Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 813

What can you do in sixty seconds?

Taking the Great Tomb of Nazarick as an example, Ainz not only successfully resurrected all the NPCs who died in battle, but also took guild weapons and a small amount of equipment and props, and used teleportation magic to escape dozens of kilometers away. The demihuman tribe wasteland.

As for the things left by the former companions in the warehouse, there are also a large number of scrolls, gold coins, gems, and minerals that can only be discarded in tears.

In less than three or five seconds after he walked out of the Transmission Gate, a white light that was hundreds of times more dazzling than the sun instantly ignited on the horizon.

next moment...

bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

The deafening loud noise and the shaking of The earth shook and the mountain quivered instantly plunged the surrounding hundreds of kilometers into a scene like the end of the world.

crimson's giant Fireball soared into the air, sending the Great Tomb of Nazarick into the air.

The shock wave and high temperature heat wave destroyed everything within ten kilometers!

Whether it is animals, plants, or soil, rivers, and stones, all of them evaporate and melt under the unimaginable high temperature, and even the birds in the sky cannot escape.

The terrifying beam and radiation from the nuclear explosion caused unimaginable damage to Shalltear, the true ancestor of the vampire.

She even knelt on the ground with a plop, covered her eyes and let out a piercing scream.

"ahhhh Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!"

In just a few seconds, this extremely distorted monster's entire body was covered with reddish- brown blisters while completely blinding eyes, leaving bloody tears along her cheeks.


For a vampire with great resilience, this is not an irreparable injury.

As long as you find a place to suck enough blood, you can recover quickly.

"This... what kind of magic is this?" Albedo asked with a trembling voice.

"No! It's not magic! It's a weapon! A weapon invented by humans to kill each other!" Ainz corrected in a very serious tone.

At this moment, he finally realized how ridiculous it was that he had been influenced by the Guardian to see humans as a weak race.

Are humans really weak?

The answer is of course no!

How could human beings who can invent such destructive weapons as nuclear weapons be weak!

But what made him shudder even more was where did Alan get the nuclear warheads, and how many nuclear warheads he had.

"Supreme's Supreme! Where are we going next?" An NPC with the shape of an insert asked blankly.

When the nuclear explosion ended, he could clearly feel that the guild was in a state of dilapidation without any magic cultivator. Although it had not been captured, otherwise all the NPCs created based on the guild's level would have disappeared. possible repair.

"Of course to conquer those alien races and monsters and use their power to rebuild Nazarick. It's just that this time will no longer be just a guild, but a huge empire. No matter who , if you want to kill me, Ainz Ul Gown, then let's try it."

old bones clenched his fists sharply, expressing his ambitions clearly to his subordinates for the first time.

Now that he knows that Alan won't take the shot himself, he naturally has to find ways to strengthen his strength and resist the attack from the local indigenous people.

"Ainz-sama! No matter what decision you make, I will always follow you until the end of my life." Albedo knelt down and said excitedly.


"Me too!"

"And me!"

Just as the NPCs of the Great Tomb of Nazarick were all showing their loyalty, above the center of the nuclear explosion, the silver armor controlled by the White Golden Dragon King was condescending, cautiously observing the terrifying deep pit on the ground, and the A terrifying slash that splits the borders of kingdoms and empires from deep pits.

It took several minutes before he muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "It's unbelievable formidable power! Could it be the aftershocks of the century have begun again? This time is Did the two players have an infighting with each other? Or did two groups of players come down at once?"

When the True Dragon king was about to get closer, a huge monster more than 30 meters high suddenly came out of nowhere. Drilling out of the deep pit, a big hole was smashed on the ground with a bang.

I saw Alan, who had just survived the nuclear explosion just by relying on the barrier fruit, moved his body and stepped on Gao Dakang, who had lost his power, said with a smile: "A powerful puppet without mind and soul! This thing is still It's a really good collectible!"

"It's you?! The founder and president of the Hunter Association!" The White Golden Dragon King's tone was full of shock.

You don't need to ask to know that he has long been aware of the drastic changes that have taken place in the human world in recent months through some friends and subordinates, but he has not yet decided what attitude he should take to meet him. To this guy who stood firmly on the side of mankind like the six great gods.

“en? ” Alan lifts the head when he saw the white armor floating above his head, and immediately showed a playful expression. "Yo! Isn't this the son of the famous Dragon Emperor, one of the most powerful battle strengths in the parliamentary nation, one of the legendary thirteen heroes, the White Golden Dragon King - Chaindulux White Sion?"

"You know me?!" The King White Golden Dragon revealed strong surprise in his tone.

No way not to be surprised!

You must know that he has not left his lair for more than two hundred years. Except for a few of the thirteen heroes, no one in the human world should be able to recognize him.

even more how, the other party just appears out of thin air in this world for just a few months, and the identity is suspected to be a special existence of "player".

"Ah! Of course I know you, and I also know that you look after the weapons of the Eight Desires Guild, and use this to blackmail those Guardians from leaving Elunetio." With that, Alan bent down The giant war puppet Gao Dakang picked it up.

I have to say that with a height of less than 1.65 meters, carrying a huge monster over 30 meters on the shoulders, the strong contrast and visual conflict makes people feel a kind of heartfelt shock.

Due to his growing strength, his height began to shrink uncontrollably again. From the original one meter seven, he began to move towards the one meter six mark.

It is estimated that at this speed, after crossing into the world of One Punch Man, it is estimated that it is possible to discuss and communicate with Saitama Great Demon King.

"The siege weapon - Golem? Where did you get this thing?" White Golden Dragon King asked, staring at Gao Dakang, who was obviously incapacitated.

As the son of the Dragon Emperor who has lived for hundreds of years, he has obviously seen this kind of terrifying war weapon, and he also understands that 80% of the weapons in front of him are spills of war, otherwise he just needs to control it, there is no need to use it Such a stupid way to transport.

"As you can see, it was dug up from the underground tomb below. If you are interested, you can also go in and dig, maybe you can find surviving weapons and equipment. Sorry, I still have some urgent matters to return to Ye Lantier, so I won't chat with you here, and I hope the next time we meet, it won't be on the battlefield."

After saying this, Alan's The legs slammed hard, and the whole person flew out with a bang like a cannonball.

The ground that I stepped on just now felt as if it had been hit by a meteor, and a large semi-circular crater was directly stepped on.

"Is this guy...really human?" The White Golden Dragon King took a deep breath.

You must know that even if his body descends, it is impossible to drag a huge and extremely heavy weapon of war like a golem, not to mention flying with the whole person.

But soon, he followed Alan's prompt and drilled into the deep pit blown out by the nuclear warhead to dig deeper.

After a while, some melted and semi-melted weapons and equipment were gradually revealed.

A large number of magically reinforced stone pillars, statues, candlesticks, and various decorations were dug out along with the equipment.

The White Golden Dragon King, who had similar experience, immediately realized that this destroyed pit was not a ruin at all, but a lair of a player's guild.

And the brand newness of the soil is obviously a player guild that has just arrived.

"Damn! It turns out that the slash that split the border between the kingdom and the empire, and the last terrifying explosion were the aftermath of his battle with a certain descending player guild. So terrifying Attacks, 80% are world props with amazing formidable power."

The White Golden Dragon King quickly came to a conclusion, and at the same time there was a strong worry in his heart.

After all, the Eight Desires Kings hundreds of years ago made most of the giant dragons lose the probability of learning and mastering the Origin Magic with just one world item.

If there are new powerful Great World props, he really doesn't know if he can resist it with his own strength.

More importantly, he still doesn't know who the other group of players is and what kind of attitude they have towards this world.

With intense tension and anxiety, the True Dragon King, who is very righteous in the foreign world, left the nuclear explosion center and was going to visit some old friends in the human city, and at the same time asked them about Hunter's Association most recent event.


At the same time, Alan, who was carrying a super-giant war puppet, finally fell from the sky after a short flight, like a heavy artillery shell, landing on the hunter with a bang. The open space in front of the association shocked the residents of the entire city.

You must know that they first witnessed a battle that surpassed the limits of human beings, and then saw tens of thousands of monsters and undead armies destroyed, followed by hundreds of millions of blades across the sky and The earth, and finally the nuclear explosion of heaven shaking, earth shattering.

The citizens of Ye Lantier can even pat their chests and say loudly that I have seen more of the world than you scumbags have ever seen in a lifetime.

However, after seeing the terrifying height of the war weapon Golem and the shape of a hill, many people were still so frightened that their legs went weak.

After all, a huge body will naturally produce strong oppression.

And Gao Dakang is not just huge, his attributes and damage immunity are also one of the very best in Nazarick.

"Alan! Where did you get this thing?"

Sakura, who rushed out of the house, raised her head and stared at the huge monster that almost blocked the entire street .

You must know that this is already the height of a twelve-meter building in a modern city.

Usually, the bigger the puppet this thing is, the better it is, generally three to five meters is enough.

Anything bigger, it's easy to be targeted by some terrain-changing magic and spells.

For example, a large area of quicksand and quagmire will be created in an instant, and a puppet that is too heavy will immediately sink in, unable to move even a little bit.

"This is the siege puppet of the other party's guild. I thought it was good, so I moved back. How is it, not bad?" Alan patted a tall, bare head.

The reason why he didn't use any ability to make this thing smaller and easier to carry is this shocking visual effect.

"The siege puppet? Did you really use that thing to blow up the Great Tomb of Nazarick?"

The girl finally understood what happened to the violent vibration and white light just now. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Because she couldn't understand why Alan had an inexplicable love and obsession with nuclear weapons.

Obviously, he is already a walking nuclear weapon, and he can even do more terrifying things than nuclear weapons, directly draining all the energy of a planet, causing all life and all things to wither.

From this you can see the huge difference in thinking between men and women.

As if men can never understand why women are obsessed with shoes, backpacks, cosmetics, this thing, women also impossible to understand men's obsession with weapons, especially nuclear weapons that can destroy cities and civilizations.

"That's right! Now the old bones and his men have begun to completely integrate into this world. It won't be long before a country built by aliens and monsters will appear. By that time, it will be Human nations need to unite to fight against it."

When talking about this remark, Alan turned his attention to the priest of the priesthood and the members of the Dark Codex.

"So, I can start chasing him, right?" Despair asked, licking his lips.

After seeing the strength of Ainz and those 100-level Guardians with her own eyes, she had already become excited, and couldn't wait to tear up these powerful enemies one by one with her own hands.

"en! That's true in principle. But let me remind you that the guy should still have a few world props in his hands. If he doesn't deal with it carefully, he will die." Alan meaningful reminded.

"It doesn't matter! It's interesting because you may die. Chief priest, I'll leave you to collect information." Give a salute to the old man beside him.

"Is the demi-human tribe wasteland? I will let people collect information. Don't worry, if they really want to unify the aliens there, I believe there will be news soon." The chief priest smiled. Comforted.

If it was in the past, the council of priests he represented would never allow the last Guardian of mankind to take the initiative to attack.

Because of the Yin-Yang Fish girl's status in the teaching country, the equivalent to the White Golden Dragon King's status in the review country is the last card and strategic weapon.

Unless the human race is on the brink of extinction, it must not be moved lightly.

But now, with the great god Alan sitting in the town, there is no real threat to mankind for a long time.

The Absolute Death can naturally be used as the sharpest sword in the hands of human beings, fighting for the land under the sun for the entire race and eliminating all potential threats.

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