in this world."

"no! impossible! How can you be unscathed under superposition magic! It's a lie! It must be a lie!"

old bones suddenly became very excited, and even Undead forced cooldown has no effect.

As a game player of "YGGDRASIL", superposition magic is almost the most powerful power he can master.

Although there are things like world props that seriously disrupt balance (seriously, does this game really have balance at all?), destructive power is not much stronger than superpower magic.

But now, this kind of power doesn't work at all, how could he be calm.

"Hehe! Look, this is your pitiful and sad part. The seemingly powerful power comes from the endowment of the game system. What is the real power that belongs to you? The answer is No! After leaving the YGGDRASIL game, now you don't even know who you are."

Alan continued to sprinkle salt on the other's wound without any scruples.


This should have gone beyond sprinkling salt, but sprinkling paprika.

"All the Guardians of Nazarick! In the name of Ainz Ooal Gown, kill him for me."

Seeing that the single-player was no longer enough, the old bones immediately took out Group fight strategy, while blessing yourself with flying magic, quickly distanced yourself and began to frantically give yourself BUFF and protection magic.

At the same time, he did not forget to let the remaining undead army attack Ye Rantel.

"Supreme for Supreme!"


"Chain Dragon Thunder!"

"Earth Giant Slashing!"

"Slashing God Blade Emperor!"


Watching these attacks surrounding him from all directions, Alan was only contemptuous laughed, stretched out a finger and said, "As someone who is also empowered by the game system, let me show you the biggest difference between us."

tone barely fell !

A delicate and beautiful longbow suddenly appeared in his hand.

Divine Item - The Wrath of Solidar Stars!

The ultimate weapon for all hunters yearn for something even in dreams throughout the seven Level 10 editions!

Without any hesitation or hesitation, the moment Alan pulled the bowstring, the mighty Great Demon force that frightened everyone present began to gather and quickly formed the shape of an arrow.

Due to the highly condensed energy, this energy arrow emits rays of light that are brighter than the sun!

There is no doubt that these magical powers did not come from him, but directly from the sunwell where the high elves depended for a living, as described in the last line of small print on the bow.

Although Alan himself has no idea how the magic of the Sunwell flows out of the game world and into the bow.

But it is certain that as long as he wants, he can let Solidar Starfury create amazing magic arrows of formidable power through a long-term charge at any time.

Then he wrapped life energy, armed color domineering, and elemental attachment on the arrow.

As Cocytus charged forward, wielding his sharp katana, Alan finally stopped charging and gently released his bowstring fingers.


bang! ! ! ! !

The terrifying energy arrows split into several branches in an instant, piercing through the nearest unlucky ones with a thunderous force.

Especially the closest big insect Cocytus, obviously blocked the arrow with the Slashing God Blade, but the arrow might be split in half instantly and inserted directly into the outside of its four arms. two.

In less than 0.01 seconds, the skills and magic used to increase defensive power and protect ranged weapons were completely destroyed.

The outer two completely turned into powder in the harsh explosion!

As for the Pleiadian maids who were at Level 50 to Level 10, they were instantly disappeared without a trace, leaving no residue.

And the aftermath of the arrow left two ravines on the ground, intercepting all the Undead army that rushed towards Ye Rantel.

Just one hit!

Naberal Gamma is dead!

Soluuchian Epsilon died in battle!

Etoma Basiliza Zeta is seriously injured!

Cocytus was slightly injured!

There are also a full 500 Death Knights, 4000 high-level skeleton warriors equipped with magical weapons and armors, and more than 30,000 low-level cannon fodders made from alien and monster corpses, directly from everyone's sight. disappeared within the range.

In this case, let alone the Guardian of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, and the old bones floating in the midair, it is the Ecclesiastical Black Holy Scriptures hiding in the Hunter Association headquarters and observing the battlefield remotely through magic and magic. Members and priests were speechless in shock.

Especially the huge ravine on the ground that is three kilometers long and more than ten meters deep, it is as if the earth is torn apart.

"Aiya! Alan actually took out a bow and arrow, this time the game is over." Sakura dragged her chin with a regretful expression.

"You mean... this bow is Mr. Alan's best weapon?" the chief priest asked with shining eyes.

Sakura spread his hands and replied: "That's right. Whether it's a bow or a sword, when he draws his weapon anyway, it usually means the game is over. Unless you deliberately release water, no one can play in that kind of game. Survive the attack."

"Is this the power of God? isn't this too ridiculous! With this Lord here, there is nothing to fear from trifling alien races and monsters." Deity Captain excitedly Stand up from the chair.

"I'll give you a piece of advice! Don't call him a god in front of Alan, or you'll be beaten." Sakura warned kindly.

"Sorry! Sorry! I was so excited that I forgot." Deity Captain quickly apologized.

Because he had been warned more than once before by Absolute Dying.

As for the Yin-Yang Fish girl, she was completely attracted by Alan at this moment, staring straight at the silhouette with a faint smile on her face in the crystal ball, completely ignoring everything around her.


Do you understand the gap between us now?

It's not just a simple accumulation of power, but also a powerhouse mentality , as well as the thinking and courage to break the limits of the game system.

From the very beginning, I regarded the profession that the game gave me as part of the countless sources of power.

Neither abandon it No, I won't rely too much on it.

Even without the help of the game system, I am still a powerhouse standing on the ground.

But what about you?

After stripping the game system, what do you have left?"

Alan put away the bow and arrow in his hand, and questioned the soul again.

He can feel that the defense line in the opponent's heart has already collapsed, and the whole person is sliding towards the endless abyss.

It seems that it won't be long before old bones will completely degenerate into real undead, the "all evil in the world" that can easily slaughter 8 million ordinary persons, including old and weak women and children.


terrifying silence!

Whether it was Shalltear, who had been clamoring for a fight, or Cocytus, who had lost both arms, they stopped attacking.

Because they have realized that the gap between themselves and the guy in front of them is as amazing as the gap between the lizardmen, goblins, ogre and orcs on the demihuman tribe wasteland.

In the face of this disparity, any resistance and struggle is futile.

After about two 3 minutes, Ainz finally came back to his senses with the forced calm of the undead, and solemnly asked: "You must have traveled more than one world, right?"

"Oh? Don't you see that you're pretty smart. That's right! I've visited several worlds, and even killed some guys who tried to enslave humans by claiming to be gods." Alan didn't try to deny it, and generously Admit it.

"The reason why you are enemies with me is because I am an undead, and most of the Guardians and NPCs in the Great Tomb of Nazarick are extremely evil people such as demons and vampires. A threat to the humans of the world?" Ainz continued to probe.

After the initial incompetent fury, he finally began to calm down and think from an angle of absolute sanity.

Alan nodded lightly: "Yes! Because without my intervention, millions of human beings would have been slaughtered by you and your troubled Guardians. This is already true in the demihuman tribe wasteland. Well represented, isn't it?"

"en! You're right! The Great Tomb of Nazarick has slaughtered almost a hundred thousand demihumans in that land. Without you If so, I should do the same thing in the human world." old bones simply admitted it.

After all, so many undead cannon fodder are impossible conjured out of thin air, and they all need corpses as raw materials.

An army of 100,000 undead means slaughtering 100,000 souls.

"So! I warned you from the very beginning. Even Demiurge's name was specifically named. But the problem is, you didn't appear to be able to restrain these issues at all. The guardian's ability is just to condone their behavior. Now I want to destroy you and the Great Tomb of Nazarick, you It shouldn't be any complaints."

Speaking, Alan's The hands began to shine with dazzling lightning.

Ainz saw this scene and hurriedly interrupted: "Wait! Don't you think this is very unfair? I'm just a newcomer who has just crossed over to this world, but you have already crossed over. Several worlds."

"Fair?" Alan couldn't help laughing. "As an adult, you should understand that there is no fairness in the world. If there is really fairness, why are some people born into wealthy families who don't have to worry about money all their lives, and more people Are you running around all day for a living? Have you given them justice to the slaughtered demihuman tribes?"

"What if I swear I will never hurt humans again? Can't you give me another chance? Is it?"

Ainz continued to try to win a chance for himself and the NPCs in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

"It's really a strong desire to survive. Well, for the sake of your sad life, I'll give you another chance. From now on, I'll only use tier magic like you. , instead of using other powers. If you can hold on for ten minutes, then I'll give you a month's buffer."

Obviously, Alan didn't intend to kill the opponent here, so Immediately agreed.

"it's a deal!"

Ainz, who thought he had caught the last straw, immediately raised the kryptonite item "Wishing Ring" and activated it that would have consumed a lot of money. A superposition magic that can only be performed by EXPs——Wish on the stars.


A huge amount of magical energy fell from the sky, covering him from head to toe.

Alan just glanced at it, and immediately realized that it was a magic that was very similar to the nine-ring magic of the Dungeons and Dragons rules magic system - wishing.

If it's in-game, it will at best show a few options.

But in the real world, it's a powerful spell that ensures that wishes are not misinterpreted through careful wording by the sorcerer.

That is to say, the more difficult it is to realize the wish, the more precise you have to make sure you describe it, otherwise all kinds of accidents will happen.

For example, if a person simply wishes for infinite wealth, there is a high chance that he will be directly teleported into a vein full of gems and gold, and as a result, he will be squeezed into a patty alive.

At this moment, the wish of old bones is to put a dozen layers of protective magic and buffs on himself in one go.

"Don't you plan to use this tortoise shell to delay time? If you think so, you will look down on me too much. Superposition magic - eternal blazing sun!"

With the powerful prop of the "Uninscribed Book", Alan created a scorching little sun directly above his head.

However, because it is closer to the ground, it looks about the same size as the real sun overhead, madly releasing positive energy that is an absolute natural enemy to undying creatures.

In less than a few seconds, the army of undead on the ground was completely lost, and many of the high-level undead even emitted harsh screams, and finally dissipated in the sun.

Old bones were blessed with protective magic in this regard, but they were still irritated.

You must know that Eternal Blazing Sun is not a superposition magic that lasts for a short time, but a spell that lasts for a long time.

This also means that he must fight in a situation that is absolutely unfavorable to his best necromantic magic...

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