Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 817

There is no doubt that Jacob's birth was the culmination of Azeroth engineering and the science of human modification of the One Piece world lineage factor.

The high-end technology and expensive raw materials used in it made even Alan of "rich and imposing" feel a pain in the flesh, and even was on the verge of failure several times during the renovation process.


Demiurge is not an ordinary person, but a demon who will not break down no matter how terrifying pain he suffers.

Because of this, the transformation will ultimately succeed.

Otherwise, if it were a human being, at the moment of suffering the pain of tearing the soul, it would immediately collapse completely, turning into energy and fragments without any consciousness and form.

Of course Alan did this mainly because he was disgusted by the crazy, twisted and evil inhuman thoughts in Demiurge's mind and wanted to erase them permanently.

If it is simply killed in a normal way, then the old bones may be able to resurrect with the world item in his hand - the Cup of Hygiea.

After all, Hygiea is the daughter of the Greek god of medicine in Myths and Legends, and she herself is the god of health and medicine.

The Cup of Hygiea should refer to the port-shaped plate that Goddess used to charge medicine, even if it has the ability to resurrect unconditionally, it is completely reasonable.

So in order to make Demiurge impossible to be resurrected forever, Alan took the most cruel and also the most extreme way.

In this way, even if his other half is tortured to death, it is impossible to be resurrected by any item in "YGGDRASIL".

Because this guy simply didn't really die completely, and half lived in Jacob's body in another way.

Of course, the name Demiurge doesn't mean anything to Jacob, whose soul has been torn apart and reorganized.

Even when I saw the half of the creature in the secret room in the basement that looked exactly like me, my emotions wouldn't fluctuate at all.

With the master's order, he quickly came to the rear of the battlefield through teleportation magic, and looked down at the nobles who fled first.

Especially the carriage with the Old King, First Prince and Second Prince.

After realizing that defeat was inevitable, these ruling classes, who should have stood up and pulled strongly against a crazy tide, not only failed to perform their duties, but left the army and chose to flee first.

"Cowardly! Corrupt! Degenerate! You are so sinful. But unfortunately, the master only gave me three kills, so you are lucky."

tone barely fell !

This cyborg lifeform teleports up ahead of the galloping carriage.

Not far behind him, is the moat and gate of Ye Rantel.

You don't need to ask to know that the high-level officials of the kingdom are planning to escape into the city and seek refuge in Fortress City, which is still nominally part of the kingdom's territory, but has long since become independent.

But what they didn't know was that Alan sentenced all the nobles of the kingdom to death a long time ago, even Marquis Raven, who had quite good political ability and skill, was no exception.

This is not a personal grudge, let alone doing things based on personal preferences, but a big purge of the ruling class of the kingdom, in preparation for the elimination of the feudal system and the establishment of a unified country.

"Damn! What monster is that?"

Second Prince Zanuck, who was driving, was obviously frightened by the face full of uncanny valley effect, subconsciously as if to to pull the reins.

But before he could take action, the First Prince Barubro, who was riding on the horse, immediately scolded: "Idiot! Don't stop! Don't care who he is! Give me a direct acceleration and hit me. In the past!"

"Aiya! I can't believe that you, who normally look like a fool, are surprisingly sensitive at such a critical time." The corners of Jacob's mouth were slightly upturned, showing a playful expression. expression.

The next second...

He suddenly raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly.

Before First Prince Barubro could realize what had happened, his entire body began to swell rapidly, and finally burst open with a bang.

Blood, minced meat, bones and guts splattered everywhere!

The strange thing is that the horse was not hurt in the slightest. After sprinting forward for a while and found that the owner was dead, it slowly stopped.

Meanwhile, the two horses who were in charge of pulling the cart seemed to be affected in some way, and no matter how the little fatty Second Prince urged and whipped his whip, he would not go any further.

"Zanak! What happened?" The old king lifted the curtain and stuck his head out of the carriage.

As a result, at a glance, I saw the head of eldest son rolled on the ground, and the stumps scattered on the surrounding ground, and the whole person suddenly seemed to be immobilized by magic.

"Father...Royal Father! We might all die here today." There was a tremor in little fatty's voice.

"A killer sent by the empire?"

Compared to the second son's fear of death, the old king quickly accepted his fate and directly from the carriage Jumping down, blunt asked: "What on earth does that blood emperor want to do to the kingdom?"

"no! You seem to have made a mistake. In this matter, neither the empire nor the empire Well, whether it's Blood Empress, it's just an actor who cooperates with the performance. The main purpose is very simple, that is to kill all your corrupt royal families and nobles, and then rebuild the whole country."

Jacob didn't hide anything, and spoke out about Alan's plan.

Because he felt that there was no need to lie or hide when dealing with two dead people.

"Kill all the royal family and nobles?! Is your master crazy? Without us! Who can rule and manage the country?" the old king roared angrily.

After all, in his education and knowledge, only the unity and union of nobles can maintain the whole country.

"Hehe! That's stubborn and stupid! Do you think a country can't function without aristocrats and kings? No! Without you assholes, this country will only get better and better. .even more how, the master has chosen a wise leader for it. As for you, it is better to be swept into the garbage heap of history."

With a sarcastic tone, Jacob once again He raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly.

Bang! boom!

Two groups of blood flowers burst open in the air!

At this point, all the male members of the royal family of Rei Yestije have all died.

But just as the old king and the Second Prince were killed, Gazef, the long-warrior, used his newly acquired ability to appear out of thin air.

When he found out that his loyal monarch had been killed, he was furious and launched a frantic attack on Jacob.

"ahhhh Ahhhh!!!! Kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

"I'm so sorry, but it was impossible for you to kill me. Don't say kill Kill me, you can even hurt me is an impossible thing to do."

The transforming man gently waved his arm made of a lot of rare metals and gems, easily blocking the The "Razor Blade" in the opponent's hand, which was suspected to have been strengthened by Siwon's magic.

Because he didn't get the owner's permission, he was just defensive, without any counterattack, or the intention to hurt the opponent.

Gazef undoubtedly noticed this, and asked sharply, "Why? Why doesn't the defense fight back? Are you looking down on me?"

"no! Of course not! On the contrary, my master appreciates your talent in a certain area. The reason why I don't fight back is because there is no reason to fight back." Jacob explained casually.

"The reason?"

Gazef finally regained his composure from his rage and began to look up and down this strangely shaped humanoid creature.

From the other side, he could not feel any murderous aura and fighting spirit, as if the death of the old king and the two Princes had nothing to do with it at all.

Jacob gently nodded: "That's right! I won't hurt anyone, even if they want to kill me, until I get the master's order and permission."

"Then why did you kill the king and His Highness the Prince?" asked Gazef gnashing teeth.

"Because this is a necessary sacrifice! Haven't you discovered that the reason why the kingdom has become what it is now is the selfishness of the nobles and the cowardice and incompetence of the royal family. Only they all die. Now, this country can be reborn, and the suffering people can be saved. Maybe for you, such a problem is a little complicated and difficult to understand, but it doesn't matter, you just need to witness what happens next, and slowly Understood."

After saying this, Jacob didn't care whether the captain understood or not, and immediately activated the teleportation magic and disappeared in place.

And Gazef froze in place, staring at the old king who had a kindness to him, but was now dying, with tears of grief and remorse in his eyes.

For the first time, he felt how weak his power was in this ever-changing world, and he couldn't even fulfill his vows.


At the same time, the performance of Artoria and Renas, one of the four Knights of the Empire, is coming to an end.

I saw that she released the real name of the holy sword in her hand again, so that the golden holy light appeared on the battlefield again and held it high above her head.

"Damn! Retreat! Retreat immediately!" Reinas undoubtedly sensed the danger, and immediately called the imperial cavalry to turn around and run wildly.

When they ran out of a safe distance, golden's holy sword fell fiercely.



Golden’s beam of light is like an energy cannon, sweeping directly over the range of two or three kilometers up ahead, and will Everything along the way was destroyed.

All the Kingdom soldiers who saw this scene immediately burst into cheers.

"Long live Prince!"

"Long live the kingdom!"

"I can't believe it! He really pushed back the imperial pursuit by himself. cavalry!"

"Such a man should be king!"


"King Arthur!"

"King Arthur!"

"King Arthur!"


As more and more people call out this name that once made the Dumb King very familiar , she seemed to have returned to the battlefield of the ancient British kingdom, and saw the Knights of the Round Table who had followed her to fight bravely.

【Is this the redemption I pursue until now? ]

Alturia's face showed a faint daze, but at the same time there was a trace of joy.

Carrying the expectations and dreams of countless people!

Having the responsibility to save a country that is about to collapse!

This is exactly what she once wanted to do, but couldn't do.

But this time, she won't be failing.

Soon, as the imperial chasers retreated, the broken kingdom soldiers were organized again.

It's just that they no longer obey the orders of the nobles, but instead recommend and promote those capable people from the civilian class to become officers.

In just a few hours, "King Arthur" successfully turned the defeated more than 100,000 soldiers into his own diehards and fanatics.

This new army is not only high morale, but also full of hatred and disgust for the nobles who have been stunned on the battlefield and finally abandoned themselves.

The blood emperor on the side of the empire saw this, and immediately sighed with a smile: "Can you summon a huge army by yourself? It's really terrifying leadership and charisma. Lena Sir, how much do you think this King Arthur played in the battle just now?"

"Conservatively, it shouldn't be more than 10%. Otherwise, just rely on the kind of golden light Terrorist slash, even if the four of us join forces, it doesn't make any sense. As expected, he is Alan-sama's comrade, and he is a monster who can't tell the depth." Renas gave the answer with a wry smile.

"Hehe, well, it seems that it's time for us to take the initiative to offer an olive branch. Send a messenger over and say that the empire is willing to truce with the kingdom and sign a peace treaty that will never be violated." The Blood Emperor smiled. He was instructed to the courtiers accompanying him.

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

A minister immediately bent down and bowed.

About 20 minutes later, a group of envoys holding the flag of the Empire set out from the camp and walked towards the army camp of the kingdom not far away.

Because both sides are human countries and always abide by the customary rules of engagement, they have not been subjected to any difficulties, and they have been brought directly to Artoria. Negotiate.

Waiting until sunset, the civil war in this war of human nations finally came to an end.

The Blood Emperor and the Dumb Hair King even met before the battle and signed an alliance agreement in a semi-public manner.

The alliance of human nations envisioned by Alan has finally taken its most important step.

The Silian Church immediately gave high praise to both parties who signed the covenant, and compared the Blood Emperor and Artoria to the two greatest monarchs in the human world.

As for the dead old king and the two Princes, no one would care at all.

After all, "King Arthur" has more than 100,000 troops in his hands, which is enough to wipe out all the remaining forces in the country that dare to resist.

With the support of the Empire and the Church, whether it is a noble or a criminal organization, it will soon usher in a desperate doomsday judgment.

Apart from this, the Golden Princess Lana of the Royal Capital has also started to prepare for some guys who have long disliked...

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