Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 818

The Royal Capital - Rei Yestige.

A city with a long history, dating back more than fifty years before the Thirteen Heroes appeared.

Although initially only one of many immigrant strongholds scattered from the Silenian state, it gradually became the economic and political center of the land as the kingdom was established.

However, due to the corruption and degeneration of the entire ruling class, the people here have basically been controlled by a criminal group called "Eight Fingers".

The guards are almost always civilians without any ability, discipline, or training, and are even poorly equipped with weapons and equipment.

With their quality, let alone fighting against a powerful criminal organization like the "Eight Fingers", even bullying the poor may lead to riots and be overturned.

So the order, law and security of the capital can basically be said to be a joke.

And most of the houses lining the streets look shabby and old, and can't compare with the clean and tidy imperial capital.


The only thing that can comfort the people of the kingdom is the stone pavement on the main road.

However, all this soon changed with the return of the 100,000 army led by Artoria.

Especially those aristocrats and bureaucrats who are deeply involved with the "Eight Fingers" put on a lively clown drama.

If I had to describe it in one sentence, it would be the most appropriate format to quote a French newspaper's report on Napoleon's restoration.

"The foolish illegitimate child usurped the throne that did not belong to him!"

"No one can make an agreement with any country without the permission of all the nobles! This is Shameful traitor!"

"The base and shameless thieves dared to march towards the capital with an army of beggars!"

"Arthur captured the road leading to the capital The only way to go!"

"His Royal Highness Arthur, pulling strongly against a crazy tide, has come to the city!"

"Your Majesty, the king of Supreme, has arrived in his loyal capital today! "

As exaggerated and hilarious as it may sound, that's what these guys really are.

No one dared to mention Artoria's illegitimate child status after an army of more than 100,000 troops took over the capital.

Even the Marquis of Besbea, who was married to the Crown Princess, legally has a higher right of succession, and also has the support of a large number of nobles, has consciously shut up.

Because on the day he was enthroned as king, the "King Arthur", who seemed neither tall nor dignified, directly issued a decree to cancel the military, administrative and judicial power of all nobles in his territory, and The previously unclaimed lands that were wrangling and competing with each other were nationalized and distributed to tenant farmers who had no land.

Not only that!

She also sent more than 20 nobles who were defeated directly to the gallows, hanged alive in front of everyone's eyes, permanently deprived their descendants of their noble status, territory and property, and collectively exiled abroad.

In addition, they also ordered a sweeping sweep of the illegal businesses run by the "eight fingers" in the capital. The number of people who were arrested and executed alone was as high as 2,000.

Such a swift and decisive repression with an iron fist, even the blood of the Empire, the Imperial Capital, is far behind.

The "Six Arms" in "Eight Fingers" who are responsible for martial power removal of threats all smelled the rich Death Aura, obediently and honestly hid, and didn't dare to come forward at this time.

Looking out the window of this city that has been chaotic for several decades and finally restored order, the Golden Princess Lana couldn't help but sighed with a smile: "As expected of being able to pull back and train hard on the battlefield, only King Arthur, who has convinced more than 100,000 soldiers by his own power, has taken control of the situation so quickly."

Climb nodded: "Yes! Arthur Your Majesty is The bravest, most decisive, and just man I have ever met. If he is king, this country will get better and better."

"Hehe, Clem, I want to To govern a country well, these are not enough." Lana fondly patted the boy's head.

"Huh? What else is needed?" Climb asked with wide eyes.

Just as Lana was about to tease the little follower, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open.

I saw Artoria, who had put on a noble dress, walked in from the outside, took off the crown on her head and was still on the table, her eyes flashing with terrifying murderous aura.

You don't need to ask to know that someone completely annoyed her at the meeting just now.

"Clem! You go out first, I need to talk to Brother Wang alone." Lana Princess instructed without looking back.


Climb hurriedly gave a salute respectfully to the Dumb King, then quickly exited the room and closed the door.

After she made a bang, Lana showed her true colors, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she asked meaningfully: "Tell me, who dares to go against your will this time? It doesn't matter. Say it, and I can help you get rid of him."

"It's the Marquis of Blum Rachel! After returning to the territory, this bastard announced that he had left the kingdom and joined the surrounding nobles to establish a A new country."

Artoria has no intention of hiding anything, and panting with rage announced the terrible news.

Because of the opponent's action, it directly tore apart nearly one-sixth of the kingdom's land.

If you don't deal with it quickly, other nobles will follow suit.

"The Lord of Bromura? Ah! That miser who would betray his allies for a single penny without the slightest hesitation. Don't worry, although this guy is the richest man in the kingdom, he is actually in the military. His ability is quite limited. The reason why he would do such a move should be that he was forced to a dead end by the decree you issued, and he had to jump over the wall as a last resort."

Lana took the cup and took it easy. He took a sip of hot tea, his tone full of contempt for the most wealthy noble in the kingdom.

"Then what should I do? If I immediately lead the army to conquer, not only will the Eight Fingers, who disappeared from the capital, resurface, but other nobles may also take the opportunity to start a rebellion." Cheap "younger sister" comments.

Although she had the experience of being a king before, the ancient kingdom of Great Britain was so big, and its population was not even half a million.

But what about the current kingdom?

The population alone is nine million!

So the experience of the past cannot be copied at all, or else it will be a situation of fire everywhere.

Lana Princess put down the teacup in her hand and said casually: "There is no need for conquest! I remember Lord Alan once said that the so-called power refers to the ability to force others to make decisions against their own will. This also means that although violence is an important part of power, and arguably the most important, it is not the only one."

"You mean... political means?"

Double hair king is not stupid, he immediately realized the subtext hidden in his words.

Lana Princess nods with a smile: "That's right!

Remember the previous agreement with the Empire and the Church?

You only It is necessary to send an envoy to the emperor openly to ask him to fulfill his obligations under the agreement and send troops to help suppress these rebels.

I believe that with the timidity of the Marquis of Brumrah, He should surrender immediately.

At that time, you can pretend to be magnanimous and allow him to keep some of his property on the premise of depriving him of his noble status and confiscation of his territory.

In this way, other nobles believe that after seeing that you will not kill to the last one, they will also give up their original desperate plans.

After all, if you can live well, who would be willing to risk it? The whole family is in danger of being executed to rebel.

Even if there is a very few idiots who can’t think of it, relatives and friends around him will take the initiative to secretly inform us in order not to be implicated.

Sometimes, blind persecution will only make the enemy more united.

But if you take a few steps back, the enemy will start fighting.

Especially the decay of the kingdom The fallen aristocrats have long lost the bravery of their ancestors when they founded the country, and only a group of flies and dogs is left."

"so that's how it is!"

Altoria Arden At the same time, he showed an expression of sudden realization, and at the same time, he was full of fear at the cute and sweet looking golden Princess in front of him.

This fear does not come from the powerful force of the opponent, but from the terrifying brain.

The more time the two spend together and the better they get to know each other, the more she understands how true Alan is when he says the other is an alien in human skin.

In Lana's eyes, this world has no secrets at all.

Anyone or anything around you can be clearly distinguished immediately by just looking at it, so a kind of mentality of playing the world gradually developed.

She doesn't have a clear view of good and evil, that is, she can promote actions that are clearly good like the abolition of slaves, or she can make life worse than death without the slightest hesitation.

And it's all just enjoying the feeling of having everyone in the palm of your hand.

"Hehe, dear brother, please don't be so wary of me. You should know that I'm not interested in ruling this country."

Lana Princess no doubt sensed the scumbag king's The strange look in his eyes immediately clearly expressed his position and attitude.

What she wants to do now is to complete the task Alan gave her, and then turn her "faithful dog" Climb into the state of Eternal and Undying.

In this way, the two people's skills are "forever" together.

"Sorry, I'm a little rude. If you don't mind, can you handle this matter entirely? I'm going to focus on getting rid of the Eight Fingers recently. These scumbags The crimes they committed are innumerable, and I will never allow their high-level officials to escape punishment like this."

After saying that, Arturia suddenly raised her fist and slammed it on the table with a muffled sound.

"No problem! At most half a month, I'll make Blum Rashou Hou kneel down and cry and beg for your forgiveness." Lana Princess agreed without thinking.


At the same time, Alan is receiving a very special guest in Ye Lantier's Hunter Association, the former warrior chief of the kingdom, Gazef Stowe. ronoff.

Since witnessing the tragic death of the old king, he gave up his original rank and status, and went alone to the depths of the forest, hunting dangerous monsters and wild beasts in an almost masochistic way to train himself.

At the moment, the bearded brawny man exudes a strong aura from all over his body, and his two eyes are as sharp as blades.

"You have courage!" Alan commented with a smile.

"Is it your handwriting to kill the king Your Majesty and the two Princes?" Gazef blunt asked.

"en! That's right! It's me." Alan nodded without thinking.

“Why do you do this? First Prince aside, Your Majesty and His Highness the Prince did not violate the rules set by the Hunters Association, right?”

Gazef’s emotions Suddenly became excited, and both hands clenched their fists tightly.

Seeing this scene, Sakura on the side immediately released a biting chill.

But Alan raised his hand to stop the girl from further action, and solemnly replied: "Because as the supreme ruler of a country, incompetence is their greatest sin. I don't know if this reason is enough. Not enough?"


Hearing this extremely insulting word, Gazef's heart throbbed violently, and the originally excited and angry emotions seemed to be overwhelmed by Poured a basin of cold water and instantly solidified.

Because for this kind of evaluation, he could not find any excuse to justify his loyalty to the monarch.

Especially compared with the blood emperor next door who completed the reform of the entire country at a young age, the old king is indeed far worse, and can even be called stupid.

Otherwise, criminal organizations like the Eight Fingers could also expand rapidly under their rule.

"Looks like you've figured it out. For a country like the kingdom, which is hard to come back to, there is no second method to get rid of those rotten-smelling worms, except to thoroughly cleanse the upper ruling class. Hunter The purpose of the association is to defend the interests of mankind. So when the ruling class of a certain country begins to harm the interests of the majority, it will naturally launch a major purge. If you want to avenge your loyal monarch, I will accept it at any time. Your challenge. But for one thing, you'd better be mortal, because I won't show mercy."

After saying this remark, Alan closed his mouth and waited patiently for the other party to make choose.

In his understanding, a feudal monarch can be greedy, lecherous, and brutal, but he cannot be weak and incompetent.

Otherwise, the whole country will fall into turmoil and struggle for rights and interests.

So for killing the old king and the rather clever Second Prince, Alan has no regrets at all.

If he did it all over again, he would still kill the crap without the slightest hesitation.

"Can you guarantee that the kingdom will become better under the leadership of that King Arthur?" Gazef asked after a long silence.

"Ah! I guarantee..."

Before Alan's words were finished, he heard a sudden burst of loud shouts and cheers from outside the association.

On the top of the city, a white frost dragon with an incomparable gigantic size appeared out of thin air, and there were several people sitting on the dragon's back.

About two and three minutes later, more frost dragons of different sizes also swooped down from the clouds, circling around the Hunter Association's headquarters, seemingly looking for a place to land.

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