Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 815

Three days later, on the Great Plains only a dozen kilometers away from Ye Lantil, the armies of the kingdom and empire finally began to form.

The highly professionalized empire fielded an army of 60,000.

Among them, 30,000 are traditional infantry, 20,000 cavalry, and the remaining 5,000 Imperial Family Guard and 5,000 Musketeers are the real main force of this war.

In comparison, although the total number of people participating in the war in the kingdom was as high as 200,000, there were actually fewer than 30,000 real professional soldiers, and the rest were either temporarily recruited farmers or Noble private army with no guarantees of battle strength at all.

After all, the biggest feature of the feudal system is that the king cannot interfere with the specific affairs of the nobles' territory.

In addition, a large number of nobles and noble private armies were cleared by Alan not long ago, resulting in a lack of middle and lower-level officers, and the overall organizational structure was completely threw away several streets by the opponent.

Some units were thrown into chaos before they even started fighting due to the lack of effective command, and the soldiers didn't know what to do.

"It's really ugly! No wonder you're going to start a big purge of the country's upper ruling class, they're already rotten from the roots." Sakura commented while watching the situation of the kingdom's army.

As the girl said, the kingdom is like a twilight old man who can't even coordinate his hands and feet compared to the empire that has completed the centralization and is revitalizing infinitely.

Especially the royal family as the supreme leader has long lost the prestige necessary to rule.

Alan smiled and shrugged his shoulders and said, "The kingdom of Li Jestij is best described as being born in distress and dying in peace.

The establishment of this country is closely related to two hundred Many years ago, when the thirteen heroes quelled the chaos of gods and demons, the royal family was most likely descended from a certain hero.

So they have a good relationship with the white Golden Dragon king of the review country. There has never been a war.

Besides being surrounded by empires and priesthoods that are also human beings, it is the only country that doesn't need to worry too much about foreign Race Invasion.

In the long-term peaceful environment, its ruling class aristocrats gradually became greedy and arrogant, and had long forgotten the darkness and suffering that human beings experienced before the arrival of the first batch of players.

I also forgot to be outside. , there are countless alien races and monsters waiting to re-enter, turning human beings into their own slaves.

Look at other human nations in this world, whether it is the Saint King country or the church country, also Or the Empire, the Land of Dragons, which upper ruling class has fallen to such an incurable degree.

This is also what I have often mentioned to you over and over again, a country, civilization, and race wants to To stay strong, you need a strong enemy from outside.

Because only in this case, it is easier to unite and unite people and ignore internal conflicts.

At the same time, ruling Class will also suppress subconscious greed and allocate more resources to suitable places instead of sneaking them into their own pockets."

"So you deliberately left the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Just want them to become that powerful foreign enemy?" Sakura's face showed an expression of interest.

“en! does have this consideration.

But the most important thing is to reduce the number of aliens and monsters.

You have to understand, that The guy who changed his name to Ainz Ul Gown, apart from trying to deny his past self, subconsciously did not regard this world as real, but stayed in the wrong perception that he was in the game .

In other words, his behavior is continuing the rules of the players in the game.

For example, treating life as a series of meaningless numbers can be used to achieve a certain goal , without hesitation, order to massacre thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, millions of civilians without any guilt and guilt.

Because in the game world, it is called Players of the Fourth Scourge are such a terrifying group with no bottom line.

As long as a goal is given and a little reward, they don't even mind destroying the entire world.

This, I believe you can already feel a lot from the hunters in the association.

If I hadn't used the rules to prohibit them from obtaining EXP from humans, I'm afraid these guys would start killing each other without the slightest hesitation.

According to the behavior of those evil NPCs in Nazarick, they will not care about the life and death of aliens and monsters, but will only use them as a consumable resource to maximize development and exploitation.


In this way, human beings no longer need to spend a lot of time and energy to clear deserted forests and wasteland as before, but only need to kill them in large quantities on the frontal battlefield. .

As for the most troublesome search and arrest, the other party will do it for us."

Alan gave a meaningful and detailed explanation.

In fact, except for the first six players who crossed over to get married and have children, the players who crossed later all had very obvious symptoms of this kind.

This is the case with the reckless Eight Desires King, and the same is true of the Thirteen Heroes who regard their second life as an adventurous journey.

“so that's how it is!”

The girl who seems to understand is nodded.

Just when she was about to say something, the Kingdom's army, which had the advantage in numbers, finally started to attack.

I saw the infantry phalanx of the Chinese army marching forward with lances in hand and shouting slogans.

The cavalry on the left and right flanks also moved slowly, ready to engage the enemy's cavalry at any time.

There is no doubt that this is a fairly well-established method of tactics, with neither any eye-catching maneuvers, but also no obvious weaknesses.

After all, in the eyes of the commander-in-chief of the Kingdom's army, the number of soldiers in his own army is several times that of the opponent, so there is absolutely no need to risk playing those little tricks.

Looking at the phalanx of infantry rushing towards him, the Blood Emperor had a mocking expression on his face, raised his hand and instructed the commander of his musket unit: "Go! Kingdom people, times have changed."

"As you wish!"

The commander stroked his chest with one hand and bowed, then immediately raised the signal gun buckle in his hand Pulled the trigger.

Accompanied by a piercing screeching sound and the crimson's tracer bullets passing in the sky, the 5,000-strong musket troops who had experienced blood and fire baptism finally came to the front at a very fast speed. Black hole hot weapons aimed at each other.

"What is that?!"

A royal noble officer of the kingdom who was commanding the infantry phalanx frowned and asked his deputy.

The latter lightly shook the head: "I don't know! It might be a newly developed secret weapon. I heard that the Empire has invested a lot in magic, so it is also necessary to develop a few new weapons. It's not surprising. But magic, this thing has always been known to be expensive, and it still has to fight at close quarters with us after at most one round. There's nothing to be afraid of!"

"That's right! Let the royal troops go first !"

The noble officer rolled his eyes and immediately raised his hand to signal his private army to slow down and let the infantry belonging to the royal family on both sides pass by.

I have to say that this riot not only made the old king almost explode with anger, but also showed a surprised expression on the side of the empire.

What's even more terrifying is that his self-serving approach has caused many nobles to follow suit, instantly causing a large uneven gap in the originally neatly advanced front.

"Hahahaha! This is a godsend! Everyone listens! Raise your guns! Aim!" The Imperial Musketeer commander let out a burst of laughter.

I can't help but laugh!

If the opponent directly presses the entire front, the five thousand people under his command might not be able to stop him.

But if it is sent in waves like now, there will definitely be as many deaths as it comes.

When the first wave of the phalanx came into range, the old man who looked to be in his fifties finally gave the attack order with a big wave of his hand.


Boom! boom! boom! boom! Bang...

I saw the musketeers who were in a half-squatting position pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation, a row of white smoke suddenly floated in front of the imperial position, and the crisp sound echoed even more over the battlefield.

Although they did not use any skills such as stabbing, concussion shooting, or Olympiad shooting, there were still hundreds of people who fell to the ground, and the spectacular scene was like mowing wheat.

Because these guns were designed to attack huge targets, such as ogre, orcs and large monsters, the barrel caliber and bullets are scary.

Place it on Earth, a proper shot can kill an elephant.

So these unlucky people who were shot are basically a huge blood hole, and the surrounding muscles, bones and internal organs all flew out.

In less than five minutes, a full 5,000 people fell on the road of the charge.

The terrifying picture of corpses everywhere across the field madly stimulated the most sensitive nerves of everyone in the kingdom's army.

Because even after paying such huge casualties, they still couldn't get close to the special troops standing in front of the battle with muskets.

What's even more terrifying is that the wounded soldiers who didn't die immediately struggled to climb out of the corpse piles and let out piercing screams, which caused a unimaginable blow to morale.

"The sorcery! The empire is using sorcery! We can't win! Run away! If you don't want to die, run away!"

I don't know who was the first to shout. Throat, the attack formation formed by the kingdom collapsed instantly.

Thousands of infantry turned and ran back like crazy.

Several noble officers stepped forward to try to turn the tides to prevent the catastrophic rout.

But many soldiers had problems with their spirits. When the nobles raised their swords to kill the deserters, they jumped up and pulled the nobles off their horses, and then cut them into pieces in an extremely brutal way.

In the end, it even evolved into a riot in which whenever a nobleman encountered it, he could not help but kill him first.

Although the cavalry leader Gazef and Marquis Raven joined forces to suppress the riot.

But just when they were about to succeed, the Empire finally sent all the cavalry to launch a mountain cry out and sea howl-like impact, which completely became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

As a symbol of the age of hot weapons, the appearance of the musket in the regular battle of this world First Stage completely shocked everyone.

Especially the Ecclesiastical Nation, which did not take this kind of weapon seriously in the past, immediately convened an emergency priest-chief meeting in less than 3 minutes after seeing the picture from the battlefield, and decided to report to the Hunter Association. A plan to purchase 100,000 pieces.

"Hehe! This victory is really easier than expected."

Seeing that his army easily defeated the army of the old rival kingdom, even his own casualties can be Ignoring it, the Blood Emperor finally showed a satisfied smile, and even the wonderful scene of sweeping those non-human countries began to emerge in his mind.

No emperor can resist the temptation to expand the territory!

even more how through this war, he has thoroughly understood how terrifying the lethality of muskets to ordinary soldiers.

Few armies can withstand such terrifying casualties without collapsing, not even the ferocious orc army that is about to destroy the Dragon Kingdom.

"Your Majesty, the script and actors are in place, and it's time for a good show." An Imperial Family mage reminded in a low voice.

"en! Let's take a look at what's so special about this King Arthur."

Speaking, the Blood Emperor turned his attention to the crystal beside him The silhouette that emerges from the ball.


"Your Highness! Hurry up! Ride this horse!"

Chiare found Artoria in the chaotic army, And handed the reins of a white horse with no stray hairs to the opponent's hand.

Although she knew how dangerous the current situation was for a flower girl, she still did not escape alone.

But the king of dumb hair just touched the girl's hair and smiled and looked the head: "no! Chiare! I'm not going to run away! I can't run away!"

"Alas! ?! What!" The girl stared wide-eyed in surprise.

"Because at times like this, people are more eager for the appearance of heroes, expecting heroes to lead them out of the predicament. Didn't you say before that it would be nice if I could become the king of this country Okay. Now, I'm going to fulfill the responsibilities that a king should have, and then save this country that is in dire straits."

After saying that, Artoria picked up the girl and placed it on the saddle , and then pulled out the holy sword with golden light flashing behind him. Under the gaze of countless deserters, he resolutely moved towards the imperial cavalry that was rushing towards him.

"Isn't that...isn't that King Your Majesty's illegitimate child Arthur? Is he crazy?" a soldier couldn't help yellowing.

"Maybe! But at least compared to us cowards, he's a warrior, isn't he?" The other person next to him showed an extremely complicated expression.

Just when everyone thought that this kind of behavior was tantamount to sending death, the king of dumb hair raised the holy sword in his high hand and suddenly released the real name of Treasure Item.


The dazzling golden light fell from the sky, covering her whole body with an incomparably sacred aura.

This is no longer pure light, but holy light energy from Paladin. Anyone who is irradiated will feel an inexplicable warmth, and their wounds will heal quickly.

The cavalry, who had not yet been pursued by the empire, realized what happened, and Artoria finally swung this sword.


Golden's beam of light spewed out from the sword, splitting the earth like a god's punishment, leaving a line on the ground that was ten meters wide and three or four meters wide. Deep huge ravines that stretch for several kilometers.

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