Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 812


old bones shouted directly at the special NPC floating in midair, like a baby embryo, without any hesitation.

As the core of the defense of the entire Great Tomb of Nazarick, this alien-like little monster has a special ability, which is to release indiscriminate attacks by committing suicide, making everyone around him unable to move the fixed state.

It was with this ability that he was able to defend the guild alone after his companions retreated, and has never been breached by any player.

After receiving the order, this little monster pink body with only three 15th level started to glow instantly.

Next second...


It exploded in situ and released a wave of invisible eye energy around it.

When Alan was swept, the whole soul began to vibrate violently, and the direct result was that he lost control of his body.

Obviously, with this bug-like ability, Viktim blocked the attack of a total of 1,500 people from the eight guild coalition forces, and wiped out 1,000 people in 8-Layer. Two hundred players successfully seized a large number of weapons and equipment, as well as several world props.

【Does the soul vibrate? interesting! However, YGGDRASIL, a game that has no balance at all, can be considered a miracle after it has been in operation for 12 years. ]

Alan complained in his heart.

What is the most important thing about online games?

The rich and varied content and engaging storyline are certainly important parts, but what's more important is the interaction between players.

Simply put, it is cooperation and confrontation.

Otherwise, everyone is going to play stand-alone games, why do they need to be connected to the Internet?

Since there is PVP, it is natural to take care of the balance, and there must not be any occupations, equipment and props that seriously affect the balance.

Otherwise, once it appears, it must be modified immediately.

WOW generation version is basically the same as the generation of gods, no profession can always be strong.

Even a mage known as Blizzard's own son will always be restrained by one or two professions.

But in the game "YGGDRASIL", not only all kinds of world-class props that destroy the balance are flying all over the sky, but also the BUG of the guild system can be used to create various NPCs with outrageous abilities.

The most important thing is that these bug-like NPCs will not be forced to delete and modify.

"It's now! Lubedo! Gao Dakang!"

Ainz obviously didn't know that Alan was complaining about his favorite game, and immediately told the guild that the two strongest destructive powers NPC issued an attack order.


A huge monster with a height of 30 meters -- Gao Dakang took the lead in attacking, and smashed it with a fist that was comparable to a building.

At the same time, the super NPC Lubedo created by the card BUG also entered a state of rage instantly, and rushed straight to the location of Alan as if going crazy, not only two eyes flashing bloodthirsty and brutal. rays of light, and a lot of saliva flowed out of his mouth.

Just as the two guys were about to attack Alan from left to right, he suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a few words.

"Spirit Physique!"


Whether it was Gao Dakang's fist or the sharp blade in Lubedo's hand, they all passed through the virtual body, as if hitting the air.

"What?! You... you were obviously hit by Wicktim! How can you still cast spells?" old bones asked in disbelief loudly.

Alan, who maintained the Spirit Physique state, replied casually: "I warned you, don't judge me with the common sense of ordinary players. Of course, the soul shock can make most creatures lose control of their bodies, and even even The undead are no exception, but my soul is not only my own soul, but stores thousands of soul energy. Therefore, the shock you just created can only make me feel 0.01 seconds at best. Paralyzed, it has now recovered."

"Damn it! Magic—the perfect warrior!"

Seeing that his ambush plan had failed, Ainz immediately launched this, which had no eggs in the game. Use the ability to directly convert your mage level into warrior level.

However, since there is no corresponding skill, there is no chance of winning when fighting the same level warrior class recklessly.

Of course, he didn't have the intention to fight recklessly, but took out a huge shield formed by countless blades snapped together.

There are broadswords and two-handed swords, daggers and thin swords, shark-toothed blades and even more bizarre murderous structures.

These razor-sharp weapons appear to be disordered and in a mess, but in fact they make up a magnificent, graceful giant badge.

In the center of the badge, a sharp blade that was as sharp as it could split the air protrudes high, like the horn of a unicorn.

World-class props—hundreds of millions of blades!

The Great Tomb of Nazarick is also the strongest attack item!

It's not as flashy as the Mountains and Rivers State Chart, it just exists to max out the enemy.

The effect is simple and clear, that is, it produces a large-scale non-attribute damage to people and items at the same time.

In the game, hundreds of millions of blades can easily cover the entire map without paying any EXP, and conduct indiscriminate attacks on a range as large as a maze.

Low-level guild strongholds can even be wiped out with a single blow.

If you are willing to pay the EXP of Level 5, then it can even change the landscape of the entire world with one blow, and it is a "map cleaner" that is really used for large-scale damage.

"Oh? World props again?" Alan clearly had a strong interest in the Hundred Million Blades.

Because this thing looks just like the golden treasure of the king.

The only difference is that all Treasure Items are projected by Wang Zhibao, and this thing is only composed of pure weapons.

"Take it! This is my strongest! It's also the last attack!"

Ainz raised the badge in his hand with a slight sigh.

With the strong airflow, the power of hundreds of millions of blades was finally fully released.

I saw that all the sharp blades on the badge began to tremble slightly.

next moment!

They left their original positions one after another, climbing, rising, and biting each other around the high raised blade in the middle...

The surrounding air fluctuated like the water surface, no matter how much Countless swords and weapons poured out from the center of the badge and continued to climb upwards.

In the end, the prop became taller and taller, and looked like a tower of swords from a distance.

Its height has penetrated the false sky, completely tearing the ground above the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

There is no doubt that this is a real sword that reaches the sky.

When the sun shines in, this prop emits dazzling golden rays of light, making people unable to open their eyes.

"Haha! This is really an incredible attack. If it is really cut down, it is estimated that even the entire mountain range will be flattened."

Alan undoubtedly felt hundreds of millions The astonishing destructive power of the blade, immediately and continuously cast superposition magic to give himself a "tortoise shell".

This is no longer a pure physical attack, but a conceptual weapon that incorporates some kind of strong will and belief, just like the Spirit Treasure equipment under the blessing of belief and legend.

"ahhhh Ahhhh!!!!!! Please! Please die!"

Ainz roared and swung down the weapon that completely ignored the rules of physics.


Hundreds of millions of blades erupted with a terrifying roar, sloping down from the invisible top, and the entire sky and earth were shattered by this blow.

Especially the splendid sight of the separated clouds at the top of the sky made everyone who saw this scene shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

But what happened next made the entire world feel fear and trembling.

The Angelicia mountain range, which separates the empire from the kingdom, was directly divided into two by hundreds of millions of blades.

The deafening noise and vibration can be clearly felt hundreds of kilometers away.

The official hunters who were helping the dwarves against the kuagoa over there all stopped what they were doing, staring at the terrifying ravine less than three hundred meters away from them, completely daring. Imagine what it would be like if it was hacked on yourself.

"My Heavens! What happened? Who the hell can tell me what happened?" Captain Peter Mork of the Dark Swordsquad couldn't help but exclaimed.

Not only him, but also the members of the association who came back to his senses around him have also started the "Zuan" mode one after another, and cordially greeted the female members of the family who started this incident and the eighteenth generation ancestors.

Looking at the tragic death of those kuagoa, you should know what the consequences would be if they were just a little bit higher.

At the same time, the Blood Emperor, who was marching towards the kingdom, was also taken aback.

Looking at the endless slash mark, he immediately asked nervously and loudly, "What's going on? Where did the attack just now come from?"

"Your Majesty! According to our observations of the ravine, it should have come from the depths of the big forest near the kingdom Ye Lantil." An Imperial Family mage hurriedly stood up and explained.

"Ye Lantier?" Alan's silhouette instantly appeared in the Blood Emperor's mind. "Could it be that lord fighting some terrifying existence!"

"Your Majesty! Are we going to continue our march now? Or should we stop and send some scouts there? Check out the news. I don't want to be killed by that kind of unfathomable mystery terrorist attack." "Boom" Renas proposed, staring at the separated ground with lingering fears.

"en! You're right! Send out scouts immediately! One group will go to Ye Lantier's Hunter Guild headquarters, and one group will march along the cut out ravine toward the scene of the incident. The rest of the people retreated three kilometers to camp." The Blood Emperor made a quick decision.

He is not one of those idiot nobles in the kingdom whose brains have been broken. He actually dares to send troops to provoke the red line drawn by the Hunter Association, and he knows what to do when facing powerful forces.

even more how The attack that split the sky and the earth together just now is definitely not something that the empire can resist.

On the other side, the advancing Kingdom army also saw the scene of "hundreds of millions of blades" falling from the sky, as well as the violent shaking from the ground.

Whether it was warrior Gazef or Marquis Raven, they all felt deep fear and anxiety.

Only the fool of the First Prince, with the support of the few remaining nobles, is still clamoring for nonsense such as leveling the Hunter Guild and the Empire.

The white Golden Dragon king of the council, and the manipulator armor, rushed to the scene of the incident at the fastest speed, trying to find out what happened.

For a time, the entire world was plunged into violent turmoil.

But none of this has anything to do with the two transmigrators.

Especially wearing another world prop - Greed and Desire, Ainz, who maximized the formidable power of "Hundreds of Millions of Blades" by consuming a lot of EXP, is floating in the midair and staring at him. Looking at the silhouette standing up slowly from the gap.

"Gan! It hurts! Sure enough, there is no way to completely block the formidable power of the offensive world props with protective magic?"

Speaking, Alan finally appeared again in Nazarick University in front of everyone in the tomb.

However, unlike the casually state before, he was obviously injured this time. Not only was his clothes somewhat tattered, but the skin and muscles on his neck, chest, and abdomen had been torn apart, revealing the inside. Sensational bones.

But these wounds heal quickly with a naked eye visible.

In just a few seconds, he already looks like a normal person.

"Is this guy...really human?" old bones said with undisguised shock in his voice.

He couldn't believe that any human in this world could withstand the maximum attack of "hundreds of millions of blades".

"Ah! authentic! Now that your attack is over, it's my turn at the last minute. But the agreement we reached before was to use only rank magic, you are using special NPC abilities, I used world props again, it seems a bit foul, right? As punishment, this world prop will belong to me."

The voice is still alive!

Alan's entire body instantly turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared in place.

When Ainz came back to his senses, he found that the "hundreds of millions of blades" in his hand had been snatched away.

"en! It's really a good bauble, I'll take it. In return, I'll use it to end today's battle."

Speaking, Alan took the Take out a duplicate nuclear warhead and place it on the ground.

"This...this is?!!!"

As the only citizen of a country that has been attacked by nuclear weapons in human history, Ainz has only a primary school diploma, but he still looks at him. I recognized the dazzling yellow and black mark.

"As you can see, it's a super hydrogen bomb, with formidable power probably enough to level the entire Great Tomb of Nazarick.

Now, I'll explode time The time is set to one minute, and you can now start using the last sixty seconds to revive NPCs and take away all weapons, equipment, props and treasures as much as possible.

Relax, from now on, I don't I will hunt you down myself, but I will train the natives of this world to get rid of you.

If you don't want to die, then try your best to become stronger.

For example, use the aliens and monsters that can be seen everywhere in this world to form an evil empire.

Goodbye, Suzuki Satoru.

I hope that when we meet again next time, you Will become Ainz Ul Gown who is not just in name only, but also in reality."

After saying this remark, Alan immediately pressed the start button that counted down one minute.

Drip! drop! drop! drop!

With a piercing sound, the destruction of the Great Tomb of Nazarick entered the countdown.

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