Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 836

"Chaindulux! You bastard! Are you trying to kill us together?"

The colorful dragon king battered and exhausted rushed out of the mushroom cloud, with scales close to one third all over his body They were all torn apart by the terrifying explosion, and the blood of the scarlet was continuously splashed out, and the tone was full of panic and anger.

You must know that if his reaction was a little slower by half a beat just now, it is very likely that he would not be able to fly out.

"Shut up! Now is not the time to discuss this!"

The white Golden Dragon King was obviously also angry, and he rudely turned back, his eyes fixed on With the dust and white smoke rising from the center of the explosion.

"Is he... dead?"

The Dragon King Chang An, who escaped first, asked in an uncertain tone.

As for the last True Dragon King, Saint Heavenly Dragon King, because of his huge size, he used some kind of Origin Magic to fly high into the sky in Immediately. A battle of great disparity begins.

Just the airflow generated by the flapping of the wings on both sides formed a hurricane with amazing formidable power around it.

The dragon flames spewed from the mouth even reflected a magnificent and splendid scene in the sky.

The loud noise and roar of each confrontation between the two sides is like two huge islands in the air colliding.

The only difference is that the Holy Heavenly Dragon King has spared no effort and is constantly using his most powerful source magic.

On the other hand, Verna Lazas didn't even use one-tenth of his strength. With only a body ten times larger than the opponent and a life energy that was comparable to the entire planet, he played the opponent. In the palm of his hand, he even did not forget to try to imitate and copy those interesting origin magics through observation.

However, the white Golden Dragon King obviously has no energy to pay attention to the giant beast battle above his head, and responded without thinking: "I don't know! But I don't think a monster who surpasses gods and demons like him will be able to do it. So easy to die!"

tone barely fell!

A silhouette slowly stood up from the center of the ultimate explosion.

"Do you use soul energy to create an explosion similar to a nuclear fusion reaction? You are really surprisingly capable. If it were another player who passed through, I'm afraid you would be killed in seconds with just one blow. But unfortunately, I'm so familiar with this explosion that I can find dozens of ways to avoid getting hurt."

With the familiar voice, Alan finally reappeared in all the within the line of sight of people.

Not only did he look unscathed, but even his clothes were not stained with a speck of dust, as if he had not been affected by the explosion at all.

"What?! How is this possible!" White Golden Dragon King widened his eyes with an expression of disbelief.

Not only him, but also several other dragon kings were speechless.

After all, the "Ultimate Great Explosion" is the strongest destructive power among all the source magics at present, and the radius of the lethal range alone reaches several kilometers.

In addition to being blocked by the barrier, almost all the released energy is limited to this small range, and the actual lethality has definitely been greatly enhanced.

Unless you can fly thousands of meters in the air like Dragon Clan, it is absolutely impossible to escape.

This can be seen from the serious injuries on the colorful dragon king.

"Hehe, don't be so surprised, the real fun has just begun. I promise you will experience more surprises before you die."

Said, Alan pulled the revolver from his left belt and pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation.


A bullet smeared with a white mark shot out of the barrel in an instant, hitting a dragon king with light blue scales next to it with a biting chill.


The anti-magic scales, which are enough to withstand the magical formidable power below the sixth rank, were penetrated by the bullet and embedded directly into the body.

Before he could react to what happened, the terrifying ultra-low temperature suddenly spewed out of the wound, completely freezing it in less than one tenth of a second, and then quickly spreading around. .

About two or three seconds, the entire barrier space was covered with pure white ice.

"Hey! Alan! Don't patronize alone to enjoy, leave some for me." Sakura tapped the outer wall of the barrier with her spear and stick in dissatisfaction.

"Ah! sorry! I had so much fun, I accidentally forgot you guys. Come, let's join the carnival together." Alan raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the surrounding barriers disappeared on the spot.

Sakura didn't even say a word of nonsense, just jumped into the air and rushed towards the Ever Dark Dragon King, who was always surrounded by thick black fog.

And Jue Ye Jue suddenly swung Death God's Scythe in his hand, and fiercely slashed at another True Dragon King, the Colorful Dragon King.

As for Lubos and his descendants, they quickly launched a siege on the remaining dragon kings.

In an instant, a few kilometers from the sky to the ground turned into a terrifying battlefield.

The amazing destructive power of both sides, even the aftermath can instantly make the skeleton of ordinary soldiers don't exist.

Seeing that the young dragon kings who accepted his invitation to come to help were knocked down and torn apart by the wolves one by one, Chaindulux Baithion finally couldn't help but take out his killing move. ——The guild weapon of the King of Eight Desires, raised high and roared: "Come on! Guardian of Eleon Tiyu! I swear here with my honor and life! As long as you help me kill the enemy in front of me, I will Give it back to you."

"What?! That...that's the guild weapon of the Eight Desires King!" The pupils of the priest of the teaching kingdom suddenly dilated, and his heart began to beat wildly in disappointing.

Because there is no one in the human camp who knows the power of the Guardian "Elune Tiyo" better than him.

The last Guardian Death God of the Cult State died at the hands of the Eight Desires King.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of Transmission Gates opened out of thin air, and densely packed out a large number of creatures of different races and shapes.

You don't need to ask to know that they are the Guardians of the city of the sky "Elion Tiyu".

I saw the guy at the head staring at the weapon in the hands of the White Golden Dragon King, which symbolized the right and glory of the guild, and responded solemnly: "The deal is established! Remember your promise!"

"Of course!" Nodded by Chaindulux without the slightest hesitation.

Although he knew that doing so would most likely free this group of dangerous guys from their shackles and once again become a huge threat to the world order.

But in the face of the bottomless Alan, he can't care so much anymore.

"Sorry, stranger. For Asgard! You must die today!" The Guardian's eyes flashed with naked and undisguised killing intent.

But before he could order the attack, he saw a huge monster fall from the top of his head and slammed into a place less than ten meters away from him, smashing a 30-meter radius. pit.

Then, Sakura descended from the sky like Martial Goddess, taunted in a tone full of contempt: "Who did you just say must die today?"

"It's you?! How could you be here? !" The Guardian's face suddenly changed.

Even the other NPCs behind "Elion Tiyu" started to back away subconsciously, with naked and undisguised fear flashing in their eyes.

No one will forget that a few months ago, the purple-haired girl in front of her came to her own territory and made a scene. The singlehanded directly killed the entire guild, and even threatened that if she did not hand over the The Inscription Book will completely destroy the city in the sky.

In the end, they were forced to agree to this humiliating condition.

You must know that in the past few hundred years, no one has successfully used martial power to take away even a single magical item from "Eliuentio", let alone something like the "Uninscribed Book". 》 Such a precious world prop.

"Because the person you just said you're going to kill is my teacher and adoptive father."

When she said this remark, Sakura's eyes flickered with chills. rays of light.

You don't need to ask to know that she is very angry now, and the consequences are very, very serious.

"aaahhhh! Humans! I'm going to kill you!"

The Dragon King of Chang An, who had just fallen from the sky, jumped out of the pit and opened his mouth full of fangs to spray Lethal black breath.

This is no ordinary dragon breath, but an extremely terrifying origin magic.

Any contamination of the unlucky soul will be completely swallowed by the darkness, eventually becoming part of the thick black fog surrounding the opponent's body.

"Shut up!"

Sakura raised the black spear stick in her hand, and the three sections of the stick with mysterious red lines began to rotate.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding space began to be distorted by some terrifying force, and the wind pressure formed by the incident ripped apart the earth with no difficulty.

Those black dragon breaths were blown away without even a chance to approach.

She didn't even have any interest in looking back at Chang An Dragon King, she just threw the weapon to the rear very casually.

bang! ! ! ! !


Wherever the spear rod passes, whether it is the black dragon breath formed by the original magic, or the ground under the feet, all are forcibly squeezed into tiny particles that naked eyes can't distinguish.

The Dragon King of Chang An didn't even have time to react, so he was directly stabbed in the chest, and then the whole body was torn by space distortion and wind pressure into a rain of blood, minced meat and bone residue.

Apparently, this new weapon was created by Alan in reference to the Treasure Item Deviance Sword, the most powerful Treasure Item.

Although the formidable power may not be as good as the original version with mysterious and faith blessings, the formidable power is also not to be underestimated.

Everyone who saw this scene felt a chill.

After all, the one who was killed this time was not an ordinary dragon king, but the True Dragon king who mastered the magic of the source, and also killed the players who passed through, and held the strongest world item twenty in his hand. one.

What about the result?

He was killed by a girl who looked sixteen or seventeen without even having a chance to use the world props.

Such a shocking picture instantly made the entire battlefield quiet.

However, Sakura, like a normal person, returned her weapon through the magic summon, and approached the Guardian of "Elune Tiyu" at a very slow pace, with a feeling without any emotion. The tone of color delivers an ultimatum.

"Choose! Kneel down and surrender and wait for the fate, or I will kill them all and leave no one behind. If it is the latter, then I will not show mercy this time! Instead, I will take your sky together. Let's destroy the city together!"

"I...we choose to acknowledge allegiance."

After experiencing a fierce inner struggle, the leading Guardian immediately one-knee kneels down proud head.

His move immediately triggered a chain reaction.

In less than a few seconds, the Guardian who came out of the Transmission Gate all knelt on the ground without exception, expressing to the girl who spoke to him that he had no intention of resisting.

In any case, the purpose of their existence is to protect the safety of the guild.

Although all the players who have passed through have died in battle, all the NPCs left behind for hundreds of years are still conscientiously fulfilling their duties, otherwise they will not be threatened by the White Golden Dragon King with guild weapons , did not leave "Ai Luen Tiyu" half a step away.

Sakura no doubt felt the fear from the other party's heart, and immediately satisfied nodded: "Very good! A wise choice! Now go back and stay obediently and honestly!"

"If What you want!"

Leaded Guardian didn't even say a word of nonsense, just glanced at the guild weapon in the hands of King White Golden Dragon with eager eyes, and then led his companions through the Transmission Gate once again disappeared without a trace .

When the last person left, Alan teased in a very reserved a beating tone: "Aiya! That's unfortunate! This hole card doesn't seem to work at all. What else do you have now? If there is, then hurry up and use it. is the end of your entire Dragon Clan!"

"Have you been to Elion?" Asked by Chain du Lux of gnashing teeth.

"Isn't this as it should be by rights! Otherwise, where do you think so many rank magic of the Hunter Association came from? Because I forced those Guardians to hand over the records of all ranks in the world Magical "Book without Inscriptions"!" Alan took out this priceless magic item from his pocket and shook it in front of the opponent.

Just as the two were talking, the King of Saint Heavenly Dragon finally lost.

Its huge body fell directly from the height of tens of thousands of meters, and with a bang, it smashed a giant deep pit comparable to an island on the ground, and its amazing kinetic energy instantly created more than Level 8. In a major earthquake, the violent shaking can be clearly felt in a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

Whether it was the human coalition, or the Legion assembled by the commenting nations, they all instantly fell on their backs.

Fortunately, this place is in the wild, and most of the surrounding trees have been cut down. There are not too many casualties. Most of them are minor injuries such as rubbing and touching.

Just when everyone was shocked by the spectacular sight in front of them, Verna Lazas suddenly flew down without warning, opened his mouth and bit on the huge corpse of King Saint Heavenly Dragon, tearing it off. A chunk of bloody flesh was swallowed.

At this moment, she is like everyone's deepest nightmare, tearing up the body of King True Dragon one by one, and then swallowing it in one piece.

The bloodthirsty and brutality that emanated from in the depth of one's soul was like a heavy hammer, fiercely slammed into the hearts of the remaining giant dragons.

After eating the last piece, the terrifying red dragon still licked the minced meat and blood stained on his mouth, lifts the head and turned his attention to the white Golden Dragon King and the colorful Dragon King, that The eyes were as if Gourmet were admiring two delicious dishes.

"Original Magic - Precise Teleportation!"

Aware that this war would be lost, Chaindulux Baithion immediately rushed to Alan's location, and instantly Turned into a white light disappeared without a trace.

Of course, Alan himself disappeared with him.

But whether it's Sakura, Vernarasas, or the wolves that are biting and devouring the flesh and blood of ordinary dragon kings, there is no point in worrying at all, and what to do.

Even the supreme commander of the human coalition, Artoria, did not think that the already exhausted white Golden Dragon king could pose any threat to Alan, and the holy sword of golden in raised high led the army to launch an attack on the reviewing country. All-out attack.

In an instant, tens of thousands of artillery shells fell from the sky and exploded above the enemy's head like a Death God.

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