Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 840

Eluan Tiyu, the city in the sky left by the King of Eight Desires.

Despite hundreds of years of hot sun exposure and wind and rain baptism, there is still no sign of weathering and dilapidation here.

On the contrary!

It is the only place in this vast desert that can provide water for passing merchants and travelers.

The clear water flows straight down from the sky like a waterfall, hitting the ground day and night, eventually forming a lake oasis like a sapphire.

Condescending, you can even vaguely see some tribes making their homes near the oasis.

Every once in a while, someone like a sacrificial leader will lead the tribe members to kneel to the sky, which looks quite spectacular from a distance.

However, they will never know that the guardians of Elunetio, who are worshipped as gods by themselves, are kneeling on the ground and humble like servants, welcoming the arrival of a person.

Because this person will decide their life and death!

Decide whether this sky city can continue to exist!

"It's a beautiful place, no wonder so many people regard it as a miracle unparalleled in the world." Alan sighed slightly, stepping on the white marble laid on the ground.

Although he has seen many majestic landscapes, buildings and cities, he has never been able to compare to Elune Tiyo.

Especially the giant tower standing in the center, reflecting golden rays of light under the sunlight, the clear water flows slowly down a certain trajectory from the top, irrigating Flowers and trees all over the city.

Without a doubt!

This is a city that can truly accommodate tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people, and it covers an area that is much more amazing than the old bones of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

And it is not difficult to see from the surrounding buildings, decorations, animals and plants with a wide variety of styles, the number of players in this guild is quite large, and the hobby is quite extensive.

Not only all kinds of peculiar statues, reliefs, and murals can be seen everywhere, but even the gardens and lawns have special NPCs to take care of, looking neat and tidy at a glance, they are definitely patients with advanced obsessive-compulsive disorder Gospel.

"Yeah! It's really beautiful. Have you figured out what to do with these guys, and this city in the sky?" Small animals.

It can be seen that she quite likes the beautiful scenery and environment here.

Alan glanced at the restless non-human Guardians kneeling on the ground, touched the chin for a while, then smiled and looked the head: "Sorry, I haven't really thought about this. But nothing more than Just two choices."

"Oh? Which two?" Sakura asked with interest.

"First, kill all the Guardians, take away all the magic items, and completely destroy Elune Tiyo. The advantage of this is that it is simple and rude, and will not leave any hidden dangers. ”

When talking about this remark, Alan did not shy away from the NPCs behind him that were created by the players.

Because at this moment, he is holding a sharp sword in his hand, and this sword is the guild weapon of the Eight Desires King.

As long as you use a little force, whether it is these Guardians or the city in the sky, all of them will be instantly vanished.

As for why this sword is in the hands of the White Golden Dragon King, let's start with the Thirteen Heroes Captain, who was played as a fool.

as everyone knows, when the King of Eight Desires came, there were seven men and one woman.

And this woman happens to be a sibling relationship with Captain of the Thirteen Heroes in the real world.

However, since the latter only started playing on the eve of the game closing the server, the level difference is a bit far, and there is no way to join the highest guild in the server like Sky City.

But in the game, he once took the city of the sky to visit under the leadership of the elder sister, so he was transformed into the Guardian's memory when he crossed.

Because of this, this guy was able to successfully borrow the guild weapon in the first place.

After all, with the Eight Desires Kings all dead, in the Guardian's eyes, he is already equivalent to "the only legitimate heir of Eleon Tieu".

If you want to stay, you can be considered the new Supreme.

It's a pity that the Captain of Thirteen Heroes is not only an idiot who is played with applause by the white Golden Dragon King, but also an out-and-out cheater.

He completely forgot what the guild weapons meant for these NPCs who could rely on the guild to exist again. After suffering a mental blow, he chose to escape everything by dying.

In the end, the guild weapon fell into the hands of the White Golden Dragon King, which became a bargaining chip he used to blackmail the Guardian.

"What about the other one?"

Destroying this place was obviously not what Sakura wanted, so she decisively ignored the first option.

And this reaction suddenly made those nervous Guardians relax a little.

Through the surveillance and magic devices in the Sky City, they have witnessed the entire process of the fall of those True Dragon kings, so they know very well that the other party has the ability to completely destroy the guild weapons in an instant.

Looking at the anticipation in the girl's eyes, Alan responded with a smile: "The second option is to pull the entire Elunetio into another world, a world that only belongs to me."

"What about these Guardians?"

After a short period of excitement, Sakura quickly discovered another problem.

Obviously, these artificially created NPCs will only obey the orders of the guild players, and each one is extremely arrogant, and outsiders want to make them obediently and honestly more obedient than heavenly ascension difficult.

"It's very simple! Give each of them a chance to choose. Those who are willing to join us stay, and those who don't want to leave. If someone is unwilling to leave, but also wants to make small moves in secret, then Just clean it up once and for all in a way that can't be resurrected. I'll leave this to you to handle, no problem?"

Alan faint smile gave a big test.

In other words, he is giving girls a chance to practice dealing with complex situations.

"Leave it to me? Are you crazy? I have no experience in this area! Through childhood, you didn't even allow me to keep pets like cats and dogs, let alone manage a group of living people. ." Sakura's eyes widened in surprise, and her voice suddenly rose an octave.

"It is precisely because there is no experience, so we have to learn. No one is born to be able to do everything, they all learn lessons and summarize rules through a little bit of exploration and experimentation. So don't be afraid of failure, a trifling Aileu Entiu still can't make any waves. Come on, I'm optimistic about you."

After saying that, Alan extended the hand and touched the girl's head as he did when he was a child, then turned to open the Transmission Gate disappeared without a trace .

"Damn it! Is it another test? I hate being driven by ducks."

Sakura muttered with a blushing face, followed by Guardian who was kneeling on the ground. In front of us, straight to the point said: "I believe you have heard what you just said. Please make a choice now! Those who want to leave, I only give you one piece of advice, that is, it is best not to provoke humans, otherwise I will Guarantee that Alan will be very happy to tear you to pieces."

"I have a question! Just now that adult mentioned another world, what kind of place is it?" The lead guy lifts the head, Raise your top concerns on behalf of all Guardians.

"You can understand it as a game world like Yggdrasil. It's just not as big as Yggdrasil's map." Sakura gave the answer without thinking.

"In other words, after the Sky City is pulled in, we will live in it for the rest of our lives?" Another elf female Guardian with a proud figure continued to ask.

"Not necessarily! It depends on your performance. Alan has the ability to travel between different worlds! If you perform well enough, I will plead with him and allow some Guardians to come out and act together and experience different worlds The culture, scenery and food." Sakura calmly threw out the bait she just prepared.

She knows that the NPCs of Elunetio have been imprisoned in this sky city for hundreds of years, and most of them are about to go crazy. Go and have a look.

So going to the other world to experience different customs is an irresistible temptation for these guys.

"so that's how it is!" The female elf Guardian looked thoughtful nodded, and was the first to make a clear statement: "I choose to stay! Allegiance to you and Lord Alan."

"What's your name?" Sakura asked kindly.

"Edna! Edna Bevan! As you can see, I'm a Spirit Sword dancer." The female elf hurriedly reported her name.

Different from Nazarick's pair of dark elves, whether it's her silver waterfall hair or her slightly fair skin, it proves that she is a pure moon elves.

Sakura's satisfied nodded: "Very good! Edna Bevan, I am now appointing you as the new director of Eleon Tiyo, responsible for all day-to-day affairs of Sky City."


"Thank you for your trust! Don't worry, I won't let you down." The female elf bent down and bowed deeply.

It is not difficult to see from her attitude that she really treats the girl in front of her as her creator.

With the first person to set an example, the NPCs in the line also quickly stood up one after another to swear allegiance.

After all, for them, the guild is their home and lifelong belief, and it is impossible to imagine how they will survive after leaving the Sky City.

In the end, only three NPCs around Level 10 chose to leave.

After sending them away, Sakura, under the leadership of Edna Bevan, entered the interior of the Sky City, especially the treasure house to visit.

When she saw the mountains of gold coins, gemstones, and all kinds of weapons, equipment and props on display shelves in the warehouse, she finally realized why the King of Eight Desires was able to defeat Dragon Clan in the first place Become the world's well-deserved overlord.

This can no longer be described by ordinary wealth!

It's just so rich!

There are more than fifteen pieces of world props alone.

Among them, the Five Elements, which once permanently changed the entire world's magic system, let the dragon kings smash their halberds and sink into the sand, were placed in the most conspicuous place.

You don't need to ask to know that the King of Eight Desires did not know how to take back this powerful world item.

apart from this, those dragon king corpses that were once killed are also resurrected and made into powerful undying creatures, the treasure in Guardian who never sleeps day and night.

"It's unbelievable! Edna, do you know what the Eight Desires Kings did all of a sudden for, they suddenly became enemies and killed each other?" Sakura picked up Five Elements and asked without looking back. .

"Because of one sentence, a very old prophecy." Edna replied in an emotionless tone.

"Prophecy?" Sakura turned her head with a surprised expression.

Edna seriously nodded: "That's right!

It is said that the players came because the Dragon Emperor felt that this world was too chaotic and disorderly, and wanted to Summons an Overlord to transform the entire world.

So a super-origin magic that spans time and space is used.

And every 100 years comes one The batch of players is actually the process of selecting the Overlord, and the winner will grasp the power of Supreme and become the king of the world.

When one group of players fails, another group of players will come again until someone succeeds .

It's just that he didn't expect that he finally shot himself in the foot, causing the entire Dragon Clan to suffer unimaginable huge losses.

Later in killing After a large number of Dragon Clans, the Eight Supreme of the guild also knew the secret.

Everyone aspires to be an Overlord, so naturally there is a conflict.

In the end, they want to be able to Being the only one to fight.

At that time, even some Guardians began to follow their creators into the civil war.

But unfortunately, who Nor did they become Overlords.

When the last two Supremes were left, the dragon kings took the opportunity to kill them again, making all their ambitions and desires come to nothing."

Speaking of this, the female elf had a sad and helpless look on her face.

Although there is no her creator in the Eight Desires, it is quite painful for any Guardian to watch a powerful guild Inner Member kill each other and eventually go to destruction. .

"Prophecy? Dragon Emperor? Origin magic that spans time and space? Ceremony to select Overlord?" hidden information.

Undoubtedly, it is easy to judge from the few remaining True Dragon kings who regard players as the filth of the Dragon Emperor and maintain strong hostility to him, game players are definitely not the same as Dragon Emperor in this matter. Can't get out of the relationship.

Secondly, what does Overlord stand for?

Why did the Dragon Emperor do such a thankless thing?

Light from the literal point of view, the English translation of Overlord means overlord.

If you go back to its roots, it should refer to "lordofthemanor", that is, the owner of the land and manor, referring to the aristocratic lord class in the feudal era.

But later the famous Conqueror William in history, through a series of wars, obtained a large tract of land from other people, so the word Overlord has the meaning of conquest and war.

"Overlord really means the Conqueror who can accomplish the great cause of unifying the world?" The girl's eyes flashed with intense curiosity.

She really can't think of why the Dragon Emperor, whose life and death are unknown and whose trace is unknown, spends so much effort to do such a thing.

And according to the survey, almost every group of players who have passed through have a common feature, that is, they hold powerful world props in the Yggdrasil game.

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