Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 816

With the roar of the warhorse, all the cavalry pursued by the empire quickly tightened the reins and slowed down their warhorses until they came to a complete stop.

Because this blow has completely changed the terrain of the battlefield, a terrifying deep ditch has been created out of thin air on the plain that could have been galloping vertically and horizontally.

even more how, if it was not land but people, then at least thousands or even tens of thousands of troops would be instantly killed by golden light.

No one is really a fool!

Especially the commander of the Imperial cavalry, immediately realized that the attack was actually a warning.

If you are still unable to tell good from bad, then there will be a massacre, just like the kingdom army rushed to your own musket position before.

At this moment, whether it was the soldiers pursuing the empire or the soldiers who were fleeing from the kingdom, they all stopped all movements at the same time, and looked directly at Artoria, who was emitting golden rays of light all over her body.

Her originally petite and thin silhouette looked so tall, like a giant standing between Heaven and Earth.

"God...Divine Vestige!"

A kingdom soldier fell to his knees with a thud, tears streaming down his face with excitement.

Abandoned behind with a leg injury, he originally thought he was doomed, but who would have thought that he was rescued at the last moment of death.

Not just this guy!

More and more abandoned or fleeing soldiers quickly gathered together, picked up the weapons that had fallen on the ground, and stood behind the Dumb King.

They firmly believe that this hero who is willing to stand up to pull strongly against a crazy tide at a critical moment will surely lead himself to resist the pursuit of the Empire.

At the same time, a great image of bravery, integrity, daring to take responsibility and facing danger and death was completely established in the soldiers' minds.

"His Highness the Prince..."

Chiare involuntarily on the white horse left tears of joy.

At this moment, she seemed to see the arrival of savior.

Just when the commander of the imperial cavalry was hesitating whether to ask the magic caster to build the pontoon bridge, Renas, one of the four knights, "Heavy Bomb" finally arrived slowly and pretended to ask: "What happened? Why did you stop?"

"My lord! It's that guy! He... he created the ravine in front of him with one blow! We can't continue to pursue." A cavalry hurriedly stood up explained.

"Oh? You made that golden light just now, kid?" Renas turned his attention to the Dumb King.

"That's right! It's me!"

Artoria took a step forward and assumed a fighting stance.

"Interesting! I never imagined that there is a character like you in the kingdom. Since that's the case, let me play with you. As long as you can beat me, I'll let these cavalry stop chasing."

Speaking, Renas turned over and jumped off the horse, waving the black lance in his hand, and jumped high and deep.

Next second...


With the acceleration of gravity and the warrior professional skill - Charge, she instantly swooped down from in midair and smashed a terrifying deep pit on the ground on the spot.

The nickname of "Heavy Boom" sure enough, name is not in vain!

Unfortunately, this blow was perfectly blocked by golden's holy sword.

"Then it's a deal!"

The Dumb Mao Wang also realized that the woman in front of him was the "partner" sent by the empire to cooperate with him in his opponent's play, and immediately made a backhand. Sword, started a "fierce" battle between you and me.

Although to outsiders, the battle between the powerhouses is both thrilling and exciting, and various gorgeous moves are emerging one after another.

But only the two parties knew that they had no spare no effort at all, and some attacks even deliberately spread their power to cause visually strong impact and damage, but in reality it was far less than a concentrated threat.

However, compared to the tacit understanding between Arturia and Renas, the long-warrior Gazef on the other side was not so lucky.

The current state of "Strong Wind" Nipur is like a chicken blood, and he launches an attack frantically with the speed of surpassing his opponent.

The Sword of Wind, which was exchanged from the Imperial Hunter Association branch with a lot of points, was able to tear apart the magical armor with outstanding defensive power on the warrior leader.


Gazef gasped violently, and subconsciously touched the blood-soaked part of his abdomen.

Under the continuous treatment of the inextinguishable amulet, one of the kingdom's four secret treasures, most of the wounds have healed.

He couldn't believe it in his dreams. In less than a year, the Four Knights of the Empire, who were not his opponents at all, had already been able to form an overwhelming advantage over him in terms of strength.

Especially the invisible energy that wraps around the weapon and body, and each attack can cause a strong sense of suffocation.

"Hehe, the strongest warrior leader in the kingdom, is he only at this level now? I've really become stronger!"

Nipple touches his hand and will follow his hand. Someone wields a sword that produces a strong airflow with speed, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, revealing a faint smile.

"The kind of power that wraps around your body, shouldn't you get it from the Hunter's Association?" Gazef resisted the pain and asked

Nipple gently nodded : "en! That's right! This is a power that can only be obtained by a licensed hunter. I'm afraid you've been wasting your time on the boring task of protecting the king these few months, right? Not even a warrior class level. Improve!"

"You've seen it all. Yes! I'm starting to regret that I didn't take the time to improve my strength, otherwise I wouldn't be so far away now. But even if I die, I I won't let you pass."

As he spoke, Gazef raised the sharp long sword in his high hand.

"Concentrate Battle Qi!"

"Instant Reflection!"

"Flowing Water Speeds Up!"

"Six Lights! "

With the activation of a series of martial skills, he instantly turned into a stream of light and rushed out.

"hmph! Want to use the martial skill to make up the gap in strength? It's naive! This world is no longer what it used to be! even more can really cut Stroke?"

Nipur raised his weapon with a sneer, and a violent wind erupted around him.

Under the squeeze of invisible force, the air instantly turned into one after another, a terrifying blade that could tear through steel.

Before Gazef could rush to the front, his entire body was bruised and bruised, blood spurted out from the wound, and finally fell to the ground with a plop.

Seeing the once invincible enemy fall under his feet, Nipoel's heart is full of extremely complicated emotions, not only excitement and joy, but also a little bit of sadness for the other party.

Because of the warrior's innate talent and aptitude, he knows very well that he is completely inferior to the opponent.

The result of today's battle is entirely dependent on the Blood Emperor's keen insight and decisive decision to bow to the Hunter Association.

As one of the first two countries in this world to reach full cooperation with Alan, the national power of the Empire is increasing at an unimaginable speed.

As one of the four knights of the empire, Nippur gained his current power only under the deliberate training of the emperor of the empire.

How about Gazef?

The stupid and old king didn't realize what the Hunter Guild would bring to this world, and even the nobles in the country who didn't know the immensity of Heaven and Earth took the initiative to provoke the red line drawn by Alan, and he was killed. A clean.

The relationship between the two sides became very tense for a time, not to mention any special treatment and care.

From this point alone, it is not difficult to see the importance of allegiance to a wise monarch.

Thinking of this, Nipur bent down and said to the long warrior, who was almost unconscious due to the blood loss: "How sad! No matter how hard you try, it won't help. Because our people have already been ambushed. , it is estimated that the king and the two princes should be dead."

"What?! What did you say?"

Gazef lifted the head suddenly, Unbelievable expressions all over his face.

"What do you think is the purpose of the Empire's war with the Kingdom this time? Occupy Ye-Rantel? Don't be kidding! We are not stupid enough to provoke the Hunter Guild. The Empire's purpose is only one, then It is to cut off the bloodline of the kingdom and let you fall into civil strife." Nipur said meaningfully with the excuse he had prepared in advance.

"Asshole! ahhhh Ahhhh!!!!!!"

Gazef instantly fell into a state of rage, jumped up from the ground, and released an amazing imposing manner all over his body , while the wound is healing rapidly.

Nippur was taken aback, hurriedly took two steps back, and his mouth opened wide in shock: "Life... life energy?! You bastard! You actually learned to control life energy by self-taught? No! No! Your life energy control is not complete!"

"Life energy? so that's how it is! Is this the kind of power you used just now?" Gazef looked around as he wrapped around himself Qi around the body.


What he awakened was not the life energy after Alan's integration, but the most primordial mind ability, which was automatically awakened by accepting "baptism".

"What a terrifying innate talent!" Nipoel sighed slightly.

After all, it took him half a month to learn and master this kind of power, and only now has he managed to develop some special abilities.

"Are you ready? Next, we're going to start the second round! After all, I have to save my loyal king, and I have no time to waste time with you here."


As he spoke, Gazef instantly disappeared in place.

The next second...

He appeared directly behind the opponent and slashed out a sword.


The sword with the armor piercing attribute tore a hole in Nippur's armor on the spot, and blood spurted out of the wound.

Just one hit!

The offensive and defensive trend was reversed.


"Alan! What's going on with this guy named Gazef? Did he use some kind of teleportation just now?" Sakura was not sure. Tone asked.

"Ah! That's right! The ability he uses is indeed teleportation. The ability to read... I really feel nostalgic. Unexpectedly, in this world, he can actually comprehend the ability of self-taught. If you put it in The world of full-time hunters, some people should be excited to fall asleep after seeing it." Alan replied with a smile.

In fact, in order to awaken life energy, a seed must be bestowed by him.

And this seed is hidden in the hunter's license.

The test of an official hunter is to absorb the little life energy in the license, and then cause a qualitative change in his body.

This is also the reason why apprentice hunters can't learn even if they ask for advice from regular hunters.

However, Gazef's innate talent is indeed a bit scary. Just relying on the breath he felt when he fought, he self-taught activated the sperm holes all over his body and turned into a mind.

But it doesn't seem strange to think about it.

You must know that this man has seen the horror of old bones with his own eyes in the original plot, and then has the courage to challenge it to a powerhouse.

At least on Spiritual Plane, he is very, very powerful, even beyond his own limits.

And one of the key criteria for the ability of reading is a strong and unswerving spirit and will.

"What should I do? Do you want me to deal with it?" The girl stood up from the sofa.

Alan smiled and waved his hand: "no! I will never look for you, I have prepared the most suitable person."

tone barely fell!

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


After the crisp sound, one half of the body was transformed into a machine, and the other half was a monster with a fleshy body, and suddenly appeared out of thin air on the second floor of the association inside the office.


Sakura's pupils dilated instantly, subconsciously wanting to release the frost air.

"Beautiful lady, you are mistaken. I am a cyborg created by the master, and my name is Jacob." Monster corrected with a smile.

However, because only half of the muscles on his face can move, and the other side of the machine can't make any expressions, so the vision falls into the uncanny valley effect, giving people a very eerie feeling.

"You did body modification to that demon?" Sakura hurriedly turned around and asked loudly.

"Not just body modification, but also soul modification.

I divided the demon's soul into two.

The part about memory is completely Eliminate them, keep only the most basic logical judgment and thinking ability, and then carry out reorganization and transformation, and finally Jacob is born.

You can understand that he has obtained all the abilities of Demiurge, But he won't be under the control of the Great Tomb of Nazarick's enhanced transformation human.

Also, he doesn't have such strong inhuman tendencies.

On the contrary, before I get permission , even if someone wants to kill him, he will not make any kind of counterattack."

Alan introduced his works slightly.

Since he learned the corresponding technology from Vega Punk in One Piece world, he has always wanted to create a lifeform similar to Frankenstein.

It's just that he is constrained by his own morality, and he can't accept people as test subjects.

But it's different if it's a demon full of malice towards humans.

"What about the other half?" Sakura's heart suddenly surged with a feeling that wasn't very second.

"The other half? I handed it over to Fluder. That old fogey was like crazy when he saw Jacob's birth, and wanted to do the same to the other half. Remodeling. But I think with his engineering level, he will probably create a defective product that is not even sane..."

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