Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 832

"Girlkenfer Your Majesty, thank you very much for sending troops to rescue at this critical moment. Our Saint King country will never forget this kindness."

In the distance from the Great Wall At the banquet being held in Kalinsha, a very close northern town, Queen Kaerke expressed her gratitude to the Emperor of the Empire in front of everyone as the top leader of the country.

He even took the initiative to lift his skirt and bow his knees slightly to show respect.

Although most people might think this is just a political show and diplomatic rhetoric.

But only the High Priest Kirat knew that his childhood friend was sincere.

Because Karko is such a gentle and kind ruler, she is unwilling to use vile and dirty means and a tough attitude even against the nobles of the southern faction who oppose her.

To treat the civilians under his rule, he will do his best to help, even if it will damage the majesty of the king.

The public statement of the supreme ruler of the Saint King country undoubtedly made the blood emperor's self-esteem and vanity greatly satisfied, and he hurriedly smiled and said modestly: "You are so polite! In fact, this time, The reason why the Imperial Army was able to arrive in time is all the credit of His Excellency Alan, the president of the Hunter Association. I just happened to have done a little insignificant thing. Even more how, the weapons and equipment you have seen are also Provided by the Hunter's Association, the Empire does not have such a strong financial and technical reserve."

"All?! Lord Alan provided enough firearms to equip an entire 80,000 army?"

Kirat's voice suddenly rose an octave, and he even forgot to conceal his true thoughts.

You must know that it was an army of 80,000 people, not 800 people, let alone 8,000 people.

She has personally observed those muskets and artillery, as well as incomparable gigantic steam tanks, fully automatic combat puppets, and even boarded airships that can bomb and shell at high altitudes, and understand that these things are to be built How much of the highest quality steel is needed.

And just to buy these steels, even for the Saint King country, which relies on maritime trade to obtain a large financial surplus, it will take several years to get it together without eating or drinking.

Not to mention that these steels are made into seamless barrels, barrels, and beautiful rifles carved into them.

As for complex things like airships, steam tanks, and fully automatic combat puppets, it is far beyond the scope of Kirat's understanding, so it is temporarily out of consideration.

Especially the fully automatic combat puppet that once killed a monster and severely damaged another monster by overloading its self-destruct, and made a very impressive record. In her opinion, even if she spent her entire treasury, she could get one. It's also a sure-fire thing.

"en! That's right! All! Compared to us mortals, that is the strongest human guardian who can defeat gods and demons. You'd better not speculate with common sense." Blood Emperor pretended mysterious reminder.

Of course, it's not how kindhearted he is, but he just doesn't want the people of Saint King country to hit him with ideas.

After all, in the past few days, the nobles and Paladin of the Saint King country ran to the imperial army for nothing, trying to buy some muskets and ammunition from the soldiers.

It was only a few at the beginning, but it has grown to the point where someone privately pays a high price to buy dozens to hundreds of sticks at a time.

It is estimated that further development, their hands will reach out to cannons and other things.

As a monarch who aspires to establish a cause that will be remembered by the entire human world, Gilknefer may tolerate small-scale gun trade, as such firearms are already readily available and carried out Imitation, but will never tolerate any artillery before disappearing from the army.

In his opinion, this thing is the real embodiment of the formidable power of firearms. +

"Then what do you mean...the country of Saint King can apply to the Hunter Association for purchase?" Queen Carl asked in an uncertain tone.

"Yes! Don't you know that? Lord Alan is willing to help any human nation, whether it's martial power or technology. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, now that There is no trace of demi-humans in the great wasteland between the kingdom, the priesthood and the kingdom of Saint King."

The Blood Emperor raised his glass and took a sip of bright red wine, his eyes twinkling. Awe of the rays of light.

As a monarch who likes to think, he has already guessed that Alan deliberately let go of the sinister intentions of the forces of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

That is, under the banner of the so-called "justice", a brutal cleansing of the alien races in the entire world can be launched.

After all, what Ainz Ooal Gown has done since his appearance can already be defined as absolute evil.

In addition, he and his subordinates are either undead, demons, or aliens such as insects and slimes, and it is impossible to win the favor of any human being.

So as long as the demi-human forces that are incorporated, controlled and enslaved by it, the Hunter Association can be eliminated in a fair and open manner.

In this way, in order to protect themselves, the old bones can only continue to expand outward, annexing a larger territory and establishing a buffer zone for the Foreign Race people.

In the end, in such a fierce confrontation, the demi-humans who occupy the absolute majority of the entire world will gradually decrease until they disappear completely, or become vassals of humans.

【What a terrifying man! ]

The Blood Emperor gave Alan's vicious tactic a thumbs up in his heart.

No way!

Who told him that he was also one of the biggest beneficiaries of this plan.

You must know that since the formation of the Musketeers, the imperial army has been sweeping the territory every now and then, destroying those large tribes ruthless.

The small settlements are left to the hunters of the Guild.

In just one or two months, not only has the security situation improved, but also the scope of human activities has expanded exponentially.

"What? All the demi-humans are dead!"

Queen Karko's mouth widened in surprise, a little unable to believe that the greatest enemy and threat of Saint King country It disappeared so easily.

"Hehe, there's nothing worth making a fuss about nothing. If you know that the scale, number and strength of the hunter's association dispatched this time are quite terrifying, even if there will be one or two a fish that escaped the net occasionally, It cannot reproduce to the previous number within one or two hundred years."

After saying this remark, the Blood Emperor didn't reveal any more information, he just concentrated on flirting with the young and beautiful maid on the side.

If it wasn't for the distance between the Saint King country and the empire, and there was no conflict of interest at all, he wouldn't have told each other so much.

"Kirat! How do you think we can open a breakthrough from this Lord Alan?" Queen Calco asked with a serious expression.

"Hmm... I think it's better to be direct with someone like him."

Kirat stared at Alan who was chatting with his elder sister Remedios , after thinking for a while, he immediately gave his friend an idea.

"so that's how it is!"

Kaer Ke looked thoughtful nodded, immediately lined up his appearance, walked over with a gentle and sweet smile on his face, pretending to be Curiously asked: "What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, just talking about the skills of using the sword. I used to be too superficial, I didn't know that the posture of holding the sword was so A lot of attention." Remedios looked towards Alan with admiration in her eyes.

Alan smiled and shrugged his shoulders unconcernedly: "Hehe, I didn't discover these things, but I learned them from others, and now it's a causal cycle to teach them. After all, knowledge exists. Its value is to spread it on a large scale, so that more people can benefit from it."

"Your mind is as broad as the ocean! If it were someone else, I'm afraid it would be secretly hidden as a family generation. A legendary treasure. After all, there are many skills in it, which can already be classified as nirvana." Remedios complimented her with a sincere tone from the bottom of her heart.

Ka'er, who had never seen her like this before, widened her eyes in surprise and couldn't believe that this was her proud, arrogant, and arrogant friend.

But soon, the queen Your Majesty came back to his senses and said straight to the point: "Lord Alan! I hope to invite the Hunter Guild to establish a branch in Saint King country, and Buying a part of the weapons used by the empire from the association, what do you think?"

"It's okay to buy weapons, but it's better to establish a branch. Because the country of Saint King was originally a sea surrounding A peninsula nation, the threat is not as great as other human nations. Plus the biggest threat, the demihumans, is gone, I really can't think of the point of having a branch in a place like this." Alan blunt's replied.

In fact, the reason why he didn't include the Saint King country at the beginning was also taking this into account.

In the north of the Kingdom of Biri Yestige, the council established by giant dragons and demi-humans, and the east of the Bajas Empire is close to the complex and dangerous situation in the center of the continent. Surviving the heavy burden of potential enemies, the Saint King nation is actually the smallest of all human nations.

In addition to demihumans, there is no other thing that can threaten their own existence.

So even if a hunter association is established here, those who join are unlikely to get a decent training, only wandering around the lower levels, and there are simply not enough monsters to kill them.

"But isn't the threat of the Kingdom of Li Yestige less of a threat according to what you said?" A puzzled expression appeared on Karko's face.

"Smaller? No! No! No! I think you seem to have forgotten the northernmost review country with great power. There are all kinds of powerful non-human races including giant dragons, once The outbreak of war will inevitably shake the entire human world." Alan explained meaningfully.

"You think the Senate is the enemy of mankind? But I heard that they have never launched an invasion since the establishment of the Kingdom of Rei Yestige." Carl can use a very euphemistic tone retorted.

She never thought that the Jagland Review State was a threat, but felt that it was the most important weight to maintain the balance of the world.

After all, although 80% of the review country is made up of demihumans, there are also humans.

The entire internal form is like a large, harmonious and stable tribal cluster, living a natural and peaceful life under the rule of the Dragon King.

"Look, this is the biggest difference between you and Gilknefer, you don't have the slightest sense of being prepared for danger at all. The fact that the review country has not launched an invasion now does not mean that it will not launch in the future. Especially It's the King of the White Golden Dragon - Chaindulux White Sion, who always likes to call himself the Guardian of the world. Do you think he will still be able to see the rapid development of mankind, even when he replaces Dragon Clan as the ruler Silence?" Alan faintly smiled and put forward a hypothesis.

In the eyes of the giant dragon, the planet's true ruling race, any change that threatens its status must be wiped out.

This can be seen from the battle of heaven shaking and earth shattering between players and dragon kings who passed through in the age of eight desires!

So from the very beginning, he did not regard the review country as an ally, but regarded it as a potential enemy.

Ka'er obviously hadn't thought about this, and the whole person suddenly froze in place, not knowing how to answer.

She has seen with her own eyes how powerful and terrifying the Imperial army, armed with a full set of firearms, can be!

With the blood emperor's wild ambition, he would never just leave a strong army there to get moldy, but would have to launch frequent wars and conquer more land.

Similarly, the Silian Church is also actively expanding outward. The kingdom ruled by the Spirit King in the west has been on the verge of collapse, and is only one step away from its destruction. The country cooperated and began to launch a counterattack against those orcs who continued to burn, kill and loot.

It is hard to say how the Dragon Kings of the Review Kingdom will react after the human race has changed from a weak race to a strong race, and even the ruler of the entire world.

Looking at this woman with a beautiful face, graceful temperament and a kind heart, Alan couldn't help but gently shook the head, and blunt commented: "You are a good man, a benevolent monarch, but not a A good ruler is not a leader who can lead a decision at a critical moment. So this game that decides the future direction of the world is not for you, so stay here obediently and honestly and be a peaceful and benevolent Saint King woman. ."

"I'm so sorry, I let you down." A helpless expression appeared on Karko's face.

Too weak and indecisive has always been the justification used by southern nobles to oppose her rule.

But now it seems that this sentence is really true.

"No need to apologize, you just don't want to see your people blood flowing into a river, and you haven't done anything wrong. Even more how, kindness is not a derogatory term, it's just not suitable to appear On the monarch. Regarding the purchase of weapons, you can give me an inventory later. The Hunter Association temporarily sells muskets and cannons. As for the steam tanks, fully automatic combat puppets and airships, I personally gave them to Gilkeney. A gift from Your Majesty to thank him for his help in this operation. Well, that's it for our conversation."

With that, Alan raised his glass in gesture After a moment, he raised his head and drank, turned and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

(PS: I've been on a plane and car for a day today, so tired, maybe this is the only update)

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