Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 831

"You... you're teaching these indigenous scientific knowledge? Helping them build an industrial system? Are you crazy? Do you know what you're doing?"

Ainz's voice trembled. I can't imagine how crazy the other party is to make such a move.

Of course, apart from this, he also had strong jealousy and envy in his heart.

The envy and envy of the scumbags towards the tyrants.

Because he only has a primary school diploma and spends most of his spare time in the game "Yggdrasil", let alone imparting scientific knowledge and establishing an industrial system to people in the foreign world, even Not much is known about the most basic physical chemistry basics.

But old bones don't know, in fact, Alan is not a scholar, he is completely developed by spending a lot of time.

After all, as long as a person with normal intelligence uses the ten times time difference between the game world and the real world to constantly study, research, and try, one day he will be able to obtain an unparalleled knowledge reserve.

even more how, most of Alan's knowledge of technological convenience comes from the engineering of Azeroth, and the selfless teaching of the One Piece world Vega Punk Academician.

Under these slightly "abnormal" systems, his set of science and technology is more like a suture monster, which is completely different from the rigorous natural science on Earth.

But Ainz didn't know this. He thought that the transmigrator, who came from Earth just like him, was an out-and-out genius and a scholar.

"Of course I know what I'm doing! Raising the level of productivity, developing technology and technology through continuous accumulation and stacking, is the best way to make human beings a world Sovereign, isn't it? What, you Are you afraid? Afraid that the power you get from the game will eventually become worthless, and you will no longer be able to bully the natives who are powerless to fight back?" Alan made a meaningful rhetorical question.

"Aren't you worried? If they really have great power, then the Hunter Association you founded will gradually lose its influence." Ainz kicked the ball very cunningly. go back.

In his opinion, this is definitely a stupid act of digging one's own grave.

Only maintaining the status quo is in the best interests of both.

It's like the six gods, the eight kings of desires, and the thirteen heroes who passed through before did not help the indigenous people of this world to develop technology, at best they just left their game equipment and props.

Looking at the red light flickering in the eyes of the old bones, Alan sneered: "Idiot! Stupid! Short-sighted! You are indeed a resident of the island country, and you have absolutely no overall vision and strategic vision. even more how, only the weak are afraid of competition, afraid of being overtaken by the people behind them, just like you now, cautiously living like a mouse in the sewer. true powerhouse is never afraid of challenges! I even look forward to evenly matching myself with Neng Neng In addition, please don't always think that we are a kind of people. We were not, we are not, and we will not be in the future."

There is no doubt!

This remark made Ainz choked so hard that he didn't know what to say after being silent for a long time.

Because after calming down, he suddenly realized that what the other party said made sense, but he was speechless.

After about three or five minutes of reflection, Ainz finally lifted the head probed again: "You shouldn't have come to destroy Nazarick and me today, right?"

" That's right! If you run away, I won't stop you. Because you've done your job well." Alan suddenly raised his lips into a nasty smile.


Ainz instantly had a bad premonition.

Alan nods with a smile: "Yes! If it weren't for you, humans would have to take a lot of effort to clean up those demi-human tribes in wasteland. But now, they should be destroyed soon. You killed the extinct species."

"What? You are using me to clean up those aliens and monsters!" Ainz immediately clenched his fists, and his anger continued to surge.

He now finally understands why the members of the Hunter Guild did not pursue him, but chose to stay in the north to clear out the tribes and the fortresses built by the dead spirit cultivator who had deliberately stayed to delay the time.

This feeling of being used as a chess piece and a marionette is too much for anyone with a little self-respect.

even more how After completely annihilating the cowardly self before crossing, the old bones always regard themselves as the real King of the Undead, the Sovereign of the Supreme Tomb of Nazarick.

Now I suddenly realize that all this is just an illusion!

It turned out that he never got rid of his identity being manipulated by others.

It's just that the manipulator changed from the company's boss to the person in front of him.

"Are you angry?" Afaint smile appeared on Alan's face.

"To be played like a fool by you! Shouldn't I be angry?" Ainz asked, gnashing teeth.

"hahahaha! It looks like you haven't lost the will to resist. That's great! It looks like we're still having fun. Suppressing and playing are only tolerated silently, this game is no fun."

Alan laughed and stretched out his right hand, in front of countless pairs of eyes watching, with a very insulting Sexually patted each other's smooth skulls.

He once again used practical actions to declare his strength to everyone!

Ainz obviously did not want to accept such an insult, and immediately tried to back away from the subsequent actions.

But just as he opened his legs, he suddenly felt the terrifying imposing manner of Mount Tai.

I saw Alan warn in a disembodied voice: "Don't move! Move again if you dare! I'm here to destroy Nazarick today! Then put your skull Knock it down and make a bowl!"


old bones stopped all movements and let that hand beat his skull repeatedly, the whole person was about to go crazy.

Seeing this scene, the Blood Emperor immediately trembled with excitement, and muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Is the monster above the above Fiendgod? On one side. Otherwise..."

On the other side, located on the high wall of the Great Wall of Saint King, Queen Karko couldn't help but ask her friend behind her, "That person is the meeting of the Hunters Association. Lord Alan?"

"en! That's right! It's him! I can't believe it! Even such a terrifying undying creature wouldn't dare to resist him in front of him." Remedios Quickly give an affirmative answer.

As the messenger who went to the Hunter Association headquarters, she had a brief conversation with Alan, so she was very impressed with this silver-haired boy who only seemed to be a teenager.

What made her absolutely didn't expect was that the other party actually possessed such terrifying power.

At this moment, the leader of the Paladin regiment, the strongest in the Saint King country, was holding onto the bricks on the fence with both hands, with hot rays of light flashing in his eyes.

She wants to have that power too!

"Looks like this war is over. Your Majesty, Queen! I think we'd better get rid of those demihuman bodies right away, at least clear a way through, and get ready for the feast. Thanks for these reinforcements from afar. Especially Alan, the president of the Hunter Association! No matter what, let him open a branch in the capital." Kirat reminded took a deep breath.

"And not only that! And those mighty weapons used by the imperial army! We must have them, no matter what the price. Armed with such weapons, no matter the unruly nobles of the South, Or the demi-humans who threaten the completeness of the Saint King country, can be easily solved."

Another nobleman also stood up and put forward his own point of view.

Looking at the eyes of the soldiers and officers around, you can see that they were completely conquered by the performance of the hot weapon just now.

Especially the bombardment of hiding the sky and covering the earth, as well as the spectacular scene of a large number of volleys of muskets, has been deeply embedded in everyone's mind.

Just when the senior leaders of Saint King were discussing how to gain the favor of Alan and the Hunter Association, Albedo finally couldn't bear to watch her beloved Supreme being humiliated in public, and instantly turned into a gangster. Black light rushed out.

"Asshole! How do you do such a thing to Supreme's Supreme! Go to hell!"

With a roar of extreme anger, she raised a Divine Item level Axe cut down fiercely.

But before the axe blade touched anything, Alan created a spherical barrier without looking back, trapping the opponent directly inside.

"Little Succubus! You seem to have forgotten what happened the last time we met, didn't you?"


Ainz immediately recalled the tragic scene of Albedo being forcibly squeezed into meat sauce, and hurriedly spoke out to stop it.

From the start of the war to the present, he has lost four Guardians, Shalltear, Cocytus, Demiurge, and Sebas. It is estimated that the "son" Pandora who has not appeared for a long time Also bode ill rather than well.

If Albedo dies again, only the Dark Elf twins will be left.

It is absolutely unacceptable for old bones who value the Great Tomb of Nazarick above everything else.

And the world item that can be resurrected in his hand can only be used once. If he uses it too early, he will not even have a chance to be resurrected if he is killed.

"Oh? You want me to let her go?" Alan looked at the pair of interesting CPs with interest.

"Yes! Please open the conditions!" Ainz chose to admit his counsel very single.

After all, he had just been humiliated by it, and he doesn't care about losing any more people now. As long as he can keep Albedo from dying, it doesn't matter even if he stretches his face and punches him.

"If that's the case! Then kneel down and apologize! Use the dirt you used most often!" Alan smiled and stepped fiercely on the other party's little self-esteem.

"No! Don't!"

Albedo only realized the serious consequences of her reckless actions, and slapped the barrier frantically and shouted.

But Ainz ignored it and knelt on the ground with a plop, posing as a prostrate oneself in admiration.

"I'm sorry! It's all my lax discipline! Please forgive me!"

"Nice attitude! I forgive you, get up."

Alan deliberately pretended to be magnanimous, then turned around and looked at Albedo inside the spherical barrier.

"See? Little Succubus! It's all because of you Guardians who like to assert themselves. Whether it's Demiurge with all his evil plans in mind , or the twisted and bloodthirsty Shalltear, or you, the idiot who treats humans as trash, is always provoking an enemy he can't deal with. If I were the master of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, I would definitely Immediately remove all of you as hidden dangers. Servants who do not obey the master's orders and will have no value in existence!"


This sentence is like a bomb in an instant. Erbed's head exploded, and the whole person stood there like a fool.

She began to think involuntarily, if she hadn't spoken rudely in the first place, would she have caused Alan's disgust and disgust?

If Demiurge hadn't gone to Ye-Rantel to do something, would there have been something about Sebas' mutiny?

If Shalltear hadn't clamored for war, would the Great Tomb of Nazarick be bombed?

All of this seems to be the result of Guardian's cleverness.

As the Highest Paragon, Ainz was only implicated by himself, the Guardians.


Albedo, who came to this conclusion, knelt down on the ground with her legs soft, and from the empty eyes, it was likely that she had collapsed.

However, old bones didn't speak, just picked up his Guardian manager, opened a Transmission Gate directly, and walked away cleanly with all the main Nazarick NPCs.

The worship and obedience to powerhouse rooted in the bones made him not dare to resist Alan who holds the overwhelming power.

Watching these monsters with the power of gods and demons disappear completely, whether it is the Saint King country or the imperial army sighed in relief.

Although Ainz never made a move from start to finish, those NPCs had already shown their terrifying abilities in the short battle just now. No matter which one they were, they could easily kill an entire army. .

So no one doubts the power of the King of the Undead at all.

Soon, the kingdom of Saint King cleared a small gap in the demi-human corpse wall in front of the Great Wall, and Queen Calco led a team to welcome them out.

Although some people have criticized Alan for letting go of those culprits before, in any case, the other party saved his country.

So on such diplomatic occasions, anyone who is not a fool will not have fun.

In addition, the famous blood emperor of the empire led the army to visit in person, you must give enough face, otherwise you will not want to mix in the circle of human countries in the future.

The two sides pulled each other's skin for a long time according to the complicated and complicated etiquette, and then entered the fortress in the city wall together.

Of course, only for nobles and high level officers.

As for the army of the Empire, temporarily they can only cut down trees outside the city to build temporary camps.

No sensible ruler would easily allow this terrifying army to set foot on his country's soil...

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