Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 845

Because of Alan's complete abandonment, the Hunter Association, a large organization that has developed, first experienced violent shocks in a short period of time, and then began to reorganize with the efforts of the hunting group.

Although at the beginning, many people showed strong discomfort.

But soon they found that without the strong president who originally stood by one's word, a thing called power finally opened its door to themselves.

You must know that the Hunter Association is not an empty shelf!

It is a huge organization with tens of millions of members and its influence spreads across all human nations.

Even those kings and emperors who are aloof and remote will have dialogues and consultations in an equal way when facing members of the hunting group.

In addition to the massive weapons, equipment, props, potions, devil fruits, step magic materials, sword technique and martial skill cultivation method stored in the underground treasure house, a series of ordinary person yearn for something Even in dreams, and the cutting-edge technology research center that Alan built by himself...

It can be said that whoever masters the association will automatically become the most powerful person in the world.

So after each country confirmed that Alan really gave up and continued to control the organization, they immediately began an open strife and veiled struggle, trying to win over the members of the hunting group to make them more inclined to themselves.

After all, whoever gets the support of the Hunter Association can get the most advanced scientific and technological research results.

In such an environment of internal competition, in just a few years, means of transportation like airships have gained a lot of popularity.

Especially in those densely populated metropolises, everyday all can see a large number of airships flying over, or bringing goods and passengers from other places, or carrying local specialties and people to distant places. of foreign land.

At the same time, by reverse engineering the steam tank, the dwarf craftsmen successfully built the world's first steam engine and applied it to various fields.

For a time, the productivity level of the human world began to improve by leaps and bounds, and technology and industry began to become an equally important development direction as magic.

A good magic world, just under the influence of Alan, it has shown a strong steampunk style in less than a few years, and various products that combine magic and technology are emerging one after another.

The most representative of them is the "infinite ammunition" multi-barrel rotary machine gun and artillery.

Of course!

This "infinite ammunition" does not mean that ammunition is not really needed, but that bullets and shells are directly transmitted through instant teleportation through constant transmission of magic in the gun chamber and at both ends of the ammunition warehouse.

In this way, it not only relieves the trouble of carrying supplies and supplies for the army, but also ensures that the army will not cause too much trouble after mutiny or rebellion.

Because as long as the corresponding ammunition warehouse is emptied, the army will immediately lose the most important source of ammunition.

To be honest, even experienced and knowledgeable Alan had a haunted look on his face the first time he saw this weapon.

With these advanced weapons that surpassed the times, human nations have swept the continent under their feet in just 20 years.

No monster or alien can resist such terrifying firepower!

Although there is still a long section of the road to complete the actual occupation, these are no longer important to the entire human race.

The important thing is that when there is no external threat, the contradiction between human beings finally broke out as expected.

But what started first was not a war between nations, but a civil war in the Bajas Empire.

The reason is also very simple!

This country is expanding so fast!

Almost by virtue of the strength of oneself, it occupies the land of one third of the entire continent east.

In order to implement effective rule, the Blood Emperor enfeoffed all his sons and daughters, and continued to expand outwards with cities as strongholds, eventually forming one after another of small subordinate vassal states.

While he is alive, these sons and daughters will naturally obey the central management obediently and honestly, pay taxes on time and fulfill the obligation of sending troops to assist the military operations of the Empire.

But the problem is!

This guy, like all autocratic monarchs, starts to inflate himself after middle age, and somehow also has a bad habit of playing, abusing and humiliating interracial women.

As a result, in a relatively intense "game", the orc heroine sent by a subordinate general cut off her lower body with her teeth, and died on the spot under the double torture of severe pain and heavy bleeding , The body was cold when it was found.

The soul stone made by his warlock profession hadn't even had time to tie it to himself.

As soon as the Blood Emperor died, the princes and grandsons who had the right of inheritance immediately began to dance with demons, fighting to become the next emperor of the empire.

In a short period of time, dozens of vassal states became independent one after another, opening a new chapter in human history.

Looking at the soldiers who were holding hot weapons in the trenches, Arturia, who had just stepped down as king, couldn't help but sighed slightly, holding her forehead and asking, "You already expected this scene, right? Huh?"

"en! War is inevitable for human beings. Because it is the last resort to resolve all conflicts of interest and contradictions." Alan replied without thinking.

In fact, even after the end of the Second World War, the modern society, known as the most peaceful period in human history, has not disappeared.

It's just that because of the mutual deterrence between the nuclear powers, they don't dare to directly engage in a hot war, otherwise everyone will have to finish the game together.

In its place are economic warfare, public opinion warfare, espionage warfare, and small-scale proxy warfare.

So when human beings have no foreign enemies, they will become their own enemies.

To some extent, the involution of human society has begun since the establishment of civilization in the BC, and in the last ages has never really changed.

"Don't you have the idea of stopping them?"

The king of dumb hair subconsciously clenched the holy sword in his hand and tried to pull it out several times, but in the end he gave up .

"Stop? In what capacity? Humans? Since everyone is human, why should they listen to you? Rely on more powerful forces to deter? Then we have something to do with what they are doing. What's the difference? So give it up, the human beings in this world will be left to them to solve themselves. I believe that neither the Hunter Association nor the Silian Church will interfere with it soon. As for us, it's time to leave."

After saying that, Alan raised his hand and released a large amount of green fel energy, instantly summon out the incomparable gigantic door of darkness.

With the continuous improvement of the game world and the improvement of the version, the evil energy in his body began to become stronger and more abundant.

The Dark Portal, which used to cost Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers, now only requires a single thought.

"Well, it seems that you are right. Anyway, we are only outsiders after all, and it is impossible to stay forever. The affairs of this world should be left to the people of this world to handle by themselves. Alright."

Artoria was obviously persuaded, and followed Alan and Sakura through the Dark Portal, completely disappeared without a trace.

As soon as the three of them left, Jacob, the transforming man, appeared out of thin air and bowed deeply to the place where the Dark Portal stood just now: "I wish you a pleasant journey, my master. Rest assured, I will continue to let the Hunter Guild perform its duties as you instructed."


Meanwhile, on the other side of the Dark Portal, Alan was surprised. I found myself back in Earth, and the surrounding buildings, vehicles, and pedestrians all looked quite modern, obviously not far from the time when the Fourth Holy Grail War broke out in Fuyuki City.

"This is... an island country? We're back?"

Feeling the familiar surroundings, Sakura's mouth opened wide in surprise.

Especially the group of high school girls in short skirts and school uniforms next to her gave her the illusion that this was Fuyuki City.

As for the "King of Dry Rice" Arturia, she stared at a small shop that was selling ramen not far away, and kept swallowing her saliva.

You don't need to ask to know that she is hungry again, and she begins to miss the good times when she ate unscrupulously in Fuyuki City.

"No! No! This is no ordinary city. Pay attention to the streets on both sides, don't you think there are a little more souls wandering nearby?" Alan reminded meaningfully.

Beside the ramen shop, a middle-aged man with a translucent body was squatting in the corner with a briefcase and crying non-stop.

Under the telegraph pole a little further away, there is a small child squatting in the same state.

On the roof of the second floor opposite the ramen shop, there is also a unkempt fat woman floating.

Obviously, they are not normal people, but souls separated from the body after human death.

Normally, it's not something to make a fuss about nothing in a world with the occasional ghost left behind in the Human World.

The problem is...

There are three in just one street, which is a bit outrageous.

Just when Sakura was about to say something, a man in a black death fighter suddenly appeared out of thin air.

I saw that he pulled out his saber at a very fast speed, and stabbed the foreheads of these souls roughly with the hilt.

Then all the souls radiated dazzling rays of light and were sucked away by some force.

The whole process is very fast, taking less than a few seconds together.

After doing all this, the man stepped on the roof and disappeared into the distance.

And those ordinary persons walking on the street, as if they didn't see anything at all, still do what to do.

"Hehe, I think I know where this place is." Alan curled his lips into a playful smile.

Death God!

A world dominated by the use of Soul Power.

Here, the energy called Reiki is the source and foundation of all power.

Whether it is the Death God living in the Jingling Court of the Soul Realm, or the Quince who is about to die, or the Void born from chaos, they are all driving spirits in different ways. son to fight.

The most important thing is that in this world, he can make up for his biggest shortcoming, which is the way of attacking the soul.

As for the city at the foot, of course, it is the most important place in the whole plot. The hometown of the protagonist Ichigo Kurosaki-Kakuza-cho is also the birthplace of the big BOSS, Aizen Soyousuke, Wang Jian battlefield.

Thinking of this, Alan couldn't help showing an expression of excitement and anticipation: "This world is much more interesting than the last one. Aizen! Ichigo Kurosaki! The Captain of the 13th Team of the Guardian and the broken face of the virtual circle, just thinking about it makes people feel excited."

"It seems that you already have a plan in mind, don't you?" Ying Rao Interested to ask.

"Yes! I already have a plan. For this plan to work, we all have to die once!" Alan replied amazingly.

"Die...die once?" A look of shock and disbelief appeared on Arturia's face.

Although she has the ability to resurrect a person as Paladin, she is quite repulsive to death.

But Alan looked seriously nodded: "Yes! Die once! In this world, there is only one place where you can systematically learn how to use Soul Power to fight, and that is the stillness of the Soul World. Tingzhenyang spirit technique courtyard. If we want to enter there, we must first enter the outer street of Liuhun in the form of a soul, so giving up the body is a necessary and most critical step. Of course, all the forces that follow the body closely will also follow Stripped."

"Wouldn't it be very dangerous for us to meet the enemy?" Sakura frowned suddenly.

"en! It's really dangerous! But it's all worth it. Pursuing great power, how can there be no risk at all. Of course, if you don't want to come, I won't force it, stay in this world or It's fine to teleport back to Azeroth." Alan shrugged his shoulders in disbelief.

Because he knows that even if all his power is stripped away, the power of the Soul Soul Fruit will definitely not disappear.

This is determined by the nature of the Devil Fruit's own abilities, the same reason that Brook's Yellow Springs Fruit will only function after death.

even more how, he still has an ultimate weapon that has not been taken out, that is, a ten-tailed Divine Tree that can be transformed into any energy.

You have to know that in the last world, this guy condensed two fruits, a Life Fruit and a Magic Fruit, which were eaten by Sakura and Artoria.

"I'd better stay in this world."

Sakura was the first to make a decision after thinking for a while.

She just couldn't accept giving up all her current power and venturing into a completely unfamiliar territory.

In contrast, Artoria stared into Alan's eyes and said, "You need someone to take care of your body! I'll go back to Azeroth and put your body in a safe place. Make sure that it can be delivered in time when needed."

"Hehe, then many thanks, my guardian Knight."

Alan struggled to let him go without saying a word. The soul floats out from the bondage of the body.

"You're welcome! This is what I should do."

The King of Dull Mao gave a standard Knight salute, then picked up the body that had lost control of his soul and fell to the ground, and turned around Initiate teleportation and disappear in place.

Before Death God found out about his "wandering soul", Alan lowered his voice and said to the girl waiting beside him: "Since you choose to stay in this world, then try to find Ishida Longxian. Human. He lives in this city, and he has this power called the Quincy. Get some of his blood, then wake up Vernarasas, and I don't need to teach the rest?"

"Got it!"

The girl nodded lightly, and then passed by Death God, who was approaching as if nothing had happened.

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