Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 841

There is no doubt that any clues about the Dragon Emperor and the player's crossing are very important to Alan, who has no clue yet.

Especially finding out that all the traversing players are holding world props, it seems to make him feel that he has caught something vaguely.

However, for the human nations of this world, the news of victory from the north of the kingdom made them feel more excited and excited from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially when the head and skeleton of the one after another giant dragon were transported to the locations of the magic guilds in various cities for further processing and processing, the people who saw this scene finally issued a mountain cry. out and sea howl cheers.

Some cities are even more immersed in carnivals for days at a time.

Although most of the low-level civilians who don't know the word don't know what this victory means, they understand that when humans have the power to kill the Dragon King, they don't have to worry about one day. There are aliens and monsters rushing into cities and villages, wanton slaughter of the unarmed ordinary person.

Because now it is no longer humans that need to be feared, but those aliens and monsters who always want to turn humans back into animals.

On this point, the businessmen who travel from south to north can feel it best.

With the rise of the Hunter Association and the suppression of demihumans and bandits ruthless, they no longer have to worry too much about the safety along the way when doing business, and they don't even have to pay high prices to hire adventurers and mercenary escorts. Transportation costs were saved, and prices of various goods began to slowly decline.

And as more and more people have occupations, whether they are farmers or craftsmen, they can use the never-fatigue feature brought by occupational templates to carry out higher-intensity work, and the equivalent to disguised improvement is improved. productive forces.

What used to take seven or eight people to complete can now be done by one person.

Especially, the scale of industries such as agriculture and animal husbandry, mining, metal smelting and forging, which consume a lot of physical energy, is growing rapidly at a speed that can be seen by naked eyes.

Three months after the end of the war, the coalition forces finally completed the sweeping of the entire review country, and the soldiers finally began to set foot on their way home with unimaginable huge spills of war one after another.

It has to be said that, as a tribal alliance ruled by the Dragon King, the wealth of the review country is absolutely beyond imagination.

After all, giant dragon originally had a hobby for collecting treasures, and each dragon's nest was equivalent to an incomparable gigantic treasury, full of various gold and silver treasures and magic items.

In addition to the seizures that destroyed a large number of demi-human tribes, it has reached the level that hundreds of thousands of people can't be transported.

But as a price, all the demihumans on the entire land of the review country, except for the humans who originally lived here, were accepted by the kingdom.

No one would want this place to become the second southern demi-human tribe wasteland.

I don't want the dead review country to revive.

And the easiest way to do this is to kill all the demihumans without leaving one behind.

This is a war between different races, the winner takes everything from the loser, there is no reason to say that.

When the elite grandiose of the Hunter Guild returned to Ye-Rantil, the whole city was rocked.

Without him!

It's just that these guys have got so much gold and silver treasures that they need to be pulled by a car.

"Look what is that? A whole piece of natural gold! My God! That must weigh dozens of kilograms!"

"Idiot! What is gold! Look at that red gem! It's like a flaming flame! I dare to bet with my reputation in the jewelry industry for 20 years! This is definitely the highest treasure! Even if it sells 100,000 gold coins, someone will rush for it! "

"Damn! How can those demi-humans be so rich?"

"Yeah! I regret not going with me! Otherwise I must have a share of these treasures!"

"I heard that the Empire is about to go to war with the Eastern City-State Alliance! There are a lot of demi-humans living there. Why don't we form a team together and see if we can grab a vote?"

"I see! Call a few more people! They used to come to us to burn, kill and loot! Now it's time to turn it around!"

"That's right! Even the Dragon King Killed by us! From now on human beings are the Sovereign of this world! All those alien races and monsters will die for Lao Tzu!"


In a short time, the whole street The crowd onlookers couldn't help exclaiming, and they also ignited the desire for money and wealth in their hearts.

It is foreseeable that those guys who once treated people like livestock are about to face extinction.

Because in this world, nothing is more terrifying than greedy humans.

For the sake of profit, they can even trample on the bottom line of all laws, morals and behaviors in the world, and make themselves completely incarnated as living demons.

As for the elites of the Hunter Association, they enjoyed this kind of envious and longing gaze, and even deliberately slowed down their pace so that more people could see the benefits of this expedition.

Zzigg Gran, the heroine of the female middle school, even poured alcohol into his mouth while walking, and from time to time he would wink at the handsome men in the crowd.

It's a pity that no matter how you throw it, you will never get any response. Some of the reactions are more serious and even show a painful expression.

When she returned to the Hunter Association, she was completely drunk and full of nonsense.

But after entering the Conference Hall of the hunting group on the second floor, Jiujin woke up immediately.

I saw a huge ring table and more than 30 chairs placed in the originally empty room.

As the president of the Hunter Association, Alan stood in the empty seat in the center of the table, pointed to the surrounding chairs and greeted those who walked in from the door: "Don't stand stupidly! Hurry up and find one. Sit down. I have an important thing to announce today."

"Important thing?"

The Captain of the Blue Rose Squad, Lahas, showed a puzzled expression.

Not only her, but the people who walked in behind her also reacted in the same way.

You must know that since they were selected for the hunting group, it was the first time they were invited into this room, and it was also the first time they held a meeting.

Alan nods with a smile: "Yes! As I said before, the hunting group is to select the most powerful and excellent members from all the official hunters, to participate in the management and operation of the association Now, the time has finally come. For the next month, I will assign each of you a role to teach you how to deal with all kinds of things."

"You mean... leave the Hunters' Guild to manage and operate?" Peter Mock mouth opened wide in surprise.

After all, the Hunter Association has always been the president's word since its establishment, and everyone is used to having a strong leader.

Suddenly talking about handing over power now will definitely cause discomfort to many people.

"That's right! Because I'm a little tired of managing this growing organization, so I'm going to leave this heavy responsibility to you. How about it? Are you excited and looking forward to it?"

Alan didn't hide anything, and spoke out the truest thoughts in his heart.

Just as he judged that he was not fit to be a king at all, otherwise he would definitely be a fool or a tyrant.

No, it didn't take long for him to lose interest in the Hunter's Association, a toy created by himself.

To be precise, it was the increasingly heavy and tedious daily affairs that made him feel a little irritable, so he simply let go.

Anyway, this organization was created to help humanity fight those threats.

even more how, with the current size and quality of hunters, even if they pull out and face the old bones, they can hit the opponent's covered head and sneaked away like a rat. Theoretically, they have already achieved their goals, so there is no need to do any more. continue to develop.

"Why...why?" La Hagi stammered.

In the eyes of this middle school girl, the Hunter Association is a thriving scene, and if it continues to develop, it will inevitably become a powerful organization that surpasses all countries.

No matter who it is, if you sit on the throne of the president, you will not let go easily.

But Alan emptied it and threw it out like a rubbish.

"Because I have more important things to do, there is no time to take a break with the manager to continue to manage the hunters. Even more how, it's time for you to embrace the new era."

Realizing that the real reason before was taken as a joke by these guys, Alan immediately made up a more acceptable reason in desperation.

No way!

Who told him to tell the truth that people don't believe it.

As of now, the only way to fool the past is to tell a little lie.

After all, the Hunter Association's booth is so big, if you really play Disappear From the Face of the Earth, the entire human world will be plunged into turmoil.

"so that's how it is!"

Hearing that her own Sir President has more important things, Lahas suddenly showed such an expression as she expected, and then she took it seriously. Assured: "Don't worry! We will do everything in our power to keep the association running and nothing should go wrong."

"Very good! I have a list of positions, jurisdiction and responsibilities here. Please take a look at the list first, and try to choose what you are interested in or are good at. In addition, during my absence, all dungeon entrances are temporarily closed between teleportation, but the underground treasure house will continue to be open..."

Speaking, Alan handed the papers that had been prepared in his hand one by one to these local indigenous elites who had been selected very carefully.

You don't need to ask to know that closing the dungeon entry is in preparation for leaving this world.

Because once he leaves, whether it is the three Hunter Association headquarters, or the opened dungeons, or the assignment of occupations, all will be invalid.

The only thing that will still work is that people who have already obtained the occupation template can still get EXP by killing.

But don't think about the good things like learning ability and innate talent.

Whether these people who have reached the full seventh level of Level 10 will pass on part of their power to their offspring, it is not known for the time being.

But it is foreseeable that life energy and devil fruit will inevitably spread over time and become the backbone of this huge organization in the future.


While Alan was busy transferring the power of the Hunter Association to the Hunter Group, Sakura and Vernarasas were searching the world for the information of the dead coffin Dragon King and Dragon Emperor .

But compared to the dragon emperor who has always been mysterious, the coffin dragon king is undoubtedly better to find.

In just a few days, they found this newly resurrected True Dragon King near a very secret cave based on the clues provided by the Church.

It's just that this guy doesn't have millions of zombies on him, and he doesn't look very good. Obviously, he doesn't gather too much negative energy and soul energy, and he even has some senses. muddleheaded, just wandering aimlessly like a walking corpse.

According to the characteristics of high-level undying creatures, it will at least continue to accumulate power for a long period of time, and finally suddenly restore memory and wisdom one day.

But Sakura obviously didn't sit here and wait for dozens or even a hundred or two hundred years, blunt asked Verna Lazas next to him: "Is there any way to make it quickly have the power to use Origin Magic? Is it?"

"Of course! For undying creatures, wantonly slaughter creatures are the quickest way to recover. I suggest throwing it on the territory of the orcs to the east. I believe that with its strength, as long as Slaughtering hundreds of thousands or even millions of people can restore the state before death." Verna Razas casually gave the answer.

"The Orc's territory in the east? If I remember correctly, isn't it already occupied by Suzuki Satoru and his guild NPCs?" Sakura asked in an uncertain tone.

Verna Lazas grinned, revealing a smile of harboring malicious intentions, and softly nodded: "That's right! That's why it's interesting! Anyway, Alan is the source who told us to collect in this world. Magic, by the way, remove all the True Dragon Kings who are suspected to be alive, and did not say that we must do it ourselves. I am really looking forward to seeing that guy's reaction to seeing Origin Magic - Soul Destruction."

"It's really bad. I don't know how you got such a bad character." Sakura rolled the eyes angrily and complained.

"Hehe! I was created by Alan from nothing, and the character naturally comes from himself." Verna Razas raised his head proudly.

"Nonsense! Alan's character is not as bad as yours." Sakura retorted in disbelief.

"no! You are wrong! Alan's character is much worse and terrifying than you think. It's just that he has a strong sense of identity as a human being, so he always sticks to his human identity. Bottom line. If one day he abandons his identity as a human... believe me, you will see the other side of him hidden in deep in one's heart."

After saying this, Verna Razas In an instant, it turned into a first-class of light and swooped down. Before the coffin dragon king could react, he quickly cast teleportation magic to successfully transfer it to a big city built by orcs.

The next second...


The deafening roar suddenly echoed in the streets and alleys. In the sky, a group of guys who were buying and selling human slaves were scared to sit on the ground, and a large water stain appeared in the crotch.

Following, a terrifying massacre begins.

About half an hour, the city that accommodated about 40,000 or 50,000 orcs was completely turned into a ruin and a dead city.

Except for the hundreds of human slaves in the market who were quietly rescued by Sakura, not a single person escaped. All the terrifying negative energies turned into zombies.

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