Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 835

The war between humans and non-humans finally kicked off as the Dragon Kings ruled the Agrande Council for a full-scale mobilization, and a large number of demi-humans were recruited into the Legion.

Similarly, the human side is not to be outdone.

In less than a few days, the alliance of the Bajas Empire, the Cult of Slyn, and the Kingdom of Re-Estige has used the power of magic to continuously mobilize armies to Comment on the northern border between kingdoms and kingdoms.

These armies are invariably equipped with a wide range of thermal weapons provided by Alan.

The Hunter Association also sent a full thousand of the most elite official members to prepare to deal with powerful enemies like giant dragons and giants that are difficult to kill.

As the last Guardian of human beings, the pitch-black scriptures made no secret of showing up directly and let the other party know that they were here.

Desperately even in a small-scale conflict, and its brutal and bloody way, brutally killed a red giant dragon who was only a young adult, and used its head to attack the white Golden Dragon King - Chain Durlux Bethion handed over the gauntlet.

For a while, the entire world felt a tense atmosphere.

Especially for the reviewing nation that doesn't know where the White Golden Dragon King has gone or when he will be back, every day all has to bear huge pressure and casualties.

The dragon kings who were used to looking down at all beings from aloof and remote suddenly found that the weakest human beings had grown up unconsciously to such a terrifying level.

Whether it is a hot weapon widely popularized in the army or the elite from the Hunter Association, it can form a huge advantage over the reviewing country.

Even they themselves became prey in the eyes of hunters.

A dragon king just wanted to fly over the human coalition camp to scout the situation, but was beaten by dozens of "fourth natural disasters" and seriously injured.

If it weren't for the fast running, it is estimated that the grass on the grave is already three meters high.

The Dragon King is still like this, so there is no need to say much about the demi-human Legion of the review country.

Although almost every Corps Head's strength is equivalent to the powerhouse that human beings cross the heroic field by virtue of their racial superiority, they can't stand the artillery washing of the ground.

The two sides have not yet started a full-scale war, and the death toll has reached four or five thousand people, and there are about the same number of wounded.

Admiring the scene of the mourning in the enemy's land, the Blood Emperor had a happy smile on his face, and asked without turning his head: "Your Excellency Alan! Since we have such a great advantage, why haven't we launched What about the general attack?"

"Start the general attack? Why start the general attack?" Alan faint smile asked rhetorically.

"Uh...of course it is to completely destroy the Agrande Review Nation! Isn't that what we started this war for?" The Blood Emperor showed a puzzled expression on his face.

"no! Emperor Your Majesty, you're wrong. If you can't kill the White Golden Dragon King, Chandulux Baithion, then destroying the Council will be pointless. And after losing the review kingdom, a True Dragon king like him will become extraordinarily dangerous and unpredictable. The reason why Lord Alan did not launch an attack is that he used the review kingdom as a bait to lure the white Golden Dragon king to appear." The priest explained patiently.

Because for a long time, the Silian Ecclesiastical Nation regards the Review Nation as a potential opponent, and even compares the undead name with Chandulux Bethion, so it is very clear. How terrifying of devastation the White Golden Dragon King can do.

If this guy doesn't die, but the review country is destroyed, then the human country can't expect to have too many children in the future.

In front of the True Dragon King, who completely masters the magic of the source, no matter whether it is the ordinary Dragon King or the reviewing country, it has no value.

Why did the Eight Desires Kings run rampant on the continent, destroying almost all countries and regimes?

Is it just because they are players who have passed through, holding a powerful force that the indigenous people can't imagine?


Of course not!

Because they killed several True Dragon Kings who mastered Origin Magic in a head-to-head confrontation!

Even using the world item made it extra difficult to use Origin Magic, causing other Dragon Kings to back off.

That is to say, no matter who it is, who wants to dominate in this world, the best way is to announce the birth of a new overlord to the entire world by killing the True Dragon King.

"Killing the True Dragon King... just thinking about it makes people excited." The blood emperor's tone was full of anticipation.

Although he is a complete wreck when it comes to martial skills and magic, he doesn't have any innate talent at all.

But the occupation given by the Hunter Association freed him from the awkward situation.

In addition, you can use the personal relationship with Alan to go through the back door, and let the four Knights of the empire take him to brush the copy, and now he is a very high-level warlock.

As for why he chose warlock as his profession, of course, it is because warlock has a soul stone that can be resurrected from the dead.

And the succubus he summoned was standing next to him in an invisible state at the moment. Once he found that his master was attacked, he would immediately send out the charm ability to hold the opponent in place.

It can be said that the emperor of the empire almost engraved the word "fear of death" on his forehead.

"hmph! Said as if you were going to fight." curl one's lip with utter disdain.

Just when the Blood Emperor was a little unconvinced and wanted to refute a few words, a huge shadow suddenly appeared out of thin air above everyone's heads. Completely obscured.

"This...this is..."

The priest from the church country was completely stunned by what he saw in front of him!

As for the imperial emperor, he has long been scared speechless.

Because this is not something like a floating island, but a giant dragon with a body shape covering the heavens, shielding the sun.

To be exact, the Holy Heavenly Dragon King, one of the four True Dragon Kings known in this world.

And the White Golden Dragon King - Chaindulux White Sion stood impressively on the back of Saint Heavenly Dragon King.

About a dozen giant dragons with completely different shapes and colors can be vaguely seen beside him.

Among them, one with a huge body and colorful scales should be the legendary colorful dragon king.

The other one was covered in black mist, 80% of which was the Chang Dark Dragon King.

As for the other dragons, it should be the "Mother" organization.

"Aiya! Three of the four True Dragon kings have arrived, and there is only one rotten coffin dragon king to arrive. I can't see that you, the white Golden Dragon king, still has a lot of face. What?" Alan smiled and clapped.

"Oh? You didn't run away after seeing a few of us appear? You should be that arrogant human being who wants to fight our Dragon Clan, right?" The colorful dragon king pursed his lips. Interested expression.

As the shame of being identified as Dragon Clan, his favorite thing to do is to engage in interracial reproduction. He has already given birth to many children with Dragon Clan blood, so he does not behave like other dragon kings. strong hostility.

"Escape? Why escape? It's you who should escape!"

Speaking, Alan blunt whistled the summon wolf pack.


Lubos and its descendants appeared out of thin air, exuding a terrifying breath all over their body, and raised their hair and let out a piercing howl.

"ao wu!!!!!!!!"


Animals within a radius of several kilometers, including horses, fled uncontrollably as if frightened.

But it's not over yet!

Alan followed and said to the red dragon lying on his shoulders pretending to be harmless to humans and animals: "Verna Lazas! Let's play together!"

"Me too? Are you sure?" the latter asked in surprise.

You know, she hasn't fought in battle for a long time. I have gotten used to the supporting role I play now, and I almost forgot that I have a battle strength that is almost the same as that of the master.

"Oh, of course sure." Alan nods> with a smile.

"Okay! It's good to move your muscles once in a while."

tone barely fell!

Verna Lazas leaped into the air, and in the process, her body swelled like a balloon, and eventually became more than ten times bigger than King Saint Heavenly Dragon.

As the red dragon in charge of Life Power, she can adjust her size at will, and what she has shown is far from the limit.

"'re also a Dragon Clan?!"

The white Golden Dragon king widened his eyes and couldn't believe that a little pseudo-dragon creature with an unremarkable appearance was the same as himself. Dragon King.

If he was just huge, he wouldn't have lost self-control, but the surging life force almost exceeded any living creature in this world.

"Dragon Clan? No! Don't get me wrong! I'm not the same as you little reptiles! I'm the red dragon queen who controls life!" Verna Razas raised his chin proudly.

"Damn! Chaindulux! What kind of enemy have you provoked!" The King Saint Heavenly Dragon, who had always been taciturn, finally couldn't help but ask loudly.

"I...I don't know either."

White Golden Dragon King has begun to doubt Longsheng.

"What should I do? Do you want to retreat?" The Dragon King Chang An was obviously a little cowardly.

Because whether it is Verna Lazas, who has revealed her true body, or the pack of wolves glare like a tiger watching his prey on the ground, he feels a strong threat.

Although from a purely quantitative point of view, Dragon Clan still has a bit of an advantage for the time being.

Among all the giant dragons present, only the four True Dragon kings truly master the magic of Origin.

The remaining ones are either not even touching the edge of Origin Magic at all, or they are half-bakeds that can barely use a little.

In the battle at this level, it's just cannon fodder at best.

"Retreat? Sorry! You guys can't go anymore. Now, let me do a screening first and get rid of those unqualified garbage."

Alan activated the barrier on the spot The ability of the fruit, using a super-giant barrier covering the heavens, shielding the sun to completely trap itself and the other party in a sealed space.

Following, he turned into an electric light and rose into the sky, turned into a huge ball of lightning and fell.

"Lei Ying!"

"Not good! Get out of the way!"

The colorful dragon king shouted loudly to remind the same kind around him.

But unfortunately, the Lei Ying released by Alan is not the kind of slow-moving Anilu.

In just a moment, a dazzling lightning blooms in the barrier space!

bang! ! ! ! ! !

A deafening bang echoed in the sky.

Except for the very few dragon kings who mastered high-level magic and origin magic, the rest of the dragons instantly turned into black charred corpses under this blow.

It's not that they don't want to run, it's that they simply failed to pierce the barrier towering all around.

Just one hit!

At least ten giant dragons with the title of Dragon King died on the spot!

Such a tragic scene, not to mention the comment country was dumbfounded, even the human side was dumbfounded.

Especially, the dazzling electric light displayed by Lei Ying at the moment of falling made the hunters who were eager to have a try in the back feel excited, and even couldn't help cheering loudly.

Now they can finally confirm that their Sir President is the strongest existence in this world.

"Is this the strength of the Sir President?"

Captain Lahagi of the Blue Rose Squad widened her eyes and couldn't believe what she saw.

Because she knew that even in the tenth-order or even super-level magic, there is no lightning spell that can compare with the Lei Ying just now.

"It's completely beyond the existence of gods and demons! Is this guy really human?" Gregory felt his heart beating wildly in his chest.

"Shut up! Look carefully! This may be the only chance in our life to witness the strongest power in the world!" Evileye scolded angrily.

She is in such a state and mood now that an abnormal flush appears on her pale face.

In fact, not only the Blue Rose Squad, but also other teams such as the Jet Black Sword and the Four Advisors were all staring at the battlefield ahead.

Without exception, they all wanted to see where Alan, the founder and president of the Hunter Association, known as the strongest human being, was at his limit.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight..."

"I can't believe that there are eight people who survived in that situation. ." Alan exclaimed in surprise.

Although Lei Ying didn't use all his strength just now, it was beyond his expectation that so many dragon kings could survive.

The three True Dragon kings who have fully mastered the Origin Magic naturally don't need to say much, just look at the soul energy flickering on their bodies to know that they definitely used Origin Magic's defensive spell, so they can completely hit the lightning It's not worth making a fuss about nothing.

But it's a little surprising that the remaining five have escaped with half-baked Origin Magic and Rank Magic.

"The ultimate explosion!"

White Golden Dragon Wang Chaindulux Bai Xion was obviously angry and saddened by the tragic death of his kind, and he displayed his own destructive power without thinking. power The strongest source magic.


A white light group appears out of thin air inside the barrier, and it continuously compresses, compresses, and compresses inward until it becomes a point the size of a pinpoint.

The next second...

The power of compression disappears immediately!

The point of light releases energy outward at an incredible speed, triggering a chain reaction like nuclear fusion.

bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

The terrifying explosion and mushroom cloud instantly engulfed everything around you!

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