Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 837

bang! bang! bang! bang! bang!

With the deafening explosion and fire, the entire eight Legions at the forefront of the review country were instantly destroyed.

Because they have never experienced a hot war, most demi-human soldiers don't know how to defend against cannonballs falling from the sky.

Some of them turned around and ran to the rear, but they were all killed by the extended bombardment of the artillery on the way to retreat.

Some of them rushed forward frantically, trying to rush into the middle of the human army to exert their advantages in strength, endurance and agility, and use the cold weapons in their hands to kill and kill.

But when they rushed out of the range covered by the shells, they found that there were still rows of musketeers waiting for them.

And these human soldiers all have the hunter profession.

After a salvo, the demihumans fell in pieces like wheat cut by a scythe.

Even if the stronger guys didn't die, they would definitely be injured a little bit.

Next, the musketeers will use their professional skills, such as concussion shooting, Arcane shooting, poisonous snake stinging, etc., to kill all these a fish that escaped the net on the road of the charge .

As for those Corps Heads that cross the heroic field, or special races such as giants and dragons that are inherently stronger, the elites of the Hunter Association are responsible for solving them.

In just ten minutes from the start of the full-scale war, the defense line that the reviewing country has worked so hard to build has all collapsed.

In addition, I saw with my own eyes that many dragon kings were pressed and beaten by humans, and even two True Dragon kings perished, and morale has long since fallen to a low point.

If it hadn't been known that the goal of the human coalition at this time was to completely destroy their homeland, perhaps they would have already chosen to throw down their weapons and surrender.

After all, even the so-called strongest White Golden Dragon King, Chaindulux White Sion, has escaped, so what can mortals do?

It's a pity that in Alan's plan, this is a battle of prestige and no prisoners will be taken at all.

On the one hand, through the destruction of ruthless, let all aliens realize that the times have changed, and human beings will be the overlord of the entire world from now on, and resisting human beings is equivalent to bringing about one's own destruction.

On the other hand, it is to let the human soldiers personally feel that those once incomparably powerful demihumans have fallen one by one in front of them, thus establishing absolute confidence.


As the dazzling golden light swept across the battlefield, Artoria brought 3,000 cavalry with an average occupation level of over 60 straight to the judges. Command launched a charge.

This is an elite group carefully selected and assembled by the Hunter Guild, Kingdom, Ecclesiastical State and Empire.

Including the Guild's Dark Sword Squad, Blue Rose Squad, Four Mage Squad, the Empire's Four Knights, the Kingdom's Warrior Long Gazef, "Nail Clipper" Bu Laien Unglaus, and The holy scriptures of the Holy Nation, the scriptures of darkness...

Even the old priests went into battle in person, just to annihilate the top officials of the review country in one fell swoop.

They knew very well what this war meant for the entire human race.

"Watch out! Those dragons are swooping down!" a hunter in chainmail shouted a warning.

"Don't worry! Keep going! I'll take care of these dragons!" Gazef's eyes flashed sharply, and he subconsciously clenched the sword in his hand.

Although never forgiving Alan for killing the old king, as the country gets better and better under King Dumbo, he eventually chooses to let go of his hatred and resume his duties.

even more how, this war is for the benefit of the entire human race, even if there are personal grievances, they should be put aside first.

"Hey! Gazef! How about let's kill more than anyone else?" Bu Laien, who had always regarded warrior as his lifelong rival, suggested with a grin.

"Oh? Do you also have a way to attack targets in the air?" Gazef glanced at the other party in surprise.

Bu Laien replied without thinking: "Of course! In order to catch up with you, I have spent the past few months in a fierce battle."

"Okay. Let's have a look!"

tone barely fell!

Gazef instantly activated his mind power and disappeared from the horse.

The next second...

He appeared directly on the back of a dragon, and directly launched his martial skill and fiercely chopped it down.


Just one hit!

The head of this dragon rolled down from its neck on the spot, and dazzling blood splattered in the sky, forming a spectacular blood mist.

"Damn it! It's a foul for you to start without saying hello!"

Bu Laien yelled and jumped up from his horse and posed in midair. In the posture of drawing a knife, he slammed a flying slash at the other dragon that was swooping down.


No surprises!

This dragon was cut in half directly from the middle, and before it could breathe out, it hit the ground head-on, splashing a lot of gravel and dust.

Obviously, this guy exchanged the sword technique from One Piece world at the Hunter Association.

After all, as a pure Swordsman, the biggest difference between him and others is his desire and pursuit of brilliant sword technique.

Especially, the imposing manner of using swords in One Piece World coincides with his own field and martial skill.

Under the crushing of Gazef and Bu Laien, the six trifling dragons that wanted to dive and spew deadly breaths turned into corpses on the ground, not even one person was injured.

Of course!

As a price, they were all left behind by the fast-paced army.

Although the Warrior has the ability to teleport to catch up, he doesn't do it, instead he stays put and lets out a big laugh at his former rival and friend: "Hahahaha! That's beautiful! It's been a long time since you've gotten stronger! Bu Laien!"

"So are you! That teleportation ability should be considered rare even in the entire Hunter Association." Bu Laien Laien responded with a slightly upturned mouth.

"How are you, are you interested in accompany me to make some big news?" Gazef asked, while gently shaking off the dragon blood stained on his sword.

"Oh? What kind of big movement?" Bu Laien asked rhetorically, hacking to death a demihuman who was trying to launch a sneak attack from behind.

Because the two had left the main force, the surrounding Legion, which was scattered by the Sword of the Victory Pledge of the King of Dull, quickly regrouped and prepared to kill the two lone enemies.

"It's very simple! Let's compare and see who lasted longer before King Arthur completely destroyed the high-level officials of the review country."

As the last word blurted out, Ge Jeff instantly moved above the head of a giant over four meters tall, and stabbed the sharp sword in his hand into the opponent's eyes at a speed that could not cover his ears.

"Ah Ahhhh!!!!!!!!"

The severe pain made the giant scream, and then fell on his back and died on the ground.

Because it wasn't just the eyeball that was pierced, but also the brain connected to the optic nerve behind the eyeball.

"No problem! I won't lose to you again this time!"

After saying that, Bu Laien used his martial skill to open up his field and put hundreds of people in front of him. The demi-human soldiers were all covered, and they directly swung a terrifying slash.

In the blink of an eye, about two or three hundred people were cut off in the middle, and the ground was immediately stained with blood and intestines.

Together with the painful howls and screams, it was a hellish scene.

It's just that in the past, these scenes often occurred in the slaughter of humans by aliens and monsters, but today it is completely reversed.

Meanwhile, far to the east, far from the land, Alan is standing in the center of a special city that stands above the rough seas.

Its shape is so peculiar that it is completely out of tune with the surrounding environment.

Obviously, this place was not built by murlocs or sea dragons, but a guild stronghold brought over by the Thirteen Heroes Captain when he crossed over three hundred years ago.

Although it is not as high-level as Ainz's Tomb of Nazarick and the Sky City of the Eight Desires, it can still be called Copper Wall Iron Bastion for the indigenous inhabitants of this world .

The White Golden Dragon King - Chaindulux White Sion, standing beside a young girl at this moment, solemnly asked: "How is it? Does he still refuse to be resurrected?"

"en! Yes. He made it clear that no matter what this world becomes, it has nothing to do with him. But for the sake of being a companion in the past, he agreed to temporarily lend you the will of the world."

Speaking of which, the girl took out a weapon that looked very unremarkable from her arms.

"The will of the world?!"

The moment King White Golden Dragon saw this weapon, his pupils suddenly dilated, and even his breathing became rapid.

As one of the Thirteen Heroes, no one knows better than him how terrifying this weapon, which usually only has the formidable power of an ordinary club.

Whoever holds it means that it can draw strength from the roots of the world in which it is located and grow stronger.

Even the lowest Goblin can become the strongest creature with the blessing of the will of the world.

Simply put, the person holding this item is equivalent to representing the will of the planet under his feet.

Unless the opponent possesses the power beyond the entire world, it will inevitably be defeated by those blessed by the will of the world.

"That's right! Take it! Remember to return it when you're done."

The girl blunt threw the will of the world to each other, and then jumped into the city's underground At the deepest point, disappeared without a trace.

"So... this is the last card you prepared to kill me? A world will from the twenty one of the strongest world props in the Yggdrasil game?" Alan, who had been silent for a long time, finally couldn't help it. With a weird expression.

From the slightly frivolous tone, it is not difficult to hear that he did not take this so-called will of the world into his eyes at all.

Otherwise, with the lightning-like speed of the Thunder Fruit, you can completely grab it before the opponent can react.

"hmph! What, are you afraid?"

Feeling the blessing from the will of the world in his hand, the White Golden Dragon King regained his confidence again.

He had every reason to believe that he would definitely win this one-on-one duel.

"Afraid?" Alan smiled and hooked the head. "No! No! No! I think you misunderstood something. I just think it's a little ridiculous. Because you obviously hate the influence of players on this world, but now you have to use the power of players to fight against me."

"The Captain of the Thirteen Heroes is not the same as you guys who are rambunctious! He is a real hero!" King White Golden Dragon defended his former companions.

"Hero? Please don't sully the word hero! In my opinion, this guy is just a fool who has been fooled and lame by you. He thinks he is a hero who saves the world, but in fact he is just a A used tool. Oh, I almost forgot, he is still a coward, a coward who dares not face his mistakes, and wants to use death to escape everything." Alan sarcastically said.

What bullshit Captain of Thirteen Heroes!

After reading the records of the teaching nation, he understood that these guys were completely idiots played by the white Golden Dragon king in front of him.

It is estimated that at the beginning, Chaindulux Baixion must have wanted the players who passed through to fight the six NPCs of the six guilds of gods who ran wild. It is best to perish together.

But didn't expect that Captain, who holds the will of the world, can actually become stronger without limit, making him feel a strong sense of crisis to some extent.

In order to prevent the previous incident of the Eight Desires sweeping the continent from happening again, he deliberately took advantage of the weakness in human nature to design a game, so that he missed and killed the most important comrade, and was disheartened and resurrected. They don't want to be resurrected.

As for this white Golden Dragon king who hides behind the scenes and controls everything, Alan never minds speculating on each other's thoughts in a bad way.

even more how, the indifferent attitude of the girl who was suspected of being a guild NPC just now also confirmed this from a certain aspect.

"Shut up! I won't allow you to sully his name and honor! Go to hell! Dragon Emperor's filth!" Aroused the will of the world, and suddenly released the origin magic—the ultimate explosion.

This time, formidable power has obviously been greatly enhanced.

In the blink of an eye, the dazzling white light and mushroom cloud rose into the sky, directly razing the part of the city above the sea level to the ground.

Even the sea water boiled and evaporated under the effect of a terrifying explosion, setting off a huge wave one after another several hundred meters high.

Unfortunately, Alan, who was at the center of the explosion, was still unscathed. Instead, he looked at the traces of destruction and melting around him with great interest. Faint smile commented: "The formidable power has improved compared to the previous one. About twice as much. so that's how it is! This is the role of the will of the world. I think I kind of understand why this Bai people are so afraid of it."

"Go to hell! The ultimate explosion! The ultimate explosion!"

Seeing that his attack had no effect, the White Golden Dragon King simply took all on one throw and released it three times in a row.

And the formidable power of each explosion will be twice as strong as the last time under the blessing of the world's will.

By the time of the third explosion, the coverage and formidable power were no different from those of thermonuclear weapons with tens of millions of tons, or even more.

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