Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 820

The simple and rude ability of Devil Fruit is undoubtedly in line with the desire and expectation of power for most adventurers and mercenaries who may not even know the word.

It even caused a huge stir in the crowd, and everyone was discussing how to use this ability if they got it.

After all, life energy and step magic are too complicated for them.

The former needs to calm down for a long time, while the latter needs to learn a lot of theoretical knowledge, and it is very difficult to improve.

Compared with these two, the occupations given by the Hunter Association are the favorites of many people's bottom trainee hunters.

Because they don't need to comprehend at all, let alone learn and understand, as long as they kill a lot of those aliens, monsters and beasts, they can improve their level, and then learn new skills and innate talent.

Now, the emergence of Devil Fruit has given many people an opportunity to catch up and even surpass those official hunters.

And this kind of internal competition is exactly what Alan expects to see and has been trying to maintain.

As a modern person, he is very aware of the dangers of rank solidification, so he must give the members who join later a chance to surpass the veteran with hard work and luck.

To put it bluntly, it is to let the bottom trainee hunters see hope and a way out.

In this way, those with ability and innate talent will quickly stand out, rather than being held down and unable to turn over.

Similarly, the official hunter will not dare to take it lightly because of the large number of pursuers behind, and continue to move towards higher goals and work hard, and eventually form a benign environment.

Otherwise, Alan can guarantee that it won't be long before the hunter association he founded will become as rigid and rigid as some modern social enterprise.

Taking advantage of the chance that everyone on the scene was amazed by the formidable power of the explosive fruit, he immediately threw out the prepared incentive measures in public.

Simply put, the association will take out two Devil Fruits every month, one of which is contested by the official hunters, and the other is contested by the apprentice hunters.

Apprentice hunters can participate in official hunter quests, but official hunters are not allowed to compete with apprentice hunters.

This regulation instantly aroused the loud cheers of countless low-level trainee hunters, who shouted slogans such as long live.

"Sir President is really a good trick!"

La Haji sighed slightly after glancing at the guys with shining eyes.

She is no stranger to this kind of incentive method, but didn't expect Alan, who looked young, to be so skilled and experienced.

"After all, he's a great character who can make both the empire and the top leaders of the church state publicly recognize the status of the association. It's strange that there is no such means. Compared to this, I'm more worried about cutting Angelica. Mysterious attack in the mountain range."

Speaking, Evileye instantly recalled the spectacular sight and terrifying damage caused by "hundreds of millions of blades" not long ago.

Not only her, but the other members of Cang Qiangwei also showed expressions of fear and concern.

For such an amazing attack, any form of defense is futile. Once hit, let alone a trifling, a city will instantly turn into a powder.

"Anyway, let's report it to the association first, I believe that Sir President will definitely have a solution." Gegeland's shrugged shoulder showed a helpless expression.

Because this kind of thing is obviously beyond the limit that Cang Qiangwei can handle, there must be a stronger force to intervene.

And so far, there are only two most powerful forces in the entire human world, one is the religious nation that is the last Guardian of human beings, and the other is the Hunter Association in front of you.

"President, I have something I want to report to you alone!" X2

Laws and Peter Mock said in unison.

The two of them obviously thought about going together, and even the tone was exactly the same.

"This is not the place to talk, come with me to the second floor." Alan winked at the red dragon lying on his shoulders, then turned and returned to the hall of the association.

Disguised as a pet, Vernarasas spread his wings and circled around the heads of the frost dragons, and finally landed firmly on the head of the king of frost dragons, releasing his breath again.


The awe and fear in the eyes of these low-level giant dragons became stronger, and they didn't dare to have the slightest thought of resisting or running away.

It wasn't long before each dragon appeared a crimson's rhombus on its head.

From now on , they are the battle pets raised by the Hunter's Association, specially for the upcoming vehicle - airship guarantee and protect.

As for those blacksmiths and runemasters from the dwarf kingdom, they went directly to the basement to settle down under the leadership of Sakura.

After two days of adaptation, these guys will be collectively granted occupations and business skills such as blacksmithing, mining, enchanting, and engineering, which will become an important cornerstone for the rise of Ye Lantil's industrial power.

As the framework with the Hunter Association as the core slowly builds up, Alan no longer needs to do everything by himself as he did at the beginning.

Many times, as long as the command goes on, someone will arrange everything for him.

For the development of airships, local human craftsmen and magician guilds are basically involved, and he himself just provided the corresponding principles and concepts.


The office on the second floor of the Hunter Association, including several elite squads such as Dark Sword and Cang Rose, gathered together, everyone talking at once, saying that he was crusade What happened to the Orcs suddenly.

Alan listened very patiently, and immediately raised his hand with a smile and comforted: "Don't worry, about the terrorist attack that ripped apart the sky and the earth you mentioned earlier, it is actually a kind of A special item for the Hundreds of Millions of Blades. Now, this item has fallen into my hands."

"What? Aftermath?" Lukelot's mouth opened wide in surprise.

"That's right! That's what I'm going to tell you next."

Alan raised his hand and used magic to create all the Great Tombs of Nazarick, including the old bones Stereo projection of Guardian and NPC.

"Have you seen these guys composed of undead, demons, zerg and other evil races? They are the mortal enemies that the guild needs to deal with with all their strength in the next stage. The guy in the lead calls himself Ainz. Ur Gong is a King of the Undead whose strength is comparable to the Six Great Gods and the Eight Desire Kings. The rest are his subordinates whose strength is almost the same as his."

"Just...just kidding. Right?" Beads of sweat appeared on La Hagi's forehead.

"Just kidding? No!" Alan said meaningfully to the head. "I am telling you very seriously now, what kind of threats this world is facing. Do you know? During the time when you were out on a mission, the other party has been entangled with tens of thousands of aliens and monsters, and there are more than five Wan's high-level undying creatures launched a siege on Ye Lantier. The number of Death Knights alone is as high as thousands, and they even used superposition magic that is more powerful than tenth-order magic."

"Ten... The super-level magic above the tenth order? Does this thing really exist?"

As one of the people present, Evileye, who has the highest level of order magic, asked in a trembling voice questioned.

Alan gently nodded: "Of course it exists! If any of you are confident that you can learn it and are willing to pay the corresponding points, I can teach it now. However, let me explain in advance that super magic is very important for A person's magic power has very high requirements, and some even need to pay a permanent price, which does not mean that it can be used without restrictions after learning."

"Hey hey hey! Sir President, you But naked temptation!" shouted a magic caster overwhelmed by emotions who could cast the sixth rank spell.

According to the current growth rate of magic power, he is confident that in the near future, he will learn more and stronger rank magic to make up for the serious shortage of magic skills in the mage profession.

"This is not a temptation, but a warning.

From a personal point of view, I do not recommend that you rush into these things that are far beyond your ability.

" p>

In addition, in order to quickly strengthen the strength of all official hunters, new higher-level dungeons will be opened one after another.

Finally, as the president of the Hunter Association, I formally issue an order to you , to obliterate all these monsters that threaten human existence.

Whoever can kill any enemy on this list can choose between Devil Fruit and a hundred-year lifespan potion One of them is as a reward.

At the same time, you can also get the title recognized by the association, be promoted to become a member of the hunting group, and participate in the management and operation of the association.

Of course, Divine Item-level weapons, equipment and props will not be less, and at least 50,000 to 100,000 gold coin money."

Alan ran out all the incentive conditions that he had prepared.






Social status!

It can be said that everything a person pursues in his life is basically covered in it.

Especially the "meat-eating" Gregory, who has begun to imagine that after he becomes a hero, he is surrounded by all kinds of beautiful men, and he can splurge, indulge, and drink and binge.

The saliva couldn't help slipping down...

La Haji, who has a deep "secondary disease", also began to dilate her pupils, followed by mutter incantations in her mouth, all of which were normal People can't understand words at all.

Noticing the embarrassing performance of his teammates in the two problems, Evileye immediately took two steps to the side, trying to draw a clear line with him and prevent himself from being implicated.

"Hehe! Sir President, that means our Hunter Association is going to go to war with these guys, right?" Peter Mock asked with sharp rays of light flashing in his eyes.

"en! Yes! I have here a piece of information that was sent three days ago by the Ecclesiastical Nation's Dark Holy Code, if you are interested, you can read it. Since Ainz Ooal Gown was defeated by me Later, he brought his subordinates into the demi-human tribe wasteland, and began to expand his strength crazily. In just a few weeks, he conquered and ruled the alien race with a population of almost 1.5 million, and summoned 150,000 with the corpses of the dead. The undead army is slowly moving towards the city wall on the border of Saint King."

After saying that, Alan activated a magic crystal ball placed on the table.

In the blink of an eye, the old bones floating in midair are reflected inside, reviewing the magnificent picture of the endless army underfoot.

In fact, the remnant forces that have entered wasteland to hunt down the Great Tomb of Nazarick have already begun to enter wasteland since the Dark Codex left Ye Lantil.

Especially, Desperate, who has fought against 100-level Guardians and Ainz many times.

Although it failed to achieve decisive results every time, it successfully annihilated many low-level NPCs and undead cannon fodder.

Otherwise, the number of this army will be even larger.

Old bones who have long accepted their identity as the evil Undead have not yet realized that their frenzied expansion, slaughter and explosions have aroused the vigilance and hostility of the entire world.

After all, no matter how human beings and aliens fight, it is still a matter between the living, and it is fundamentally different from the undead natural disaster.

"My God! Is this... this guy wants to conquer the world and put everyone under his own brutal rule?" Gegeland stared at the scene in the crystal ball, the whole person All freaked out.

"Ah! That's right! It really looks like this now. At this rate, an evil empire will soon be established on the entire demi-human tribe wasteland. The Hunter Association is currently doing what The key is to minimize the number of enemies. Whether it is aliens and monsters, or the undead, as long as they encounter them, they will kill them all without leaving any." Alan blunt proposed the 1st Stage combat plan.

With the current high-end battle strength of the Association, those high-level NPCs who want to kill the Great Tomb of Nazarick may still be out of reach.

But it's definitely enough to clear out these overpopulated cannon fodder armies.

"Understood! After a short rest, we will set off immediately and start cleaning up the periphery of wasteland." Captain Peter Mock of the Dark Sword Squad made a serious commitment.

Just when Cang Qiangwei Captain wanted to follow suit, Alan suddenly threw a letter into the hand of the middle school girl.

"This is what Lana Princess asked me to turn over to you."

"Lana?!" Lagis apparently had a very good personal relationship with the Her Highness the Princess , ignoring the others, hurriedly opened it and looked at it, followed by an unbelievable expression. "We've only left for such a short time, how could the kingdom have undergone such drastic changes?"

"What's going on? What did the letter say?" Evileye rushed over.

"In the war between the empire and the kingdom not long ago, the old king and two princes were killed at the same time, and now an illegal child named Arthur has ascended the throne. He is starting to suppress the domestic Noble, at the same time attacking the criminal group Eight Fingers. Lana Princess hopes that we can return to the capital to help Xinguo Royal General Eight Fingers to pull up by the roots without any trouble.” Lahagi took a deep breath illustrate.

Obviously, Cang Qiangwei can't join the vigorous war against Nazarick now, but must return to the capital to respond to the request of the Golden Princess.

After all, they are part of the kingdom no matter what, and there is no way to watch the country fall into chaos.

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