Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 814

There is no doubt that the all-out war between Alan and the Great Tomb of Nazarick had a profound effect on this world.

It not only made everyone realize that there is a huge threat around, but also completely established the status of the Hunter Association in the human country and society.

After all, the scene where hundreds of thousands of monsters, aliens and undead army besieged Ye Lantier, and the high-end battle strength of the opponent's subordinates can easily use the amazing tenth-level and even super-level magic of destructive power , not invented out of thin air, but witnessed by countless civilians, soldiers and adventurers.

In addition to the terrifying slashes formed by the "hundreds of millions of blades" tearing the sky and the earth, and the deep pits formed after the nuclear explosion, they are no doubt reminding those in power that they It is ridiculous how fragile the state and rule that was established.

When the kingdom's army arrived in Ye Lantil, the old king didn't even have the courage to enter the city and discuss with Alan about the ownership of the land.

I don't even dare to ask the soldiers stationed in the city to join the sequence of the kingdom's army as before, and strictly order the nobles under them not to harass the surrounding villages and past business trips.

Although many nobles who are accustomed to arrogance are quite dissatisfied with this, but under the strong pressure of Marquis Raeven and Captain, the Royal Army, which has never been easy to manage, has rarely maintained strict military discipline. .

Similarly, the imperial army, which plundered and burned border villages every autumn, has also transformed itself into a teacher of righteousness, and even paid the villagers for saliva.

The two sides that are about to break out into a war, this time not only did not bring pain and disaster to the people living in this land, but on the contrary greatly stimulated the economy through consumption.

Such a magical scene is not because of their conscience, or because their moral standards have suddenly increased.

It stands at the headquarters of the Hunter Association of Ye Lantier, and the founder of the association, Alan, is like a sharp "Sword of Damocles" hanging in the air, shocking the two. A very large human country.

Anyone who is still a little sensible will not have the slightest bit of luck after hearing the descriptions of the local residents.

But there are exceptions to everything!

Especially the human race, no matter when, there will never be a shortage of idiots and idiots.

For example, First Prince Balubro, who had only grown his muscles when he was a child and had no brains, was now pointing in the direction of Ye Lantier in the large tent of the military camp, shouting loudly. He shouted: "Royal Father! Why! Why don't we enter the city? Isn't that the kingdom's territory? Or are you afraid of something!" Forget it! They have to pay for their actions! The price of blood!" Another young noble also stood up and echoed loudly.

This guy is none other than Philip, who was called "human's strongest killer" in the original plot.

As the third son without inheritance rights, he was not in the territory when the "Bleeding Night" broke out, but went to the nearest tavern to drink and even forgot who he was, thus escaped.

Later, when I got home and found that my father, brother and mother had all died on the spot, I became the only heir of the territory and property.

For this kind of good thing that falls from the sky, Philip, "the dutiful son", said it's better to have more.

Perhaps prayer had an effect, or it might be Goddess' favor.

In the next few days, he received news one after another that all kinds of relatives and the whole family were extinguish sect, and he just happened to rely on the family's hundreds of years of marriage to become a large unowned territory. only successor.

As a result, Philip, who has no ability and has not received any elite education, has become one of the nobles with the largest territory in the kingdom, and even ranks in the old brand like Marquis Raven. above the nobility.

Since then, he has called himself "Heaven's Chosen Son" and began his crazy pursuit of the golden Princess Lana.

Not only did he want to hold the beauty back, he also tried to encroach on the throne in this way.

And the humiliation, again and again, followed Climb beside Lana, jumping frantically on the brink of death.

Not only that, but politically, he also stood by the side of the First Prince, who no longer had anyone's support, and made a private agreement with him.

As long as Barubro ascends the throne, he will honor the Golden Princess, and support Philip's claim for several other unclaimed territories.

As the saying goes, an idiot doesn't terrify, it terrifies two idiots together.

Because the First Prince has the first line of succession, and Philip holds a large area of territory, it has become a very valuable object of use in the eyes of other nobles.

As a result, these two guys actually thought they were the saviors of the whole country under the touts of a group of wicked guys.

Alturia sighed helplessly as the "dream combination" made a big deal in parliament and came to watch the war as an illegal child.

She really can't figure out how the brain circuits of these two guys look like. After learning about the terrifying strength of the Hunter Association, she still feels that they can rely on the number of troops and power to force the other party to submit. under the rule of the kingdom.

Is it really like what Alan said, being a noble for a long time will affect the intellectual development of himself and his descendants?

"How, my dear younger brother, do you think our big brother is an idiot too?" Second Prince Zanuck sarcastically lowered his belly and lowered his voice. "If the throne falls into his hands, I'm afraid this country will really be doomed."

"Do you think you can solve the kingdom's immediate problems?"

Dazed King Mao glanced at this cheap brother who was still a little brainy.

"hehe! I don't know if it can solve the problem, but at least it won't be worse than now. This routine battle with the Empire is an opportunity for me, who lacks military merit, as long as you are willing. Stand on my side and help me achieve a little, then I promise that after waiting for the throne, I will officially recognize you as Prince, and give you the same rights and status as warrior Gazef."

Zanuck unhurriedly offered an offer, trying to win over the illegitimate child, the Royal Father's most beloved illegitimate child.

During the march, he had seen Arturia's outstanding talent in managing and leading the army, coupled with her strong personal strength, it was simply a powerful arm bestowed on him by God.

Especially after witnessing how the nobles coerce the royal family and confuse the whole country, this Little Fatty realizes the importance of strengthening the kingship.

Therefore, in his plan, apart from Marquis Raiwen and other nobles who firmly stood by the royal family, the rest are the objects that need to be divided and suppressed.

He is going to give his younger sister Lana more rights to solve the increasingly acute internal conflicts in the country, and the "Arthur" younger brother in front of him can become a very good military commander, One is responsible for suppressing internal rebellions, and the other is responsible for conquest of external enemies.

It has to be said that in this world, which is relatively backward in terms of productivity and politics, Zanuck is indeed a relatively good ruler.

But in the eyes of Artoria, who has learned a lot of modern knowledge, it is still too "mediocre" to lead the kingdom that has been in the quagmire out of the predicament.

In the end, she just turned around without a word and walked out of the already noisy tent.

Seeing the slightly short back of the Dumb King, Second Prince immediately laughed and laughed at himself: "Is he another monster like Lana? Fortunately, he is just an illegal child, otherwise he is a mortal. It is impossible for me to touch the throne."

"Your Highness, please be careful with your words and deeds. You must know that the current kingdom can't stand any trouble." Marquis Raeven reminded in a low voice.

Zanuck's shrugged shoulders: "Don't worry, of course I know about this. And unlike my big brother, I don't see it as a big brother just because the other party doesn't support me. Enemies. Whether it's Lana or Arthur, as long as they are willing to contribute to the country, I will give them the corresponding rights and status. Because this is the minimum measure of being a king."

… …

At the same time, outside the tent, a golden-haired girl dressed as a maid quickly ran to Artoria and asked with concern: "Your Highness, is the meeting going well?"

"Meeting? Ah! It doesn't matter what the thing is, anyway, I have no right to speak at all. Also, please don't call me Your Highness, my identity is just an insignificant illegalimate child, that's all." Mao Wang replied expressionlessly.

"no! In my eyes, you will always be the most honorable His Highness the Prince. Without you, I am afraid I would be sold to a brothel run by Eight Fingers, and I would be better off living all day. Days of death."

When saying this remark, the girl's eyes sparkled with naked admiration, admiration and love.

You don't need to ask to know that she is the girl who was rescued in the street some time ago, her name is Chia Renina Bellon.

"Eight Fingers..."

As soon as she mentioned this huge criminal organization covering the entire kingdom, Arturia clenched her fists subconsciously.

Because she has witnessed countless families being separated by this group of bastards, she is determined to cooperate with Lana Princess's plan and endure it until now.

Otherwise, with her insistence on fairness and justice in her heart, she would have drawn out her sword and killed her.

"His Royal Highness, come and drink some water. I heard from the local residents who were selling things just now that the imperial army has reached the periphery of the battlefield, and it is estimated that the war will break out soon. When the time comes I'm afraid A lot of people will die, you must be more careful." Chiare said as she handed over the water bottle in her hand.

This is the sweet spring water she specially sent someone to collect from the distant mountains. It is completely different from the river water the soldiers drink.

In any case, the Dumb King is now an illegal child recognized by the king, and the most noble bloodline of the royal family flows through him.

So as her personal maid, Chiare will enjoy some privileges to some extent.

But at the same time, there will inevitably be discussions and ridicule behind the scenes.

"Don't worry! I'm not that weak."

Altolia just happened to be a little thirsty, so she immediately raised her head and drank everything.

The water droplets of crystal clear and near-transparent slid down the corners of his mouth, soaking the white shirt inside.

This scene suddenly made Qi Yalei look flushed and her heartbeat accelerated, and she was about to faint from happiness.

She probably will never know that the handsome Prince she admires is actually a woman just like herself.

In this regard, "My King" played a great role in A's chest.

Especially when she puts on the armor herself, even the last feature that can prove her gender disappears without a trace, and she is full of what is called a heroic spirit.


On the other side, in the emperor's exclusive tent in the imperial camp, the blood emperor's state was much more relaxed, and he even asked his minister half-jokingly, "What do you guys decide? Well, who will respond to the War King's leader Gazef? Who will play a good show with the future King Arthur?"

"Your Majesty! Leave it to me to deal with. You know, a long time ago, I wanted to fight him head-on."

One of the Empire's Four Knights, "Wind" Nipur, took the initiative to fight.

Because he has participated in several large-scale military operations against aliens and monsters in the territory before, he now has a warrior occupation level as high as fifty-four, and also has the skills of using life energy as an Initial Mastery. Have enough confidence to easily defeat the opponent.

In contrast, for the drudgery of acting with Artoria, no one was willing to stand up for a while.

After all, the top executives of the empire already know that this girl who has entered the kingdom is actually one of the only companions of Alan, the president of the Hunter Association.

Its formidable strength, I am afraid, has already exceeded the limit of everyone's imagination.

The Blood Emperor no doubt noticed this, and sighed helplessly, and directly called by name: "Renas! I'll leave this matter to you, is it okay?"

"Yes! But if I feel the danger, I will immediately retreat without the slightest hesitation. Don't blame me for losing the face of the empire." Renas played with his golden hair to get a precaution in advance.

"No problem! No matter what the outcome is, I will accept it. After all, you are dealing with the Great Desolate beast in harmless sheep's clothing. I have no doubts about that King Arthur, who has one person to kill us. The strength to kill them all." The Blood Emperor shrugged indifferently.

Just a few hours ago, he had just met the chief priest of the clergy and several Peak battle strengths of the Dark Codex, and understood what had happened in Ye Lantier the previous two days.

For now, he has fully accepted the fact that Alan and the Hunter Guild are above him.

even more how, the other party did not intervene in the internal affairs of the empire, or planned to annex the empire, but also supported the empire's active expansion, seized the land in the hands of aliens and monsters, and expanded the living space for the entire human race.

Next, all he has to do is to hug this thick thigh and strive for the best interests for himself and the country.

As for the life and death of the nobles and the royal family on the other side of the kingdom, what does it have to do with the empire!

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