Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 819

The appearance of several frost giant dragons undoubtedly caused quite a stir.

If it wasn't for someone on the back of the dragon, it is estimated that the guards on the arrow tower and the city wall would have already started shooting with giant crossbows.

But when these frost dragons landed at the gate of the Hunter Association one by one, crowding the originally not too wide road, the guards who were nervous at first relaxed quickly.

Because they have seen the people who jumped off the dragon's back, they are basically the top elite squads in the association, such as the Dark Sword, and the Cang Rose, for example, among them. Some are dwarves from deep in the mountains.

"Hey! Peter Mork! How on earth did you manage to make these dragons obedient?"

A trainee hunter hiding in the crowd shouted asked.

You must know that the giant dragon in this world is a well-deserved overlord, and many players who have passed through have died in the hands of the True Dragon king, so their character is far better than that of other fantasy world dragons More arrogant, arrogant and supercilious.

Some grumpy dragon kings will even destroy a country to vent their inner dissatisfaction and resentment.

Therefore, in the eyes of most ordinary persons, dragons are a powerful species higher than their own race, not to mention tamed by humans.

"hehe! Of course, it is the power of the official hunter! This kind of thing cannot be explained clearly in words, and you will understand when you become official hunters too." Peter Mock responded with a smile.

He seems to be in a pretty good mood thanks to his successful capture of the Frost Dragon King Olazadark Heliriar.

After all, this is a competition with most of the elites of the entire Hunter Association, and it is definitely a very revealing thing for the pitch-black sword Squad to stand out and come out on top.

even more how , and lots of bonus points.

"The power of an official hunter?"

Few people who have heard of life energy have looked thoughtful expressions, but more people are blank.

In fact, the reason why these frost dragons can be obedient is thanks to a special ability developed by a lesser-known official hunter.

About this, it is only a matter of paying a little attention to the slightly dull eyes of all frost dragons.

"Cut! Let these guys take the lead again." Gregory curled one's lip with a displeased expression.

As a member of the steel essence-level adventure squad, she has always been quite dissatisfied with being ridden on her head by juniors like the jet-black sword squad.

However, the Hunter Association is a place that speaks by its strength and achievements.

No matter how dissatisfied there is in the meeting, it can only be held back until it surpasses the other party.

"No way! Their occupation level is higher than us, and their weapons and equipment are better than ours. It's not surprising to be the first to catch the Frost Dragon King. But we are not bad. We successfully captured the Frost Dragon King. The three concubines of the king."

Speaking, La Hagi turned her eyes to the "spoils of war" of Cang Rose Squad with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Captain! This time I'm applying for a weapon that can increase spell damage and crit attributes! It's better to be a sword!" Evileye is very rare and expressed his desire for a weapon.

You must know that this old loli who lived for more than 200 years before was quite disdain for weapons and equipment, and always put on a pair of "only one's own strength is really powerful" gesture.

But after seeing with her own eyes how the pitch-black sword "Tomboy" Nia used the Epic Grade staff in her hand to intensify her spell destructive power to an astonishing degree, her attitude came A 180 degree turn.

Facts have proved once again that no one can escape the "True Fragrance Law".

The expensive price of those magic weapons instantly appeared in La Hags' mind, her smile froze instantly, and at the same time she lay down with sweat down her cheeks, and she replied hesitantly: "Well...I...I I'll consider it."

"Captain! We're looking at a wallet set for Assassin."

"And a dagger!"

" Yes! There are also short swords!"

Tia and Tina also took the opportunity to make a request to change their weapons and equipment.


La Hagis sweated even more, and even swallowed subconsciously.


Before she was ready to reply to the twin sisters, Ai Lu, the president of the guild, finally walked out of the house, first glanced at a few frost dragons, and then used a slight lead. Teased in a playful tone: "Yo! You did a good job! It seems that you have completed the mission of the dwarf kingdom very well."

"Hahahaha! Of course! There is no kuagoa race anymore!" A brawny man who was big and three thick responded with a big grin and a big smile.

"That's right! The king of the kuagoa clan, Pe Riyuro, even knelt on the ground and begged us to spare him and his clan. Bah! What a bastard! When he was strong Just invade other people's homes and pretend to be a grandson when he finds himself weak. I cut off his head directly!" Another hunter also followed with a disdainful expression.

There is no doubt that in the eyes of these two guys, they are fulfilling a righteous mission to help the traditional allies of mankind, the dwarves, to eliminate the invaders.

They didn't realize that if they were on the side of the kuagoa, they would be a complete butcher. They would kill nearly 100,000 orcs to the last one, and the entire race would enter into it. on the brink of extinction.

The cruelty in human nature is vividly and thoroughly reflected in these formal hunters who have mastered great power.

But only with enough savagery and cruelty, the humans of this world can defeat the equally savage and cruel monsters.

Thinking of this, Alan immediately smiled and praised: "you did good! I'm proud of you! Remember! You are hunters! You are the Guardians of the entire human world! As long as anyone dares to threaten the survival of human beings , then it is the target you need to hunt. The association does not ask about the process and means, but only the final result."

"We are hunters!"

"Great hunters! "

"Let those damn aliens and monsters hide in their lair shiver coldly!"

"For humans!"


All of a sudden, the members of the association and ordinary citizens who were blocked on both sides of the street all let out excited roars.

Because they saw that the huge Frost Dragon King actually lowered his head and crawled in front of Alan in the most humble manner, his eyes were full of awe and fear.

The other frost dragons around have also learned the same way.

This is not the control of any spell and ability, but Vernarasas unleashing the breath of his red dragon queen to these low-level giant dragons.

"That... President! You said before that if someone can successfully bring back the Frost Dragon King, there will be an extra surprise, right?" Luke, the hunter of the jet-black swordsquad Lot licked his face and came up to remind.

"Oh, of course. Give it! This is my extra surprise for you."

Alan took out the devil fruit prepared in advance without saying a word.

"A fruit?!"

Looking at the patterned Devil Fruit in his palm, Luclot raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He didn't expect in his dreams, the so-called surprise outside the goose would be such a thing.

"no! It is not an ordinary fruit, but a devil fruit that can give the eater special powers. In theory, each person can only take one in a lifetime, and once taken, it will become A landlubber can never touch the sea water, otherwise it will become powerless. In addition, the power of the devil fruit can only be given to one person, and it is ineffective to share food among multiple people." Alan explained meaningfully.

"Empowering? What kind of power?" Luclot asked with gleaming eyes.

Not only him, but everyone around him craned their necks, trying to figure out how powerful this thing was.

"Devil Fruits can be roughly divided into three categories according to their abilities. One is the natural system, which, as the name suggests, can create natural phenomena such as wind, flame, thunder, smoke, steam, ice and snow. Strength. Second is the animal type, that is, transforming into various animals, even strong demon creatures such as dragons and undying birds. The third type is called the superhuman type. This type is the most complex, basically you can think of it. It covers all of the superpowers of the Devil Fruit."

In order to arouse these people's thirst for Devil Fruits, Alan deliberately told it in great detail, making his appetite full.

"What about this one? What kind of system is it? What abilities can it give the user?" Peter Mock was obviously hooked, and the whole person became extremely excited.

After all, this is the first Devil Fruit that the association has brought out, and he is very much looking forward to what kind of power is hidden inside.

Is the weakness of not being able to touch the sea a thing?

The ocean is not a place of interest for humans in this world, and the activities of these adventurers are limited to land, so they can basically be ignored.

Looking at the pair of expectant eyes around, Alan suddenly put on a helpless look and shrugged his shoulders: "Sorry! There are too many types of Devil Fruits, and I don't remember them quite clearly. It's not as good as you guys. Just find someone to eat here, and then you'll find out."


Tomboy Nia suddenly stunned and exclaimed.

"That's right! It's like lottery! That's fun, isn't it?"

Alan pretended not to see the terrifying reaction of the Dark Sword Squad, and directly started encouraging him to hold it Devil Fruit Luclot takes a bite.

The latter was obviously frightened, and hurriedly handed the fruit to his Captain.

There are four people in the pitch-black swordsquad, but there is only one devil fruit, who will eat it?

Peter Mock was in trouble.

But before he could make a decision, the other three urged impatiently.

"Captain! Come and eat!"

"Agree! Captain, eat now!"

"Hmmmm! My animal companion is reminding me I, better not touch this thing."

"You bastards! Don't you want me to be a little white mouse?" Peter Mock rolled the eyes angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense! Quickly feed him!"

Lukelot rushed up and locked his Captain's hands from behind.

The other two team members, one forcibly opened his mouth, and the other shoved the whole Devil Fruit inside.

"No! Don't!"

With a terrified scream, Peter Mock finally took a bite on the fruit covered with peculiar patterns.

The feces-like texture and taste instantly made the tough guy's face turn green, and at the same time he began to struggle desperately, he would rather die than take another bite.

But unfortunately, he couldn't break free from being suppressed by the three people, he could only watch the unpalatable fruit being stuffed into his mouth again and again, and he couldn't even spit it out. .

In just a few seconds, the whole devil fruit was eaten clean.

The moment the team members let go, Peter Mock rushed to the side of the road, leaned against the wall and started retching, his expression was no different from eating a piece of shit.

"President little brother! He doesn't look very good. Could it be poisoning?" asked Gegeland, taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

"no! This is a normal reaction. I almost forgot to tell you that one of the most notable features of Devil Fruits is that they are very, very unpalatable. Everyone who has eaten them said that the taste of the stuff is nothing like shit. The difference." Alan replied calmly.

"You should be the first to say such things!" Peter Mock roared, turning around.

"Hehe, sorry, I forgot." Alan spread his hands insincerely.

It's not hard to tell from the smile that flickers in his eyes, he definitely did it on purpose, just to see the other party's interesting reaction to eating the Devil Fruit.

"Damn! This fruit had better give me a more powerful ability, otherwise I..."

Before he finished speaking, a drop of sweat instantly disappeared from Peter Mo. K's jaw dropped to the ground.

Next second...

bang! ! !

The dazzling red fire and explosion instantly exploded a big hole on the ground, and the shock wave and strong air current it brought up sent the surrounding people back again and again.

"This...this is?!"

Standing unharmed at the center of the explosion, his eyes widened, staring at the pit under his feet, his face full of unbelievable expressions .

"Ah! It turns out to be an explosive fruit. You can use any part of your body to create an amazing explosion effect, including limbs, hair, sweat, saliva, skin, booger, earwax, eyewax, and more. Although it's not the highest, it's not bad either, as long as you develop it a little, you should be able to greatly enhance your own strength."

Alan pretended to say the name and ability of this devil fruit.

"Make an explosion with a part of your body? Oh my God! It's... this ability is simply amazing!"

A few seconds ago, taking pleasure in other people's Gegean of misfortune, now his mouth is big enough to fit an apple.

As a warrior, no one knows better than her how powerful this ability can be in close combat.

Simply put, it is to give warrior the same spellcasting ability as a magic caster, and it doesn't need to prepare any incantation, just spit on the opponent's face.

【Devil Fruit? It's something I've never heard of...]

The face under Evileye's mask showed deep doubts, and at the same time she was determined to find a way to get a Devil Fruit and study it.

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