Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 844

Thirty seconds is a very short period of time, basically passing in a flash.

Finally, under the threat of death, old bones was reluctant to hand over the two most valuable world props in his hands.

Not for anything else, but to never see this annoying guy who is targeting him everywhere.

[I really am a coward...]

Suzuki Satoru let out a self-deprecating sigh in his heart.

No way!

You can't fight, you can't escape, you can't escape.

What else can I do except admit my fate?

Is it really waiting to be killed?

Although this skeleton body is always cold now, there is neither strong emotion nor too strong feeling, as if everything in the world has become dull and boring.

But subconsciously, I still don't want to die, I want to continue to live.

Fiddling with the precious jade and cup he just got, Alan's face suddenly showed a satisfied expression: "A wise choice! Congratulations, you are finally free now. You don't have to carry that ridiculous Nazarick anymore. The name of the Great Underground Tomb Guild, led by a group of extremely evil, twisted, sick NPCs. But please remember, this does not mean that you can do anything wrong, I have left enough power to the human beings in this world , once you cross a certain wire, they will come and kill you."

"Do you think I still have the ability to do anything wrong?" old bones tone with strong resentment and helplessness.

In the battle with the coffin dragon king just now, he has used up a lot of paid items, and now there are very few cards left.

Especially the meteor ring that can "make a wish" three times without paying any price, even now I still feel blood dripping from my heart.

The most important thing is that when he escaped from Nazarick, he didn't have time to take many things with him.

"Hehe, that's what I said. Then we'll say goodbye here!"

Alan chuckled and waved his hand, then took Sakura and Vernalasas into the air. quickly disappeared on the horizon.

Old bones stood on the spot with a complicated mood, and it took about seven or eight minutes before embarking on an unknown journey alone.

He did not return to the capital of the Orc country that had been conquered and occupied, but directly cut off the connection with the remaining undead he created through magic.

Without the help of loyal and highly intelligent Guardians like Albedo and Demiurge, how could he have the experience and ability to manage a social animal from the bottom of the society after graduating from elementary school? nation.

Not to mention well managed, it is difficult to maintain even the most basic operation.

Unless all the people in the entire country are killed and turned into undead under their control, riots and resistance will only happen sooner or later.

After all, there is a strong opposition between undying creatures and living beings.

Since you can't rule a country by yourself, it's better to leave everything in the past and start over.

As long as there is no Alan chasing after him, old bones believe that he will be able to thrive in this world, at least a hundred times better than being a capital slave in Earth.


On the other side, Verna Razas has also found a place called "Dragon Emperor's Tomb" from the soul memory of the dead coffin Dragon King.

The three quickly crossed the mountains and plains, and finally landed in the depths of a desolate swamp.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Sakura glanced at the quiet and eerie surroundings and asked first.

"en! This is it. Be careful! I don't see any signs of animals or Insects in this area, and it's a bit strange for a large swamp with lush vegetation." Verna Razas reminded in a serious tone.

"no! You're wrong! It's not that they don't exist, they're all driven out by some force." Alan corrected meaningfully.

"Expulsion?" The girl blinked curiously.

"Do you still remember the real history recorded by magicians? Especially Gilgamesh, the other hero king who symbolizes Divine Art." Alan faint smile asked rhetorically.

"Of course! Because the hero-king Gilgamesh chose human beings between humans and gods, the gods had to obey the promise to go to the inner sea of stars and completely disappeared from the surface of Earth. To King Arthur Artori In the era of elegance, mysterious began to decline on a large scale, marking the complete end of the era of gods."

Sakura spoke out this history that few people know even in the magic world.

To the monarch El-Melloi II, the blessing of Weber Velvet, she read a lot of books when she was growing up, including content that can directly enhance power and magic ceremony, There are also secrets hidden in history, and some of the slates even date back to more than 5,000 years BC.

So the girl knows very well how many shocking secrets the world she lives in hides, even if the magicians are exposed to only a very small part.

Alan gently nodded: "That's right! In the world where you were born, there are actually two kinds of gods. One is the foreign gods, just like the Olympus gods in Greek mythology; But there is also a native-born god, also known as an extension of the planet’s sense of touch. Right now, the place we are in is the birthplace of a planet’s sense of touch.”

“What? ?! You mean...Dragon Emperor was born from the consciousness of the planet?" Verna Razas rarely showed a surprised expression.

Because generally speaking, the so-called planet consciousness does not actually mean that the planet itself is conscious, but refers to some kind of strong resonance formed by the gathering of the souls of the planet's life after death.

Take the two willpowers of the moon world where the FATE series is located, the main body of Gaia is the convergence of other creatures except humans, so it guarantees the existence of the planet itself, as for the existence of the planet itself. The life or death of a trifling species or two simply doesn't matter.

Alaya, which is formed by the gathering of human souls, has been extended on this basis, not only to ensure the existence of the planet, but also to do everything possible to avoid the extinction of mankind.

In fact, both of these two kinds of inhibition can be called planetary will, and they sometimes cooperate with each other, such as a high degree of agreement on the issue of protecting the existence of the planet.

After all, whether it is human beings or any other life, it is impossible to escape from the atmosphere to survive in space.

But when it comes to protecting human existence, Gaia obviously holds an indifferent attitude, but Alaya is just the opposite, placing it as important as protecting the planet itself.

But no matter what kind of planetary will, the sense of touch born from them, that is, the gods in the mouths of mortals, are by no means simple and often shoulder a very important mission.

"I was just guessing before, but now it's almost certain. Otherwise, what kind of power do you think can bring gamers from another world to this world, and let them get and keep in the game. All the data in it, including things like world props that are completely unreasonable?"

After saying that, Alan opened up all perception methods, including but not limited to seeing, hearing, and domineering.

About three or five minutes later, a giant object was discovered in a large bottomless pool, almost the size of the largest city in this world.

Without any hesitation!

He directly used the earth escape ninjutsu to make this giant object rise from the ground.

When the water surfaced, both Sakura and Vernarasas were stunned by the splendid sight they saw.

Because this is not at all the corpse or skeleton of the Dragon Emperor they imagined, but a super-giant dragon-like creature with golden radiance flowing all over its body and looking lifelike.

Especially the scales on the surface of the body have reached the terrifying hardness that almost any magic metal can impossible.

"Unbelievable! Is this guy really dead? How does it make me feel alive?" Sakura subconsciously clenched the spear in her hand nervously.

Without a doubt!

This is the strongest and most terrifying creature she has ever seen besides Alan and Verna Razas.

"How? Do you feel it?" Alan asked the red dragon beside him with a very calm smile.

The latter responded immediately: "Ah! I feel it! The body itself must have been forged from the inner sea of stars, just like the sword of the Victory Pledge in Artoria's hand. It seems that You are right, Dragon Emperor is indeed the sense of planet's will. Unfortunately, its consciousness and soul have disappeared. I am very curious! Why does the planet's consciousness under my feet summon players from another world?"

"I don't know! Maybe it's to speed up the progress of civilization, or it may be to end the ongoing wars of various races fighting each other. In short, the will of the planet is a very complicated thing, and it doesn't even know itself. What you are doing is just mechanically fulfilling the greatest common divisor of the many wishes that constitute the soul of its existence." Alan touched the chin and analyzed.

"That is to say... our exploration of this world has come to an end." Verna Razas said with a hint of disappointment.

"There's nothing we can do about it. But this body forged in the inner sea of stars is too cheap for us."

Speaking, Alan raised his hand and gently stroked the giant Scales, feel that unique texture that is completely different from any metal.

And this kind of texture, he has only felt it on the holy sword of King Duo Mao that exudes golden rays of light.

Verna Lazas licked her lips rudely and demanded: "Give me one third! No! It's half! As long as it can be completely absorbed and digested, you and I will have the defensive power. Get a leap from quantitative to qualitative."

"Oh? Are you sure your stomach can digest it?" Alan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Strictly speaking, this thing is not a creature at all, but should be classified as the remains of a god, or a super doll, there is no genetic information at all, only highly compressed energy and substance.

His original idea was to use it as a raw material to make some weapons, equipment, and props.

No matter how bad it is, you can use the power of the soul and soul fruit to create a soul and stuff it as a war puppet, just like the transformed Gao Kangda.

"hmph! I can't do it all at once, I swallow it and store it in my stomach to slowly decompose, digest, and absorb! At worst, it takes hundreds of years!" Verna Lazas said fiercely.

It took hundreds of years to digest such a huge monster?

It's a ruthless dragon!

"If that's the case, then I can only wish you a good mouth."

tone barely fell!

Alan directly activated his abilities and directly transferred the huge corpse to Azeroth.

Virna Lazas was also rude, teleported over, quickly enlarged his body, and then lay on the corpse frantically biting down a piece of "meat" without even chewing it forcibly. Go down, close your eyes and fall into a dormant state.

Because next, she has to mobilize all her strength to attack this piece of "meat", and she has no time and energy to do anything else.

"She's really obsessed with getting stronger."

"Hahahaha! It's not her obsession, it's me. Because Verna Razas is my Avatar in a way, another self in the same subconscious." Alan laughed and shrugged his shoulders. .

"Since the reasons for the player's time travel and the true identity of the Dragon Emperor have been found out, do we have to leave this world too?" The girl asked her most concerned question.

"No hurry! Give Artoria a little more time to let her be completely but the last regret in her heart. You must know that changing a country is not something that can be done in a few days or months. During this time, you can do whatever you want. Whether it’s exploring the scenery, collecting knowledge, technology and resources that interest you, or living an ordinary life as an ordinary person.” Alan gave his advice seriously.

As a traveler, the reason why he can keep his heart and not lose himself is that he has never really separated himself from human society.

On the contrary!

No matter what kind of world you enter, you will integrate into it immediately, and even find a place of your own.

"Then... how about we go on a trip together?" Sakura suggested with a slightly flushed face.

Just now, she suddenly discovered that without the two "threats" and "obstacles" of Verna Lazas and Arturia, she could have a real romantic couple's world with Alan.

As soon as she thought of this, her heartbeat began to involuntarily speed up, and all kinds of warm, sweet, and even blushing intimate images kept popping up in her mind.

【This should be considered a date, right? That's right! This is dating! cherry! You can cheer up! ]

The girl silently encouraged herself in her heart.

"Okay! Then let's go on a trip."

Alan didn't notice the girl's strange reaction at all, lifts the head looking at the distant sun emanating from the setting sun The beautiful scenery readily agreed.

In his opinion, his tasks and missions in this world have been completed, and the rest of the time as it should be by rights is to relax and rest, while waiting for the game world to complete the Northrend continent. Build, from the highest level seven Level 10 to eight Level 10.

In this way, Sakura got his wish, holding Alan's arm and embarking on a journey that lasted several years and covered the entire foreign world.

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