Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 833

Going through the long and narrow corridor alone to the empty back garden, Alan raised his head and looked at the dazzling stars in the sky, and after a while, he turned around and said to the shadow hidden in the darkness: "Come out. Well! I saw you long ago!"

tone barely fell!

A pair of silver armor slowly emerged from the unremarkable corner of the corridor.

He is none other than the armor controlled by the White Golden Dragon King - Chaindulux White Sion.

Obviously, this guy has not returned to his lair since he witnessed the terrifying formidable power of the nuclear explosion last time, but wandered around the human world, silently collecting information about Alan and the hunter. All information about the association.

Especially before, the battle between more than 4,000 elite hunters and the Great Tomb of Nazarick on the demihuman wasteland made him feel shocked from the bottom of his heart.

Whether it was the 100-level Guardian under Ainz or the slightly weaker Pleiadian Battle Maid, they all showed what a powerful player guild should have.

But even so, the powerful Hunter Association was still pressed and rubbed on the ground repeatedly, and there was no way to fight back.

Because although in terms of individual strength, the Tomb of Nazarick is obviously stronger, but it can't stand the opponent's many people, and they will use each other's teleportation magic scrolls to support each other.

This war made King White Golden Dragon fully realize that the newly established Hunter Association has grown into a huge monster, enough to shake the original order of this world.

And the blatant and undisguised malice of the entire organization towards the demihumans was enough to make him feel terrified and terrified.

Before this, even the most extreme Silian clergy had not done a direct and thorough cleansing of the demi-human tribes in an area like Alan did.

"Why, don't you want to say something?"

Alan looked up and down with interest at the barely fitting armor.

"Why? Why do you want to do that? And you have such a strong hostility to the reviewing country?"

"Why? Because I'm human too!" Alan as it should be replied by rights. "Do you know? I read a copy of the tragic history of human blood and tears recorded by the Silian Church some time ago! Before the six great gods came, the human beings in this world actually lived as livestock, allowing those so-called demihumans to live. Bullying, enslaving, hunting, and being eaten as food. Every human mother will tell them when their children are very young that human beings are the weakest race in this world, and they have no power to resist those powerful alien races. The most humble posture is alive."

"So you want revenge now? Revenge on all the demi-human races in the entire world!" The White Golden Dragon King seemed to understand something.

"Ah! That's right! I'm going to give back to them ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times what those guys have done to human beings. You can understand that I want to kill them by slaughtering them. Turn them all into cherished protected animals, a poor creature that is kept in a cage for human viewing and playing, and even needs to be artificially bred to ensure that it does not become extinct."

In the comment of this remark At that time, Alan exuded a terrifying aura all over his body, and the strong murderous aura directly scared the surrounding birds so much that their hearts stopped beating, and pieces fell from the top of his head and fell to his death.

How miserable were human beings before the six gods came?

It can be summed up in one sentence: "To be human is to be food".

These are the first words all babies hear after they are born!

At that time, the reason why humans did not have monsters and genocide was because they were at the bottom of the food chain, and their status was no different from livestock.

After all, for livestock, any race with brains will not kill to the last one, but will leave enough numbers to multiply rapidly to ensure that the size of the "herd" is always maintained to a certain extent.

And the name of the Silian Ecclesiastical Nation is derived from a girl named Silian who is also so tragic.

It was she who lived to the end in a horrific massacre, witnessing the arrival of six players from Earth.

It was also her, who became the first Deity who combined with the player to give birth to the human being able to break through its own limits, mastering the strong demon method and martial skill.

To commemorate the great contribution made by this girl, her name became the first country name in human history.

So when Alan read these written records, he immediately had the idea of wanting to kill all alien races in this world to the last one, and put it into practice without the slightest hesitation.

Because he can't stand it at all, a group of monsters who have eaten human flesh and want to continue to eat live in this world.

"Are you crazy? That's all six hundred years ago!" The white Golden Dragon king's voice suddenly became severe.

"It's never too late for revenge. Look, I will little by little carve fear and despair into the bloodline of all alien races, including giant dragon, so that your descendants can only As soon as you see a human silhouette, smell a human scent, or hear a human voice, you will feel frightened and terrified. From now on, the Hunter Association officially declares war on the reviewing country! Declare war on all the dragons in this world! You only have two A choice! One is to be cramped and skinned by me to make various magical weapons, equipment and potions after a fierce resistance, and the other is to crawl down and become a human servant like a frost dragon."

Alan completely Without saving the King White Golden Dragon any face, blunt issued an ultimatum.

Because he knew that this so-called son of the Dragon Emperor was just a target placed on the table.

The real secret mastermind is that mysterious "mother" organization.

And the Dragon Emperor who has been disappeared since long ago.

In the records of the teaching nation, the girl named Silian faintly heard a few words at the moment when the six gods descended.

"I am the eternal and only emperor of the world!"


"The existence of the other world, I command you to come here!"

There is no doubt that the most powerful being in the legendary Dragon Clan once performed some kind of unknown origin magic six hundred years ago, causing six batches of players to pass through the game after the game was closed. to different points in time.


As a Soul Soul Fruit power user, Alan is also quite interested in this magic system that consumes soul energy.

"Carve the fear of humans into the bloodline of demihumans? Let all giant dragons become servants of humans? Your arrogance is beyond my imagination. In that case, let me try What ability do you have to dare to boast."

The white Golden Dragon King was undoubtedly irritated by this condescending attitude, he immediately controlled the armor, raised the weapon in his hand, and rushed over to take the lead in launching a tentative attack. , I want to collect some information about Alan in this way.

Unfortunately, before he took two steps, he found that his connection with the armor was forcibly cut off by some force.

In less than two or three seconds, this gleaming silver armor staggered forward and ran for a distance, and then fell apart.

"In this world! It's not you dragon kings who master the soul! I can too! As for my ability to test my ability, a pair of broken armor is obviously not worthy."

accompanying With the last word out of his mouth, Alan instantly pulled out the flame demon sword and directly melted the entire armor and the weapons into a pool of hot metal solution.

After finishing all this, he turned and left without looking back.

Agrande, a kingdom ruled by seven dragon kings.

There is no concept of cities or towns here. There are only "Dragon Palaces" specially prepared for the Dragon Kings, scattered in various parts of the country.

Each dragon palace is equivalent to the dragon king's private domain, a country within a country.

So instead of calling it this name, it would be more appropriate to change it to the Seven Dragon Kings Alliance.

In this country, what functions as the capital is a giant tower that is unimaginable by humans elsewhere.

From a distance, it looks like an incomparable gigantic cake, with a total of 7th Layer, and the more you go up, the smaller the area.

The height of each layer is more than 100 meters, plus the surrounding Agrande circular square, the total area is about several thousand acres.

Beyond the square, there are dozens of races and a grand alliance of up to 320 tribes.

They are the most loyal servants of the Dragon Kings, and they can be armed immediately with a single order to form an invincible Legion.

And the White Golden Dragon King, Chaindulux White Sion, is the strongest and oldest of the seven Dragon Kings, and lives at the top of this tower all year round.

Because of his mastery of Origin Magic, he is also the only True Dragon King, the true controller of the review country.

But today, Chaindulux Baithion was obviously a little abnormal. In the middle of the night, without warning, he suddenly let out a deafening roar, scaring the demihumans living around the "Dragon Palace" to the point. of shivering.

They didn't understand at all who had angered the Dragon King, who had always been known for being mature, steady and good-natured.

"Yo! Chaindulux, what's wrong with you?"

A dragon king who lived in the lower floor noticed something strange, flew straight up, and walked into the interior of the room A special room decorated like a shrine.

In his eyes, this son of the Dragon Emperor, who has lived for many years, is one of the most powerful beings in the entire Dragon Clan, even in the face of the one from the Church. The most powerful Deity has never shown the slightest bit of lost self-control.

Such a sudden madness in the middle of the night has never appeared before, so it seems very suspicious.

"We are in big trouble!"

The White Golden Dragon King slowly stood up from the ground, his face full of solemn expressions.

He didn't expect that in his dreams, the other party could actually master the power of Origin Magic as a human being.

"Big trouble?"

Another Dragon King blinked inexplicably.

Caindulux nodded without thinking: "Yes! Big trouble! The guy I mentioned last time has officially declared war on the reviewing country and the entire Dragon Clan. He wants to include All non-human races, including us, kill to the last one, not one."

"What? Declare war on our kingdom and the entire giant dragon race? hahahahaha! Is he crazy? Or Tired of living?" The unknown Dragon King opened his mouth and laughed unbridled.

As the well-deserved ruler of this world, the heritage of the giant dragon is simply not comparable to other races.

There are several True Dragon kings who master the magic of the Origin in the Mother's Organization alone.

Every single one is a terrifying force that can destroy the world.

If the King of Eight Desires had not used the world props, Five Elements, to interfere with the original magic, it would have been impossible to kill so many giant dragons.

But now, with the passage of time, the dragon kings have already found a way to bypass the interference and continue to use the magic of the source.

So in his opinion, even players who have passed through will never be able to challenge the absolute dominance of Dragon Clan in this world.

"Don't laugh! That guy is serious! And he's got enough power to make it happen. Look at this!"

As he said, Chaindulu Cox threw the magic item he used to control the armor in front of the opponent.

The unknown Dragon King narrowed his eyes and stared at it for a long time, and immediately shouted: "Is it Origin Magic?! That human... can actually use the power of Origin Magic!"

"Ah! Although I'm not quite clear on how to do it, this is undoubtedly the trace of Origin Magic. And the Hunter Association he founded has trained more than 4,000 humans who can kill ordinary dragon kings. So this time, the enemy we have to face is very likely to be a tougher guy than the King of Eight Desires back then."

Caindu Lux didn't try to hide anything, and he spoke out his heart freely. panic and anxiety.

As everyone knows , the only powers that can resist Origin Magic are the world props and Origin Magic itself.

Right now, although he doesn't know if there are any world props on Alan, just mastering the Origin Magic is tricky enough.

"Do you want to contact the loving mother? Or wake up the girl sleeping in the sea city?" The unknown Dragon King finally realized the seriousness of the problem and hurriedly asked in an uncertain tone.

If the strength of the enemy is really so terrifying, then the strength of the reviewing country alone is definitely not enough.

"I'm going to look for allies, and you'll mobilize the entire review country and officially enter a state of war. Remember! Just keep a defensive posture, and don't attack rashly. That human being named Alan Completely different from any player we've met before! He's a true powerhouse! There's no flaw in either his strength or his heart."

After saying this, Chaindulux said Spreading his wings, he jumped and flew out from the top of the tower.

As a "dead house" who has not been out for two hundred years, his move undoubtedly caused quite a stir.

Many people are secretly speculating about what makes this white Golden Dragon king so inspiring.

There are also some spies lurking here who have sent this explosive news out in the fastest way.

For a time, the entire world rising winds, scudding clouds...

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